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Friday, 10/07/2016 12:08:53 PM

Friday, October 07, 2016 12:08:53 PM

Post# of 65784

First a little trip down memory lane...

July 14th - “We could not be more pleased with our revenue growth, especially over the past couple of months. We have established a reputation of trust, integrity and efficiency and word is traveling fast. Combine that with our aggressive approach with marketing and sales and it is a given that we will exceed 1,000 accounts in short order. We are happy to report that this near-term growth will be achieved through our existing facilities and only scratches the surface when it comes to our potential.”

“We continue on a weekly basis to refine our procedures and protocols with any eye toward expansion. The more we streamline our business operations, the closer we get to scalability. Increased demand across the country combined with a scalable business model is a recipe for tremendous success. Our goal is “turn-key” labs that can be up and running quickly in markets that we find attractive.”

We have a strong and growing revenue base, plans for expansion and a solid, stable share structure. In our opinion, the company is undervalued, so let me put this rumor to rest once and for all . . . we have no plans in the foreseeable future for a reverse split . . . period, and we will only increase the number of common or preferred shares of our company with the interest of the business and shareholders in mind. I want to reassure our shareholders that as we grow, we want your share value to grow right along with us. We want to thank you for your interest in our company and your continued support. We plan to release a series of press releases over the coming weeks and month as an effort to keep our shareholders more up to date on existing operations and plans for the future.”

July 19th - “The last few months have been a whirlwind of activity. Recently, we surpassed the 700 account milestone and due to an increase in additional services being requested, our average annual revenue per account has jumped considerably. A cursory review suggests that we should average well over one thousand dollars per account on an annual basis. We were happy to see this uptick because it weighed heavily on our decision to expand our operations into the Portland market.

“We will enter the Portland market with a huge advantage. A key player in the cannabis industry who has managed dispensaries and has been directly involved in purchasing products from growers and manufacturers has agreed to join our team. Based on his network of connections in the Portland area, we feel confident in our ability to expand operations in that market quickly. Further expansion options could increase our growth exponentially.”

“Our reputation for excellence is spreading. We offer reliable and trusted testing and consulting services that are a requirement in the cannabis industry. A quick turnaround time is critical in our business and we get that. In fact, it is an essential component of our business model. Combine that with accurate, detailed results and you can see why we’re quickly becoming the “go-to” option. We want to thank everyone for their support and we look forward to continuing our conversation with shareholders through a series of up-coming press releases.”

August 24th - Signal Bay, Inc. (OTC PINK: SGBY) a leading provider of cannabis consulting, operations, and laboratory services announced today its intention to purchase an additional cannabis testing laboratory in Northern California.

"This strategic move is the first of many in establishing us as a serious player in the state of California. We signed the Letter of Intent yesterday and could not be more pleased with this acquisition. [b]Northern California is currently the largest cannabis market in the worldand we feel that our company will be able to begin capturing significant market share almost immediately.”

"This acquisition will add well over 500 existing accounts to our business portfolio and based on the market itself and the potential business available, we believe that this is just scratching the surface.”

"This particular business is established and has a great reputation. We feel that this will be a seamless transition for all involved and we look forward to adding some great players to our already existing team. We will let everyone know when we officially close on this transaction.”

“We also want our shareholders to know that we have a lot more exciting news on the horizon and will address each event and milestone one at a time in a series of upcoming press releases.”

August 30th - "We stated in an earlier press release that we had hired Ronnie Schmidt, a former General Manager for multiple Portland area dispensaries as a Sales & Marketing Director. He brings a wealth of experience to the table and a vast network of business contacts in the Portland market. In conjunction with that strategic hire, we had planned to process any and all accounts established by Ronnie through our existing facilities until such time that we could open the doors on an entirely new location in Portland. As of today, that plan has changed significantly for the better.”

"Today we ramped up our plans for growth by signing a letter of intent to purchase an already existing testing facility in Portland. With this one strategic move, the 90-120 day window we had in place for opening a facility in this market has virtually been eliminated. This acquisition also adds hundreds of already existing accounts to the Signal Bay portfolio. Add Ronnie Schmidt to the mix and all of this combined has us convinced that we are going to capture significant market share in Portland and the surrounding communities.”

"This particular business is already working with ORELAP towards state accreditation so that was a positive sign for us, but there are four other key factors we take into consideration when deciding whether to acquire an existing lab. One is how well the existing management team will blend in with our existing team and begin contributing to the organization. We feel confident and frankly very excited about having this particular group join us and we feel that this one will also be a seamless transition. Two is the level of experience, ethics and integrity as viewed by their existing clients, of which they received multiple positive reviews. Three is opportunity for revenue growth and cost savings, both of which can be realized through this acquisition. And four is the passion of the employees and culture of the organization. They’re all just good people; hard working and passionate about what they do. This move is a win-win for all parties involved, including our shareholders. We will have more to come on this transaction very soon.”

September 15th - Signal Bay, Inc. (OTC PINK: SGBY) a leading provider of cannabis consulting, operations, and laboratory services announced today that they have identified 18 markets in California where they plan to either build out or acquire an existing cannabis testing laboratory to operate under the EVIO Labs brand.

“Let’s first address the state of Oregon. Accreditation approval has allowed us to quickly shift full speed into operations mode and focus all of our efforts on building the business and the brand. We have streamlined our operations across the company in a way that will ensure consistency and efficiency allowing us to meet demand. Our existing Eugene location and pending Portland acquisition are both working within the proper timeframes to become ORELAP accredited and OLCC licensed by October 1st. We are fully staffed and capable of handling any and all business that comes our way in the interim.

Another positive as a result of the accreditation process is there are fewer labs in the state that we now consider competition. As a result, we have adjusted our annual average revenue projections for our Oregon accounts upward by more than 50% from $1,089 to $1,731 per customer. Once we close on our Portland acquisition, we will be fully capable of covering 95% of the entire market.

“Now let’s address California. The state has at least ten times the revenue potential of Oregon and based on our most recent review of the state, we believe that 18 cannabis testing labs operating under the EVIO Labs brand is a conservative projection. As we discussed in a recent press release, we are in the process of making our first acquisition in the state and will quickly begin to grow the market beyond that single location. California is generally following Oregon’s lead as it pertains to cannabis regulations, so it’s very familiar to us. Currently only around 5% of cannabis products sold in California are tested, in September 2015, Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill 266, “Medical Cannabis Regulation Safety Act” which mandates 100% of all cannabis products sold in California to be tested by an independent accredited testing laboratory by 2018. With that in mind, we want to be actively engaged in the market to take advantage of as much of that new business as possible. Our current preferred share structure will allow us to secure a significant percentage if not all of the targeted 18 facilities in the state of California.

"On September 26th and 27th, we will be a primary sponsor of “The State of Marijuana” event in Long Beach, California. We intend to begin networking immediately and developing new relationships starting with this event that will allow us to roll out operations across California on a scale that is both beneficial to the company and our shareholders. We will have more information to follow in a series of upcoming releases.”

September 23rd - "We've seen multiple articles and editorials suggesting that a backlog of accreditation applications could cause some disruption in the cannabis market across the state. Overall, the cannabis testing market may experience some shortcomings, but EVIO Labs is fully prepared to take on the work. We've already seen a significant uptick in new business. As one of the few accredited options for testing at this point, we want to assure cannabis operators across the state that we are staffed and ready to handle any and all new business that comes our way over the next few months. For example, we are already preparing for fall harvest by working with large outdoor growers to coordinate testing with clients harvest schedules."

"We have streamlined our operations across the company in a way that will ensure consistency and efficiency allowing us to meet demand. Our team is passionate about what we do and is committed to ensure we leverage this critical stage of our company's growth trajectory. We feel strongly that in the future, we'll look back at the fourth quarter of 2016 as a point where we grew significantly because we planned ahead, we're well prepared and worked overtime to ensure our clients received exceptional service."

"Opportunities to operate in a constrained market don't come around often. Early accreditation approval gives us a chance to shine and gain notoriety from a whole new client base. Its a very exciting time for our company. Once we formally close on our Portland location, that will give us even more of an opportunity to build our business at an accelerated pace."

October 3rd - "All three of our labs, EVIO Labs Bend, EVIO Labs Eugene and Kenevir Research are now licensed by the OLCC. Collectively, we provide all of the tests required by the state, and have begun collecting samples in accordance with Oregon's new sampling rules."

"We are now scheduling appointments with new and existing clients and fielding a myriad of customer questions. The industry is going through a learning curve as producers, processors and retailers transition to the new requirements. It is our goal to be a consultative partner and educate our customers through the transition. We are moving from an environment of here's my sample, can you test it for me to one of rigorous statistical sampling, extensive quality controls and documentation including new state reporting. During this transition, we feel that our strict adherence to the new reporting requirements combined with our educational support will help to ensure integrity and a level of trust with our growing customer base."

"Our entire team has been thoroughly trained on the new requirements. Two changes that are most visible to our clients both require more extensive testing. For instance, rather than performing one test per harvest lot, we must now test for every ten pounds of flower in a lot. Also many processors and edible manufacturers will undergo a biannual process validation. This is a series of tests that ensures consistent manufacturing methods. In absence of this validation, which itself involves 20 tests, product manufacturers are subject to more tests per lot than they have performed in the past."

"These are exciting times for our company and we are growing at a rapid pace. I want to take the time to thank our entire team for their efforts in helping us to meet recent milestones. With regard to our growth rate, our Portland acquisition is being finalized and we will have more information on that topic in the coming days."

Now add into that a 3B A/S count, an 805M O/S count, a 500M float, a closing announcement probably next week on the Portland location, a coming updated number of accounts on Portland, coming updates along the way on how many of those 26,000+ accounts that they’re bringing in, an upcoming closing announcement on the California lab with an update on number of accounts, a late October uplisting qualification, November elections where multiple states have MJ on the ballot, an announcement at some point that they’re probably cash flow positive due to the influx of new business, a float that is less than 500M, a growing group of board followers that grows by 3 new people every trading day on the average and is on target to reach close to 500 followers by Jan 01, year end bonus checks and tax return dollars looking for a place to land, further expansion beyond Oregon and Cali, etc. etc. etc. and congratulations, you are now up to speed on SGBY.

The company has told us that they had 700 accounts in the original three locations, but that was three months ago, so very conservatively 800 by now. The Portland location has “hundreds” per the PR so that’s 200 minimum and the Ca location has 500+, so let’s just call that 500. 1500 accounts minimum X $1731 per account avg with 250K in consulting revenue at an avg S&P P/E puts this at .0295 minimum and 40% higher than that or over .04 with just the float and that's just for starters.

1,500 accounts minimum among the 5 locations TODAY (2 expected to close within days). We may find once the two new locations are closed that it is a lot more than 1500. With all of the new business expected that's pretty much a certainty.

Also, if you look at the projected revenue numbers NOW vs their 10Q reported expenses on June 30th, you’ll see that they are not far from cash flow positive status as well IMHO.

Now fast forward 3, 6, 9 months...

Do you honestly think SGBY won’t be high on a lot of boards as a favorable MJ play? Lots of year end bonus and tax money coming our way.

Do you honestly think that as we grew from 61 followers on the board in July to 230 followers today to 400-500 followers in December, this float won’t tighten like a drum? The float is less than 500M!

Do you honestly think this company won’t add additional locations and increase their number of accounts substantially? They've told us that California is at least 10 times the market value vs Oregon.

Do you honestly think just in Oregon alone that their accounts won’t rise considerably due to the number of competitors that have chosen not to pursue accreditation? (26,000+ potential accounts in Oregon alone reported in one PR.)

Do you seriously think this company will stop at just Oregon and one in California with so many new states coming on line (just weeks away) with the November elections?

And do you honestly think that at least one or two key players won’t come along in the near future offering traditional financing or a substantial investment as a way to lock in share structure, pay down some debt and continue on a growth trajectory?

Do you honestly think this company isn't smart enough to develop joint venture projects, development agreements, etc?

Where does all of that take this stock price? You're guess is as good as mine, but on days like today, it's a good reminder that this company is growing at a rapid pace and this may be the best time to consider grabbing some shares. GLTA

"One 5Bagger to 10Bagger per Quarter."