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Monday, 01/16/2017 9:42:10 PM

Monday, January 16, 2017 9:42:10 PM

Post# of 58279
PGUS For real investors only, especially those interested in building generational wealth(others will get very bored... or maybe just gloss over the bold print, lol)

These important 2016 news items show the rapid ramp up of what I see as The Breaking Out & Monetization of Baja California as a valued national resource for Mexico.

ProGreen is in the right place at the right time! Even WITHOUT this new massive oceanfront project that Jan is now working on securing the land for, the farmable land that ProGreen currently controls gives us the fuel for generating profits of over $20M annually which points to a valuation giving PGUS a pps of well over $1 (over 100x the current share price). Now add this new 4550 acre land deal and the momentum that is picking up all across Baja California for the Escalera Nautica and other tourism/vacation/resort-related projects ---> ENORMOUS OPPORTUNITY here for anyone buying in the pennies range!

The short-form summary of the state of Baja California, Mexico is this...

Many years ago the government of Mexico recognized the enormous potential of Baja as a natural resource that has only been tapped just barely with the development of Cabo and other resort areas at the southern tip of the peninsula, La Paz, and some scattered marinas up along the gulf coast. Recent high growth of industry and the economies of Tijuana, Tecate and Mexacali at the southern border of the US accentuated the value of this area of Mexico with such close proximity to the US.

Two very large, multi-billion dollar projects had been started and were in full swing by 2009. One was called the Colonet MegaPort, which was expected to cost about $4-5 billion and involved a host of private investments for individuals and groups and corporations in addition to government funding. this was to be a sea port that would be potentially larger (throughput) than the Port of LA and Port of Long Beach combined. Billionaire Carlos Slim had made commitments, and several US companies had already invested 100's of million of dollars (extending railroads toward Colonet from US locations, etc.) by the time the 2009 global financial and US housing crises caused the project to eventually be halted.

The second project was the Escalera Nautica (Nautical Ladder). This was an elaborate plan to create or improve a total of 24 ports and marinas (including local land infrastructure and attractions, lodging... thriving local economies) at various points down the Pacific coast and up the Gulf coast of the peninsula. Significant progress had been made before this project was also halted following the 2009 global financial crises.

These major projects - Escalera Nautica & Colonet MegaPort - were not weekend dream projects. Very large investments were being made and much planning had gone into them. Knowing what was coming, many of the peasant land owners held on tightly while looking forward to a very large payout that would eventually come, while there was a very significant land rush from foreign investors for any land that could be shaken loose for a hefty price. However, by 2012 both projects had wound down completely to a halt. The nature of the very strategically-focused Colonet MegaPort project, which required great collaboration and commitment from a wide range of public companies, individual investors and private/government organizations, was such that, once halted, it was clear that it would likely never again coalesce into a workable plan. Conversely, the Escalera Nautica project was an elaborate plan developed and held for decades, was backed primarily by the government of Mexico, and the long-standing desire to monetize the enormous value of this national resource would never go away.

Opinion: Many peasant landowners who held onto their land through the 2000's land rush quickly found that the market had dried up due to the halting of these major projects, and it was too late. This was surely a big disappointment and, after years of high expectations and holding out for a large payout, it's likely that many had made lifestyle decisions that could lead to debilitating situations affecting not only their own lives, but the quality of life for their children and grandchildren. It's clear to me that some of these land owners were capitulating, willing to agree to very favorable terms in return for assistance in putting this land to use, or to even part with land completely "for pennies on the dollar" when Jan learned of this opportunity in Baja. One of the difficu..... water is gold; land needs some development (clearing, drilled for water, etc.); land needs to be "worked," leased, or sold; and, any foreign entity would need to navigate the intricacies of Mexican government/legal, real estate and agricultural land ownership and/or utilization procedures AND the somewhat unique/backward ways of doing business within the local culture. So... not so easy to find the right buyer/investor, and thus the pennies-on-the-dollar opportunity for some insightful and astute investor with just the right combination of technical know-how, experience and ability to understand and deal with the local culture.

Along came Jan... years of experience with successful developments in Spain years ago when the culture was very much like it is today in Baja; speaks Spanish fluently; core competence is EXACTLY what is needed to set up business entities, work the business deals, develop the land, construction project management, etc.

In October 2015 Jan Telander (CEO, ProGreenUS PGUS) began looking into opportunities for real estate investment projects in Baja California, Mexico, when he learned of a group of unorganized peasant landowners that had begun seeking a way to monetize land that was more-or-less "awarded" to them by nature of their citizenship and presence (living on) the land - by the government of Mexico. They were open to selling, leasing or some form of cooperative/participative development and/or working of the land. They just needed money. After a few months of research and due diligence he started down the Baja path with ProGreen.

TIMING IS EVERYTHING! (who know the Escalera Nautica project was going to be revived and develop a full head of steam before the end of 2016? Probably Jan - in October through December when he was involved with the Baja landowners for the first negotiations!)

In December 2015 the Governor of Baja California expressed his motivation and intentions to revive the Escalera Nautica project. In April 2016 he made the firm commitment publicly.

May 25, 2016 Article - Mexican Government Revives Nautical Ladder (Escalera Nautica) Project in Baja California: "...What is required are more ports, more stops from Ensenada to Los Cabos, even to ideally reach Puerto Vallarta, and we would also be interested to reach even to Huatulco because it is another destination that is also promoting the federal government With urgency," said the president."

Jun 14, 2016 Article - FONATUR Announces Sale of Puerto Escondido to US Developer (Hamann Company, San Diego** - see below for more information on Hamann and the development recently named "Waicuri"): "...A new comprehensive project will be built that will act as a great detonator of the nautical tourism segment."

Jul 7, 2016 Article - Mexican ambassador to Spain, Baja California governor and other officials visit Madrid, Spain to promote world-class tourist destination* in Baja California (part of the Escalera Nautica project): "...the total project considers a total of 5,598 residential units, 3,995 hotel units, equestrian center, 27-hole golf course, commercial area, restaurants and services among other leisure facilities such as nautical club, islands with service facilities (Spa, restaurants), among other things." [SEE ALSO BELOW "*" ABOUT INVERAVANTE, SPAIN-BASED LARGE-SCALE DEVELOPER INVOLVED IN THIS PROJECT WITH AN INVESTMENT GROUP IN SPAIN]

Nov 11, 2016 Article (Real Estate Investment Magazine) - FONATUR has improved its financial situation, which has strengthened its Tourism Centers and Projects: "...various projects currently being carried out by the Fund expect a medium-term investment of US $2.5 billion."

Dec 15, 2016 Article - Six Flags will arrive in Rosarito, Baja California in 2017: "...This is an integral development where entrepreneurs intend to build the Six Flags amusement park, as well as a water park, condominiums, shopping plazas and even a hospital."

* The following info describes a Spanish investment and large-scale development company, the one mentioned above, that is involved in a project (similar to ProGreen's plan for the 4550 acres oceanfront property) on the Gulf side (east coast) of the Baja Peninsula just opposite of El Rosario (the region where ProGreen controls ~14,000 acres, of which we Jan expects ~4,000-5,000 acres could be used for growing operations):

- Inveravante is a company that was founded in 2007, bringing together a complex network of companies and a large number of different business divisions whose common nexus is an extraordinary strategic vision of the global economy, with projects focused around 4 areas of activity:

Inveravante also has an EQUITY DIVISION

(see additional detail about Inveravante below at the bottom)

** The following info describes a US developer and the project started in the April/May 2016 time frame (similar to ProGreen's plan for the 4550 acres oceanfront property) in Baja California Sur - another part of the Escalera Nautica project:


Our Master Plan includes canal front lots for custom homes and/or Luxurious Homes each one of them with their own private dock in front of the house which can accommodate boats up to 100ft. We will also have condominiums, a beach club with restaurant, spa and gym for all the home owners, boutique hotel and much more!

(see additional detail about Hamann & the Waicuri project below at the bottom)

Below are further detail and actual articles for the info above - in the same order



Mexican Government Revives Nautical Ladder (Escalera Nautica) Project in Baja California

Initially the entity invested $ 400 million, without the project to date


Tijuana, BC. After 20 years and having invested around 400 million pesos, the government of Baja California together with the Federation try to revive with 70 million pesos the Escalera Náutica, a project that was intended to build 24 ports for small boats in The town of Santa Rosaliita, south of Ensenada.

The work, which had even been announced by former President Vicente Fox Quesada, would be built on an area of ??240,000 square meters, according to the project's Environmental Impact study, which was published in the Ecological Gazette of the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat).

"The objective is to provide services to vessels such as: drinking water, electricity, mooring, dry storage, launch, administrative support, rest areas, shopping area. It is intended the construction of a building that will provide the necessary services; In addition, there is a dry marina that will be equipped with a workshop and warehouse building for repair and / or maintenance of the vessels, "says the document.

Regional Development

The Nautical Ladder was planned in three stages -2001-2006; 2007-2014 and 2014-2025 - through the National Fund for Tourism Promotion (Fonatur) to transport 60,000 vessels - mainly from the United States - from the Pacific, in the town of Santa Rosaliíta, to Bahia de los Ángeles, in the Gulf of California, both coasts of the municipality of Ensenada.

Included in the National Development Plan 2000-2006, the Escalera promised at the outset to be the detonator of the less populated area of ??Baja California, but was abandoned and put on tender in at least two occasions in processes that were declared deserted, even changed Of name to "Project of the Sea of ??Cortés", without that this achieved its reactivation

New investment

Now Secretary of State Tourism (Secture), Oscar Escobedo Carignan, said that for this year will start with an investment of 70 million pesos, which will serve to launch at least one of the seven ports that had announced since the Fox administration and that to date has not been able to work.

At this time, there are other types of businesses that can benefit from the project. "Before there was nothing infrastructure and that meant that they were working with red numbers; At the moment we believe that the possibility of financing it already exists ", he explained.

On April 25, Baja California Governor Francisco Vega de Lamadrid said that during a meeting with the director of Fonatur, Héctor Gómez Barraza, they talked about the reactivation of the shipping port "Escalera Náutica", with which they intend to attract part Of the 1,200,000 vessels arriving in California, Oregon and Washington in the United States.

"What is required are more ports, more stops from Ensenada to Los Cabos, even to ideally reach Puerto Vallarta, and we would also be interested to reach even to Huatulco because it is another destination that is also promoting the federal government With urgency," said the president.

The Nautical Ladder consisted of building 24 stops for small boats along the Pacific, along with the construction of a highway connecting the Pacific with the Gulf of California - to the Bay of Los Angeles.



ANNOUNCES FONATUR SALE OF PUERTO ESCONDIDO, Baja California Sur to Developer in San Diego (US-based Hamann Company - see below for more information on Hamann and the development recently named "Waicuri")

A new comprehensive project will be built that will act as a great detonator of the nautical tourism segment.
• The main objective of the project is to promote and strengthen further regional development.

Mexico City, June 14, 2016

The Director General of FONATUR, Héctor Gómez Barraza; Made his sixth tour of work to the Municipality of Loreto in Baja California Sur, where he was accompanied by Lic. Carlos Mendoza Davis, Governor of the State; The Profa. Araceli Arce Peralta, Municipal President of Loreto; Lic. Luis Genaro Ruíz Hernández, head of the Tourism Secretariat of the entity; As well as members of the Congress of Baja California Sur.

During this visit he issued a message in which he stressed that Loreto has become one of the Centers with the greatest potential in tourism, affirming that this project has allowed to develop synergies with the three orders of government and private initiative, To be able to equip the municipality with the equipment and infrastructure necessary to detonate its maximum potential for the benefit of the local population.

He informed that the tourist project of Loreto was carried out from the instruction of the President of the Republic, working in conjunction with the Mtro. Enrique de la Madrid, Secretary of Tourism; Making rapprochement with groups of investors and generating strategies to enable transform and boost the tourist destination as another major development hub of Baja California Sur.

As a result of the progressive promotion of investments in this municipality, after the exhaustive negotiation to flexibilize the marketing policies and joint work between FONATUR and SECTUR; Gómez Barraza announced the sale of the Marina de Puerto Escondido to the North American group HAMANN COMPANY. It should be noted that the sale of properties comprising the Puerto Escondido Marina is subject to construction deadlines, so that an integral project can be carried out to become a detonator of the nautical tourism segment, generating initial investments of approximately 30 millions of dollars.

The owner of FONATUR, said that with the development in the Puerto Escondido Marina, the "Escalera Náutica" project will be strengthened to diversify tourism activities in the area, which is complemented by other CIP facilities, such as Golf course, ecological tourism, adventure and cultural activities, sport fishing and greater commercial and service activities, which will generate great social benefits to the Loretan community.

Finally, Héctor Gómez Barraza reiterated FONATUR's commitment to continue its work to generate jobs, attract foreign exchange, attract investment that contributes to regional development, and resume its role as a driver of tourism investments through a new flexible financial policy to attract A greater volume of investment to propel Loreto as a world-class destination.



Present world-class project (south of San Felipe in Baja California, a part of the Escalera Nautica project) - Mexican ambassador to Spain, Baja California governor and other officials visit Madrid, Spain to promote world-class tourist destination in Baja California

GH | 07/07/2016

MADRID, Spain - Starting with the European promotion tour, specifically in Madrid, Spain, Governor Francisco Vega de Lamadrid led a working meeting with the board of the Inveravante Group, who presented details of a world-class tourist destination that is planned to develop in The region of the Sea of Cortez, south of San Felipe, and of which important progress has already been made, counting on the accompaniment of the three orders of Government, to achieve its crystallization.

For his part, the State official offered the collaboration of the Government of Baja California to strengthen the support and expedite such an important project of private tourist investment, which was announced that already has important advances in the area of municipal permits, At the federal level aimed at bringing basic infrastructure, such as energy, water and other services, as well as air and land connectivity.

With projects like this one, it seeks to attend to the vocations of the State and with that to consolidate the entity in the matter of tourism.

The meeting determined that a working table will be set up in the near future, where officials from the three orders of Government and staff from the investor group will participate, with the intention of implementing a strategic route to follow up on each of the necessary points until the Development.

For his part, the president of the investment group Manuel Jove Capellán, said that in the near future will be formalizing before the State Government, its intention to carry out this tourism development, through a binding letter of commitments to ensure that the plan is Carry out.

It was announced that the Inveravante group develops world-class projects that meet the highest standards, which guarantees success and ensures an increase in the influx to the tourist destination.

One of the objectives of the project, which contemplates an investment of up to 1.9 billion pesos, is to be a link and pole to attract and give certainty to future national and international investments in the development of the locality as a world-class tourist destination, Generate benefits and affect both neighboring projects and the community in general.

The development called Marinazul Golf & Resort, is projected to the South of San Felipe in the Delegation Vicente Guerrero, Municipality of Ensenada, that contemplates the construction of a Residential Development Tourist in a land of 1,200 hectares.

The total project considers a total of 5,598 residential units, 3,995 hotel units, equestrian center, 27-hole golf course, commercial area, restaurants and services among other leisure facilities such as nautical club, islands with service facilities (Spa, restaurants), among other things.

The meeting was attended by the Inveravante Group, the general director, Antonio de la Morena Pardo; The general director of Development, Bernardino Hernandez and the director of Development Mexico, Gema Garcia.

On behalf of the State Government, Secretary of State Tourism, Oscar Escobedo Carignan, and Secretary of Economic Development, Carlo Humberto Bonfante Olache, the mayor-elect of Mexicali, Gustavo Sánchez Vázquez, was also present.

Governor meets Mexico's Ambassador to Spain Among other activities developed by Governor Francisco Vega de Lamadrid in Madrid, he held a meeting with the Mexican Ambassador to Spain, Roberta Lajous, who thanked the support given to the work agenda developed in that country.

He also explained the various projects being promoted in the European country and reiterated the opportunities that Baja California offers to potential investors, as well as tourism, gastronomy and many more attractions that the entity offers its visitors.



FONATUR has improved its financial situation, which has strengthened its Tourism Centers and Projects

Diego Rodríguez, Nov 11, 2016, Publications , Magazine Real Estate Investment

The various projects currently being carried out by the Fund expect a medium-term investment of US $2.5 billion.

John Bechara Abdo, director of Marketing of the National Fund for Tourism Development (FONATUR), in an interview with Real Estate Investment , said great progress was made in its financial situation during the current administration, they have allowed continued development of resorts In various parts of the country.

"Through a liability restructuring strategy implemented since December 2012, to date, bank debt has been reduced by more than 30% in relation to the amount of indebtedness registered at the beginning of this administration, which has allowed the Fund recovers a large part of the functions for which it was created. "

The official said that currently, with the participation of private capital, the maintenance of its different destinations continues and new modernization projects were undertaken at its Integrally Planned Centers (CIPs), such as Cancún, Ixtapa, Los Cabos, Loreto, Huatulco and Playa Espíritu. Also of its Integral Tourism Projects (ITPs) such as Litibú, Costa Canuva and Marina Cozumel.

On Costa Canuva, in Nayarit, which takes place after having signed an agreement with the Portuguese company Mota-Engil, an investment of 1,800 million dollars and the creation of 40,000 jobs is expected. In addition, in its first stage, the construction of 1,000 hotel rooms and the conclusion of infrastructure works are expected.

"During the last year FONATUR has continued with the development and modernization of a large number of projects within its CIPs; For example Playa Espíritu, Sinaloa, as well as the completion of works in the Marina of Cozumel; In those of Topolobampo in Sinaloa and Santa Rosaliíta in Baja California; These last two, integral parts of the Sea of ??Cortez Nautical Scale project, "he added.

Areas to be developed

On projects under analysis to be able to be carried out, Juan Bechara explained that in order to promote the Loreto CIP, the Loreto-Puerto Escondido Strategic Plan was presented, as part of the first actions the Puerto Escondido Marina was sold with what would be expected Projects, initially for $ 30,000,000.

Playa Espiritu, which covers an area of ??713 hectares, in its first stage began the works of roads, infrastructure and services, which will allow the construction and marketing of 10,000 housing units, between rooms and housing, as well as a Golf course, shopping areas, an urban center and a tourist boardwalk.

"We estimate that in the medium term, the tourism projects in development detonated by FONATUR will have to mean sustainable and potential investments, public and private, for about 2,500 million dollars. In the short term, around 4,000 hotel rooms and accommodation units will be built, which could mean investments of more than $ 200 million. "

Budget cut

Speaking about the expected budget cut for 2017, Bechara Abdo considered that this situation will allow them to make the resources more efficient and do more with less without this affecting the development of projects.

"Together with private investors, they have designed schemes association, known as joint ventures , to expand sales options and development plans; Thus, joint agreements have been made with SECTUR and the Development Bank to facilitate the financing of new projects, as well as establishing construction deadlines in key projects and areas. "

Regarding the outstanding work of the Fund, it considered that the promotion of tourist developments should be strengthened and thus promote investment; Continue with collaboration agreements to increase the connectivity of their destinations and develop destinations of international quality, which will have repercussions on a greater attraction of tourism of high purchasing power.




Six Flags will arrive in Rosarito, Baja California in 2017


The project will be built next to the Ejido Mazatlan Convention Center, and could be ready in three years.

Beaches of Rosarito, BC. The amusement park, Six Flags, will open its doors the following year in Playas de Rosarito, after the municipality negotiated a site to carry out the project.

Since a year ago, the mayor of Playas de Rosarito, Mirna Rincón, revealed that US investors met with authorities of the previous municipality and presented the proposal to analyze the feasibility of the project in some of the ejidos in the coastal zone.

Now, with the new municipal government, the entrepreneurs came again to insist on the project and ask for support in the location of some land in the ejido Mazatlan where they can build the pair of amusements that would be the first in the peninsula of Baja California.

"First, different commercial and recreational areas will be built in the area adjacent to the Baja Convention Center, along the Scenic Highway, and then the amusement park will be inaugurated," he said.

He also explained that according to the talks between the ejidatarios and investors, they estimate that next month the works of the first establishments will begin and for the second half of 2017 could start the project of Six Flags.

"This is an integral development where entrepreneurs intend to build the Six Flags amusement park, as well as a water park, condominiums, shopping plazas and even a hospital," said Rosarito's mayor-elect.

The mayor said entrepreneurs already have the executive project of this concept that would be similar to the amusement park in Los Angeles, California, and even estimate that visitors would be not only Mexican but also San Diego County.

According to the project they presented, the investors will build this integral development in the lands that are in the sides of the Convention Center Ejido Mazatlán, with whom they are in negotiations.

He said that this project would conclude in three years, although the first stage of the construction of the parks would end in the first 12 months.




We participate in the main economic sectors with an international focus primarily through two types of assets:

1. Investments in Private Equity:
We manage a portfolio of investments that enables us to achieve international and managerial diversification as a means to obtain adequate returns over time, sacrificing liquidity to some extent for the sake of better returns.

2. Investments in Financial Markets:
We manage a portfolio of highly diversified financial assets aiming to maximize the profitability linked to the risk at all times with the added bonus of mostly liquid assets.


We are promoting a global generation company using renewable energies based in Galicia and operating around the world.

Either by establishing alliances with local partners or acting alone, Avantegenera develops, builds and operates wind, hydraulic, photovoltaic and thermosolar power plants in Europe and America, where it is committed to playing an active role as a long term partner.

In this sense, as of February 2016 it has an operating capacity of over 385 MW (225 net) and more than 50 MW (42 net) under construction.

North and South America

Canada: present since 2009, working through local development companies, Avantegenera currently has an active wind farm and a development portfolio ready for future tenders.

Panama: an alliance with a major local partner has led to the creation of a series of hydraulic assets currently under operation or construction, as well as various projects which are also under development.

Brazil: Genera has its own wind farm which is currently operational, as well as a wind and photovoltaic energy development portfolio.

Real Estate

Avantespacia is involved in a number of different projects with a focus on permanence, quality and progress in the countries in which we operate. Offices, industrial parks, hotels, residential housing, shopping areas, holiday resorts… All team-orientated projects led by one of the world’s leading specialists.

España (Spain)

We have a number of projects under development across Spain.


A number of projects at the study phase and under development in various parts of the country.

Anfaplace Living Resort / Casablanca
A unique, exclusive project in the city of Casablanca, designed by Foster + Partners.
The development is right on the seafront, in the centre of Morocco’s financial capital.


Tartasesti, Bucharest: 30 acres. Urban development featuring 15,000 residential dwellings.


A number of projects at the study phase and under development across the country.


Paracurú Dunes / Fortaleza
A 1,800 acre tourist resort complex situated in north-eastern Brazil. This is a residential, hotel and retail project with a golf course, built in association with some of the world’s leading specialists.


At Avanteselecta we are committed to excellence, with the creation a line of select products, services and distribution.
Avanteselecta draws together investment in the agrofood sector, especially in the wine-producing and quality product sectors, with three main focus areas: wine, cheese, olive oil and other choice products.

Wineries, Other Food and Agricultural Products & Distribution

Avanteselecta has a group of wineries, a distributor and a range of selected food products with presence throughout Spain and internationally.


Inveravante has a dedicated portfolio of hotels located in different parts of the national territory, operating under the brand Attica 21.




Overlooked by the "La Giganta" mountain range, wich rises more than four thousand feet above sea level, the marina is a unique place not only providing a first class facility but offering spectacular views of the mountains and easy access to the Loreto Bay National Marine park (an UNESCO World Heritage Site) and its five uninhabited islands.

Marina Waicuri is located in the heart of the Sea of Cortes, less than 15 miles out of the "Magic Town" of Loreto in Baja California Sur.

Master Plan

Loreto one of the favourite destinations for cultural and recreational tourism in Baja, located about 350kms from La Paz.

Loreto offers visitors stunning natural landscapes, exceptional biodiversity which includes whale watching, scuba diving, sports fishing.


Sustainable company working to create luxurious and unique developments focused on creating an exclusive environment for the high end market.

Hamman Co. and Inmobiliaria JEP

Inmobiliaria JEP: A Family business based out of Guadalajara has built several real estate developments in the state of Jalisco. One of them being the most prestigious in all of the city of guadalajara which is a 6.5 Million inhabitants city. Jep´s mission is to create projects that will generate wellbeing to its workers and clients always focusing on the quality to help the value of its developments keep going up.

Hamann Co.: Family business based out of San Diego area has built hundreds of concrete tilt-up and block building projects ranging in size from 5,000 square feet to over 250,000 square feet, totaling in excess of 50,000,000 square feet. Unique features of Hamann Construction, are that Hamann has it's own electrical department, concrete crew, architect, and green building specialist. Hamann Construction specialises in "Team Concept Construction," where the architect, engineer, contractor and owner work together closely to create a tailored cost-effective product. Past projects range from...Custom factories, Distribution centres, Retail stores, Office buildings, Multi-tenant industrial complexes, Cold storage, Green buildings.

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