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Re: F6 post# 254433

Friday, 09/02/2016 11:53:29 PM

Friday, September 02, 2016 11:53:29 PM

Post# of 481797
David Duke And His Pals Loved Trump’s Immigration Speech

Leading white nationalists praised — and live-tweeted — Trump’s message.
09/01/2016 Updated September 1, 2016 [with comments], [embedded; with comments]


Trump Makes White Nationalist Proposal; Media Doesn’t Notice

09/01/2016 Updated September 1, 2016 [with comments]


No more nation of immigrants: Trump plan calls for a major, long-lasting cut in legal entries

Donald Trump lays out his immigration policy at a rally in Phoenix.
September 2, 2016 [with embedded video, and comments]


Ann Coulter
I think I'll watch this speech every night before going to bed so that I will sleep like a baby.
7:13 PM - 31 Aug 2016

Ann Coulter: Trump's Immigration Policy Address Was "The Greatest Speech Ever Given"
September 1, 2016
In an interview [ (embedded)] with Breitbart News Daily host Raheem Kassam, Ann Coulter described Donald Trump's immigration policy speech yesterday [ ] as "the greatest speech ever given."
"I think we can start working on the Trump transition team," she added.

Ann Coulter says she can prove Donald Trump never mocked a reporter’s disability. (She can’t.)
September 1, 2016
Here is Trump ridiculing Kovaleski:

And here is Trump aping the general at the same event:

Both impressions involve open-mouthed hand-waving, but there are obvious differences. Only when Trump mocks Kovaleski does he curl his right hand and wrist in a way that mimics the effect of the reporter's condition.

What about Coulter's claim that Trump "has done the exact same imitation of Ted Cruz"? Here is that clip:

[...] [with comments], [embedded; with comments]


Germany’s Jewish Community Is Nervous About The Rise Of Populist AfD Party

Michael Gottschalk / AFP via Getty Images

By Tobias Lill
09/02/2016 10:39 am ET

Opinion polls suggest that the populist Alternative for Germany party, or AfD, will shine in the upcoming state elections - in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on Sept. 4 and in Berlin two weeks later - which is provoking anxiety among members of Germany’s Muslim and Jewish communities.

The AfD was founded in 2013 as a hardline Eurosceptic party, but has now shifted towards an anti-immigration agenda. Its popularity has soared in recent months, in tandem with growing security concerns and agitation over the integration of the more than 1 million - mostly Muslim - migrants that have arrived in Germany last year.

Amid growing frustration with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s refugee policy, polls indicate that the AfD may even push Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union out of power [ ] in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania - where AfD is leading by 23 percent to 20 percent [ ] - and Berlin this month.

Earlier this year, AfD approved a manifesto that states “Islam is not a part of Germany,” and proposes a ban on the call to prayer and face veils in public places.

“Orthodox Islam, which does not respect our legal system, or even challenges it, and which claims dominance as the only valid religion, is not compatible with our legal system or with our culture,” the party’s manifesto said [ ( )].

Muslims, however, are not the only group threatened by the rise of the populist party.

“The Jewish community in Germany is following the rise of the AfD with concern,” Josef Schuster, president of Germany’s Central Council of Jews, told HuffPost Germany. “They’re spreading fear and prejudice, thereby endangering the cohesion of our society.”

In addition to exhibiting “serious intolerance for Muslims and other minorities in our country,” Schuster says, the party’s platform is “against Jewish life.”

AfD’s draft manifesto published on April 30, 2016, referred to the circumcision of boys as “serious violations of fundamental rights,” a position that Israeli daily Haaretz said is “easily viewed as targeting the Jewish community [ ].”

“The AfD even accepts anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers among their ranks,” Schuster said.

Anti-Semitism expert Jan Riebe agrees. He told HuffPost Germany in June that there is a “wide anti-Semitic streak inside the party.”

Statements made by AfD representative Wolfgang Gedeon in a 2012 book caused a row within the party earlier this year. Gedeon suggested that Holocaust denial was legitimate, and referred to the Holocaust as “certain misdeeds [ ].”

When the party’s regional boss Jörg Meuthen failed to get the two-thirds majority to expel Gedeon from the party, he resigned with 12 allies to form a new group [ ]. Gedeon left AfD soon after, but not in time to curb the controversy.

In addition to Schuster, other members of Germany’s Jewish community have expressed concern over the growing popularity of AfD.

“As early as this coming weekend’s election, radical right-wing parties could suddenly find themselves moving into the state parliament of at least two different federal states - and with horrifying numbers,” Charlotte Knobloch, former president of the Central Council of Jews, wrote on her Facebook page [ ]. “This could profoundly alter the power structure not only of the two affected states but of the entire Federal Republic.”

This post originally appeared on HuffPost Germany [ ] and has been translated into English.

Copyright © 2016, Inc. [with comments]


Virginia Republicans Seem Determined To Not Let Thousands Of Ex-Felons Vote In November

Did Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) violate the state constitution with his latest attempt to re-enfranchise those who have paid their debts to society? Virginia Republicans think so.
They’re asking the state Supreme Court to hold Gov. Terry McAuliffe in contempt.
09/01/2016 Updated September 1, 2016 [with comments]


Jack Daniel’s Embraces a Hidden Ingredient: Help From a Slave

In a photo in Jack Daniel’s old office, Daniel, with mustache and white hat, is shown at his distillery in Tennessee in the late 1800s. The man to his right could be a son of Nearis Green, a slave who helped teach Daniel how to make whiskey.
JUNE 25, 2016 [with comments]

Slave was behind Jack Daniel's recipe but was whitewashed from history

A man believed to be the son of Nearis Green sits next to Jack Daniel in this photograph from the late 1800s
27 June 2016

Jack Daniel’s wants you to know about Nearis Green, the slave behind the world’s best-selling whiskey

[ (with comment)]
June 28, 2016 [with comments]


Trump and Hillary Debate Prep: A Closer Look

Published on Aug 30, 2016 by Late Night with Seth Meyers [ / , ]

Seth takes a closer look at how Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are preparing for the presidential debates. [with comments]


Trump’s Hispanic Advisers Ditch Him Over Hard-Right Immigration Plan
One suggested that Trump might not even want to win.
09/01/2016 Updated September 1, 2016 [with embedded video, and comments]


Trump Hispanic advisor resigns from campaign

MSNBC Live with Craig Melvin

Donald Trump is facing threats of more resignations from his National Hispanic Advisory Council after delivering a particularly tough stance during last night’s immigration speech. Jacob Monty explains why he decided to resign from the campaign as one of those advisors. Duration: 6:51

©2016 , [with comments]


Former Trump advisor: ‘We heard a populist propaganda con artist’

Hardball with Chris Matthews

Jacob Monty resigned from Donald Trump’s Latino Advisory Council after hearing the Republican nominee’s speech on immigration. Monty explains why he decided he could no longer support Trump. Duration: 7:02

©2016 , [with comments]


Latinos for Trump Founder: If We Don’t Act, ‘You’re Gonna Have Taco Trucks on Every Corner’

All In with Chris Hayes

Joy Reid talks to Marco Gutierrez, founder of the group Latinos for Trump. Duration: 8:52

Latinos for Trump founder warns of ‘taco trucks on every corner’
09/01/16 [with embedded video clip from this segment, and comments]

The national economic implications of a taco truck on every corner
September 2, 2016 [with embedded videos, and comments]

©2016 , [with comments]


How did Donald Trump handle his first international trip? We’re glad you asked.

It didn’t go well.
September 1, 2016 [h/t SoxFan, (linked in) and preceding and following]


Welcome To The Mexican-American Election

El Norte is going through one of its periodic fits of fear of the immigrants who define and power it.
09/01/2016 Updated September 1, 2016 comments]


Triumph Throws Carnival for Trump Supporters

Published on Aug 31, 2016 by Hulu [ / , ]

Realizing there's plenty of money to be made in this election, Triumph holds a carnival tailored to Trump's fervent supporters. [with comments]


Donald Trump addresses the American Legion National Convention

Published on Sep 1, 2016 by americanlegionHQ [ / , ]

Republican Party Presidential Nominee Donald Trump addresses the 98th American Legion National Convention in Cincinnati. [with comment] [also at e.g. (with comments), and (with comments)]


Clinton continues to eat Republicans’ lunch on foreign policy

Hillary Clinton gestures while speaking during the American Legion National Convention at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati on Wednesday.
(Ty Wright/Bloomberg News)

By Jennifer Rubin
September 1, 2016

While Donald Trump sends millions of Americans fleeing the GOP, Hillary Clinton scoops up more endorsements of the type Republican nominees usually enjoy. The Clinton camp announced endorsements from two retired four-star generals, Bob Sennewald (former commanding general, U.S. Army Forces Command) and David Maddox (former commander in chief of the U.S. Army in Europe). In a joint statement they said, “Having each served over 34 years and retired as an Army 4-star general, we each have worked closely with America’s strongest allies, both in NATO and throughout Asia.” They explained, “Our votes have always been private, and neither of us has ever previously lent his name or voice to a presidential candidate.” They nevertheless announced, “Having studied what is at stake for this country and the alternatives we have now, we see only one viable leader, and will be voting this November for Secretary Hillary Clinton.”

The endorsements follow Clinton’s hawkish speech at the American Legion yesterday and Trump’s confusing and meek appearance in Mexico. As to the latter, former Mexican president Vicente Fox chided Trump [ ], “He comes to Mexico, he plays a totally different music, very diplomatic. … And he comes back to the states and then he comes back to his now very old message.” He added, “We are not going to pay for that F wall. … It’s a crazy idea. … No way Mexico is going to pay for it.” Trump seems not to understand that one cannot say something to a foreign leader in the morning, something totally different a few hours later and expect not to cause a diplomatic flap.

Trump’s behavior in his sole trip to meet a head of state — even his spokesman’s statement suggested [ ] that Trump was misleading about whether payment of the wall was raised — only underscored Clinton’s point. “You don’t build a coalition by insulting our friends or acting like a loose cannon. You do it by putting in the slow, hard work of building relationships,” she cautioned yesterday. “Getting countries working together was my job every day as your secretary of state. It’s more than a photo op. It takes consistency and reliability.” She was slightly off in one regard when she said: “People have to get to know that they can count on you; that you won’t say one thing one day and something totally different the next.” Actually, with Trump, it was only a matter of hours and a short plane trip before he showed his true colors.

Likewise, when Trump declares, as he did in Arizona last night, that it was a mistake to take refugees from two allied countries, Iraq and Afghanistan, and insists on “extreme vetting” of Muslim applicants, including quizzing them on their views on “respect for women and gays and minorities” (a test many think Trump would fail), he once again risks inflaming the very Muslim allies we need to defeat the Islamic State. He also manages to offend loyal American Muslims whose cooperation law enforcement relies upon to detect lone wolves and groups of plotters.

Judging from her latest ad, Clinton will continue pounding away at the theme that Trump himself is a risk to American security and standing in the world — someone who enrages and confuses allies and denigrates our military [ (next below, as embedded; comments disabled)]:

So far, a slew of former military and civilian foreign-policy gurus who would normally be advising the Republican nominee are now signing on with Clinton. Whether that translates into actual votes remains an open question. Nevertheless, with only 79 percent of Republicans supporting him, according to the latest Fox News poll [ ], it does appear that an unusually high percentage of Republicans cannot bring themselves to vote for Trump. Each vote taken out of Trump’s column moves Clinton one step closer to the White House, and if she can actually get those Republicans — enthusiastically or not — to cast votes for her, she will go a long way toward running up the electoral vote score in November.

© 2016 The Washington Post [with comments]


Top Jeb Bush donor says he's with Clinton

Top Jeb Bush donor Mike Fernandez said Hillary Clinton’s intelligence, experience and humility balance out her shortcomings.
POLITICO Screen grab

By Nolan D. McCaskill
09/01/16 09:46 AM EDT

Donald Trump is unqualified for the presidency, Mike Fernandez, a top Jeb Bush and Rick Scott donor, said Thursday, announcing that he’ll be voting across party lines for Hillary Clinton in November.

Fernandez identified himself as “a firm believer in the fundamental tenets of the Republican Party” and as someone who takes his civic responsibilities seriously before slamming the GOP’s standard-bearer.

“Donald Trump is neither representative of our values nor qualified to lead the nation,” he wrote in an op-ed published Thursday [ ] in The Miami Herald.

Republicans can no longer “seek solace in wishful thinking or the illusion that this is just an election cycle and that by divine intervention all will be better after we vote” or “hide behind the excuse that party loyalty is paramount, and that a bad candidate of our own is always better than any candidate of theirs,” he cautioned, warning that Trump is capable of single-handedly leading America “off the precipice.”

“I have watched this election unfold, from that first press conference where the population of an entire country was cast as insulting to our core. This led to a neverending spiral of vulgarity, intellectual dishonesty, invective, abuse, misogyny, racism, intolerance, bullying, ignorance and downright cruelty,” he said. “The fact that the person unleashing these forces, reflecting beliefs and biases that we had long ago identified as at odds with the Founding Fathers’ principle of ordered liberty was a member of my party, was at first cause for irritation evolving into alarm and frustration and finally arriving at a sobering moment of embarrassment for my party, and beyond that, of profound concern for my beloved country.”

Fernandez ripped Trump for his antagonizing rhetoric, calling his claims of a rigged system should he lose to Clinton “insanity and dictatorial machinations at best” and characterizing Trump as an “abysmally unfit candidate who has unleashed “racist and violent acts.”

“I harbor no illusion that Hillary Clinton is perfect; none of us is,” he continued. “I do not see eye to eye on some issues with the former senator from New York. However, Clinton is, without a doubt, a superior choice to Donald Trump.”

Clinton’s intelligence, experience and humility balance out her shortcomings and will serve her well in the White House, Fernandez said, noting that he is “equally convinced that our republic will be placed in fundamental peril if we are foolish enough to elect” Trump.

“And so my fellow Republicans, swallow hard, look into your heart — and your gut,” he added. “Vote for Hillary Clinton and then every single Republican on the ticket.”

It's not the first time Fernandez, who donated more than $3 million to Jeb Bush's presidential campaign, has gone after Trump. Last December, he took out full-page ads [ ] in several regional newspapers calling Trump “a hater” and a “narcissistic BULLYionaire." A lawyer for the Trump Organization subsequently threatened [ ] to sue Fernandez for defamation.

Fernandez, who fled Cuba in the 1960s before making his fortune in the health-care industry, has been supportive [ ] of President Barack Obama's overtures to the Cuban regime. In 2012, he donated more than $1 million to a super PAC supporting Mitt Romney.

© 2016 POLITICO LLC [with comments]


Pariahs for Donald Trump

F. Carter Smith/Sygma, via Getty Images

By Nicholas Kristof
SEPT. 1, 2016

To read newspapers like this one, you might think that almost nobody has endorsed Donald Trump [ ]. Ah, but maybe that’s because The Times is, as Trump puts it, “totally dishonest,” “failing [ ]” and “a disgusting fraud [ ].”

In truth, Trump has actually attracted a broad range of endorsements that perhaps haven’t received adequate attention.

For example, from terrorists.

“I ask Allah to deliver America to Trump,” a supporter of the Islamic State declared recently in an Arabic-language posting. Foreign Affairs quotes [ ] jihadists explaining that Trump would say and do such crazy things that he would end up helping extremist groups.

“He must be smoking bad hashish to say such crazy things,” one jihadist added. Supporters of ISIS [ ] say they hope Trump would cause the United States to self-destruct, and that is why, as one put it, “Trump’s arrival in the White House must be a priority for jihadists at any cost!”

Of course, Trump has been endorsed not only by terrorists, but also by nation states. “Trump is not the rough-talking, screwy, ignorant candidate they say he is, but is actually a wise politician,” a columnist wrote [ ] in a North Korean propaganda magazine, DPRK Today.

The magazine approved of Trump’s threats to withdraw U.S. military forces from South Korea and noted [ ], “Who knew that the slogan ‘Yankee Go Home’ would come true like this?”

Then there’s Russia [ ], which seems to be [ ] not only backing Trump but also perhaps releasing stolen emails to hurt the Democrats. There are also concerns that Russia will meddle with voting systems or leak other stolen materials — or fake ones — to try to influence the election.

Likewise, many Chinese leaders would like to see a Trump victory, according to Cheng Li, an expert on Chinese politics at the Brookings Institution. The Chinese leaders apparently think Trump would manage allies and American foreign policy poorly, thus reducing American influence and creating space for China [ ].

That’s quite a list of influential backers — ISIS supporters, North Korea [ ], Russia and China. And it’s matched at home by an array of strong endorsements that also, perhaps, don’t receive adequate attention.

“Donald Trump would be best for the job,” said [ ] the imperial wizard of the Rebel Brigade Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. “The reason a lot of Klan members like Donald Trump is because a lot of what he believes, we believe in.”

Likewise, Trump has the backing not only of the Republican Party [ ] but also of the American Freedom Party, a white nationalist organization. “Donald Trump’s campaign may help remind Americans that all genocide, even against white people, is evil,” said Bob Whitaker, who until spring was the American Freedom Party’s presidential candidate, running with the campaign slogan, “Diversity is a code word for white genocide.”

The American Nazi Party’s position is a bit more complicated. Rocky Suhayda, the party chairman, has predicted [ ] that Trump will win and that this will provide “a real opportunity for people like white nationalists.” But, apparently worried that Nazi support for Trump might be counterproductive, he denied reports that on his radio show he had actually endorsed Trump.

“Recently, the jews-media gave the Party international coverage over our last ANP radio show, where they ‘claimed’ that I ‘endorsed’ Donald Trump, in another effort to ‘SMEAR’ the man,” Suhayda wrote [ ] on the Nazi Party website. “It was a typical kosher BIG LIE, as exposed and explained in Adolf Hitler’s book Mein Kampf — whereas they ‘CLAIM’ that Mr. Evil Nazi (me) has embraced Donald Trump for President, hence Mr. Trump and myself are joined at the hip, being clones of Little Hitlerites.”

So maybe Trump doesn’t have the Nazi endorsement sewn up after all.

He does have the backing of other prominent figures. Among them: Martin Shkreli [ ], who as C.E.O. of Turing Pharmaceuticals raised the price of a lifesaving drug by more than 5,000 percent; Milo Yiannopoulos, recently banned [ ] from Twitter for leading internet trolls on a misogynist and racist campaign against Leslie Jones, the comedian and actress; and Alex Jones, the talk show host who has said that the Apollo 11 moon landing was faked and that no children were actually injured in the Sandy Hook school shooting.

The Washington Post published an early non-endorsement editorial [ ], stating that Trump constitutes a “unique and present danger” to America, but Trump has won some publication endorsements — such as one from The Daily Stormer, a white supremacist website, and one from The National Enquirer.

O.K., O.K., it’s also true that Trump has support of tens of millions of Americans, including (sometimes grudgingly) leading Republicans, like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and John McCain. Yet one element that makes this election stunning is how many prominent Republicans have refused to endorse their nominee, while some have denounced [ ] him as a “madman” and “bigot” who has no more “core principles than a Kardashian marriage.”

But perhaps what’s even more illuminating is the crowd that is endorsing Trump.

© 2016 The New York Times Company [with comments]


Wikileaks' Assange Slams Media For Defending “Demon” Clinton, Who Will ‘Put Nooses Around Everyone’s Necks’

Aug 31, 2016 [with embedded videos, and comments]


Full Show - NWO Declares War On Humanity/ Cartoonist Predicts Rise Of Trump - 09/01/2016

Published on Sep 1, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

On this Thursday, September 1 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we break down Donald Trump's historic trip to Mexico to meet and speak with the Mexican president. Master hypnotist and creator of the popular comic strip series Dilbert Scott Adams joins the show today to discuss his prediction that Trump will win by a landslide in November. Also, activist Lauren Southern breaks down her recent interaction with a social justice warrior who attempted to take down her Youtube channel. On today's show, we also welcome black Republican R.W. Bray, who discusses the lies of the Democrat party and ways Trump can reach out to the African American community. [with comments]


Putin Says DNC Hack Was a Public Service, Russia Didn’t Do It

‘Listen, does it even matter who hacked this data?’ Putin says
Putin says he ‘couldn’t imagine’ DNC bias was newsworthy
September 2, 2016 Updated September 2, 2016 [with embedded video], [same as the embedded video; with comments], [with comments]


An Interview with Donald Trump's Doctor

Published on Aug 30, 2016 by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Seth sits down with Trump's doctor Harold Bernstein. [with comments]


Hillary Clinton Raised A Massive $143 Million In August

Hillary Clinton raised $143 million for her campaign and the Democratic Party in August.
It was the Democratic presidential nominee’s best month to date.
09/01/2016 [with comments]


Donald Trump Has Not Yet Paid Several Top Staffers

His campaign’s spending has totaled $89.5 million so far.
09/02/2016 [with comments] [original at ]


Donald Trump’s Latest Hire Shows He’s No Different Than His Old Republican Foes

Donald Trump, once a critic of money in politics, just hired the head of Citizens United.
The head of Citizens United joins Trump’s campaign from a pro-Trump super PAC.
09/02/2016 [with comments]


Life-long Clinton attacker hired to be Trump's Clinton attacker

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reviews the history of David Bossie, who has devoted his life to trying to invent and sell scandals about Bill and Hillary Clinton and has now been hired as Donald Trump's deputy campaign manager. Duration: 16:00

©2016 [the above YouTube, which begins with this segment (the remainder consisting of other recent Maddow segments), for the moment at least at (no comments yet)]


Did Trump's campaign manager lie to Rachel Maddow's face?

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow replays Donald Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway's recent answer about the lack of any role by Roger Ailes in the Trump campaign, and then points out several new reports that show Ailes advising the campaign in one case with Conway present. Duration: 5:35

©2016 [the above YouTube, which begins with this segment (the remainder consisting of other recent Maddow segments), for the moment at least at (no comments yet)]


Trump Pays Penalty For Ethically Questionable Political Donation

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi speaks before the arrival of Donald Trump at a campaign event in Daytona, Florida, Aug. 3, 2016.
The donation came as Florida’s attorney general was considering joining a lawsuit against Trump’s for-profit school.
09/01/2016 [with comments]


Trump Modeling Agency: A Couple Things

Published on Aug 31, 2016 by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Seth discusses Trump’s modeling agency, which allegedly illegally employs foreign models. [with comments]


Tell-It-Like-It-Is Trump Becomes Teleprompter Donald

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump gestures as he reads from a teleprompter during a speech in Virginia Beach, Va., Monday, July 11, 2016.
[ ]

The GOP nominee is now using the machine he used to scorn, except really badly.
09/01/2016 Updated September 1, 2016 [with (separate) embedded video, and comments], [embedded; with comments; original at ]


Donald Trump Can't Resist Slamming 'Morning Joe' Hosts on Twitter

Trump won't quit lashing out on Twitter.
It's pretty petty.
09/02/2016 [with comments]


Donald Trump Isn’t Even Winning Twitter Anymore. Sad!

We decided to see how he fared against Elizabeth Warren.
09/02/2016 [with comments]


Clinton offers plan to curb 'unjustified' price hikes on life-saving drugs

Sep 2, 2016

Clinton unveils plan to stop price-gouging on old drugs

September 2, 2016 [with comments]

Hillary Clinton Unveils Plan to Address ‘Excessive’ Increases in Drug Prices

Hillary Clinton spoke at the American Legion convention in Cincinnati on Wednesday.
SEPT. 2, 2016

Hillary Clinton Has a Quietly Bold Idea to Stop Drug Price Spikes

Sept. 2 2016 [with comments]


Mike Pence’s Religious Freedom Law Continues To Hang Over Indiana
And the state’s GOP gubernatorial candidate struggles to defend it.
09/01/2016 [with comments], [embedded; with comments]


‘Christian’ College Gives Heave-Ho To Professor For Supporting LGBT People
09/01/2016 Updated September 2, 2016 [with comments]


Checking In With North Carolina's Bathroom Junk Checker

Published on Sep 2, 2016 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

A court's decision to block the transgender bathroom law in North Carolina has ended a way of life for people who made their living enforcing the ban.

[aired September 1, 2016 [with comments]


Bullet holes on a Kirkpatrick attack piece?

GOP delivers poster to Ann Kirkpatrick, complete with bullet holes. Nice.
September 2, 2016 [with comments]

Dems Denounce GOP's Bullet-Riddled Wanted Poster Of McCain Opponent

September 2, 2016 [with comments]

Giffords calls out Arizona GOP for gunshots on Kirkpatrick poster
September 01, 2016

Arizona GOP defends wanted poster of Democrat Kirkpatrick

John McCain and Ann Kirkpatrick
Sep. 2, 2016
PHOENIX (AP) — The Arizona Republican Party on Friday defended its release of an Old West style wanted poster criticizing Democratic U.S. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick in her campaign for the Senate, after Democrats said the poster depicted bullet holes that are inappropriate and disturbing.
Kirkpatrick's campaign called the poster a "tasteless and ignorant stunt."
State Republican Party spokesman Matt Specht called the criticism an attempt to distract from the poster's message that Kirkpatrick avoids public appearances in which she might be asked tough questions.
Kirkpatrick's campaign and former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords in separate statements said the poster's bullet holes amounted to inappropriate imagery related to violence. Giffords, a Democrat, left Congress after she was gravely wounded in a 2011 assassination attempt.
"There is absolutely no place for this disturbing imagery in Arizona politics," Kirkpatrick campaign manager Max Cross said.
Specht in a telephone interview Friday said that round splotches on the poster Kirkpatrick labeled as bullet holes were intended at conveying a weathered image of the Old West.
"They could be just holes, whether it was something that was nailed to a tree or wall," he said.
Later Friday, Kirkpatrick's campaign took issue with Specht's comments as reported by The Associated Press, providing a web link to what spokesman D.B. Mitchell said appeared to be the template for the poster. The template included a description of "old and dirty paper with bullet holes."
The state Republican Party displayed the poster Thursday on the party's website ( ) and posted it on Twitter.


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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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