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Re: F6 post# 263477

Saturday, 01/14/2017 8:24:45 PM

Saturday, January 14, 2017 8:24:45 PM

Post# of 494118
Trump vs. the Truth: The Russian Hacking Report - The Daily Show

Published on Jan 10, 2017 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah [ , ]

Even with the documents being made public, President-elect Trump blatantly misrepresents the US intelligence report on Russia's interference in the 2016 election.

[originally aired January 9, 2017] [with comments]



Published on Jan 10, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

On this Tuesday, January 10th 2017 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show [with special reports from Alex Jones], Trump insider Roger Stone discusses what to expect in the last ten days before the inauguration. Also, the inventor of Email, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Ph.D. joins the show to explain the connection he found between email and GMO's. On today's show we'll also look at the Jeff Sessions confirmation hearing and how optimism among Americans continues to rise as Trump prepares to take office. [with comments]


Hillary Clinton warns of 'rising tide of authoritarianism'

Secretary of State John Kerry (left) and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talk at a reception celebrating the completion of the U.S. Diplomacy Center Pavilion, Jamuary 10, 2017.
January 11, 2017


Press Releases: Remarks With Former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell, and Hillary Clinton
11 January 2017


Bombshell report on Trump's Russia briefing

All In with Chris Hayes

Two US officials told NBC News that briefing materials prepared for President-elect Trump included information passed to U.S. intelligence agencies making damaging allegations about his dealings with Russians. Duration: 9:22



Sessions grilled in hearing

All In with Chris Hayes

Trump's nominee for attorney general, Senator Jeff Sessions, went before his senate colleagues to face tough questions on his past and his positions. Duration: 7:52



President Obama's job performance

Published on Jan 10, 2017 by Fox News [ / , ]

'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 1/10. [with comments]


Mr. Masturbator

Published on Jan 12, 2017 by Mike Malloy [ / , ]

In the weeks after Roger Ailes was ousted as the chairman of Fox News in July amid a sexual harassment scandal, company executives secretly struck an agreement with a longtime broadcast personality who had come forward with similar accusations about the network’s top host, Bill O’Reilly.

The employee, Juliet Huddy, had said that Mr. O’Reilly pursued a sexual relationship with her in 2011, at a time he exerted significant influence over her career. When she rebuffed his advances, he tried to derail her career, according to a draft of a letter from her lawyers to Fox News that was obtained by The New York Times.

The letter includes allegations that Mr. O’Reilly had called Ms. Huddy repeatedly and that it sometimes sounded as if he was masturbating. He invited her to his house on Long Island, tried to kiss her, took her to dinner and the theater, and after asking her to return a key to his hotel room, appeared at the door in his boxer shorts, according to the letter.

Full story:

[originally aired January 10, 2017] [with comments]


Watch President Barack Obama's full farewell speech

Published on Jan 10, 2017 by PBS NewsHour [ / , ]

President Barack Obama delivered his farewell address Tuesday from Chicago, where he launched his political career eight years ago. NewsHour's Judy Woodruff is joined by syndicated columnist Mark Shields, Chairman of the American Conservative Union Matt Schlapp, and Harvard University historian Annette Gordon-Reed for analysis of the outgoing president's speech.


Remarks by the President in Farewell Address

McCormick Place
Chicago, Illinois
January 10, 2017

8:02 P.M. CST

THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, Chicago!  (Applause.)  It’s good to be home!  (Applause.)  Thank you, everybody.  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Thank you so much.  Thank you.  (Applause.)  All right, everybody sit down.  (Applause.)  We’re on live TV here.  I’ve got to move.  (Applause.)  You can tell that I’m a lame duck because nobody is following instructions.  (Laughter.)  Everybody have a seat.  (Applause.)

My fellow Americans -- (applause) -- Michelle and I have been so touched by all the well wishes that we’ve received over the past few weeks.  But tonight, it’s my turn to say thanks.  (Applause.)  Whether we have seen eye-to-eye or rarely agreed at all, my conversations with you, the American people, in living rooms and in schools, at farms, on factory floors, at diners and on distant military outposts -– those conversations are what have kept me honest, and kept me inspired, and kept me going.  And every day, I have learned from you.  You made me a better President, and you made me a better man.  (Applause.)

So I first came to Chicago when I was in my early 20s.  And I was still trying to figure out who I was, still searching for a purpose in my life.  And it was a neighborhood not far from here where I began working with church groups in the shadows of closed steel mills.  It was on these streets where I witnessed the power of faith, and the quiet dignity of working people in the face of struggle and loss.

AUDIENCE:  Four more years!  Four more years!  Four more years!

THE PRESIDENT:  I can’t do that.

AUDIENCE:  Four more years!  Four more years!  Four more years!

THE PRESIDENT:  This is where I learned that change only happens when ordinary people get involved and they get engaged, and they come together to demand it.

After eight years as your President, I still believe that.  And it’s not just my belief.  It’s the beating heart of our American idea –- our bold experiment in self-government.  It’s the conviction that we are all created equal, endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  It’s the insistence that these rights, while self-evident, have never been self-executing; that We, the People, through the instrument of our democracy, can form a more perfect union.

What a radical idea.  A great gift that our Founders gave to us:  The freedom to chase our individual dreams through our sweat and toil and imagination, and the imperative to strive together, as well, to achieve a common good, a greater good.

For 240 years, our nation’s call to citizenship has given work and purpose to each new generation.  It’s what led patriots to choose republic over tyranny, pioneers to trek west, slaves to brave that makeshift railroad to freedom.  It’s what pulled immigrants and refugees across oceans and the Rio Grande.  (Applause.)  It’s what pushed women to reach for the ballot.  It’s what powered workers to organize.  It’s why GIs gave their lives at Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima, Iraq and Afghanistan.  And why men and women from Selma to Stonewall were prepared to give theirs, as well.  (Applause.)

So that’s what we mean when we say America is exceptional -- not that our nation has been flawless from the start, but that we have shown the capacity to change and make life better for those who follow.  Yes, our progress has been uneven.  The work of democracy has always been hard.  It’s always been contentious.  Sometimes it’s been bloody.  For every two steps forward, it often feels we take one step back.  But the long sweep of America has been defined by forward motion, a constant widening of our founding creed to embrace all and not just some.  (Applause.)

If I had told you eight years ago that America would reverse a great recession, reboot our auto industry, and unleash the longest stretch of job creation in our history -- (applause) -- if I had told you that we would open up a new chapter with the Cuban people, shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program without firing a shot, take out the mastermind of 9/11 -- (applause) -- if I had told you that we would win marriage equality, and secure the right to health insurance for another 20 million of our fellow citizens –- (applause) -- if I had told you all that, you might have said our sights were set a little too high.  But that’s what we did.  (Applause.)  That’s what you did.

You were the change.  You answered people’s hopes, and because of you, by almost every measure, America is a better, stronger place than it was when we started.  (Applause.)

In 10 days, the world will witness a hallmark of our democracy.

AUDIENCE:  Nooo --

THE PRESIDENT:  No, no, no, no, no -- the peaceful transfer of power from one freely elected President to the next.  (Applause.)  I committed to President-elect Trump that my administration would ensure the smoothest possible transition, just as President Bush did for me.  (Applause.)  Because it’s up to all of us to make sure our government can help us meet the many challenges we still face.

We have what we need to do so.  We have everything we need to meet those challenges.  After all, we remain the wealthiest, most powerful, and most respected nation on Earth.  Our youth, our drive, our diversity and openness, our boundless capacity for risk and reinvention means that the future should be ours.  But that potential will only be realized if our democracy works.  Only if our politics better reflects the decency of our people.  (Applause.)  Only if all of us, regardless of party affiliation or particular interests, help restore the sense of common purpose that we so badly need right now.

That’s what I want to focus on tonight:  The state of our democracy.  Understand, democracy does not require uniformity.  Our founders argued.  They quarreled.  Eventually they compromised.  They expected us to do the same.  But they knew that democracy does require a basic sense of solidarity -– the idea that for all our outward differences, we’re all in this together; that we rise or fall as one.  (Applause.)

There have been moments throughout our history that threatens that solidarity.  And the beginning of this century has been one of those times.  A shrinking world, growing inequality; demographic change and the specter of terrorism -– these forces haven’t just tested our security and our prosperity, but are testing our democracy, as well.  And how we meet these challenges to our democracy will determine our ability to educate our kids, and create good jobs, and protect our homeland.  In other words, it will determine our future.

To begin with, our democracy won’t work without a sense that everyone has economic opportunity.  And the good news is that today the economy is growing again.  Wages, incomes, home values, and retirement accounts are all rising again.  Poverty is falling again.  (Applause.)  The wealthy are paying a fairer share of taxes even as the stock market shatters records.  The unemployment rate is near a 10-year low.  The uninsured rate has never, ever been lower.  (Applause.)  Health care costs are rising at the slowest rate in 50 years.  And I’ve said and I mean it -- if anyone can put together a plan that is demonstrably better than the improvements we’ve made to our health care system and that covers as many people at less cost, I will publicly support it.  (Applause.)

Because that, after all, is why we serve.  Not to score points or take credit, but to make people’s lives better.  (Applause.)

But for all the real progress that we’ve made, we know it’s not enough.  Our economy doesn’t work as well or grow as fast when a few prosper at the expense of a growing middle class and ladders for folks who want to get into the middle class.  (Applause.)  That's the economic argument.  But stark inequality is also corrosive to our democratic ideal.  While the top one percent has amassed a bigger share of wealth and income, too many families, in inner cities and in rural counties, have been left behind -- the laid-off factory worker; the waitress or health care worker who’s just barely getting by and struggling to pay the bills -- convinced that the game is fixed against them, that their government only serves the interests of the powerful -- that's a recipe for more cynicism and polarization in our politics.

But there are no quick fixes to this long-term trend.  I agree, our trade should be fair and not just free.  But the next wave of economic dislocations won’t come from overseas.  It will come from the relentless pace of automation that makes a lot of good, middle-class jobs obsolete.

And so we're going to have to forge a new social compact to guarantee all our kids the education they need -- (applause) -- to give workers the power to unionize for better wages; to update the social safety net to reflect the way we live now, and make more reforms to the tax code so corporations and individuals who reap the most from this new economy don’t avoid their obligations to the country that’s made their very success possible.  (Applause.)

We can argue about how to best achieve these goals.  But we can’t be complacent about the goals themselves.  For if we don’t create opportunity for all people, the disaffection and division that has stalled our progress will only sharpen in years to come.

There’s a second threat to our democracy -- and this one is as old as our nation itself.  After my election, there was talk of a post-racial America.  And such a vision, however well-intended, was never realistic.  Race remains a potent and often divisive force in our society.  Now, I’ve lived long enough to know that race relations are better than they were 10, or 20, or 30 years ago, no matter what some folks say.  (Applause.)  You can see it not just in statistics, you see it in the attitudes of young Americans across the political spectrum.

But we’re not where we need to be.  And all of us have more work to do.  (Applause.)  If every economic issue is framed as a struggle between a hardworking white middle class and an undeserving minority, then workers of all shades are going to be left fighting for scraps while the wealthy withdraw further into their private enclaves.  (Applause.)  If we're unwilling to invest in the children of immigrants, just because they don’t look like us, we will diminish the prospects of our own children -- because those brown kids will represent a larger and larger share of America’s workforce.  (Applause.)  And we have shown that our economy doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game.  Last year, incomes rose for all races, all age groups, for men and for women.

So if we're going to be serious about race going forward, we need to uphold laws against discrimination -- in hiring, and in housing, and in education, and in the criminal justice system.  (Applause.)  That is what our Constitution and our highest ideals require.  (Applause.)

But laws alone won’t be enough.  Hearts must change.  It won't change overnight.  Social attitudes oftentimes take generations to change.  But if our democracy is to work in this increasingly diverse nation, then each one of us need to try to heed the advice of a great character in American fiction -- Atticus Finch -- (applause) -- who said “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”

For blacks and other minority groups, it means tying our own very real struggles for justice to the challenges that a lot of people in this country face -- not only the refugee, or the immigrant, or the rural poor, or the transgender American, but also the middle-aged white guy who, from the outside, may seem like he’s got advantages, but has seen his world upended by economic and cultural and technological change.  We have to pay attention, and listen.  (Applause.)

For white Americans, it means acknowledging that the effects of slavery and Jim Crow didn’t suddenly vanish in the ‘60s -- (applause) -- that when minority groups voice discontent, they’re not just engaging in reverse racism or practicing political correctness.  When they wage peaceful protest, they’re not demanding special treatment but the equal treatment that our Founders promised.  (Applause.)

For native-born Americans, it means reminding ourselves that the stereotypes about immigrants today were said, almost word for word, about the Irish, and Italians, and Poles -- who it was said we're going to destroy the fundamental character of America.  And as it turned out, America wasn’t weakened by the presence of these newcomers; these newcomers embraced this nation’s creed, and this nation was strengthened.  (Applause.)

So regardless of the station that we occupy, we all have to try harder.  We all have to start with the premise that each of our fellow citizens loves this country just as much as we do; that they value hard work and family just like we do; that their children are just as curious and hopeful and worthy of love as our own.  (Applause.)

And that's not easy to do.  For too many of us, it’s become safer to retreat into our own bubbles, whether in our neighborhoods or on college campuses, or places of worship, or especially our social media feeds, surrounded by people who look like us and share the same political outlook and never challenge our assumptions.  The rise of naked partisanship, and increasing economic and regional stratification, the splintering of our media into a channel for every taste -- all this makes this great sorting seem natural, even inevitable.  And increasingly, we become so secure in our bubbles that we start accepting only information, whether it's true or not, that fits our opinions, instead of basing our opinions on the evidence that is out there. (Applause.)

And this trend represents a third threat to our democracy.  But politics is a battle of ideas.  That’s how our democracy was designed.  In the course of a healthy debate, we prioritize different goals, and the different means of reaching them.  But without some common baseline of facts, without a willingness to admit new information, and concede that your opponent might be making a fair point, and that science and reason matter -- (applause) -- then we're going to keep talking past each other, and we'll make common ground and compromise impossible.  (Applause.)

And isn’t that part of what so often makes politics dispiriting?  How can elected officials rage about deficits when we propose to spend money on preschool for kids, but not when we’re cutting taxes for corporations?  (Applause.)  How do we excuse ethical lapses in our own party, but pounce when the other party does the same thing?  It’s not just dishonest, this selective sorting of the facts; it’s self-defeating.  Because, as my mother used to tell me, reality has a way of catching up with you.  (Applause.)

Take the challenge of climate change.  In just eight years, we’ve halved our dependence on foreign oil; we’ve doubled our renewable energy; we've led the world to an agreement that has the promise to save this planet.  (Applause.)  But without bolder action, our children won’t have time to debate the existence of climate change.  They’ll be busy dealing with its effects: more environmental disasters, more economic disruptions, waves of climate refugees seeking sanctuary.

Now, we can and should argue about the best approach to solve the problem.  But to simply deny the problem not only betrays future generations, it betrays the essential spirit of this country -- the essential spirit of innovation and practical problem-solving that guided our Founders.  (Applause.)

It is that spirit, born of the Enlightenment, that made us an economic powerhouse -- the spirit that took flight at Kitty Hawk and Cape Canaveral; the spirit that cures disease and put a computer in every pocket.

It’s that spirit -- a faith in reason, and enterprise, and the primacy of right over might -- that allowed us to resist the lure of fascism and tyranny during the Great Depression; that allowed us to build a post-World War II order with other democracies, an order based not just on military power or national affiliations but built on principles -- the rule of law, human rights, freedom of religion, and speech, and assembly, and an independent press.  (Applause.)

That order is now being challenged -- first by violent fanatics who claim to speak for Islam; more recently by autocrats in foreign capitals who see free markets and open democracies and and civil society itself as a threat to their power.  The peril each poses to our democracy is more far-reaching than a car bomb or a missile.  It represents the fear of change; the fear of people who look or speak or pray differently; a contempt for the rule of law that holds leaders accountable; an intolerance of dissent and free thought; a belief that the sword or the gun or the bomb or the propaganda machine is the ultimate arbiter of what’s true and what’s right.

Because of the extraordinary courage of our men and women in uniform, because of our intelligence officers, and law enforcement, and diplomats who support our troops -- (applause) -- no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland these past eight years.  (Applause.)  And although Boston and Orlando and San Bernardino and Fort Hood remind us of how dangerous radicalization can be, our law enforcement agencies are more effective and vigilant than ever.  We have taken out tens of thousands of terrorists -- including bin Laden.  (Applause.)  The global coalition we’re leading against ISIL has taken out their leaders, and taken away about half their territory.  ISIL will be destroyed, and no one who threatens America will ever be safe.  (Applause.)

And to all who serve or have served, it has been the honor of my lifetime to be your Commander-in-Chief.  And we all owe you a deep debt of gratitude.  (Applause.)

But protecting our way of life, that's not just the job of our military.  Democracy can buckle when we give in to fear.  So, just as we, as citizens, must remain vigilant against external aggression, we must guard against a weakening of the values that make us who we are.  (Applause.)

And that’s why, for the past eight years, I’ve worked to put the fight against terrorism on a firmer legal footing.  That’s why we’ve ended torture, worked to close Gitmo, reformed our laws governing surveillance to protect privacy and civil liberties.  (Applause.)  That’s why I reject discrimination against Muslim Americans, who are just as patriotic as we are.  (Applause.)

That’s why we cannot withdraw from big global fights -- to expand democracy, and human rights, and women’s rights, and LGBT rights.  No matter how imperfect our efforts, no matter how expedient ignoring such values may seem, that's part of defending America.  For the fight against extremism and intolerance and sectarianism and chauvinism are of a piece with the fight against authoritarianism and nationalist aggression.  If the scope of freedom and respect for the rule of law shrinks around the world, the likelihood of war within and between nations increases, and our own freedoms will eventually be threatened.

So let’s be vigilant, but not afraid.  (Applause.)  ISIL will try to kill innocent people.  But they cannot defeat America unless we betray our Constitution and our principles in the fight.  (Applause.)  Rivals like Russia or China cannot match our influence around the world -- unless we give up what we stand for -- (applause) --  and turn ourselves into just another big country that bullies smaller neighbors.

Which brings me to my final point:  Our democracy is threatened whenever we take it for granted.  (Applause.)  All of us, regardless of party, should be throwing ourselves into the task of rebuilding our democratic institutions.  (Applause.)    When voting rates in America are some of the lowest among advanced democracies, we should be making it easier, not harder, to vote.  (Applause.)  When trust in our institutions is low, we should reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics, and insist on the principles of transparency and ethics in public service.  (Applause.)  When Congress is dysfunctional, we should draw our congressional districts to encourage politicians to cater to common sense and not rigid extremes.  (Applause.)

But remember, none of this happens on its own.  All of this depends on our participation; on each of us accepting the responsibility of citizenship, regardless of which way the pendulum of power happens to be swinging.

Our Constitution is a remarkable, beautiful gift.  But it’s really just a piece of parchment.  It has no power on its own.  We, the people, give it power.  (Applause.)  We, the people, give it meaning.  With our participation, and with the choices that we make, and the alliances that we forge.  (Applause.)  Whether or not we stand up for our freedoms.  Whether or not we respect and enforce the rule of law.  That's up to us.  America is no fragile thing.  But the gains of our long journey to freedom are not assured.

In his own farewell address, George Washington wrote that self-government is the underpinning of our safety, prosperity, and liberty, but “from different causes and from different quarters much pains will be taken…to weaken in your minds the conviction of this truth.”  And so we have to preserve this truth with “jealous anxiety;” that we should reject “the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest or to enfeeble the sacred ties” that make us one.  (Applause.)

America, we weaken those ties when we allow our political dialogue to become so corrosive that people of good character aren't even willing to enter into public service; so coarse with rancor that Americans with whom we disagree are seen not just as misguided but as malevolent.  We weaken those ties when we define some of us as more American than others; when we write off the whole system as inevitably corrupt, and when we sit back and blame the leaders we elect without examining our own role in electing them.  (Applause.)

It falls to each of us to be those those anxious, jealous guardians of our democracy; to embrace the joyous task we’ve been given to continually try to improve this great nation of ours.  Because for all our outward differences, we, in fact, all share the same proud title, the most important office in a democracy:  Citizen.  (Applause.)  Citizen.

So, you see, that’s what our democracy demands.  It needs you.  Not just when there’s an election, not just when your own narrow interest is at stake, but over the full span of a lifetime.  If you’re tired of arguing with strangers on the Internet, try talking with one of them in real life.  (Applause.) If something needs fixing, then lace up your shoes and do some organizing.  (Applause.)  If you’re disappointed by your elected officials, grab a clipboard, get some signatures, and run for office yourself.  (Applause.)  Show up.  Dive in.  Stay at it.

Sometimes you’ll win.  Sometimes you’ll lose.  Presuming a reservoir of goodness in other people, that can be a risk, and there will be times when the process will disappoint you.  But for those of us fortunate enough to have been a part of this work, and to see it up close, let me tell you, it can energize and inspire.  And more often than not, your faith in America -- and in Americans -- will be confirmed.  (Applause.)

Mine sure has been.  Over the course of these eight years, I’ve seen the hopeful faces of young graduates and our newest military officers.  I have mourned with grieving families searching for answers, and found grace in a Charleston church.  I’ve seen our scientists help a paralyzed man regain his sense of touch.  I've seen wounded warriors who at points were given up for dead walk again.  I’ve seen our doctors and volunteers rebuild after earthquakes and stop pandemics in their tracks.  I’ve seen the youngest of children remind us through their actions and through their generosity of our obligations to care for refugees, or work for peace, and, above all, to look out for each other.  (Applause.)

So that faith that I placed all those years ago, not far from here, in the power of ordinary Americans to bring about change -- that faith has been rewarded in ways I could not have possibly imagined.  And I hope your faith has, too.  Some of you here tonight or watching at home, you were there with us in 2004, in 2008, 2012 -- (applause) -- maybe you still can’t believe we pulled this whole thing off.  Let me tell you, you're not the only ones.  (Laughter.)

Michelle -- (applause) -- Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, girl of the South Side -- (applause) -- for the past 25 years, you have not only been my wife and mother of my children, you have been my best friend.  (Applause.)  You took on a role you didn’t ask for and you made it your own, with grace and with grit and with style and good humor.  (Applause.)  You made the White House a place that belongs to everybody.  (Applause.)  And the new generation sets its sights higher because it has you as a role model.  (Applause.)  So you have made me proud.  And you have made the country proud.  (Applause.)

Malia and Sasha, under the strangest of circumstances, you have become two amazing young women.  You are smart and you are beautiful, but more importantly, you are kind and you are thoughtful and you are full of passion.  (Applause.)  You wore the burden of years in the spotlight so easily.  Of all that I’ve done in my life, I am most proud to be your dad.  (Applause.)

To Joe Biden -- (applause) -- the scrappy kid from Scranton who became Delaware’s favorite son -- you were the first decision I made as a nominee, and it was the best.  (Applause.)  Not just because you have been a great Vice President, but because in the bargain, I gained a brother.  And we love you and Jill like family, and your friendship has been one of the great joys of our lives.  (Applause.)

To my remarkable staff:  For eight years -- and for some of you, a whole lot more -- I have drawn from your energy, and every day I tried to reflect back what you displayed -- heart, and character, and idealism.  I’ve watched you grow up, get married, have kids, start incredible new journeys of your own.  Even when times got tough and frustrating, you never let Washington get the better of you.  You guarded against cynicism.  And the only thing that makes me prouder than all the good that we’ve done is the thought of all the amazing things that you’re going to achieve from here.  (Applause.)

And to all of you out there -- every organizer who moved to an unfamiliar town, every kind family who welcomed them in, every volunteer who knocked on doors, every young person who cast a ballot for the first time, every American who lived and breathed the hard work of change -- you are the best supporters and organizers anybody could ever hope for, and I will be forever grateful.  (Applause.)  Because you did change the world.  (Applause.)  You did.

And that’s why I leave this stage tonight even more optimistic about this country than when we started.  Because I know our work has not only helped so many Americans, it has inspired so many Americans -- especially so many young people out there -- to believe that you can make a difference -- (applause) -- to hitch your wagon to something bigger than yourselves.

Let me tell you, this generation coming up -- unselfish, altruistic, creative, patriotic -- I’ve seen you in every corner of the country.  You believe in a fair, and just, and inclusive America.  (Applause.)  You know that constant change has been America’s hallmark; that it's not something to fear but something to embrace.  You are willing to carry this hard work of democracy forward.  You’ll soon outnumber all of us, and I believe as a result the future is in good hands.  (Applause.)

My fellow Americans, it has been the honor of my life to serve you.  (Applause.)  I won’t stop.  In fact, I will be right there with you, as a citizen, for all my remaining days.  But for now, whether you are young or whether you're young at heart, I do have one final ask of you as your President -- the same thing I asked when you took a chance on me eight years ago.  I'm asking you to believe.  Not in my ability to bring about change -- but in yours.

I am asking you to hold fast to that faith written into our founding documents; that idea whispered by slaves and abolitionists; that spirit sung by immigrants and homesteaders and those who marched for justice; that creed reaffirmed by those who planted flags from foreign battlefields to the surface of the moon; a creed at the core of every American whose story is not yet written:  Yes, we can.  (Applause.)

Yes, we did.  Yes, we can.  (Applause.)

Thank you.  God bless you.  May God continue to bless the United States of America.  (Applause.)

8:53 P.M. CST

[for a few more days at]

* [comments disabled] [official White House upload for a few more days at (with comments), embedded for a few more days at ]


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The Rachel Maddow Show

Richard Engel, NBC News chief foreign correspondent, talks with Rachel Maddow about a report that Donald Trump and President Obama were briefed on unverified claims that Russia has compromised Trump with a cache of incriminating or scandalous material. Duration: 5:10

Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him
January 10, 2017 Updated January 12, 2017 [with embedded video]

These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia
A dossier, compiled by a person who has claimed to be a former British intelligence official, alleges Russia has compromising information on Trump. The allegations are unverified, and the report contains errors.

Originally posted Jan. 10, 2017, Updated Jan. 10, 2017 [with the complete 35-page dossier ( ) embedded]

©2017 , [with comments]


President-Elect Trump Takes On the Crooked Media - The Daily Show

Published on Jan 11, 2017 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

As Donald Trump gears up for his first press conference since the 2016 election, Trevor imagines how the now-president-elect will respond to media questioning.

[originally aired January 10, 2017] [with comments]


Trump's Nuclear Plan: It's Funny Because Nothing Matters Anymore

Published on Jan 11, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

By firing all of Obama's appointees to the Nuclear Security Administration, President-Elect Trump is plunging the country into ever-deeper realms of uncertainty.

[originally aired January 10, 2017]

Trump Is Letting Go the People in Charge of Maintaining Our Nuclear Arsenal [Updated]

01/09/17 [with comments] [with comments]


Trump Confirmation Hearings Begin: A Closer Look

Published on Jan 11, 2017 by Late Night with Seth Meyers [ / , ]

Seth takes a closer look at the first confirmation hearings for President-elect Donald Trump's cabinet appointments, beginning with nominee for attorney general, Jeff Sessions.

[originally aired January 10, 2017] [with comments]


Seth Meyers Interviews Kellyanne Conway About President-Elect Trump

Published on Jan 10, 2017 by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Donald Trump's incoming White House counselor Kellyanne Conway defends the president-elect's relationship with the intelligence community, the press and Twitter. [with comments]


HYPOCRISY CHECKING: Obama's Final Speech

Published on Jan 11, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

After eight years of enduring President Barack Obama’s rampant hypocrisy, his final speech was nothing less than the great conclusion to the hyper normalization that characterized his Presidency.

I have a feeling that's not the last we’ll hear from Mr. Obama. [with comments]


Trump Full Press Conference as President-Elect (HD) | ABC News

Streamed live on Jan 11, 2017 by ABC News [ / , ]

Donald Trump held his first press conference as President-Elect from New York. President-elect Donald Trump announced that he will hand "complete and total control" of his vast business empire to his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump and to Alan Weisselberg, a longtime Trump business executive, through a financial trust.

For more:

[N.B.: Trump did briefly comment following the end of the news conference to categorically deny that any of his associates had been in contact with the Russians]

Donald Trump’s News Conference: Full Transcript and Video
JAN. 11, 2017 [with embedded video]

Fact-checking President-elect Trump's news conference
January 11, 2017 [with embedded videos, and comments] [with comments]


Epic Trump News Conference! - Full Show - 01/11/2016 [original title: "Full Show - FROM GOLDEN GLOBE TO GOLDEN SHOWERS - 01/11/2016"]

Published on Jan 11, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Wednesday, January 11th 2017 edition of the Alex Jones Show [with an appearance by Roger Stone, and Alex Jones co-hosting from the road], we go into detail about Trump’s decision to appoint Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to run a new commission on the safety of vaccines - and to prevent companies from placing additives in them which could harm children. We also talk to security expert John McAfee about how 4Chan successfully hoaxed the CIA and the mainstream media into thinking Trump was linked to the Kremlin. [with comments]


White House ethics experts respond to Donald Trump’s announcement

Published on Jan 11, 2017 by Brookings Institution [ / , ]

On January 11, Governance Studies at Brookings hosted a media roundtable featuring remarks from Director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics Walter M. Shaub, followed by Eisen and Painter’s reactions to and answers to questions regarding the content of Donald Trump’s press conference. (transcript available)

Remarks of Walter M. Shaub, Jr., Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics, as prepared for delivery at 4:00 p.m. on January 11, 2017, at the Brookings Institution [with comments]


U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Nuclear Security

Streamed live on Jan 11, 2017 by Carnegie Live [ , ]

January 11, 2017
Washington, DC
William Burns, Joe Biden
U.S. Vice President Biden discussed the Obama administration’s achievements in addressing the dangers posed by nuclear weapons under the Prague Agenda.


Remarks by the Vice President on Nuclear Security

Washington, DC
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

As Prepared:

In the summer heat of 1979, amid the deep freeze of the Cold War—I walked into the Kremlin with five of my Senate colleagues.

We were there to discuss the strategic arms control agreement known as SALT II—and to gauge whether or not the Soviets were likely to abide by modifications that the Senate had adopted.

I was 36-years old, in my seventh year as a United States Senator.
Across the table sat Alexei Kosygin—the grizzled Soviet Premier—a veteran of World War II and a hard-liner.

There was no love between us.  
We did not trust each other.  
But neither of our nations wanted to be responsible for unleashing a nuclear apocalypse.

Kosygin did most of the talking that day, and one of the first things he said to me was this reminder: 
“You are the only nation in the history of mankind that has ever used nuclear weapons.  I am not second-guessing that, but you used them.  
So you have to understand why we think you might use them again.”

I came out of that meeting with the assurances I needed, and a lesson that has served me throughout my career—the assumption of good intentions rarely extends to international diplomacy.

The Soviets wanted a deal with us not because they trusted us, but because they didn’t.

It is precisely because we do not trust our adversaries that treaties to constrain the human capacity for destruction are indispensable to the security of the United States of America.

Arms control is integral to our national defense and—when it comes to nuclear weapons—to our self-preservation.

From almost the moment we unlocked the destruction of worlds hidden within the atom, we recognized the equally powerful imperative of preventing the Doomsday Clock from striking midnight.

Already in 1953, President Eisenhower—a man synonymous with American military strategy—warned that our security could never be achieved through a nuclear arms race without end:  
 “Let no one think that the expenditure of vast sums for weapons and systems of defense can guarantee absolute safety for the cities and citizens of any nation. The awful arithmetic of the atomic bomb does not permit any such easy solution.  Even against the most powerful defense, an aggressor in possession of the effective minimum number of atomic bombs for a surprise attack could…cause hideous damage.”

In a world possessed of nuclear technology, the effective minimum number of bombs is small.  
Even one can cause hideous damage.

With that knowledge—over the course of decades—we negotiated agreements to reduce and control the world’s supply of nuclear weapons.

Despite what some extreme voices argued at the time, the arms control agreements we hammered out with the Soviets were not concessions to an enemy or signs of weakness in the United States.  
They were a carefully constructed barrier between the American people and total annihilation.

It was how we managed a dangerous rivalry, kept it from spinning out of control, and prevented thermonuclear war.

Republican and Democratic presidents alike have understood that nothing is more fundamental to our security.

And, for more than four decades, I have been deeply involved with the ins and outs of our strategic agreements.

As I said, I was a forceful advocate for SALT II in the ‘70s and the limits it sought to impose on the growth of the Soviet Union’s nuclear capacity.

In the ‘80s, I fought against President Reagan’s efforts to weaken the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which threatened the very cornerstone of arms control between the United States and the Soviet Union.

But I fought equally hard to make sure his Treaty on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces—the first treaty to eliminate a whole class of nuclear arms—would succeed.  I traveled across Europe—meeting with Helmut Kohl, Francois Mitterrand, and Margaret Thatcher as well as Soviet leader Gromyko—to bolster support for the treaty.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, I called for the global elimination of tactical nuclear weapons—a position that President George H.W. Bush also worked toward.  And I made sure that the START agreement included appropriate measures to monitor nuclear stockpiles in the former Soviet Union.

Today, the risk of a massive nuclear exchange between Russia and the United States—and the terminal logic of mutually assured destruction—is far less than at the height of the Cold War.

Yet nuclear weapons—the proliferation of this deadly knowledge to more nations, and the possibility of a terrorist obtaining nuclear materials—remain among our most pressing security challenges. 
Even one nuclear bomb can still cause hideous damage.

That’s why, from the moment President Obama and I took office eight years ago—reducing the threat of a nuclear attack has been a chief national security priority.

In Prague in 2009—in his very first foreign policy speech—President Obama passionately argued that the only way the world will be completely safe from nuclear weapons, is to pursue a world without nuclear weapons.  
And for the past eight years, that is the vision we have relentlessly pursued.

Thanks to America’s leadership, the international community is newly focused on preventing nuclear terrorism.  We know that terrorists have both the capacity and the goal of transforming nuclear materials into weapons to sow havoc.

And we know that no nation acting alone can defeat this threat.

That’s why, in 2010, President Obama gathered leaders from around the globe for the first ever Nuclear Security Summit here in Washington—to create concrete multilateral strategies to lock down loose nuclear materials and prevent nuclear smuggling.

Since then, the world has met three more times—in Seoul, in The Hague, again last year in DC—to continue building on our progress.

Our efforts have reduced the supply of nuclear weapons-usable material in the world.  And we’ve not only stepped up the physical protection of facilities where nuclear materials are stored—we’ve greatly improved our ability to detect and seize unregulated nuclear and radiological materials being smuggled in secret.

Acting together with our international partners, we’ve strengthened the global nuclear security architecture that monitors and enforces nuclear norms:

• Ratifying and bringing into force important international treaties to secure nuclear materials and prevent them from falling into the hands of terrorists.   
• Providing better funding and resources for the International Atomic Energy Agency. 
• Expanding the Proliferation Security Initiative.

These steps have bolstered the international norms and institutions around the protection of nuclear materials.

And with the creation of the Nuclear Security Contact group, the world can continue to build on this momentum to deliver progress for many years to come.

For eight years, the United States has also led in strengthening the non-proliferation regime, including the Non-Proliferation Treaty—that basic agreement that: countries with nuclear weapons will pursue good faith negotiations on disarmament, countries without nuclear weapons will not seek to gain them, and all countries can access and benefit from peaceful nuclear energy.

We built a global consensus that nuclear norms must be upheld,
international commitments must be honored, and those who violate these standards must be called to account.

That’s why the United States made it an international priority to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Decades of animosity and chest thumping did not cut off Iran’s burgeoning nuclear program.  We did—through international economic pressure combined with hard-nosed diplomacy.

As with the Soviet Union during the Cold War—we negotiated with Iran precisely because we did not, and do not, trust them.  
That’s why we sought an internationally verifiable agreement to constrain their nuclear activities.  One that cut off every single path that could lead to a nuclear weapon—and one that instituted the most rigorous inspections regime in history to ensure they hold up their end of the deal.

If full implementation continues, the deal will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon—and remove the threat of Iran using nuclear weapons against us or our allies.  And we accomplished this without inciting another devastating war in the Middle East.

When we came to office, Iran was inching closer to a nuclear weapons capability—but North Korea had already crossed the threshold.

And as North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities continue to expand, it poses a growing threat to international security and our own national defense.

That’s why we’ve been so vigilant in keeping the international community united to raise the costs on North Korea for its flagrant violations of nuclear norms.  

Just last year, in response to two illegal nuclear tests by North Korea, the United Nations Security Council—including China and Russia—unanimously adopted two resolutions imposing the most far-reaching and comprehensive sanctions on North Korea to date.

We need to ensure that these sanctions are enforced by all—to ensure North Korea understands that we will continue to impose costs for their illegal behavior.  
As with Iran, the goal of sanctions is not to punish the people of North Korea, but to induce their leadership to negotiate in earnest.

North Korea’s growing capability is one of the most significant challenges the next administration will face.  There are no simple solutions.

But any viable path forward must include standing with our Asian allies to send a clear message to Pyongyang:  Attempts at coercion or intimidation will fail.  Security and international respect cannot be attained through illegal weapons.  And as long as that is the choice North Korea’s leaders continue to make, their country will remain economically isolated and an international pariah.

We must continue working closely with the international community—including China—to convince North Korea to reverse course.

As we’ve worked to stem the spread of nuclear weapons, we’ve also advanced the second half of the non-proliferation bargain:  that every nation can use peaceful nuclear technology—for energy, for medical advancements, for research to better the human condition.

Again, this understanding dates back to President Eisenhower, who said: 
“It is not enough to take this weapon out of the hands of the soldiers. 
It must be put into the hands of those who will know how to strip its military casing and adapt it to the arts of peace.”

We’ve invested significant time and energy buttressing the international framework for civil nuclear cooperation.  We’ve taken practical steps like supporting the IAEA’s Low-Enriched Uranium bank and setting up our own American fuel bank so that states are ensured reliable access to nuclear energy without setting up fuel-cycle capabilities in their own countries.

Ten years ago, I ushered our civil-nuclear cooperation agreement with India through the Senate—an agreement that will allow U.S. nuclear reactors to provide enough electricity to power New Delhi and Mumbai through peak usage in the hottest summer day.

And over the past eight years, our administration has pursued and brought into force new peaceful nuclear cooperation agreements with Russia, China, the Republic of Korea, Vietnam and others.

In total, the United States now has 22 such agreements with 47 partners resulting in the production of more than 1.5 million gigawatt hours of safe, clean nuclear power worldwide in 2015—enough to power 150 million homes for an entire year.

Of course, no discussion of nuclear weapons can ignore the fact that the United States possesses one of the two largest arsenals of nuclear weapons in the world.

A nuclear deterrent has been the bedrock of our national defense since World War II.  And so long as other countries possess nuclear weapons that could be used against us, we too must maintain a safe, secure, and effective nuclear arsenal to deter attacks against ourselves and our allies.

That is why, early in the administration, we increased funding to maintain our arsenal and modernize our nuclear infrastructure—so that our arsenal remains safe and reliable—even with fewer weapons, and even without tests.

This investment was not only consistent with our nonproliferation goals—it was essential to them.  Guaranteeing the capabilities of our stockpile allowed us to continue to pursue nuclear reductions without compromising our security.

And as part of President Obama’s charge to reduce reliance on “launch under attack” procedures in U.S. planning, the Department of Defense has adjusted our planning and processes to give the president more flexibility in deciding how to respond to a range of nuclear scenarios.  
In our 2010 Nuclear Posture Review—we made a commitment to create the conditions by which the sole purpose of nuclear weapons would be to deter others from launching a nuclear attack.

Accordingly, over the course of our Administration, we have steadily reduced the primacy nuclear weapons have held in our national security policies since World War II—while improving our ability to deter and defeat any adversaries—and reassure our Allies—without reliance on nuclear weapons.

Given our non-nuclear capabilities and the nature of today’s threats—it’s hard to envision a plausible scenario in which the first use of nuclear weapons by the United States would be necessary.  Or make sense.

President Obama and I are confident we can deter—and defend ourselves and our Allies against—non-nuclear threats through other means.

The next administration will put forward its own policies.  
But, seven years after the Nuclear Posture Review charge—the President and I strongly believe we have made enough progress that deterring—and if necessary, retaliating against—a nuclear attack should be the sole purpose of the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

If we want a world without nuclear weapons—the United States must take the initiative to lead us there. Moreover—as President Obama poignantly highlighted during his visit to Hiroshima—as the only nation to have used nuclear weapons, we bear a great moral responsibility to lead the charge.

That’s why we negotiated with Russia the most ambitious arms reduction treaty in two decades—New START.

I fought hard for this treaty—as I have for every substantive arms control agreement since the 1970s—because it makes Americans safer.

It’s not about trust or goodwill.  
It’s about strategic stability and greater transparency between the world’s two great nuclear powers—a fact that has become more critical as our relationship with Russia has grown increasingly strained.

New START enshrines rigorous verification and monitoring mechanisms for nuclear reductions.  And, next year—when the central limits of the treaty come into effect the strategic nuclear arsenals of our two countries will be at their lowest level in six decades.

That is a major step forward.  But I confess, it is not as much progress as our administration hoped to make.

For the past three years, Russia has refused to negotiate additional reductions of deployed and non-deployed arsenals.  
But American leadership on this issue need not wait for Russia.

Since 2009, the United States has dismantled 2,226 nuclear warheads.  
And I’m proud to share some news.

After determining that we can safely reduce our nuclear stockpile even further—over the past year, President Obama set aside almost 500 warheads for dismantlement on top of those previously scheduled for retirement last year.

That puts our active nuclear stockpile at 4,018 warheads in service and approximately 2,800 in line to be destroyed.  And we have recommended that the next administration conduct a comprehensive nuclear posture review to determine whether additional reductions may be undertaken.

As I have long said—the United States is strongest when we lead not only by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.

Our efforts have not only reduced the threat that nuclear weapons pose to our future, they have positioned our successors to continue making progress toward the day when we can finally and forever rid our world of this scourge.

But I am not here to only laud our successes.  
We did not accomplish all that we hoped.

We lobbied hard for the U.S. to ratify the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty.  
The United States has not conducted a nuclear test for more than two decades.  The directors of our nuclear laboratories tell us that we know more about our arsenal today—and its reliability—through Stockpile Stewardship than they did when testing was commonplace.  And ratifying the treaty would be an incredible boon to strengthen the existing global norm against nuclear testing—yet we were blocked at every turn in the Senate.

I did not always support the decisions made by President Reagan or either of the Presidents Bush—but during my 36 years as a Senator, I repeatedly helped improve and pass arms-control measures pursued by Republican presidents for one simple reason:  nuclear security is too important for party politics—for our nation and the world.
And although we no longer live with the daily dread of nuclear confrontation, the dangers we face today also require a bipartisan spirit.

The challenges looming on the horizon will require leadership not only from the next President and Vice President, but from Congress as well.
While the vast majority of the international community understands that the world is more dangerous when more nations and people wield nuclear weapons, there are still those who seek to grow their arsenals and develop new types of nuclear weapons.

Not just North Korea, but Russia, Pakistan, and others have made counterproductive moves that only increase the risk that nuclear weapons could be used in a regional conflict in Europe, South Asia, or East Asia.  
Working with Congress, the next administration will have to navigate these dangers and—I hope—continue leading the global consensus to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in our world.

In particular, they will have to determine how best to improve strategic stability with Russia—which has eroded over the past few years.

While we have shifted our security doctrine away from our nuclear arsenal, they have moved to rely more heavily on theirs.

Some of that has to do with Russia’s concerns about the technological advances and superior conventional capacity of the United States military.

But it is a shift in strategy that increases the nuclear danger to our world.  
Furthermore, Russia is currently in violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which has been in effect for almost 30 years.  
And they have thus far refused to engage constructively with the United States on returning to compliance or to broach discussions about strategic stability and future arms reductions.

As the next administration navigates these difficult security tasks—they will have to make decisions for America’s security that recognize budgetary constraints and require tradeoffs.

If future budgets reverse the choices we have made—and pour additional money into a nuclear buildup that hearkens back to the Cold War—it will do nothing to increase the day-to-day security of the United States and our allies.

And it will mean we will have fewer resources to devote to areas that are indispensable to our 21st century security needs—areas like cybersecurity, space, and the health and modernization of our conventional force.

It risks placing the theoretical power of a weapon we hope-to-God never to use again above the tools our military uses each and every day.  
It risks increasing the chances of a nuclear conflict through miscalculation—and destroying the confidence-building measures and security agreements that have protected the American people for decades.

And it risks degrading America’s moral leadership in the world—diminishing our standing with our allies and compromising our capacity to achieve any of our other goals with the international community.

I know that as we move forward in this debate—there will be voices who counsel a nuclear arms race in the name of realism.

I know, because they have always been there.

And their arguments make even less sense now—in a world where the most challenging nuclear threat comes not from foreign governments with advanced technology—but from the terrorist with a crude Cold War relic in a suitcase, heading for any major city in the world.

In that first speech in Prague eight years ago, President Obama distilled the essence of the problem when he said:
“Some argue that the spread of these weapons cannot be stopped, cannot be checked – that we are destined to live in a world where more nations and more people possess the ultimate tools of destruction. Such fatalism is a deadly adversary, for if we believe that the spread of nuclear weapons is inevitable, then in some way we are admitting to ourselves that the use of nuclear weapons is inevitable.”

Over the past eight years, we have sought to defeat fatalism.  
We have rejected inevitabilities.

As a nation, I believe we must keep pursuing the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons—because that is the only surety we have against the nightmare scenario becoming reality.

This was a problem created by human ingenuity.  
So it can be solved with human ingenuity and a belief in our better angels.  Our capacity for destruction must always be balanced by the weight of shared responsibility.

That’s a belief I have held for more than 40 years.  
It’s one I have fought to make real time and again.  
And one I have been honored to keep advancing for the American people alongside President Obama for the past eight years.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.  
And God protect our troops.

[for a few more days at] ,

* [no comments yet]


The Trump dog and pony show

All In with Chris Hayes

Donald Trump said he would resolve his unprecedented conflicts of interest at his much-awaited press conference. He didn't even come close. Duration: 11:47



Michael Moore: Trump is 'godfather' of fake news

All In with Chris Hayes

Michael Moore weighs in on Donald Trump’s role in the rise of fake news and several other subjects that came up at the president-elect’s first news conference in 167 days. Duration: 9:59

©2017 , [with comments]


An art heist on Capitol Hill

All In with Chris Hayes

A high school student's painting has been stolen from the halls of the Capitol three times in less than a week. Who's responsible? Four Republican United States congressmen. Duration: 2:21



Mark Your Calendar Trump Killed The MSM Today

Published on Jan 11, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

President-elect Donald Trump trolled “fake news” mainstream reporters trying to smear him during his first press conference since the election. Today will be long remembered as the day the mainstream media rapidly spiraled to their death. [with comments]


Exxon needs US policy change to cash in on big bet on Russia

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow shows ExxonMobil's heavy investment in Russia, which it has yet to be able to exploit because of U.S. sanctions on Russia over the annexation of Crimea, and how a change in that policy could mean hundreds of millions [sic - billions] of dollars for ExxonMobil. Duration: 20:09



Past abuse of power a concern about Sessions as AG

The Rachel Maddow Show

David Cole, national legal director of the ACLU, talks with Rachel Maddow about his testimony about concerns over past abuses of power by Senator Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump's nominee for attorney general. Duration: 7:23



Sen Booker: Jeff Sessions 'a clear threat' to many Americans

The Rachel Maddow Show

Senator Cory Booker talks with Rachel Maddow about what motivated him to offer historic testimony against his Senate colleague, Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump's nominee for attorney general. Duration: 6:07



Trump announces 5th high-profile hire from Goldman Sachs

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow notes that despite Donald Trump's attacks on Senator Ted Cruz during the Republican primary for his ties to Goldman Sachs, Trump has now made five high-profile hires from Goldman Sachs to his administration. Duration: 1:51



DNI Clapper Statement on Conversation with President-elect Trump

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


January 11, 2017

DNI Clapper Statement on Conversation with President-elect Trump

This evening, I had the opportunity to speak with President-elect Donald Trump to discuss recent media reports about our briefing last Friday. I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security.

We also discussed the private security company document, which was widely circulated in recent months among the media, members of Congress and Congressional staff even before the IC became aware of it. I emphasized that this document is not a U.S. Intelligence Community product and that I do not believe the leaks came from within the IC. The IC has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable, and we did not rely upon it in any way for our conclusions. However, part of our obligation is to ensure that policymakers are provided with the fullest possible picture of any matters that might affect national security.

President-elect Trump again affirmed his appreciation for all the men and women serving in the Intelligence Community, and I assured him that the IC stands ready to serve his Administration and the American people.  

James R. Clapper, Director of National Intelligence

[for a few more days at]


Trump won't criticize Putin but slams intel community

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Donald Trump's first press conference since the election was filled with insults for U.S. intelligence agencies, the media, and Hillary Clinton – but not for Vladimir Putin. Duration: 9:44



Intel director talks to Trump about dossier

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

After Trump accused intelligence operatives of leaking information about Russia briefings, DNI James Clapper told Trump the dossier about a Russia blackmail plot wasn't from them. Lawrence discusses with Malcolm Nance, David Frum, and John Schindler. Duration: 7:33



Experts on Trump's proposed business plan: Not good enough

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

The president-elect unveiled his plan to leave his business while in office. But he's not divesting completely and experts say the plan to have his sons run the company won't resolve potential conflicts of interest. David Cay Johnston and Ron Klain join Lawrence. Duration: 4:49



People Are Saying: Trump Likes Pee | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Published on Jan 11, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee [ , ]

We're not saying that Trump likes water sports, we're just saying that people are saying that. [with (over 4,000) comments]


Time For One Last (And First) Obama Hit Piece | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Published on Jan 11, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Unfortunately, our precious Obama has something in common with Trump. [with comments]


A Session On Sessions | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Published on Jan 11, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III: Trump’s nominee for Attorney General or cartoon rooster from a banned Disney movie? [with comments]


White Plight | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Published on Jan 11, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Here's what happens when white Americans taste (what it's like to be part of) the rainbow. [with comments]


Goldshower - The Daily Show

Published on Jan 12, 2017 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Coming soon to a presidency near you.

[originally aired January 11, 2017] [with comments]


Obama Says Goodbye & Trump (Allegedly) Gets a "Golden Shower" - The Daily Show

Published on Jan 12, 2017 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

President Obama delivers his farewell address, and BuzzFeed leaks a dossier claiming that Russian hackers have video evidence of Donald Trump engaging in urine play.

[originally aired January 11, 2017] [with comments]


Jokes About This Story Present A Golden Opportunity

Published on Jan 12, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

At the risk of being a wet blanket, Stephen refuses to engage in any kind of yellow journalism, despite the torrent of PEOTUS stories flooding the country.

[originally aired January 11, 2017] [with comments]


Biden: 'No regrets' about not running in 2016

Andrea Mitchell Reports

Vice President Joe Biden discusses his political legacy and what Donald Trump should do to repair his relationship with the intelligence community in a one-on-one exit interview with Andrea Mitchell. Duration: 26:26

©2017 , [with comments]


Full Show - BuzzFeed Fake News Exposed, Will Arrests Be Made? - 01/12/2017

Published on Jan 12, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

On the Thursday, January 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show [with Alex Jones co-hosting from the road, and Jon Rappoport hosting the fourth hour], we break down Donald Trump's historic Wednesday press conference where he destroyed CNN and the mainstream media, after which shares in Time Warner plunged. And a European Parliament committee votes in favor of granting legal status to robots, categorizing them as “electronic persons”. On today's show we'll speak with constitutional attorney Lionel about Trump's ongoing feud with the mainstream media. Also's Marc Moreno joins the program to break down Trump's cabinet picks and what they mean for the future of the globalist climate agenda. [with comments]


Obama's Tribute to Joe Biden (Full Speech) | ABC News

Published on Jan 12, 2017 by ABC News

President Obama surprised Vice President Joe Biden with the nation’s highest civilian honor – the Presidential Medal of Freedom – at a tribute event at the White House this afternoon. The event itself, let alone the award, was kept secret from the the vice president.

Biden was very emotional throughout the event, wiping away tears almost constantly as the president made a speech about why he believes Biden is “the finest vice president” in U.S. history. “This also gives the internet one last chance to talk about our bromance,” Obama joked as he began the event.

For more:


Remarks by the President and the Vice President in Presentation of the Medal of Freedom to Vice President Joe Biden

State Dining Room
January 12, 2017

3:50 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT:  Hey!  All right, that's enough.  Don't want to embarrass the guy.  (Laughter.)
Welcome to the White House, everybody.  As I have already delivered my farewell address, I will try to be relatively brief.  But I just wanted to get some folks together to pay tribute to somebody who has not only been by my side for the duration of this amazing journey, but somebody who has devoted his entire professional life to service to this country, the best Vice President America has ever had, Mr. Joe Biden.  (Applause.)
This also gives the Internet one last chance to talk about our bromance.  (Laughter.)  This has been quite a ride.  It was eight and a half years ago that I chose Joe to be my Vice President.  There has not been a single moment since that time that I’ve doubted the wisdom of that decision.  He was the best possible choice, not just for me, but for the American people.  This is an extraordinary man with an extraordinary career in public service.  This is somebody the people of Delaware sent to the Senate as quickly as they possibly could.  (Laughter.)
Elected at age 29, for more than a dozen years apiece he served as chair or ranking member of the Judiciary and Foreign Relation Committees.  Domestically, he championed landmark legislation to make our communities safer, to protect our women from violence.  Internationally, his wisdom and capacity to build relationships that shaped our nation's response to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain, to counterterrorism, Iraq, Afghanistan.
And for the past eight years, he could not have been a more devoted or effective partner in the progress that we've made.  He fought to make college more affordable and revitalize American manufacturing as the head of our Middle Class Task Force.  He suited up for our Cancer Moonshot, giving hope to millions of Americans touched by this disease.
He led our efforts to combat gun violence, and he rooted out any possible misappropriations that might have occurred.  And as a consequence, the Recovery Act worked as well as just about any largescale stimulus project has ever worked in this country.  He visited college after college -- and made friends with Lady Gaga (laughter) -- for our "It's On Us" campaign against campus sexual assault.  And when the Pope visited, Joe was even kind enough to let me talk to His Holiness, as well.  (Laughter.)

Behind the scenes, Joe's candid, honest counsel has made me a better President and a better Commander-in-Chief.  From the Situation Room to our weekly lunches, to our huddles after everybody else has cleared out of the room, he's been unafraid to give it to me straight, even if we disagree -- in fact, especially if we disagree.
And all of this makes him, I believe, the finest Vice President we have ever seen.  And I also think he has been a lion of American history.  The best part is he's nowhere close to finished.  In the years ahead, as a citizen, he will continue to build on that legacy, internationally and domestically.  He’s got a voice of vision and reason and optimism, and a love for people.  And we're going to need that spirit and that vision as we continue to try to make our world safer and to make sure that everybody has got a fair shot in this country.
So, all told, that’s a pretty remarkable legacy.  An amazing career in public service.  It is, as Joe once said, a big deal. (Laughter and applause.)  It is.
But we all know that, on its own, his work -- this list of accomplishments, the amazing résumé -- does not capture the full measure of Joe Biden.  I have not mentioned Amtrak yet or aviators.  (Laughter.)  Literally.  (Laughter.)
Folks don't just feel like they know Joe the politician, they feel like they know the person -- what makes him laugh, what he believes, what he cares about, and where he came from.  Pretty much every time he speaks, he treats us to some wisdom from the nuns who taught him in grade school -- (laughter) -- or from an old Senate colleague.
But, of course, more frequently cited -- Catherine and Joseph, Sr., his mom and dad:  "No one’s better than you, but you're better than nobody." (Laughter.)  "Bravery resides in every heart, and yours is fierce and clear."  “And when you get knocked down, Joey, get up -- get up."  (Laughter.)  “Get up.”  (Applause.)
That's where he got those broad shoulders.  That's where he got that Biden heart.  And through his life, through trial after trial, he has never once forgotten the values and the moral fiber that made him who he is.  That's what steels his faith in God, and in America, and in his friends, and in all of us.
When Joe talks to autoworkers whose livelihoods he helped save, we hear the son of a man who once knew the pain of having to tell his kids that he had lost his job.
When Joe talks about hope and opportunity for our children, we hear the father who rode the rails home every night so that he could be there to tuck his kids into bed.
When Joe sticks up for the little guy, we hear the young boy who used to stand in front of the mirror, reciting Yeats or Emerson, studying the muscles in his face, determined to vanquish a debilitating stutter.
And when Joe talks to Gold Star families who have lost a hero, we hear a kindred spirit; another father of an American veteran; somebody whose faith has been tested, and who has been forced to wander through the darkness himself, and who knows who to lean on to find the light.
So that’s Joe Biden -- a resilient, and loyal, and humble servant, and a patriot.  But most of all, a family man.  Starts with Jill, "Captain of the Vice Squad."  (Laughter.)  Only the Second Lady in our history to keep her regular day job.  (Applause.)  Jill says, teaching isn't what she does, it's who she is.  A few days after Joe and I were inaugurated in 2009, she was back in the classroom teaching.  That's why when our administration worked to strengthen community colleges, we looked to Jill to lead the way.
She's also traveled the world to boost education and empowerment for women.  And as a Blue Star mom, her work with Michelle to honor our military families will go down in history as one of the most lasting and powerful efforts of this administration.
Of course, like Joe, Jill's work is only part of the story.  She just seems to walk this Earth so lightly, spreads her joy so freely.  And she reminds us that although we’re in a serious business, we don't have to take ourselves too seriously.  She's quick with a laugh or a practical joke, disguising herself as a server at a party she once hosted -- (laughter) --to liven the mood.  She once hid in the overhead compartment of Air Force 2 to scare the senior staff.  (Laughter.)  Because why not?  She seems to have a sixth sense of when to send a note of encouragement to a friend or a staffer, a simple thank you or a box of macaroons.  
She is one of the best, most genuine people that I've met not just in politics, but in my entire life.  She is grounded, and caring, and generous, and funny, and that's why Joe is proud to introduce himself as "Jill Biden's husband."  (Laughter.)
And to see them together is to see what real love looks like -- through thick and thin, good times and bad.  It's an all-American love story.  Jill once surprised Joe by painting hearts on his office windows for Valentine's Day.
And then there are these Biden kids and grandkids.  They’re everywhere.  (Laughter.)  They’re all good-looking.  (Laughter.)  Hunter and Ashley, who lived out that family creed of raising good families and looking out for the least of our brothers and sisters.  Beau, who is watching over us with those broad shoulders and mighty heart himself -- a man who left a beautiful legacy and inspired an entire nation.  Naomi, and Finn, and Maisy, and Natalie, and little Hunter -- grandchildren who are the light of Joe's eyes, and gives him an excuse to bust out the squirt gun around the pool.  (Laughter.)  This is the kind of family that built this country.
That's why my family is so proud to call ourselves honorary Bidens.  (Laughter.)  As Yeats put it -- because I had to quote an Irish poet, and Seamus Heaney was taken -- (laughter) -- "Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.”
Away from the camera, Jill and Michelle have each other’s backs just as much as when they're out championing our troops.  Our girls are close, best friends at school, inviting each other for vacations and sleepovers.  Even though our terms are nearly over, one of the greatest gifts of these past eight years is that we're forever bonded as a family.
But, of course, I know that the Obamas are not the only ones who feel like they're part of the Biden clan because Joe’s heart has radiated around this room.  You see it in the enduring friendships he’s forged with folks of every stripe and background up on Capitol Hill.  You see it in the way that his eyes light up when he finds somebody in a rope line from Scranton.  (Laughter.)  Or just the tiniest towns in Delaware.  (Laughter.)  You see it in the incredible loyalty of his staff, the team who knows that family always comes before work because Joe tells them so every day, the team that reflects their boss’s humble service.  Here in this building where there have been no turf wars between our staffs because everybody here has understood that we were all on the same mission and shared the same values, there has just been cooperation and camaraderie.  And that is rare.  It’s a testament to Joe and the tone that he’s set.
And finally, you see Joe’s heart in the way he consoles families, dealing with cancer, backstage after an event; when he meets kids fighting through a stutter of their own, he gives them his private phone number and keeps in touch with them long after.  To know Joe Biden is to know love without pretense, service without self-regard, and to live life fully.
As one of his long-time colleagues in the Senate, who happened to be a Republican, once said, “If you can’t admire Joe Biden as a person, you got a problem.  He's as good a man as God ever created.”
So, Joe, for your faith in your fellow Americans, for your love of country, and for your lifetime of service that will endure through the generations, I’d like to ask the military aide to join us on stage.
For the final time as President, I am pleased to award our nation’s highest civilian honor -- the Presidential Medal of Freedom.   (Applause.)
And for the first and only time in my presidency, I will bestow this medal with an additional level of veneration, an honor my three most recent successors reserved for only three others:  Pope John Paul II, President Ronald Reagan, and General Colin Powell.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction to my brother, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.
Will the aide please read the citation.

MILITARY AIDE:  Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.  In a career of public service spanning nearly half a century, Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., has left his mark on almost every part of our nation, fighting for a stronger middle class, a fairer judicial system and a smarter foreign policy; providing unyielding support for our troops; combatting crime and violence against women; leading our quest to cure cancer; and safeguarding the landmark American Recovery and Reinvestment Act from corruption.
With his charm, candor, unabashed optimism, and deep and abiding patriotism, Joe Biden has garnered the respect and esteem of colleagues of both parties, and the friendship of people across the nation and around the world.  While summoning the strength, faith and grace to overcome great personal tragedy, this son of Scranton, Claymont, and Wilmington has become one of the most consequential Vice Presidents in American history, an accolade that nonetheless rests firmly behind his legacy as husband, father, and grandfather.
A grateful nation thanks Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. for his lifetime of service on behalf of the United States of America.
(The Medal of Freedom is presented.)  (Applause.)
THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Mr. President.  (Applause.)  Please, please, thank you.  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Please.  Thank you.
Ricchetti, you're fired.  (Laughter.)  For the press, Ricchetti is my chief of staff.  (Laughter.)
I had no inkling.  I thought we were coming over, Michelle, to -- for you, Jill, and Barack and I and a couple of senior staff to toast one another and say what an incredible journey it’s been.
Mr. President, you got right the part about my leaning on Jill.  But I’ve also leaned on you and a lot of people in this room.  I look around the room, and I see great friends like Ted Kaufman, who has been -- has so much wisdom.  Guys like Mel Monzack.  I look around here and I’m startled.  I keep seeing people I don't expect.  Madam President, how are you?  Mr. President, look at my new boss over there.  (Laughter.)
But you know, I get a lot of credit I don't deserve, to state the obvious and -- because I’ve always had somebody to lean on.  From back that time in 1972, when the accident happened, I leaned on -- and I mean this in literal sense; Chris knows this -- Dodd knows this, and Mel knows this, and Ted knows this -- I leaned on my sons Beau and Hunter.  And I continue to lean on Hunter who continues to in a bizarre kind of way raise me.  I mean I’ve leaned on them.
And, Mr. President, you observed early on that when either one of my boys would walk in the room, they’d walk up and say, Dad, what can I get you?  Dad, what do you need?
And then Jill came along, and she saved our lives.  She -- no man deserves one great love, let alone two.  And -- but everybody knows here, I am Jill’s husband.  Everybody knows that I love her more than she loves me.  (Laughter.)  With good reason.  (Laughter.)  And she gave me the most precious gift, the love of my life, the life of my love, my daughter, Ashley.
And I continue to lean on the family.  Mr. President, you kidded me once.  You heard that the preparation for the two debates -- vice presidential debates that I had -- I only had two that Beau and Hunt would be the last people in the room.  And Beau would say, look at me, Dad.  Look at me.  Remember, remember home base.  Remember.
And the Secret Service can tell you, Mr. President, that Beau and Hunt and Ashley continue to have to corral me.  We were at one of the national parks, and I was climbing up on top of a bridge to jump off the bridge with a bunch of young kids.  And I hear my sons yelling, Dad, get down.  Now!  (Laughter.)  And I just started laughing so hard I couldn’t stop.  And I said, I was just going to do a flip -- a full gainer off here.
He said, Dad, the Secret Service doesn't want you up there.  Dad.  Look at me, Dad.  (Laughter.)
So we've never figured out who the father is in this family.  (Laughter.)
And, Mr. President, you know that with good reason there is no power in the vice presidency.  Matter of fact I just did for Nancy Pelosi’s daughter a reading of the Constitution.  You probably did one for her.  And they had me read the provisions relating to the vice presidency in the Constitution.  And there is no inherent power, nor should there be.
But, Mr. President, you have more than kept your commitment to me by saying that you wanted me to help govern.  The President’s line often -- other people don't hear it that often, but when someone would say, can you get Joe to do such and such.  He says, I don't do his schedule.  He doesn't do mine.
Every single thing you've asked me to do, Mr. President, you have trusted me to do.  And that is -- that's a remarkable thing.  I don't think according to -- I see the President of Georgetown here, as well.  I don't think according to the presidential, vice presidential scholars that kind of relationship has existed. I mean, for real.  It’s all you, Mr. President.  It’s all you.
The reason why when you send me around the world, nothing gets -- as my mom would say, gets missed between the cup and the lip, it’s because they know when I speak, I speak for you.
And it’s been easy, Mr. President, because we not only have the same political philosophy and ideology, I tell everybody -- and I’ve told them from the beginning.  And I’m not saying this to reciprocate.  I’ve never known a President and few people I’ve ever met my whole life -- I can count on less than one hand -- who have had the integrity and the decency and the sense of other people’s needs like you do.
I know you were upset when I told the story about when Hunt and I were worried that Beau would have to -- that he would, as a matter of honor, decide he had to step down as attorney general while he was fighting his battle because he had aphasia.  He was losing his ability to speak, and he didn't want to ever be in a position where to him everything was about duty and honor.
And I said, and he may resign.  I don't know I just have the feeling he may.  And Hunt and I had talked about this.  And I said, he doesn't have any other income, but we're all right because Hunt’s there, and I can sell the house.
We were having a private lunch like we do once a week.  And this man got up, came over, grabbed me by the shoulders, looked me in the eye, and said, don't you sell that house.  You love that house.
I said, it’s no big deal, Mr. President.  He said, I’ll give you the money.  We’ll give you the money.  Promise me, promise me you won’t sell that house.
I remember when Ashley, Mr. President, we were in the Oval, and Ashley was in an elevator, and the elevator plummeted to the -- she was with a group of people -- I forget which building in Philadelphia, and it plummeted to the ground.  And immediately the Service was worried that she may have been badly hurt.  And I got up to take the call, and you didn't let up until you made sure your service followed through and made sure everything was all right.
But you know, Mr. President, we kid about both about marrying up.  We both did, that kind of thing.  But the truth of the matter is -- I said this to Michelle last night.  Michelle is the finest First Lady in my view that has ever served in the office.  There’s been other great First Ladies, but I really genuinely mean it.  (Applause.)
When I got to meet Michelle’s brother, and he told me about how you guys were raised, and I got to know and love your mom, if your mom -- were your mom 15 years older, she could have been my mom.  Literally, the way you were raised, the way we were raised, there wasn’t any difference.  And I knew that this decision to join you, which was the greatest honor of my life, was the right decision on the night we had to go and accept the nomination, the formal -- we’d be nominated at the convention.  And Finnegan, who is now 18 years old, was then 10 years old.  And she came to me, and she said, Pop, is it okay if the room that we're in -- Finnegan, Maisy, and Naomi -- that we have the beds taken out.  And I said, why?  She said, maybe the Obama girls and your brothers’ children, maybe they would come down, all sleep together in sleeping bags.  (Laughter.)  And I give you my word as a Biden, I knew when I left to go to the convention, open that door, and saw them cuddled together, I knew this was the right decision.  I knew it was the right decision.  I really did.  Because, Mr. President, the same values set -- the same values set.
Folks, you know, I joke with my staff that I don't know why they pay them anything, because they get to advise me.  (Laughter.)  Let me explain what I mean by that.  As the President of the University of Delaware, where my heart resides, and my home campus of Delaware, as he can tell you, it's -- I get to give you advice.  I get to be the last guy in the room and give you advice on the most difficult decisions anyone has to make in the whole world.  But I get to walk out, and you make it all by yourself.  All by yourself.
Harry Truman was right about the buck stopping at the desk.  And I've never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never once doubted, on these life and death decisions, I never once doubted that your judgement was flawed -- not once.  Not once.
And we've disagreed, and we've argued, and we've raised our voices, one of which we made a deal we'd be completely open like brothers with one another.  But, Mr. President, I watched you under intense fire.  I will venture to say that no President in history has had as many novel crises land on his desk in all of history.  The Civil War was worse, the World War Two was worse, but, Mr. President, almost every one of the crises you faced was a case of first instance -- a case of first instance.  And I watched that prodigious mind and that heart as big as your head -- I've watched you.  I've watched how you've acted.
When you see a woman or man under intense pressure, you get a measure -- and you know that, Michelle, and your daughters know it, as well.  This is a remarkable man.  And I just hope that the asterisk in history that is attached to my name when they talk about this presidency is that I can say I was part of the journey of a remarkable man who did remarkable things for this country.  (Applause.)
You know, I can't let a comment go by without quoting an Irish poet.  (Laughter.)  Jill and I talk about why you were able to develop the way you developed and with the heart you have.  Michelle and I have talked about it.  I've confided in Michelle, I've gone to her for advice.  We've talked about this man.  You give me insight.  And I think it's because -- Mr. President, you gave me credit for having understanding other people's misery and suffering.  Mr. President, there is not one single, solitary ounce of entitlement in you, or Michelle, or your beautiful daughters -- and you girls are incredible, you really are.  That’s not hyperbole, you really are.  Not one ounce of entitlement.
And Seamus Heaney in one of his poems said -- (laughter) -- when you can find someone who says it better, use it.  He said, you carried your own burden and very soon, your symptoms of creeping privilege disappeared.  You carried your own burdens, and very soon, the creeping symptoms of privilege disappeared.
Mr. President, you have sometimes been like a lone wolf, but you carried yourself in a way that’s pretty remarkable.  The history of the journey -- your journey -- is something people are going to write about a long time, and I’m not being solicitous when I say this.  And you’re so fortunate, both of you, to have found each other because all that grounding, all that you have, made this guy totally whole.  And it’s pretty amazing.
Mr. President, this honor is not only well beyond what I deserve, but it’s a reflection on the extent and generosity of your spirit.  I don’t deserve this, but I know it came from the President’s heart.  There is a Talmudic saying that says, what comes from the heart, enters the heart.  Mr. President, you have creeped into our heart -- you and your whole family, including Mom -- and you occupy it.  It’s an amazing thing that happened.  I knew how smart you were.  I knew how honorable you were.  I knew how decent you were from the couple years we worked in the Senate, and I knew what you were capable of.  But I never fully expected that you’d occupy the Bidens’ heart, from Hunter, to Ashley, my sister, all of us.  All of us.
And Mr. President, I’m indebted to you.  I’m indebted to your friendship, I’m indebted to your family, and as I’ll tell you -- I’ll end on a humorous note.  We’re having a lunch -- lunches, and mostly it’s what’s ever in either one of our minds.  We’ll talk about family an awful lot.  And about six months in, President looks at me, he said, you know, Joe, you know what surprised me?  How we’ve become such good friends.  (Laughter.)  And I said, surprised you?  (Laughter.)
But that is candid Obama, and it’s real, and, Mr. President, you know as long as there’s a breath in me, I’ll be there for you, my whole family will be, and I know, I know it is reciprocal.  And I want to thank you all so very, very, very much.  All of you in here.  (Applause.)
4:27 P.M. EST

[for a few more days at]

* [with comments] [official White House upload for a few more days at (with comments)]


President Elect Ambushed By The Shadow Government

Published on Jan 12, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

Three blind mice. The FBI's James Comey, now under investigation by the DOJ Inspector General. The Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who in his own words said "My fingerprints were on that national intelligence estimate." When referring to the bogus intelligence that got the United States into the Iraq War in 2002. And recently lied to Congress about every American's right to privacy from the Orwellian surveillance state. And the CIA's John Brennan, as Roger Stone put it a Saudi mole, a man who voted for the Communist party in 1976, and a Wahhabi convert. all of them loyal to the globalist Obama Administration and on their way out with nothing to lose. Three Amigos utilizing information warfare to foment order out of chaos.

Question is, who is running the show here? The Compromised Intelligence Agency's Fronting for the interests of a shadow government or the duly elected President Elect Donald Trump, who as the head of the Executive Branch of our government should not be subjected to the blackmail tactics of an out of control globalist controlled media ambush. [with comments]


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Trump slides in poll, even among Trump voters

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Processing Trump's Press Conference - The Daily Show

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Full Show - Dems Planning Martial Law Riots - 01/13/2017

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Breaking: Emergency Message To Anti-Trump Cult

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Gen. Flynn spoke to Russian ambassador on day of U.S. retaliation

All In with Chris Hayes

Trump transition team admits that incoming NSA director Gen. Flynn spoke to the Russian ambassador on the day that President Obama enacted sanctions [with Malcolm Nance and Matt Taibbi]. Duration: 8:55

The Russia Story Reaches a Crisis Point
If Donald Trump really is compromised, we need immediate action, not media overreach

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Senate to investigate Russian election interference

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Why did Obama dawdle on Russia’s hacking? [and other questions]
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Russia's Latest Hacking Victim: The Late Show

Published on Jan 14, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

This week, C-Span was interrupted by a feed from Russia's English-language television channel. And if it can happen to C-Span, it can happen to Stephen Colbert.

[originally aired January 13, 2017] [with comments]


Alex Jones' Emergency Message To President Donald Trump To Deter Martial Law

Published on Jan 14, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

We must go on the offensive exposing globalist infiltration, or they are going to overturn the election. [with comments]


14 Hours Of Freedom January 20th 2016: Trump's Legendary Inauguration

Scheduled for Jan 20, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

Starts: January 20, 2017. [live chat open; no comments yet]


my current notes/tally of sources; much more very good/significant/relevant beyond the foregoing included/linked:

Donald Trump And His Cabinet Of Criminals

This new poll has all kinds of bad news for Donald Trump
January 10, 2017 - U.S. Voters Approve Of Obama, Disapprove Of Trump, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Trump Should Stop Tweeting, Voters Say 2-1

Trump slides in poll, even among Trump voters - further to
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell 1/12/17
Most presidents-elect ride Inauguration Day with higher poll numbers than Donald Trump, who is sliding even before he being sworn in. A new Quinnipiac poll shows majorities of Americans don't think he will govern well. Joan Walsh and Charlie Sykes join Lawrence. Duration: 17:33

Politics & Polls #25: What does the Declaration of Independence say about limited government?

Polarization Removes the Ability to Make Distinctions

What Actions are Shared to All Fascist Movements?

Comey Letter on Clinton Email Is Subject of Justice Dept. Inquiry - further to

DOJ watchdog opens review of Comey's Clinton email investigation
Clinton and aides have blamed FBI's pre-election revelation as a key factor in her narrow loss to Trump.

FBI, Justice Department to be investigated over Clinton probe

FBI Chief Under Fire Again With Justice Department Investigation
Pre-election decision to reopen Clinton probe to be examined
Comey’s pronouncements angered Trump and Clinton in turn

'Public should be deeply concerned' about FBI email investigation
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell 1/12/17
The Justice Department inspector general announced he will review how the FBI handled aspects of Hillary Clinton's email investigation ahead of the election. Lawrence talks to Neera Tanden about why FBI Director Comey's handling of the case is cause for alarm. Duration: 5:40

The Comey effect
December 10th, 2016

How Much Did Comey Hurt Clinton’s Chances?
And is it too late for his second letter to help her?
Nov 6, 2016

Donald Trump’s ‘first attempt to ignore the law’ - Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner’s Trumpian Divestment Strategy /

Goldman Sachs’s Dina Powell Said to Join Trump Administration

Goldman Sachs partner to join Trump administration

Meet Dina Powell, Ivanka Trump's woman in the White House

Trump announces 5th high-profile hire from Goldman Sachs
The Rachel Maddow Show 1/11/17
Rachel Maddow notes that despite Donald Trump's attacks on Senator Ted Cruz during the Republican primary for his ties to Goldman Sachs, Trump has now made five high-profile hires from Goldman Sachs to his administration. Duration: 1:51

New York financier to land White House adviser role
NEW YORK — A prominent New York financier is set to be named a top White House adviser to President-elect Donald Trump, tasked with coordinating the administration’s outreach to the nation’s financial world and key members of the political community.
Anthony Scaramucci, a colorful surrogate for Trump and a top fundraiser during the campaign, will be appointed within the week, according to two people with knowledge of the decision who were not authorized to discuss that matter publicly. His exact title has not been settled, the people said Thursday, but he may move into the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, which is currently run by Valerie Jarrett, one of President Barack Obama’s most powerful allies.
Scaramucci may turn the role into something more akin to what it was under George W. Bush, when it was known as the Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs. Scaramucci has deep ties to Wall Street and will be one of the administration’s public faces to the banking and business worlds, but the hedge fund banker and frequent cable TV commentator will also conduct outreach to Silicon Valley and influential organizations in the nonprofit world and politics.
He has deep ties with incoming White House strategist Steve Bannon and senior adviser Jared Kushner, Trump’s influential son-in-law. Kushner and Bannon will likely be two of the three major power centers in the West Wing, along with chief of staff Reince Priebus.
Scaramucci joins a growing contingent of former fellow Goldman Sachs employees set to join the new administration. Others include Bannon and Treasury nominee Steven Mnuchin. Trump memorably disparaged Goldman Sachs during the campaign, claiming it held great sway over former rivals Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton, and has complained that hedge fund managers don’t pay enough in taxes.

Goldman Sachs Completes Return From Wilderness to the White House
“Government Sachs” is back.
After eight years in the political wilderness, its name synonymous with the supposedly undue and self-serving influence in Washington that brought us the financial crisis and the Wall Street bailout, Goldman Sachs is again making its presence felt. In the Trump administration, to an unprecedented degree, economic policy making is largely being handed over to people with Goldman ties.
The Goldman alumni include Steven T. Mnuchin, the nominee for Treasury secretary; Gary D. Cohn, tapped as director of the National Economic Council and White House adviser on economic policy; and Stephen K. Bannon, who was named chief White House strategist. Jay Clayton, named to head the Securities and Exchange Commission, is a Wall Street lawyer who has represented Goldman.
This week President-elect Donald J. Trump hired Dina H. Powell, a Goldman partner who heads impact investing, as a White House adviser. Anthony Scaramucci, a Goldman alumnus (whom I spotlighted last week), is on the Trump transition committee and is expected to be named to a White House position as well.
And this after Mr. Trump campaigned against Wall Street, excoriated Senator Ted Cruz for his ties to Goldman, and castigated Hillary Clinton for giving paid speeches to big banks, Goldman among them.

A Financial Mystery Emerges. Its Name? Steven T. Mnuchin Inc.
Steven T. Mnuchin plans to divest himself of his financial interests in 43 companies, hedge funds and investment funds and resign from numerous board positions as he tries to disentangle himself from potential conflicts of interest before his confirmation as the next Treasury secretary.
But Mr. Mnuchin, a former hedge fund manager and Goldman Sachs executive, intends to retain control of one of his oldest companies — one named after himself.
In an ethics statement and a 42-page financial disclosure form filed on Wednesday with the Office of Government Ethics, Mr. Mnuchin said without elaboration that he would retain his “unpaid position” as president of Steven T. Mnuchin Inc., a company he said is used to manage some of his investments.
The financial disclosure statement did not say what investments the company manages, nor did it ascribe a value to any of those investments. But Mr. Mnuchin said he would “not participate personally and substantially in any particular matter” that could have a “direct and predictable effect on the financial interests” of the little-known entity.

Fact-checking President-elect Trump’s news conference - GET GOOD YT[S] OF TRUMP'S 1-11-17 PRESSER - and see Trevor Noah's preview, below - further to , ,
Trump Full Press Conference as President-Elect (HD) | ABC News - after end, he did further comment that hobody in his campaign had had any contact with any Russians
Donald Trump held his first press conference as President-Elect from New York. President-elect Donald Trump announced that he will hand "complete and total control" of his vast business empire to his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump and to Alan Weisselberg, a longtime Trump business executive, through a financial trust.
For more:

Trump Blasts Publication Of Unverified Russia Claims As ‘Fake News’
The president-elect called BuzzFeed a “failing pile of garbage” and refused to take a CNN reporter’s question.

Donald Trump Refuses To Take A Question From CNN Reporter, Calls Network ‘Fake News’
The president-elect also criticized BuzzFeed.

Michael Moore: Trump is 'godfather' of fake news (MSNBC )
All In with Chris Hayes 1/11/17
Michael Moore weighs in on Donald Trump’s role in the rise of fake news and several other subjects that came up at the president-elect’s first news conference in 167 days. Duration: 9:59

Donald Trump to America: I Won, Accountability Is Over

Donald Trump's press conference
'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 1/11.

DNI Clapper Statement on Conversation with President-elect Trump
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
This evening, I had the opportunity to speak with President-elect Donald Trump to discuss recent media reports about our briefing last Friday. I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security.
We also discussed the private security company document, which was widely circulated in recent months among the media, members of Congress and Congressional staff even before the IC became aware of it. I emphasized that this document is not a U.S. Intelligence Community product and that I do not believe the leaks came from within the IC. The IC has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable, and we did not rely upon it in any way for our conclusions. However, part of our obligation is to ensure that policymakers are provided with the fullest possible picture of any matters that might affect national security.
President-elect Trump again affirmed his appreciation for all the men and women serving in the Intelligence Community, and I assured him that the IC stands ready to serve his Administration and the American people.
James R. Clapper, Director of National Intelligence

Spy chief's move for Trump detente is derailed, via tweet
The president-elect provides a very different readout of his call with James Clapper in a move that one former CIA official calls a ‘hardening of positions.’

Trump revives attack on intel community in early morning Twitter burst

Donald Trump Thinks Russia Was Behind Hacks, But Says They May Have Been Worth It
“Hacking is bad and it shouldn’t be done. But look at the things that were hacked. Look at what was learned from that hacking.”

Trump names Rudy Giuliani as cybersecurity adviser

Rudy Giuliani’s Cybersecurity Role Reflects Diminished Place in Trump World

C-Span Online Broadcast Interrupted by Russian Network - further to

Democrats adjust to role as opposition party
The Rachel Maddow Show 1/12/17
Rachel Maddow reports on some weird technical malfunctions in Congress today, and Senate Democrats making a defiant stand against Republicans as they began the process of revoking health insurance from millions of Americans. Duration: 21:55
Senate Democrats put up a fight on Obamacare vote
The Rachel Maddow Show 1/12/17
Rachel Maddow shares video of a late-night voting session in the Senate in which Senate Democrats don't let their Republican colleagues pass an Obamacare repeal vote without a fight. Duration: 5:55

C-SPAN signal bumped for Russia Today

C-SPAN: Russian TV took over our feed

From Russia With Grudge: C-SPAN Web Feed Hijacked By State-Run Russia Today - blurbed at

Trump wrong that Americans don't care about his tax returns
Americans don't "care at all" about Donald Trump's tax returns.
— Donald Trump on Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 in a press conference

GOP lawmaker: I still care about Trump's tax returns

The Trump Administration's Conflicts of Interest: A Crib Sheet
The financial baggage the president-elect’s advisers bring to the White House—and the steps they’re taking to address ethical and legal concerns

The Dullest Moment In Trump’s Press Conference Was Also The Most Shocking - lawyer presentation re conflicts of interest

Law Firm Advising Trump On Business Conflicts Named ‘Russian Law Firm Of The Year’ - further to
A partner at the firm also helped Hillary Clinton pick a running mate.

Actually, Trump Does Have A Lot Of Debt — And It’s A Mess
Trump’s debt is held by a who’s who of big finance companies, potentially giving them leverage over his administration.

Trump’s foreign network
The president-elect’s unorthodox overseas business partners

Federal ethics chief blasts Trump’s plan to break from businesses, calling it ‘meaningless’ - at a Brookings Institution forum in Washington

Remarks of Walter M. Shaub, Jr., Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics, as prepared for delivery at 4:00 p.m. on January 11, 2017, at the Brookings Institution (Brookings upload - full panel presentation, including full Shaub remarks - )

It ‘Falls Short in Every Respect’: Ethics Experts Pan Trump’s Conflicts Plan
Ethics experts rebutted key parts of Donald J. Trump’s plan to address conflicts of interest hours after the plan was presented by Sheri A. Dillon, a lawyer for the Trump Organization.

Donald Trump Insists Mexico Will Still Pay For A Border Wall, But U.S. Will Start Building It First
“I don’t want to wait,” he said.

Vaccine skeptic Robert Kennedy Jr. says Trump asked him to lead commission on ‘vaccine safety’ - later shot down by Trump transition(?)

Trump’s Dangerous Support for Conspiracies About Autism and Vaccines

Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. just made pediatricians’ jobs a lot harder

How Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Distorted Vaccine Science
His anti-vaccine credentials date back to 2005

Donald Trump and a major medical clinic have moved vaccine anti-science back into the mainstream - Cleveland Clinic ( )

Senate Approves First Step Toward Repealing Obamacare in Late-Night Session

MADDOW SEGMENT RE DEMS AT LATE-NIGHT VOTE 1-12-17 - Maddow Facebook upload linked at
Senate Democrats put up a fight on Obamacare vote
The Rachel Maddow Show 1/12/17
Rachel Maddow shares video of a late-night voting session in the Senate in which Senate Democrats don't let their Republican colleagues pass an Obamacare repeal vote without a fight. Duration: 5:55
included in:
Democrats adjust to role as opposition party
Rachel Maddow reports on some weird technical malfunctions in Congress today, and Senate Democrats making a defiant stand against Republicans as they began the process of revoking health insurance from millions of Americans. Duration: 21:55

Fueled by pizza and Red Bull, Senate takes first step to repeal Obamacare

Repealing Obamacare could be a matter of life or death for many Americans. Here are their voices

Obamacare Repeal Would Give 400 Super-Rich U.S. Households A Giant Tax Cut - further to ,
Related: A bunch of people would lose health insurance.

Six Things You Might Not Know Could Go With Obamacare Repeal - further to

AP FACT CHECK: Despite Woes Obamacare Not in 'Death Spiral'
earlier version of original

Screenshots Fired
A popular screenshot of a purported Facebook argument over Obamacare versus the ACA is of indeterminate origin.

Just One GOP Senator Voted To Block Legislation Cutting Social Security, Medicare And Medicaid
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) voted for an amendment proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Read The Full Text Of Obama’s Farewell Address - on 1-10-17 - as prepared - get WH and safe major source YTs, and WH transcript
“Because of you, by almost every measure, America is a better, stronger place than it was when we started.”
Farewell Address to the American People - WH upload
Watch President Barack Obama's full farewell speech - PBS NewsHour upload
Remarks by the President in Farewell Address - WH transcript
President Obama delivered his Farewell Address in Chicago on January 10, 2017. Watch it here ( ):

Cartoon Donald Trump Live Tweeted Barack Obama’s Farewell Speech (complete 54:27 ) - Colbert - actual tweets at
“Obama crying over family? Typical, weak, WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT.”

The Daily Show - Obama Says Goodbye & Trump (Allegedly) Gets a "Golden Shower" - 1-11-17
President Obama delivers his farewell address, and BuzzFeed leaks a dossier claiming that Russian hackers have video evidence of Donald Trump engaging in urine play.

This Week Showed How Different Obama And Trump Really Are
Obama called for democratic participation and greater understanding, while Trump attacked the media and Hillary Clinton.

Bill O’Reilly Insists He’s Been Fair To President Obama ( 1-10-17, just before Obama's farewell address)
“I have not bought into the opinion that he wants to damage the U.S.A.”

Fox News Secretly Settled Bill O’Reilly Sexual Harassment Case: Reports
He allegedly pursued a sexual relationship with a fellow anchor in 2011.
Mr. Masturbator - Bill O'Reilly (also mentioned Roger Ailes) - Malloy

Obama White House Veterans Tackle The Trump Era With New Political Media Site
Because Trump “has Breitbart and Twitter and he’ll just swamp you.”

Michelle Obama’s Final Late Night Appearance Shows Exactly Why The Country Will Miss Her ( , ) - on Fallon
Yes, she danced ‘The Dougie’ again for a hot sec.

Hillary Clinton warns of 'rising tide of authoritarianism'
Hillary Clinton warned of a tough battle ahead for foreign diplomacy during a rare post-election appearance celebrating a new State Department museum on Tuesday night.
Without mentioning President-elect Donald Trump by name, the former Democratic presidential candidate urged a closer look at history to prevent the “rising tide of authoritarianism” daring to threaten diplomatic victories made since World War II.
“We would do well to remember what it feels like to stand in the shadow of the giant segment of the Berlin Wall that will greet visitors here at the center,” Clinton said, referring to a 14-foot chunk of wall that divided Berlin for nearly 30 years. The stone relic is the star attraction of the museum expected to open in 2018. 

Press Releases: Remarks With Former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell, and Hillary Clinton

Clinton returns to State

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Nuclear Security ( )
U.S. Vice President Biden will discuss [discusses] the Obama administration’s achievements in addressing the dangers posed by nuclear weapons under the Prague Agenda.
Remarks by the Vice President on Nuclear Security
ties (NNSA - National Nuclear Security Administration) to part of:
Trump's Nuclear Plan: It's Funny Because Nothing Matters Anymore - Colbert - from 1-10-17
Trump Is Letting Go the People in Charge of Maintaining Our Nuclear Arsenal [Updated]

The Future of U.S. Foreign Policy: A Conversation with Vice President Joe Biden
Council on Foreign Relations
Sep 21, 2016

Biden: 'No regrets' about not running in 2016 ( )
Andrea Mitchell Reports 1/12/17
Vice President Joe Biden discusses his political legacy and what Donald Trump should do to repair his relationship with the intelligence community in a one-on-one exit interview with Andrea Mitchell. Duration: 26:26

Watch Barack Obama Surprise Joe Biden With Presidential Medal of Freedom - With Distinction - only fourth ever (Pope John Paul II, former president Ronald Reagan and Gen. Colin Powell)
President awards Vice President nation's highest civilian honor with added veneration
Obama surprises Joe Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom

President Barack Obama Honors Joe Biden With Surprise Medal of Freedom

President Obama Awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Vice President Biden - WH upload - 38:09

Obama's Tribute to Joe Biden (Full Speech) | ABC News - 40:58

Remarks by the President and the Vice President in Presentation of the Medal of Freedom to Vice President Joe Biden

Trump Moves Closer To Gutting Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Watchdog
So much for economic populism.

Dear Mr. Trump: Please don't destroy the CFPB

Warren outlines plan to save the CFPB

How to Keep Debt Collectors Honest, and at Bay
CALLS from a debt collector, 30 to 40 times a day. Embarrassing calls about a payday loan debt to friends and family. And ruined credit, incurred through thousands of dollars in credit card debt that a consumer didn’t actually owe.
Such stories are some of the many complaints submitted by the public to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau [ ], which says that grievances against debt collectors are the most common type of complaint it receives.
About a quarter of consumers said they felt threatened when contacted by a debt collector, according to a national survey that the bureau published on Thursday [ ]. Nearly 40 percent of consumers reported that a collector called four or more times per week, and more than half reported being contacted about a debt that was incorrect in some way — for example, the amount was wrong, or they weren’t the person who owed the money.

Exxon Continued Paying Millions To Climate-Change Deniers Under Rex Tillerson
The company, led by Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of state, has supposedly shifted its stance on global warming. But the receipts suggest otherwise.

Lawmaker Slams Trump’s Secretary Of State Pick For Hurting Middle East Christians
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) wants Rex Tillerson to answer for a 2011 oil deal involving Iraqi Christian territory.

Exxon needs US policy change to cash in on big bet on Russia
The Rachel Maddow Show 1/11/17
Rachel Maddow shows ExxonMobil's heavy investment in Russia, which it has yet to be able to exploit because of U.S. sanctions on Russia over the annexation of Crimea, and how a change in that policy could means hundreds of millions of dollars for ExxonMobil. Duration: 20:09

Marco Rubio Grills Rex Tillerson On Russia, Ukraine, Syria
The Florida Republican won’t commit to backing the secretary of state nominee.

Marco Rubio Drills Former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson
Trump’s secretary of state pick knew he would have a tough confirmation hearing—but he clearly wasn’t prepared for the withering questioning from Marco Rubio.

Marco Rubio Won’t Commit to Voting for Rex Tillerson
Mr. Tillerson, the longtime chief of Exxon Mobil who had extensive business dealings in Russia, faced sharp questioning from Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, over his unwillingness to criticize President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
The record of Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama and the nominee for attorney general, came under attack from Representative John Lewis and Senator Cory Booker.
Elaine Chao had an easy glide in her hearing to be transportation secretary.

Exxon Mobil Told To Hand Over Decades Of Climate Documents In Major Legal Blow
“This is a huge victory for democracy,” a corporate watchdog group said of the court ruling.

Rex Tillerson’s South China Sea Remarks Foreshadow Possible Foreign Policy Crisis
HONG KONG — Rex W. Tillerson’s call for China to be denied access to its artificial islands in the South China Sea, made Wednesday during his confirmation hearing for secretary of state, set the stage for a possible crisis between the world’s two biggest economies should his comments become official American policy.
Mr. Tillerson told members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday that China’s multibillion-dollar island-building campaign in the oil-and-gas rich sea was illegal and “akin to Russia’s taking of Crimea.”
“We’re going to have to send China a clear signal that, first, the island-building stops, Mr. Tillerson told the senators. “And second, your access to those islands also is not going to be allowed.”
Should those words be translated into action after Donald J. Trump assumes the presidency on Jan. 20, it would be a remarkable change in the American approach to Beijing’s island-building in the South China Sea, which is transforming the area into what one Washington think tank said would by 2030 become “virtually a Chinese lake.” China asserts sovereignty over most of the South China Sea despite competing claims by countries including Vietnam and the Philippines and an international ruling rejecting most of Beijing’s assertions.
The Obama administration has challenged what it calls China’s “excessive maritime claims” in the sea by sailing warships close to the artificial islands, some of which feature deep harbors and runways capable of handling jumbo jets. But that has not stopped China from continuing its buildup, which now includes military installations such as radar stations on more than 3,000 acres of artificial land built on reefs and shoals.
Mr. Tillerson’s comments, with the possible implication that the United States might use its armed forces to deny the Chinese access to the islands, garnered reactions including confusion, disbelief and warlike threats from analysts in China.
“This is a signal, now that Trump is set to take office, that he wants to have a tough stand on China,” said Yang Chengjun, a retired senior colonel and military expert, who said that China’s potential war-fighting capability was greater than America’s. “China does not stir up troubles but we are not afraid of them when they come.”
Lu Kang, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, declined to answer a reporter’s question about what Beijing might do if the United States Navy moved to deny China access to the islands, saying it was a “hypothetical question.”
But his reaction also highlighted the confusion sown by the testimony, because Mr. Tillerson did not explain how the United States could block China from the islands.

ExxonMobil exploits poor nation's corruption for oil in Africa
The Rachel Maddow Show 1/12/17
Rachel Maddow explains how ExxonMobil pays millions to the ruling family of Equatorial Guinea, empowering the dictatorship the deprives the people of that country from benefiting from its oil wealth. Duration: 4:08

EPA rejects automakers’ bid to weaken fuel efficiency standards

Coretta Scott King’s Scathing Takedown Of Jeff Sessions Is A Must-Read
She fought for the Voting Rights Act, while Sessions called it “intrusive.”

Trump’s Attorney General Pick Opposes Hate Crime Laws And Roe v. Wade
Jeff Sessions has also had to repeatedly defend racist comments he’s made throughout his entire career.

Jeff Sessions's Unqualified Praise for a 1924 Immigration Law - at
Trump’s pick for attorney general made the remarks during an interview with Breitbart’s Stephen Bannon, now an adviser to the president-elect.

Jeff Sessions Doesn’t Commit To Not Jailing Journalists For Doing Their Jobs
Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. attorney general says he hasn’t yet studied rules for investigations involving the press.

Past abuse of power a concern about Sessions as AG
The Rachel Maddow Show 1/11/17
David Cole, national legal director of the ACLU, talks with Rachel Maddow about his testimony about concerns over past abuses of power by Senator Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump's nominee for attorney general. Duration: 7:23

Sen Booker: Jeff Sessions 'a clear threat' to many Americans - testimony YT at , John Lewis testimony YT at
The Rachel Maddow Show 1/11/17
Senator Cory Booker talks with Rachel Maddow about what motivated him to offer historic testimony against his Senate colleague, Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump's nominee for attorney general. Duration: 6:07

Ted Cruz Shows A Total Lack Of Self-Awareness
Ted Cruz is shocked (shocked!) his colleagues would question the integrity of a fellow senator.

Baltimore officials and Justice Department announce agreement to revamp police practices

Consent Decree

Can Baltimore's police reform deal survive a Trump Justice Department?

Chicago police officers have pattern of using excessive force, scathing Justice Dept. report says

Investigation of the Chicago Police Departmen

Justice Dept. finds widespread Constitutional abuses by police

Here Are The Worst Parts Of DOJ’s Damning Chicago Police Investigation
Federal investigators found a broken accountability system and poor training.

DOJ: 'Severely Deficient Training' Has Led To Pattern Of Abuse By Chicago Police

Chicago Police Routinely Trampled on Civil Rights, Justice Dept. Says

Obama names five new national monuments, including Southern civil rights sites

Obama Honors Civil Rights Movement With New National Monuments

Supreme Court Halts Special North Carolina Election Meant To Fix Racially Drawn Districts
The justices acted one day before the new legislature is set to take office.

This 1967 speech may have helped put a target on Martin Luther King's back ( , ) - "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break The Silence"

10 times Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks directly disputed him - further to ,

Trump’s Cabinet nominees keep contradicting him

Trump’s National Security Pick Sees Ally in Fight Against Islamists: Russia - Flynn

As Trump Reaches Toward Putin, U.S. Troops Arrive in Poland

US tanks and troops in Poland a threat, Russia says
Russia says it views the arrival of more than 3,000 US soldiers in Poland as a threat to its own security.

What Is Marine Le Pen Doing at Trump Tower?
The leader of a far-right French political party was seen in the building on Thursday [1-12-17], although it's unclear whether Trump knew she was coming.

REPORT: Intel chiefs tell Trump that Russian operatives claim to have compromising information on him - further to e.g. , , , , , , , , ,

Trump cites Kremlin statement to deny reports of Russia ties, asks, ‘Are we living in Nazi Germany?’

Trump accuses U.S. spy agencies of Nazi practices over 'phony' Russia dossier

Here’s a guide to the Trumpian spin on the Russian hacking report - Kessler - fact checker

Trump acknowledges Russian involvement in meddling in U.S. elections

Trump Says ‘I Think It Was Russia’ That Hacked the Democrats
For the first time, President-elect Donald J. Trump concedes Russia probably meddled in the election.
Mr. Trump’s evocation of Nazi persecution prompts a fierce blowback.
Representative Mark Sanford, a Republican, to the president-elect: I too want to see your tax returns.
Mr. Trump renews vow to empower the federal government to negotiate drug prices, breaking with Republican orthodoxy.

Ex-British intelligence officer 'behind Trump Russia dossier' named - further to ,

Christopher Steele: Former British spy alleged to have created dossier on Trump-Russia relations
The co-director of Christopher Steele's private intelligence firm said he cannot 'confirm or deny' the reports

Former MI6 officer Christopher Steele, who produced Donald Trump Russian dossier, 'terrified for his safety' and went to ground before name released

Christopher Steele, Ex-Spy Who Compiled Trump Dossier, Goes to Ground

MADDOW SECOND SEGMENT 1-12-17 - references NYT just above (not showing yet) - Trump blatantly lying in saying that intelligence community assessed the Steele dossier

Obama ends visa-free path for Cubans who make it to US soil - further to
original /

Pakistan Claims To Test Fire First Submarine-Launched Nuclear Capable Missile
The military said the missile was fired from an undisclosed location in the Indian Ocean.

Germany Is Being Sued Over Its Forgotten Genocide - Namibia’s Herero and Nama - 1904-1907 - rehearsal for Holocaust

Killer Breivik wants to spread ever more radical Nazi ideology: Norway

What Is Marine Le Pen Doing at Trump Tower?
The leader of a far-right French political party was seen in the building on Thursday [1-12-17], although it's unclear whether Trump knew she was coming.

Van Jones Explains Why Some Obama Voters Turned to Trump - Seth Meyers 1-9-17

Trump Confirmation Hearings Begin: A Closer Look - from 1-10-17

Seth Meyers Interviews Kellyanne Conway About President-Elect Trump

Trump and Russia: Couple Things - Seth Meyers 1-11-17 (. . .)

Trump's War with the Press and Conflicts of Interest: A Closer Look - 1-12-17

Donald Trump Lies Even About Dress Shops - Malloy - from 1-9-17

Trump Lashes Out At Meryl Streep - Malloy - from 1-9-17

Democrats Are Playing With Fire On Russia - Malloy

Trump, Trapped in His Lies, Keeps Lying - Malloy

Mr. Masturbator - Bill O'Reilly (also mentioned Roger Ailes) - Malloy
Fox News Secretly Settled Bill O’Reilly Sexual Harassment Case: Reports
He allegedly pursued a sexual relationship with a fellow anchor in 2011.

Donald Trump Is Going To Be Impeached Very Quickly - Malloy

Why Donald Trump Won’t Hold Press Conferences | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ - 1-10-17

Can Donald Trump Confront America’s Gun Crisis? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ = 1-12-17

ties in part to Biden Carnegie Institution above (NNSA - National Nuclear Security Administration):
Trump's Nuclear Plan: It's Funny Because Nothing Matters Anymore - Colbert - from 1-10-17
Trump Is Letting Go the People in Charge of Maintaining Our Nuclear Arsenal [Updated]

Jokes About This Story Present A Golden Opportunity - Colbert - from 1-11-17

Cartoon Donald Trump Live Tweeted Barack Obama’s Farewell Speech (complete 54:27 ) - Colbert - actual tweets at
“Obama crying over family? Typical, weak, WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT.”

The Daily Show - Goldshower [1-11-17]
Coming soon to a presidency near you.

The Daily Show - Obama Says Goodbye & Trump (Allegedly) Gets a "Golden Shower" - 1-11-17
President Obama delivers his farewell address, and BuzzFeed leaks a dossier claiming that Russian hackers have video evidence of Donald Trump engaging in urine play.

Donald Trump’s News Conference Is No Joke To Trevor Noah
“In America, the press is supposed to be the check on the president, not the other way around.”

Trevor Noah Shows How Donald Trump Will Duck Press Conference Questions ( - from 1-10-17) - check for YT at (also check )
“It’s the most powerful press in the world going up against the most powerful question-dodger of all time.”

The Daily Show - Trump vs. the Truth: The Russian Hacking Report - from 1-9-17

Trevor Noah Compares Trump Surrogates To Bizarre Cirque Du Soleil
The next four years will be a circus.

Trump Trackdown ( )
h/t arizona1 , also

Look, These ‘Golden Shower’ Jokes Are Just Funny, OK? - re Trump - further to , ,
Do we know it’s true? No. Does that make these tweets any less funny? Once again, no.

Trump Addresses ‘Golden Showers’ Report: ‘I’m a Germaphobe’

People Are Saying: Trump Likes Pee | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
We're not saying that Trump likes water sports, we're just saying that people are saying that.

A Session On Sessions | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Time For One Last (And First) Obama Hit Piece | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS - deporter-in-chief

White Plight | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Here's what happens when white Americans taste (what it's like to be part of) the rainbow.

‘Bushy And The Donald Across America’ Is The Travel Show Of Your Nightmares ( ) - Kimmel
Thankfully, it’s just a spoof.

Caitlyn [Bruce] Jenner Will Reportedly Attend Donald Trump’s Inauguration
The reality star has said the president-elect “seems very much behind the LGBT community.”

Trump Lands HUGE Inauguration Act By Booking Bruce Springsteen…Cover Band - h/t DesertDrifter

Announcer fired by Trump scores new inauguration gig
The Rachel Maddow Show 1/12/17
Rachel Maddow reports that Charlie Brotman, long-time inauguration announcer fired by Donald Trump and replaced with a Trump supporter, has been hired to announce the inauguration by NBC4, the NBC station in Washington, D.C. Duration: 1:47

City parking permits for 200 buses are being sought for Inauguration Day. The number for the Women’s March: 1,200. - the day after Trump's inauguration

11 times Donald Trump sounded a lot like Alex Jones
Dec 14, 2016

Info From the Fringe with Alex Jones: VICE News Tonight on HBO (Full Segment) - AJ reply included below

America Must Resist Protectionism Because Globalization Benefits Us All
America’s prosperity depends on turning outward to the rest of the world.

China Is Now The De Facto Leader Of Globalization
With Donald Trump in office, Xi Jinping will become the foremost proponent of an open global economy and the battle against climate change.

Avoiding China’s Wrath, Philippines Defers Upgrades To South China Sea [Isles]
President Rodrigo Duterte wants friendlier relations with Beijing.

Motivated by ‘Pizzagate,’ Louisiana man admits threatening DC restaurant

Shreveport man pleads guilty in "Pizzagate" threat

New White House Strategy Preps Earth for Asteroid Hit Scenarios
The Office of Science and Technology Policy has released a new plan for protecting Earth from hazardous space rocks - chrono, as uploaded
Alex Jones Responds To Vice Hit Piece - included in 1-10-17 show
Group Attacking Matt Drudge Discovered! Globalists Now Assaulting Free Press - separate AJ piece
On this Tuesday, January 10th 2017 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show [with special reports from Alex Jones], Trump insider Roger Stone discusses what to expect in the last ten days before the inauguration. Also, the inventor of Email, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Ph.D. joins the show to explain the connection he found between email and GMO's. On today's show we'll also look at the Jeff Sessions confirmation hearing and how optimism among Americans continues to rise as Trump prepares to take office.
Central Islamist Agency ( , )
Unsubstantiated rumor claims CIA Director John Brennan is a Muslim who converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia.
You Might Be A Liberal If... - from 1-10-17 Nightly News
HYPOCRISY CHECKING: Obama's Final Speech - separate piece
retitled: Epic Trump News Conference! - Full Show - - 01/11/2016
On this Wednesday, January 11th 2017 edition of the Alex Jones Show [with an appearance by Roger Stone, and Alex Jones co-hosting from the road], we go into detail about Trump’s decision to appoint Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to run a new commission on the safety of vaccines - and to prevent companies from placing additives in them which could harm children. We also talk to security expert John McAfee about how 4Chan successfully hoaxed the CIA and the mainstream media into thinking Trump was linked to the Kremlin.
Mark Your Calendar Trump Killed The MSM Today - separate AJ piece - from later 1-11-17
Marine Le Pen At Trump Tower
Biggest Event In Human History Now Taking Place - separate AJ piece - sounds like post-1-12-17 show
Alex Jones breaks down the days leading up to Trump's inauguration, the back handed tactics by the Obama administration as well as the money and jobs Trump is already bringing back to the American people from overseas business operations.
Swarms of Autonomous Killer Drones - included in 1-12-17 show
Nothing good ever comes in swarms. And there is nothing good about the latest tests by the military industrial complex, escalating the arms race in autonomous killer robots — this time with a swarm of flying killer drones that “demonstrate collective decision-making, adaptive formation flying, and self-healing”.
Confirmed: CIA Plans To Stop Trump Inauguration - separate AJ piece - included in 1-12-17 show
The Central Intelligence Agency has a long history of destabilizing other countries, how far are they willing to go to try and stop Donald Trump's inauguration?
President Elect Ambushed By The Shadow Government - separate piece
Three blind mice. The FBI's James Comey, now under investigating the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who in his own words said "My fingerprints were on that national intelligence estimate." When referring to the bogus intelligence that got the United States into the Iraq War in 2002. And recently lied to Congress about every American's right to privacy from the Orwellian surveillance state. And the CIA's John Brennan, as Roger Stone put it a Saudi mole, a man who voted for the Communist party in 1976, and a Wahhabi convert. all of them loyal to the globalist Obama Administration and on their way out with nothing to lose. Three Amigos utilizing information warfare to foment order out of chaos.
Question is, who is running the show here? The Compromised Intelligence Agency's Fronting for the interests of a shadow government or the duly elected President Elect Donald Trump, who as the head of the Executive Branch of our government should not be subjected to the blackmail tactics of an out of control globalist controlled media ambush.
Civil War Begins In Washington - from 1-12-17 Nightly News
Darrin McBreen talks to former NSA Director William Binney about the Civil War that's brewing in Washington as U.S. intelligence agencies are caught red handed in their attempt to blackmail President Elect Donald Trump.
Full Show - BuzzFeed Fake News Exposed, Will Arrests Be Made? - 01/12/2017
On the Thursday, January 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show [with Alex Jones co-hosting from the road, and Jon Rappoport hosting the fourth hour], we break down Donald Trump's historic Wednesday press conference where he destroyed CNN and the mainstream media, after which shares in Time Warner plunged. And a European Parliament committee votes in favor of granting legal status to robots, categorizing them as “electronic persons”. On today's show we'll speak with constitutional attorney Lionel about Trump's ongoing feud with the mainstream media. Also's Marc Moreno joins the program to break down Trump's cabinet picks and what they mean for the future of the globalist climate agenda.

Will a Sex Robot BJ Cafe Actually Ever Happen?

Heartbroken Monkeys Grieve Over ‘Dead’ Robotic Spy Baby ( )

Human Breaks Her Cat By Tossing A Ping-Pong Ball At It ( )
Does not cat-pute.

Astronaut Shares Breathtaking Photo Of The Rocky Mountains From Space
The mountains “are a step too high — even for the clouds to cross.”

Is the great California drought finally quitting?

Weeks of rain are rapidly reviving California's drought-ravaged lakes

Before-and-after photos show California storm's insane impact on water levels

Northern California storm: 10 defining images from past few days - video - montage of photos

Too much snow closes ski resorts in California, Nevada

California’s water policy at potential tipping point

A Woman Was Killed By a Superbug Resistant to All 26 American Antibiotics
She won’t be the last.
CDC report

(mostly) carried over from (and [for my personal reference] ):

following further to :

Greatest Alex Jones Rants

67 Alex Jones rants - Part 1 2014

Best of Alex Jones Rants - AJ upload

Alex Jones Ranting Compilation!!


more via

Alex Jones Clip Compilation

2016 National Popular Vote Tracker

Princeton Election Consortium
A first draft of electoral history. Since 2004


Rudy Giuliani

Michael Flynn

Kris Kobach

Steve Bannon

Donald Trump

John Bolton

Clare Lopez

Sarah Palin

Ann Coulter

Sean Hannity

Andrew Napolitano

Alex Jones

Newt Gingrich

David Duke

Jeff Sessions
MTP Daily
PoliticsNation with Al Sharpton
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
Andrea Mitchell Reports

The Secret To Happiness Revealed - included in 12-28-16 Alex Jones Show
Paul Joseph Watson talks about the death of Carrie Fisher and how now many people are completely unhappy no matter what the accomplish.

How Complaining Rewires Your Brain For Negativity

How American Babies Behave Differently From Infants In Other Cultures - Polish babies crankiest/hardest to console
South Korean babies like to cuddle the most, and Chilean babies are the most active.
study (via ) - recent not posted yet, chrono as uploaded
If Muhammad Replaced Trump (. . .)
Jul 24, 2016
If the ideals of Islamism came out of Trump's mouth, how would the Left & Right react? If any Muslims do respond to this cartoon, I have a couple predictions: 1. Some will respond by saying that the verses are out of context (standard response), but notice that none of these verses are actually justified by their context, and 2. Some other verse will be presented that contradicts one of the verses I used, which proves nothing other than the fact that the Islamic texts in question are contradictory.
You Can't Escape - Episode 8 of "Power Corrupts" ( - further to )
Aug 28, 2016
You might be able to escape religion, but you can't escape what caused it in the first place. All you can do is try to be cognizant of it, and try your best to keep it in check.
Always Cry Wolf
Sep 28, 2016
Human beings often unite during tragedies, foregoing our petty differences. Imagine if we didn't require the tragedy.
While "crying wolf" is considered bad, the title of this video refers to what happened at Yellowstone, and in that light, the title's meaning is "always strive for balance". During my 40 years of life, I have learned that attaining balance is the greatest solver of problems. Be neither excessive nor neglectful. I believe that is a good rule for the macro as well, for society, and for our planet.
Don't Expect A Terrible Hereafter
Oct 25, 2016
I was challenged to make a meaningful animation without speech. Thanks to my friend, known as C0ct0pusPrime here on YouTube, for challenging me to do this a while back. I had a lot of ideas, but this one stuck with me the most. Life is filled with dark irony. The very thing you want the most, might actually end up being the thing you'd least want. If you're not mindful, you might find out too late.
King Solomon
Nov 28, 2016
Marriage should be between 1 man and 1000 women.
If Hitler Never Existed (. . .)
Dec 21, 2016
This is basically a MUCH better version of "It's a Wonderful Life".
The Horror of Your Desires
Dec 29, 2016
If you somehow obtained ultimate power, the things you’d choose to do would show us far more clearly who you really are than you could possibly show us with your current limitations. You could choose to bend people to your will, even if only through threats and intimidation, or maybe you could enjoy life with us, help us, and teach us. The bible authors created a character in Yahweh who abuses his limitless power with wanton abandon, reeking of a crude tool of manipulation - not a loving, caring teacher. He is the ultimate bad guy, sold to us as the ultimate good guy - a monumental travesty of history. It certainly is a good thing that Yahweh is a fictional invention of ancient writers.
My next animations will be about the life and times of King David, as found in 1st and 2nd Samuel (and a bit of 1st Kings).
This animation was Episode 9 of my Power Corrupts series. Here’s a link to the full playlist of the Power Corrupts series: -

Trae Crowder - Liberal Redneck

Bad Lip Reading

Mike Malloy
The Closer with Keith Olbermann (pre-election)
The Resistance with Keith Olbermann (post-election)
School Segregation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - Fallon - Colbert - Daily Show Trevor Noah

more further to AND :

The Best of GodStuff

Signs and Wonders - False Preachers and Bible Teachers!

More Stupid Christians

No scattering of ashes or keeping them home, Vatican says
also re relics and preserved saints, e.g.:
AND in particular

Catholic Church Bulletin Says You’ll Go To Hell If You Vote Democrat - San Diego
“Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell.”
"It is a mortal sin to vote Democrat."

After months of controversy, Texas will require aborted fetuses to be cremated or buried

Texas Law to Require Burial or Cremation Of Fetal Remains

Texas Again Places Obstacles in Front of Those Seeking Abortions

Texas Will Now Require Funeral Services Whenever a Woman Has an Abortion or a Miscarriage
Conservatives in the state want to make sure women are punished for failing to give birth.

The New Texas Abortion Law Is Actually Increasing The Cost Of The Procedure In A Disturbing Way

How Would Texas Lawmakers Have Wanted The Hospital To Handle My Abortion?
Three years ago last month, I learned 8 years after the fact that I had lost a twin pregnancy. I wrote about the experience here and reproduce part of that story below:

Texas releases abortion booklet citing refuted cancer links
A Texas state agency has released a new edition of a booklet for women considering an abortion that suggests there may be a link between terminating pregnancies and increased risks of breast cancer and depression

State advises women to call 911 if under pressure to have abortion - Texas
Pamphlet urges women to dial if feeling pressured

Texas throws yet another obstacle in the way of reproductive rights

Texas May Face Lawsuit Over New Abortion Regulations

Texas’ Required Booklet On Abortion Is Full Of Dangerous Lies
It peddles debunked claims about abortion’s link to mental illness, cancer and infertility.

Ohio Moves To Ban Abortion 6 Weeks After Conception
That’s before some women even realize they’re pregnant.

The Man Behind Ohio’s ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Ban Was Accused Of Domestic Violence In 2011
“She got a little upset,” he said. “Girls do that.”

Ohio Legislature Approves Ultra-Strict ‘Heartbeat Bill’ On Abortion

Is Ohio 'Heartbeat' Bill a Feint Before More Successful Blow to Women's Rights?

Looking at How Abortion Restrictions Endanger Women’s Lives


Leah Remini Doesn’t Hold Back In Revealing Scientology Reddit AMA
The actress detailed horrific “physical, sexual and mental abuse” that she claimed happened within the organization.

Corey Lewandowski Says Donald Trump Won The War On Christmas
“You can say it again, it’s OK to say, it’s not a pejorative word anymore.”

The Kids Are All Right: Children With 3-Way DNA Are Healthy, Study Finds
"The outcomes looked uniformly good ... suggesting that no harm was done," said a doctor who reviewed the results
Three-Parent Kids Grew Up OK
original of above:

“Three-Person Babies” Should Go Ahead, Says Panel
Mitochondrial donation techniques should be adopted cautiously, according to a panel of experts convened by the regulator

Kazuo Ishiguro: 'We’re coming close to the point where we can create people who are superior to others' - tie in particular to
Social changes unleashed by new technologies could undermine core human values unless we engage with science, warns author
Imagine a two-tiered society with elite citizens, genetically engineered to be smarter, healthier and to live longer, and an underclass of biologically run-of-the-mill humans. It sounds like the plot of a dystopian novel, but the world could be sleepwalking towards this scenario, according to one of Britain’s most celebrated writers.
Kazuo Ishiguro argues that the social changes unleashed by gene editing technologies, such as Crispr, could undermine core human values.
“We’re going into a territory where a lot of the ways in which we have organised our societies will suddenly look a bit redundant,” he said. “In liberal democracies, we have this idea that human beings are basically equal in some very fundamental way. We’re coming close to the point where we can, objectively in some sense, create people who are superior to others.”

Supposed ‘Burial Slab’ Of Jesus Christ Uncovered For First Time In Centuries
The slab had been encased in marble since at least 1555.

Creationist Ken Ham Says There Are No Intelligent Aliens... Because Aliens Can’t Possibly Exist
Poor E.T.

Creationist Ken Ham Gets Into Weirdest Twitter Fight With Washington Post Over Dinosaurs
Ham’s Noah’s Ark Encounter depicts dinosaurs living in cages.

Evangelicals Aren’t Who You Think They Are (. . .)
The truth is that most U.S. evangelicals do not support Trump.
by Jim Wallis

A Troubling Number Of White Christians Actually Favor Trump’s Muslim Ban
So much for welcoming the stranger.

World’s Earliest-Known Ten Commandments Stone Fetches $850,000 At Auction
The buyer must put the artifact on public display as part of the sales deal.

The Life-Changing Magic of Mushrooms - tie ,
A single dose of magic mushrooms can make people with severe anxiety and depression better for months, according to a landmark pair of new studies.

F.D.A. Agrees to New Trials for Ecstasy as Relief for PTSD Patients

Human ancestor 'Lucy' was a tree climber, new evidence suggests
original PR

Lucy, our famous ancestor, was built for tree-dwelling - Full Frontal Samantha Bee
Debate 3: The Good, The Bad, The Nasty (Act 1, Part 1) | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Debate 3: The Good, The Bad, The Nasty (Act 1, Part 2) | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Samantha Bee Shreds Donald Trump Over His Debate Abortion Comments ( , )
He must have confused them with “bear attacks,” she said.
OK Ladies Now Let's Get Information | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
First: Do No Harm. Second: Do No Pussy Stuff. | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS - including re nun McBride ( , , )
Extended Interview: Mindy Swank | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Extended Interview: Melanie Jones | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Extended Interview: Jennafer Norris | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Extended Interview: Dr. Rupa Natarajan | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Samantha Bee Tweets Amazing One-Liner About Her Abortion Coverage
"No one goes further up your vagina."
[ ]
She keeps bringing it.

America’s Math Scores Are Getting Worse
New international test results show that American scores have either stagnated or slipped.

How Do American Students Compare to Their International Peers?
The most recent math results from an international survey place the United States near the bottom.

The Age of Stupid - full documentary (Official) - further in particular to
Hello. This is the official, full-length (89 min) version of our 2009 movie, The Age of Stupid. This film was made completely independently (we arguably invented crowd-funding to fund it) over five long years. We're a tiny independent film company always struggling to make ends meet, so if you watch for free here, please make a donation - - and also sign up to our email list: . Thanks v much and enjoy the film, Franny & Lizzie from Spanner Films
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Age of Stupid stars Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite (In The Name of the Father, The Usual Suspects, Brassed Off) as a man living in the devastated future world of 2055, looking back at old footage from our time and asking: why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?
Launched at a Guinness World Recording-winning solar-powered premiere in London's Leicester Square, the film was released in cinemas worldwide, topped the UK box office (by screen average), became one of the most talked-about films of 2009 and garnered sensational reviews: The Telegraph called it "Bold, supremely provocative and hugely important", the News of the World described it as "A deeply inconvenient kick up the backside", ABC Australia said "So tightly constructed and dynamic you leave the cinema energised rather than terrified... hits home like a hammer blow" and the LA Times said "Think 'An Inconvenient Truth', but with a personality".
Multi-award-winning documentary director Franny Armstrong (McLibel, Drowned Out) and Oscar-winning producer John Battsek (One Day In September, Restrepo) pioneered the now ubiquitous "crowd-funding" model to finance the film, and then spent four years following seven real people's stories to be interweaved with Pete Postlethwaite's fictional character: an Indian entrepreneur struggling to start a new low-cost airline, a Shell employee in New Orleans who rescued more than 100 people during Hurricane Katrina, an 82-year-old French mountain guide watching his beloved glaciers melt, two Iraqi refugee children searching for their elder brother, a young woman living in desperate poverty in Nigeria's richest oil area and a windfarm developer in Britain battling the NIMBYs who don't want his turbines to spoil their view.
The Age of Stupid led to the formation of the 10:10 carbon reduction campaign which now operates in 45 countris ( Recognising the film's unique contribution to independent filmmaking, the Huffington Post said that it "represents the future of film, film culture and film distribution and marketing". [since gone dark - find another if possible] [though it clearly is dated]

America’s Math Scores Are Getting Worse
New international test results show that American scores have either stagnated or slipped.

How Do American Students Compare to Their International Peers?
The most recent math results from an international survey place the United States near the bottom.

A sobering look at what Betsy DeVos did to education in Michigan — and what she might do as secretary of education
The people who best know the education advocacy work of Betsy DeVos, the billionaire tapped by President-elect Donald Trump to be his education secretary, are in Michigan, where she has been involved in reform for decades.
DeVos is a former Republican Party chairwoman in Michigan and chair of the pro-school-choice advocacy group American Federation for Children, and she has been a shining light to members of the movement to privatize public education by working to create programs and pass laws that require the use of public funds to pay for private school tuition in the form of vouchers and similar programs. She has also been a force behind the spread of charter schools in Michigan, most of which have recorded student test scores in reading and math below the state average.
Many pro-school-choice groups have praised the choice, saying DeVos will work hard to grow new programs that give parents more school choice. But public education advocates say that they fear she will help propel America’s public education system toward destruction.
The Detroit Free Press has written a number of articles about DeVos’s education record in Michigan. Here is an important piece [ ] looking at what a DeVos Education Department could be expected to do, written by someone who has watched her work for some time. He is Stephen Henderson, editorial page editor of the Free Press, where this first appeared.  He gave me permission to republish it.

Teacher to Trump’s education pick: Let’s ‘address the elephant in the room.’ It’s you.
The selection of Betsy DeVos by President-elect Donald Trump as his education secretary nominee has been attacked by public school advocates who see her longtime support for school “choice” and private Catholic education as evidence that she does not support America’s public education system. In this post, that sentiment is explained by an educator who has written an open letter to DeVos.
He is Patrick Kearney, facilitator for Teacher Leadership in the Johnston Community School District in Iowa. He spent 25 years as a band director in private and public schools of Iowa, and is a past-president of the Iowa Bandmasters Association and past co-chair of the Iowa Jazz Championships. He was also a founding board member of the Jazz Educators of Iowa.  His wife teaches in the Des Moines Public Schools and his son is studying education at Drake University.
Here’s the letter, which first appeared on Huffington Post [ ]. Kearney gave me permission to republish it.

Four New Names Officially Added to the Periodic Table of Elements - further to , - reply to

IUPAC Announces the Names of the Elements 113, 115, 117, and 118

Neil deGrasse Tyson SCIENCE THE SHIT out of 3 Movies - Gravity, The Martian and The Matrix ! - further to e.g.
continuation re/completing in re The Matrix:
Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains The Matrix

Neil deGrasse Tyson | Intelligent (Stupid) Design | FULL TALK
Published on Nov 25, 2016 by Atheism is Awesome [ , ] - further to AND - and check for more via e.g. 'Tyson intelligent design' and 'Tyson beyond belief' board searches
Original presentation given 5 November, 2006, at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies as part of the "Beyond Belief" lecture series.
This is a presentation on science, religion, and how poorly-designed humans, the Earth, and the universe really are. The presenter, Neil deGrasse Tyson, is the new host of the PBS-TV program "NOVA scienceNOW," director of the Hayden Planetarium in the Rose Center For Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History. He is the recipient of seven honorary doctorates and the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal.
The Weinberg talk mentioned early in this video can be found here:

Congress Remains ‘Overwhelmingly Christian,’ Report Says
the new Pew Center report

Nonreligious Americans Remain Far Underrepresented In Congress

There Are Still No Open Atheists In Congress
And only one member identifies as religiously “unaffiliated.”

2029 : Singularity Year - Neil deGrasse Tyson & Ray Kurzweil

Michio Kaku & Ray Kurzweil - Singularity is Close!

Singularity is Near [ Full Documentary ] | Michio Kaku & Ray Kurzweil

Singularity is Near... 2016 Documentary

Should We Fear or Welcome the Singularity? Nobel Week Dialogue 2015 - The Future of Intelligence

Technological Singularity

The Singularity Controversy

What Is The Singularity? - Brit Lab

Noam Chomsky: The Singularity is Science Fiction!

Wall-jumping robot is most vertically agile ever built ( ) - Berkeley PR

Little African primate's talents inspire leaping robot

This primate-inspired robot is a champion jumper - the galago, or bushbaby

Supercharged silly putty can detect spider footsteps

Graphene-spiked Silly Putty picks up human pulse
'G-putty' is so sensitive that it can track even the steps of a small spider.

Silly Putty makes for super-sensitive sensors
Add graphene to get detectors that can measure breathing, blood pressure—and spider footsteps


Behold A Robot Hand With A Soft Touch

Soft Robot Hand Brings a Gentle Touch to the Future


These Dolls May Be Spying On And Recording Your Children
A coalition of watchdog groups filed a complaint about the toys with the FTC.

This is the most dangerous time for our planet
We can’t go on ignoring inequality, because we have the means to destroy our world but not to escape it
by Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking: Automation and AI is going to decimate middle class jobs

The Fake web: why we're so apt to believe fake news, apps and reviews

Facebook developing artificial intelligence to flag offensive live videos

Facebook Looks to Harness Artificial Intelligence to Weed Out Fake News
Company executives say the social network first needs a policy on how to responsibly apply such capabilities

Facebook’s AI boss: Facebook could fix its filter bubble if it wanted to
The company could build the technology, but it’s just not that simple, he added.

Facebook's Relationship With Artificial Intelligence and Fake News: It's Complicated

Facebook’s advice to students interested in artificial intelligence

This Christmas Song Brought To You By The World's Tiniest Radio Receiver ( ) - tech also being used to create QUANTUM COMPUTERS ( )


Stabilizing quantum bits
Feedback technique used on diamond “qubits” could make quantum computing more practical.

The Great A.I. Awakening
How Google used artificial intelligence to transform Google Translate, one of its more popular services — and how machine learning is poised to reinvent computing itself.

BMW HoloActive Touch system with its free-floating display to be shown at CES

The Secret Life of Time
It may seem slippery and maddeningly abstract, but it’s also deeply intimate, infusing our every word and gesture.

Evolution Made Really Smart People Long to Be Loners - ties to e.g. (Dunning-Kruger effect)

Tornado Town, USA - big piece - map of mini-tornado alleys
Four devastating tornadoes hit Moore, Oklahoma, in 16 years. Was it geography or just bad luck?
May 26, 2016

A cognitive business can outthink the unknown. - ad
IBM Watson

Cognitive businesses everywhere are working with Watson - ad
Watson is working with businesses, scientists, and governments. Helping us all outthink our biggest challenges.

Welcome to the era of cognitive business
Start your cognitive business journey by learning more about cognitive solutions like Watson and the IBM Cloud platform that supports cognitive workloads.

Apple's first AI research paper focuses on computer vision
Apple last week published its first scholarly research paper, an article covering methods of improving recognition in computer vision systems, marking a new direction for the traditionally secretive company.

Apple leaps into AI research with improved simulated + unsupervised learning

Learning from Simulated and Unsupervised Images through Adversarial Training

Artificial Intelligence based speakers by Amazon Echo or Google home make a smart home
Voice-activated AI powered speakers such as Amazon Echo or Google Home are ready to make your home smart

10 things you should do now that you've welcomed Alexa into your life

How to Set Up Your New Amazon Echo

Is the Google Home growing up fast enough?
As we head toward CES, we check on the progress of Google's Echo competitor. Does it have any chance of catching up to Amazon's Alexa?

Researchers use world's smallest diamonds to make wires three atoms wide

Scientists created the thinnest wires yet made of atoms coated in diamonds

A wolverine [X-Men] inspired material ( ) - PR

The material that could let robots REPAIR themselves: Wolverine-style substance heals within 24 hours
The material is transparent, stretchable, and can conduct electricity
The material can stretch 50 times its original length without being damaged
As well as its use in robots, researchers believe it could be used to extend the lifetime of batteries in electric cars, and improve biosensors in the medical field

Wolverine-Inspired Material Takes Shape

Rewriting the Code of Life
Through DNA editing, researchers hope to alter the genetic destiny of species and eliminate diseases. /

11 Surprising Predictions for 2017 From Some of The Biggest Names In Science
Gee-Whiz Gene Editing
Artificial Intelligence Heads Home
Lawrence Krauss: Quantum Computing Breakthroughs
"Gene Drives" Get Real
Self-Driving Vehicles Come of Age


in addition to (linked in) the post to which this is a reply and preceding and (other) following, see also (linked in): and preceding and following and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following), and preceding (and any future following) and following and following, and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following), and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following), and preceding (and any future following), and preceding (and any future following), and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following), and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and following, and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) (and any future following) (and any future following) and following and following (and any future following) (and any future following) and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following), and preceding and following, and preceding and following (and any future following) and following, and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) and following, and preceding (and any future following) and following, and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) and following and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following), and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and following, and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) (and any future following) (and any future following) and following and following and preceding (and any future following)

Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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