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Alias Born 03/23/2010

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Monday, 12/19/2016 2:29:59 PM

Monday, December 19, 2016 2:29:59 PM

Post# of 70
The 8 most compelling reasons to invest in Cemig

Largest integrated Brazilian power company

Brazil’s largest Electric Power Distribution company *
Brazil’s third largest Electric Power Generation company
Brazil’s third largest Electric Power Transmission company

Positioning: major player in consolidation of Brazil’s power sector

History of successful acquisitions
Investments in new power projects
Rigorous selection of investments based on returns and value accretion

Highest liquidity in the Brazilian power sector

Free float of more than 76%
More than 100,000 shareholders, spread over more than 40 countries
Listed on 3 stock exchanges: São Paulo, New York and Madrid
Average daily trading in 2013: R$ 78mn in São Paulo (BM&FBOVESPA); US$27mn in New York (NYSE)

Balanced portfolio of investments Interests cover the three areas of the power sector:

Generation – 70 power plants
Transmission – 9,454 miles of transmission lines
Distribution – 526,869 miles of distribution network
EBITDA is balanced between the businesses**: Generation 58%; Distribution and others businesses, 7%; Transmission, 35%.

Outstanding corporate governance

Rigorous compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley
Board of directors: support structure includes six support committees
Pro-market by-laws limit ratios of investment and debt to EBITDA

Leader in sustainability

The only Latin American utility included in the DJSI World since that index was created (1999)
Included in Bovespa’s CSI (Corporate Sustainability Index) since creation of that index (2005)
One of only three Brazilian companies in the Global Dow

Solid and growing financial results

Robust, growing EBITDA
Continuous growth in net profit

Strong dividend policy

Minimum dividend is 50% of the net profit for the previous year
Extraordinary dividends may be paid in alternate years

Day Range:
Last Trade Time:
Total Trades:
  • 1D
  • 1M
  • 3M
  • 6M
  • 1Y
  • 5Y
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