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Sunday, 09/11/2016 12:42:22 AM

Sunday, September 11, 2016 12:42:22 AM

Post# of 482590
Full Show - Alex Jones Destroys Rachel Maddow - 09/09/2016

Published on Sep 9, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

On this Friday, September 9 transmission of the Alex Jones Show we'll cover Trump's latest speech, where he stated Hillary is operating a ‘criminal enterprise'. We'll also look at hacked files from George Soros' Open Society, that reveal a plan to expand electronic and online voting nationwide. On today's show we discuss how Julian Assange stated Thursday that WikiLeaks could release as many as 100,000 pages of new material related to Hillary Clinton before the election. Additionally we will continue to follow Hillary's failing health. [with comments] [would be more than reasonable for Rachel to be in touch with the authorities regarding this one -- very difficult to see this one as anything short of over-the-line extremely dangerous brazen, open direct threat/incitement -- threat/incitement hardly aimed only at Rachel, by the way/of course]


Larry King: Trump camp's explanation for Russian TV interview 'stretches it'

“If Donald said he thought it was a podcast that stretches it a little because he just did my podcast,” Larry King said.

By Cristiano Lima
09/09/16 08:17 PM EDT

Larry King on Friday rebutted the Donald Trump campaign’s assertion that the Republican candidate didn’t know he had agreed to speak on Russian state television when King interviewed him.

After a widely criticized Thursday evening interview where Trump downplayed allegations of Russian interference in American elections, a campaign spokesperson denied the Republican nominee knew the interview would be broadcast on RT (Russia Today). The representative said Trump was under the impression the interview would be conducted on King’s weekly podcast.

On Friday King told CNN’s Erin Burnett that while he did not participate in the scheduling process himself, he dismissed the notion that Trump would not know what he had agreed to when speaking to his show producers, pointing to the fact that the real estate mogul had just recently appeared on his podcast.

“If Donald said he thought it was a podcast that stretches it a little because he just did my podcast,” King said. “I did not make the arrangements for him to be on the show. My producers talked to his people, and they made the arrangements. So I never know what was said to him except he was doing my TV show.”

The interview was another self-created controversy for Trump, whose praise of Russian leader Vladimir Putin has become a widely trailed issue in the presidential and primary elections.

King also discussed Trump’s abrupt departure from the interview, which concluded prematurely when the candidate’s call seemingly dropped.

“We were doing an interview and it was supposed to be for ten minutes and right at the end of ten minutes I stopped,” he said. “I never got to say good-bye. I don't know why I stopped so abruptly.”

King said Trump had apologized for the departure and was planning to schedule another interview.

“They said that a girl came in and for some reason told Donald he had something else to do and he had to leave,” he said. “It just was strange and not only did they apologize, but they were planning to reschedule another appearance next week.”

The former longtime CNN veteran also dismissed accusations of political influence by the Russian government on his show, "Politicking."

© 2016 POLITICO LLC [with comments]


AM Joy Presses Trump Advisor on Putin Relationship | MSNBC

Published on Sep 10, 2016 by MSNBC [ / , ]

MSNBC Terror Analyst, Malcom Nance and senior advisor for Donald Trump, Boris Epshteyn, join AM Joy for a heated discussion on Donald Trump and his relationship with Vladimir Putin. [with comments] [original at ]


Tsar Trump: What Donald Trump’s Putin Praise Means For Us

09/10/2016Updated September 10, 2016 [with comments]


Political Violence Is Rising In Germany. So Is A Scary New Political Party.

Frauke Petry, chairwoman of the anti-immigration party Alternative for Germany, has steered the once-eurosceptic party toward a more extremist outlook.

On Tuesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke sharply of the AfD’s rise in Germany.
AfD owes much of its success in recent elections to Angela Merkel’s widely unpopular refugee policy.
09/09/2016 Updated September 9, 2016 [with comments]


The Daily Show - Putting Donald Trump Supporters Through an Ideology Test

Published on Aug 19, 2016 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah [ , ]

After Donald Trump proposes an ideology test for potential Muslim immigrants, Jordan Klepper quizzes the presidential hopeful's supporters. [with (over 4,000) comments]


Hillary Clinton Talks Terrorism With National Security Experts | MSNBC

Published on Sep 9, 2016 by MSNBC

Deputy Communications Director for “Hillary for America,” Kristina Schake, joins MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts to talk about Hillary Clinton’s meeting with bipartisan national security experts. [with comments] [original at ]


Hillary Clinton Delivers Remarks After Meeting With National Security Experts

Published on Sep 9, 2016 by SMAD NEWS [ , ]

[the final question which Clinton returned to the podium to answer was 'Were you surprised that Trump appeared on the Russian state-run television network RT?'] [with comments] [also at e.g. (with comments), (with comments), and (with comments)]


House Democrat slams GOP chairman over Clinton email inquiry

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah.

Sep. 9, 2016 1:55 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — The top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee lashed out at the panel's Republican chairman Friday, accusing him of abusing his authority by unfairly targeting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to damage her presidential bid.

Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland charged that the oversight chairman, Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah, is using the committee's resources and taxpayer dollars "to engage in an astonishing onslaught of political attacks" against Clinton.

Cummings said he was incensed that Chaffetz and Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte of Virginia have asked the Justice Department to investigate whether Clinton lied to Congress, calling the accusation "ludicrous" and part of a Republican pattern involving Clinton: "accuse, investigate, fail, repeat."

FBI Director James Comey announced in July that he had recommended against criminal charges for Clinton and her aides following a yearlong investigation into the potential mishandling of classified information on the private email server she used.

This week, Comey told FBI employees that the decision to forgo criminal charges was not a close call.

"At the end of the day, the case itself was not a cliff-hanger; despite all the chest-beating by people no longer in government, there really wasn't a prosecutable case," Comey wrote in an internal memo to FBI employees.

Republicans have criticized Comey's decision and have asked the Justice Department to investigate whether Clinton lied last year when she testified before the House Benghazi committee. Chaffetz also has asked Justice to review whether emails were illegally deleted from Clinton's private server.

In a letter to Chaffetz, Cummings criticized the GOP chairman for issuing "a flurry of desperate subpoenas" in recent days without any debate or vote by the committee.

Chaffetz has demanded that employees of a Colorado technology firm that oversaw Clinton's private email server appear at a hearing next week to review claims that Clinton or her aides ordered the destruction of emails or other documents to hide them from investigators. Paul Combetta and Bill Thornton, who work for Denver-based Platte River Networks, have been ordered to appear at a committee hearing on Tuesday.

"By taking these actions, you are staging a set-up," Cummings told Chaffetz. "First, you accuse them of criminal activity without evidence and refer them for criminal investigation. Then you rush to subpoena them to testify without any debate or vote, virtually guaranteeing that some will invoke the Fifth Amendment when their attorneys advise them to steer far clear of our committee."

A spokeswoman for Chaffetz declined to comment Friday.

The letter by Cummings comes a day after a committee hearing Thursday on the State Department's record-keeping devolved into a partisan battle over Clinton's private email server.

Republicans on the panel plan back-to-back hearings early next week as they focus on Clinton two months before the election.

© 2016 Associated Press


A House Republican already wants to impeach Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton, probably not going to get impeached.
September 9, 2016
As frustrated as Republicans may be with the FBI's findings on Hillary Clinton's use of a private email while she was secretary of state, there's not much they can actually do about it [ ]. The FBI and Department of Justice already made their decision not to charge her with a crime, and congressional Republicans can't do much more than review that work and ask the executive branch to launch new investigations.
So it's no surprise that we're starting to hear some frustrated congressional Republicans reach for the sharpest arrow in their tool kit: impeachment. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) recently floated the idea to the Associated Press's Erica Werner [ ]: "There probably ought to be" impeachment hearings.
As far as we can tell,  he's the first lawmaker to suggest as much, though some conservative thinkers have been arguing that Congress should impeach the former secretary of state [ ] for some time now.


Values Voter Summit Friday Webcast

Streamed live on Sep 9, 2016 by FRC Action [ , ]

VVS16 Schedule
8:45 a.m. - Noon
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.)*
Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.)*
Lt. Gov. Dan Forest (R-N.C.)*
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas)*
Gary Bauer, Founder and President, American Values*
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)* and Tony Perkins, President, FRC*
Kirk Cameron, Actor and Producer, Unstoppable, Monumental, Fireproof*
Kelly Shackelford, President and CEO, First Liberty Institute*
Todd Starnes, Host, "Fox News and Commentary"; Contributor, "FOX & Friends" and; Author*
2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
David and Jason Benham, Co-Founders, The Benham Companies*
Rep. Michele Bachmann, Former U.S. Representative, Minnesota*
Reince Priebus, Chairman, Republican National Committee*
Jon Voight, Academy Award-winning Actor*
Donald Trump, 2016 Republican Presidential Nominee*
The U.S. Military: Ready... Or Not?
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William Boykin, Executive Vice President, Family Research Council; Former Commander, Delta Force*
Major Gen. (Ret.) Gary Harrell, Owner and CEO, The Harrell Group*
Elaine Donnelly, Founder and President, Center for Military Readiness*
Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.)*

Sen. Rick Santorum, Former U.S. Senator, Pennsylvania*
7:15 - 9:15 p.m.
Dr. Everett Piper, President, Oklahoma Wesleyan University*
Lt. Col. (Ret.) Oliver North, Founder, Freedom Alliance; Host, “War Stories,” FOX News; Best-Selling Author*
Dr. David Black, Founder and Chairman, 2ndVote*
Lt. Col. (Ret.) Allen West, Executive Director and Vice President of the Board of Directors, National Center for Policy Analysis*
Dr. James Dobson, Founder and Host, “Family Talk”*
Phil Robertson, Duck Dynasty*
9:30 - 11:00 p.m.
Complimentary Movie Screening of Torchbearer (a documentary starring Phil Robertson) — Regency Ballroom
"Torchbearer" is "Duck Dynasty" star's Phil Robertson's historical analysis of religion and devotion to God. According to the outspoken family patriarch, an inevitable slide into darkness occurs when societies shun God for secular vices. "When man stops believing in God, he'll believe in anything and that's exactly the point of this film" said Phil Robertson. "Torchbearer" is a feature length documentary that was filmed in locations around the world, from the beaches of Normandy to the jails of Birmingham, Alabama. From the gas chambers of Auschwitz to the epicenter of mass beheadings during the French Revolution, to the seats of Western civilization in Rome and Athens.

VVS16 Speakers

VVS2016 Video Archive

Rep. Louie Gohmert: 'Hillary Clinton Has Made Clear She Is Mentally Impaired'
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 9/9/2016 10:45 am
Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert [ ] of Texas opened his remarks at the Values Voter Summit [ , / , , ] today by facetiously apologizing for having said that Hillary Clinton [ ]'s "brain is in a blender" because it is unchristian to mock those with "special needs."
"You don't make fun of people who are impaired, have special needs," Gohmert said [ (below, as embedded; with comments]], "and whether you like her or not, Hillary Clinton has made clear she is mentally impaired and this is not somebody you should be making fun of."
"We need to be praying for Hillary Clinton," he continued. "There's special needs there, there's mental impairment ... That was not a proper thing to say because, again, I'm making fun of the mentally impaired and that's not right."

Religious Conservatives Aren’t Judging Donald Trump’s Questionable Christian Values

Many Values Voter Summit attendees in Washington on Friday admitted they're uncomfortable with GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump's boasting.

Many attendees at the Values Voter Summit said they weren't sure whether President Barack Obama is a Christian.
They’re willing to turn the other cheek over his boasts about his sexual promiscuity, offensive remarks and attacks on a Gold Star family.
09/10/2016 Updated September 10, 2016 [with embedded video, and comments]

Tony Perkins blamed gay people for God's wrath. His house was swept away

‘This is a flood of near-biblical proportions,’ Perkins said on his radio show. Thankfully, none of his family was harmed.
It’s tempting to react with glee to the flooding of this prominent Christian conservative’s Louisiana home. But that would be to lower ourselves to his level
18 August 2016 [with comments]

Tony Perkins Makes Insane Claim About the Rise of the Racist, Trump-Loving Alt-Right Movement

The Family Research Council president pivots when asked about the Trump campaign CEO's ties to the white nationalist alt-right.
September 10, 2016 [with comments] [the morning session's festivities commence at c. the 26:15 mark; Gohmert's self-fellation begins at c. the 1:49:15 mark; the afternoon session's festivities commence at c. the 5:25:55 mark; Bachmann's buffet of braised balls of batshit begins at c. the 5:59:50 mark; Giuliani's unscheduled frothing fulminations (with Perkins) begin at c. the 6:42:50 mark; Voight's introduction of Trump begins at c. the 7:05:25 mark; Trump's utterly, nakedly Christo-fascist performance begins at c. the 7:09:45 mark; comments disabled] [YouTubes of individual speakers/panels at/via , / ]


‘If this guy is elected, you can kiss public schools goodbye’

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Ohio State Rep. Andy Brenner during a campaign visit on Sept. 8, 2016 to the Cleveland Arts and Social Sciences Academy.
“There is no failed policy more in need of urgent change than our government-run education monopoly.”
September 10, 2016 [with comments]


Obama Moves To Protect Planned Parenthood Funding, Permanently
His new rule would block states from defunding the family planning provider for frivolous reasons.
WASHINGTON ? The Obama administration has proposed a new rule that would prevent states from defunding Planned Parenthood or any other family planning provider for political reasons. 
The new rule, which the Department of Health and Human Services proposed last week, says that states cannot withhold Title X federal family planning money from certain recipients for any reason other than the provider’s “ability to deliver services to program beneficiaries in an effective manner.” That means states can no longer vote to defund Planned Parenthood because some of its clinics offer abortion services.
[...] [with comments]


LIVE: Donald Trump Rally in Pensacola, Florida

Streamed live on Sep 9, 2016 by ABC15 Arizona [ / , ]

Donald J. Trump Rally at the Pensacola Bay Center in Pensacola, Florida on Friday, September 09, 2016

Pensacola Bay Center
201 East Gregory Street
Pensacola, FL 32402

Friday, September 09, 2016 at 7:00 PM (EST)

Transcript of Donald Trump Speech in Pensacola Florida with 15,000 in Audience...
September 9, 2016 [with comments]

Trump: Hillary could shoot people and not get arrested

September 10, 2016 [with comments] [the festivities commence at c. the 42:45 mark; Giuliani's frothing introduction begins at c. the 51:50 mark; Trump's performance begins at c. the 59:35 mark; with comments] [also at e.g. (Trump's performance only; text taken from; with comments), and (with comments)]


Clinton: Half of Trump’s supporters fit in ‘basket of deplorables’

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speaks to journalists after meeting national security experts in New York on Friday, Sept. 9, 2016.
(Melina Mara/The Washington Post)

By Abby Phillip
September 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton said Friday that “half” of Donald Trump’s supporters could be grouped in “the basket of deplorables” at a fundraising event in New York City.

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the 'basket of deplorables'. Right?” Clinton said to applause and laughter from the crowd of supporters at an LGBT for Hillary fundraiser where Barbra Streisand performed. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it.”

“And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up,” she added.

Clinton then noted, as she has several times in the past, that Trump has “given voice” to white supremacist and anti-Semitic voices on the Internet.

“He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric,” Clinton said. “Now, some of those folks — they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America.”

Clinton then transitioned to a more positive message, calling for empathy for the “other half” of Trump’s supporters who feel left behind by the government and the economy.

“That other basket of people are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they're just desperate for change,” Clinton said. “It doesn't really even matter where it comes from. They don't buy everything he says, but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different.

“They won't wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroin, feel like they're in a dead end,” Clinton said. “Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well.”

The response from Trump's campaign came swiftly from campaign manager Kellyanne Conway who accused Clinton of "slandering" Trump's supporters.

In a statement from the campaign later, spokesman Jason Miller called the statement "deplorable."

“Just when Hillary Clinton said she was going to start running a positive campaign, she ripped off her mask and revealed her true contempt for everyday Americans," Miller said. "Tonight’s comments were more than another example of Clinton lying to the country about her emails, jeopardizing our national security, or even calling citizens ‘super-predators’ – this was Clinton, as a defender of Washington’s rigged system – telling the American public that she could care less about them."

"And what’s truly deplorable isn’t just that Hillary Clinton made an inexcusable mistake in front of wealthy donors and reporters happened to be around to catch it, it’s that Clinton revealed just how little she thinks of the hard-working men and women of America," he added.

In a series of tweets [ ], Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill responded to criticism that emerged online in response to Clinton's comments.

"She gave an entire speech about how the alt right movement is using his campaign to advance its hate movement," Merrill wrote. "Obviously not everyone supporting Trump is part of the alt right, but alt right leaders are with Trump."

"And their supporters appear to make up half his crowd when you observe the tone of his events," he added.

© 2016 The Washington Post [with comments], [with comments], [with comments]


The Latest: Trump campaign objects to 'deplorable' language

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, left, is welcomed to the stage by Laverne Cox, right, at a LBGT For Hillary Gala at the Cipriani Club, in New York, Friday, Sept. 9, 2016.
(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Sep. 10, 2016 12:34 AM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the 2016 presidential campaign (all times EDT):

12:30 a.m.

Donald Trump's campaign manager is objecting to Hillary Clinton's depiction of half of his supporters as a "basket of deplorables."

Clinton was speaking at an LGBT fundraiser in New York City Friday night when she described those supporters as "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it." But she stressed that the rest of the Republican nominee's supporters are people who feel let down by the government and the economy and are "just desperate for change," and said those people need sympathy.

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway quickly responded on Twitter, writing, "One day after promising to be aspirational & uplifting, Hillary insults millions of Americans."

Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill tweeted that Clinton was referring to "alt-right" voters who "appear to make up half his crowd."

10:50 p.m.

Barbra Streisand is putting her feelings about Donald Trump into song.

At an LGBT fundraiser Friday for Hillary Clinton, the singer performed a parody of the Stephen Sondheim song "Send in the Clowns" with lyrics about the Republican nominee.

"Is he that rich, maybe he's poor, 'til he reveals his returns, who can be sure?" Streisand sang to an applauding crowd. "Something's amiss, I don't approve, if he were running the free world, where would we move?"

Streisand continued: "And if by chance he gets to heaven, even up there, he'll declare chapter 11. This sad, vulgar clown. You're fired, you clown."

9:35 p.m.

Hillary Clinton is encouraging supporters at an LGBT fundraiser to "stage an intervention" if they have friends considering Donald Trump.

She says, "That may be one conversion therapy I'd endorse," referring to a type of counseling designed to urge gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender children to change their sexual orientation. Clinton stressed during the New York City event Friday night that she wants to end the practice.

Clinton says, "Friends don't let friends vote Trump." She says that while some Trump's supporters are "deplorables," others are frustrated by hard times and merit sympathy.

She is pledging to "fight alongside the LGBT community," and says Trump will not support them.

Friday's fundraiser featured a performance from Barbra Streisand.

9:15 p.m.

Donald Trump says he'd order an attack on Iranian boats if they harassed the U.S. Navy.

The tough-talking Republican made the charge Friday night at a crowded rally in Pensacola, Florida. He was referring to a recent incident in which Iranian boats harassed a Navy destroyer near the Strait of Hormuz.

Trump says the boats were "taunting us" and "toying with us." He says if Iran's "little boats" circle our "beautiful destroyers" when he's president, "They will be shot out of the water."

Trump and Hillary Clinton have clashed over national security for much of the week. Each says the other doesn't have the temperament to be commander in chief.

The New York billionaire added another accusation Friday night, saying, "Personally, I think she's an unstable person."


© 2016 Associated Press


Hillary Clinton Was Politically Incorrect, but She Wasn't Wrong About Trump's Supporters

Clinton said half of Donald Trump’s supporters were prejudiced. If anything, her numbers are too low.
Sep 10, 2016
This week Matt Lauer was subject to withering criticism [ ] for his ineffectual interrogation of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. In a litany of complaints, one rose above all—Lauer’s failure to challenge Trump’s mendacious claim that he opposed the Iraq War. That Trump was lying is not a matter of opinion, but demonstrable fact [ ].
Lauer’s inability to cite the record was a striking journalistic failure—but one related to the larger failures implicit in political reporting today. Political reporting, as it is now practiced, is a not built for a world where outright lying is one candidate’s distinguishing feature [ ].  And the problem is not limited to the lies the candidate tells, but encompasses the lies we tell ourselves about why the candidate exists in the first place.
Yesterday, Hillary Clinton claimed that roughly “half of Trump’s supporters” could be characterized as either “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it.” Clinton hedged by saying she was being “grossly generalistic” but given that no one appreciates being labeled a bigot, that statement still feels harsh––or if you prefer, “politically incorrect.”
Clinton later said that she was [ ] “wrong” to say “half,” but reiterated that “it’s deplorable that Donald Trump has built his campaign largely on prejudice and paranoia.”
One way of reporting on Clinton’s statement is to weigh its political cost, ask what it means for her campaign, or attempt to predict how it might affect her performance among certain groups. This path is in line with the current imperatives of political reporting and, at least for the moment, seems to be the direction of coverage [ ]. But there is another line of reporting that could be pursued—Was Hillary Clinton being truthful or not?
Much like Trump’s alleged opposition to the Iraq War, this not an impossible claim to investigate. We know, for instance, some nearly 60 percent of Trump’s supporters hold “unfavorable views” of Islam [ ], and 76 percent support a ban on Muslims entering the United States [ ]. We know that some 40 percent [ ] of Trump’s supporters believe blacks are more violent, more criminal, lazier, and ruder than whites. Two-thirds of Trump’s supporters believe the first black president in this country’s history is not American [ ]. These claims are not ancillary to Donald Trump’s candidacy, they are a driving force behind it [ ].
When Hillary Clinton claims that half of Trump’s supporters qualify as “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic,” data is on her side. ...


Judge Evokes Mississippi ‘Of Slavery, Lynchings, Pain And White Supremacy’ In Confederate Flag Ruling

The Mississippi state flag, which incorporates the Confederate battle flag, hangs with other state flags in the subway system under the U.S. Capitol in Washington on June 23, 2015.

Adam Ganucheau
My God. U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves dismissed Miss. state flag suit but pulled no punches in his conclusion.
9:34 AM - 9 Sep 2016
[ (with comments)]

Though he said the symbol is constitutional, he warned that his home state is dangerously out of step with the rest of the nation.
09/09/2016 Updated September 9, 2016 [with comments]


The Daily Show - Donald Trump Tries to Woo Black Voters

Published on Sep 7, 2016 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

After Donald Trump visits an African-American church in Detroit, Roy Wood Jr. breaks down the GOP presidential hopeful's attempt to bolster support among black voters. [with comments]


US, Russia seal Syria cease-fire, new military partnership

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, left, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov shake hands at a joint appearance following the negotiation.

Sep. 10, 2016 6:51 AM EDT

GENEVA (AP) — The United States and Russia working in lockstep against the Islamic State group and al-Qaida's affiliate in Syria. A rejuvenated truce that will compel President Bashar Assad's air and ground forces to pull back. New flows of badly needed humanitarian aid.

Those details emerged Saturday as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov capped another marathon meeting in Geneva to present their latest ambitious push to end Syria's devastating and complex war.

The potential breakthrough deal, which launches a nationwide cessation of hostilities by sundown Monday, will hinge on compliance by Assad's Russian-backed forces and U.S.-supported rebel groups, plus key regional powers such as Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia with hands directly or indirectly in Syria's 5-1/2 years of carnage.

"We believe the plan as it is set forth — if implemented, if followed — has the ability to provide a turning point, a moment of change," Kerry said as he and Lavrov laid out the contours, but admittedly not too much fine print, of the hard-won accord.

The ultimate hope is to silence the Syrian guns so that the long-stalled peace process under U.N. mediation can resume between Assad's envoys and representatives of the opposition, while the two world powers focus on battling jihadis.

The deal, at least publicly and for now, appears to overcome months of distrust between Russia and the United States that President Barack Obama had cited less than a week ago.

Now, the two powers are lining up in an unexpected new military partnership targeting IS and al-Qaida-linked militants, while trying to prod Assad and opposition groups to end a civil war that has killed up to 500,000 people and displaced millions.

"This is just the beginning of our new relations," Lavrov said of the U.S.

Washington must persuade Syrian rebels to break ranks with Fath al-Sham, an al-Qaida-linked group previously known as the Nusra Front, which has intermingled with U.S.-backed fighters. Moscow is to pressure Assad's government to halt all offensive operations against the armed opposition in specific areas, which were not detailed.

"The Syrian government has been informed of these arrangements and is ready to fulfill them," Lavrov said at a news conference alongside Kerry after midnight.

Kerry said the arrangement depends on "people's choices. It has the ability to stick, provided the regime and the opposition both meet their obligations, which we — and we expect other supporting countries — will strongly encourage them to do."

He also alluded to the possibility of backsliding that all but doomed a previous U.S.-Russia cease-fire initiative earlier this year, which briefly halted the fighting and paved the way for new aid convoys before a resurgence of bloodshed.

"No one is building this based on trust," Kerry said. "It is based on a way of providing oversight, and compliance, through mutual interest and other things. If this arrangement holds, then we will see a significant reduction in violence across Syria."

The deal culminates months of frenetic diplomacy that included four meetings between Kerry and Lavrov since Aug. 26, and a lengthy face-to-face in China between Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The military deal would go into effect after both sides abide by the truce for a week and allow unimpeded humanitarian deliveries. Then, the U.S. and Russia would begin intelligence sharing and targeting coordination, while Assad's air and ground forces would no longer be permitted to target Fath al-Sham; they would be restricted to operations against the Islamic State.

The arrangement would ultimately aim to step up and concentrate the firepower of two of the world's most powerful militaries against IS and the group once known as Nusra, listed by the United Nations as terrorist groups.

Both sides have failed to deliver their ends of the bargain over several previous truces.

But the new arrangement goes further by promising a new U.S.-Russian counterterrorism alliance, only a year after Obama chastised Putin for a military intervention that U.S. officials said was mainly designed to keep Assad in power and target more moderate anti-Assad forces.

Russia, in response, has chafed at America's financial and military assistance to groups that have intermingled with the Nusra Front on the battlefield. Kerry said it would be "wise" for opposition forces to separate completely from Nusra, a statement Lavrov hailed.

"Going after Nusra is not a concession to anybody," Kerry said. "It is profoundly in the interests of the United States."

The proposed level of U.S.-Russian interaction has upset several leading national security officials in Washington, including Defense Secretary Ash Carter and National Intelligence Director James Clapper, and Kerry only appeared at the news conference after several hours of internal U.S. discussions.

After the Geneva announcement, Pentagon secretary Peter Cook offered a guarded endorsement of the arrangement and cautioned, "We will be watching closely the implementation of this understanding in the days ahead."

At one point, Lavrov said he was considering "calling it a day" on talks, expressing frustration with what he described as an hours-long wait for a U.S. response. He then presented journalists with several boxes of pizza, saying, "This is from the U.S. delegation," and two bottles of vodka, adding, "This is from the Russian delegation."

The Geneva negotiating session, which lasted more than 13 hours, underscored the complexity of a conflict that includes myriad militant groups, shifting alliances and the rival interests of the U.S. and Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran, and Turkey and the Kurds.

Getting Assad's government and rebel groups to comply with the deal may now be more difficult as fighting rages around Aleppo, Syria's most populous city and the new focus of the war.

Assad's government appeared to tighten its siege of the former Syrian commercial hub in the last several days, seizing several key transit points. Forty days of fighting in Aleppo has killed nearly 700 civilians, including 160 children, according to a Syrian human rights group.

Kerry outlined several steps the government and rebels would have to take. They must now pull back from demilitarized zones, and allow civilian traffic and humanitarian deliveries — notably into Aleppo.

"If Aleppo is at peace, we believe that the prospects for a diplomatic solution will brighten," he said. "If Aleppo continues to be torn apart, the prospects for Syria and its people are grim."

But as with previous blueprints for peace, Saturday's plan appears to lack enforcement mechanisms. Russia could, in theory, threaten to act against rebel groups that break the deal. But if Assad bombs his opponents, the U.S. is unlikely to take any action against him given Obama's longstanding opposition to entering the civil war.

In the Mideast, the main Syrian opposition umbrella group said it hoped the new U.S.-Russian agreement would be enforced in order to ease the suffering of civilians. Basma Kodmani, of the High Negotiations Committee, told The Associated Press that Russia should pressure Assad to abide by the deal, adding enforcement mechanisms will be needed including the "cessation of hostilities and the grounding (of) regime air forces."

© 2016 Associated Press


Trump Used His Companies To Mask Political Donations To Another Florida Attorney General
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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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