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Wednesday, August 24, 2016 2:35:29 PM

Post# of 358482
Dang! I get so distracted when I start reading about the old days......

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of 12178

Re: 1/913/06 - [BTMD/CMKX/ECNI/OMOG/PCBM] A Post-Mortem

Why I flip-flopped on Turino? I bought the whole naked shorting BS on PCBM and spoke to LoCastro on a regular basis, who lied to me repeatedly about busting the short. When I woke up and smelled the coffee, I turned on management with as much vigor as I had when supporting them against what I perceived to be bashers.

By: fungagain
09 Jan 2006, 11:47 AM EST
Msg. 10080 of 10186
(This msg. is a reply to 10075 by very_tired1.)
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Treffry.....anything else you can do for me??.....Well, since you've asked.....

1)How many different penny stocks have you received shares from?
2)Have you held all shares, or did you sell? If so, how many shared did you receive? How many sold? How many now holding?
3)How could you be legal counsel for a company and not be aware that slurpy was receiving shares?
4)Who is Joan Shapiro and does she actually do anything for these companies, or is she just the receiver of shares for slurpy?
5)Who was ike? How was catgirl and her family involved with PCBM?
6)What job was slurpy doing to have earned his shares?
7)Was it slurpy who put you on OMOG? Why would you listen to him? What other stocks did slurpy put you on?
8)Why did you go through a period of time where you would blast Turino, then shortly afterward laud him?
9)What's the most amount of aliases you've had at any one time?
10)Is someone paying slurpy or you to post?
11)Does slurpy still live at the same address?
12)Is alanc, SBG, jcline, wondrwen, jmcjmc also working with slurpy?
Give me some time and I'll think of a few more. I appreciate you've decided to finally answer questions. I'm sure this will help to clear up some questions for the masses.
BTW, you look absolutely awful for 45!


By: very_tired1
09 Jan 2006, 08:37 PM EST
Msg. 10082 of 10187
(This msg. is a reply to 10080 by fungagain.)
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I answer the questions and what will it do?

Will you honor the information I give you or simply rag more? The point being, no matter what my responses have been, I have been ragged on by you. Nnothing I say, admitting I was wrong about certain companies, apologizing about harsh language, nothing of it is redeeming to you. So I ask you, why do you want to know of what you seek.. merely to gain more ammunition to rag, irrespective of what I write or to learn the truth?


By: fungagain
09 Jan 2006, 08:54 PM EST
Msg. 10083 of 10187
(This msg. is a reply to 10082 by very_tired1.)
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Sorry allan, no one said honesty was easy. I don't know how I'll respond? Depends on how much I believe you have to say or how sincere you appear. However, you're the one who asked if there was anything else, and I most certainly do have tons more questions.
Perhaps you could consider it sort of a cleansing of the soul. It's not like you've been a perfect angel or anything.


By: jarta
10 Jan 2006, 12:25 PM EST
Msg. 10088 of 10187
(This msg. is a reply to 10085 by winedude.)
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George, ... Treffry created enemies before I ever started posting about him. He will have enemies long after I stop posting about him.

This isn't just about ECNI. It's about every scam stock with LV connections Treffry has lauded to the heavens.

Treffy created his own pile of poop to sit in. His bad; not mine. Whatever angst the doofus has to go through is little compared to the grief he has dished out to all who he doesn't like.

IMO, Treffry is no mere victim. All the wounds are self-inflicted.

Finally, I wouldn't take any credit - assuming it's even true - for the amigos (CHIC, Larry G. and you) putting Jensen and Yarter in the positions they had at ECNI. Jensen's first act? Issuing S-8 stock to himself, his company and his wife in her maiden name to disguise it. (I've always wondered who wrote the opinion to remove the restrictions on many of those S-8 shares.) Then Jensen gave stock to Montgomery, Beard and all the others associated with the Bank of Saipan scam. You remember Montgomery and the phony PRs about his "Mexican money transfer company" and "Vicks", don't you?

And, Hughes' next scam was the purchase of the scam processing company once owned by Wilson (& Montgomery). Care to see a copy of the agreement Hughes signed?

And, how about Uncle Lamar Jensen and the phony oil and gas claims at Pacific Nakon? You sure can ignore history in defending Treffry by boosting ECNI.

But, good health and good luck to you. ... eom

(Voluntary Disclosure: Position- No Position)


By: very_tired1
11 Jan 2006, 04:10 PM EST
Msg. 10103 of 10187
(This msg. is a reply to 10083 by fungagain.)
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Perfect Angel?

I have shown more honesty, fairness, openness and was willing to apologize for being wrong about certain stocks and certain players 100X more than anyone on these boards.

After all, tell me how many people have allowed for disclosing personal facts about their business as I have? How many have apologized to certain perceived bashers for bad language and misreading their motives as to why they were on the boards? How many have promoted a stock as a sh and when the facts showed differently, went after management with such zeal that he was sent some thugs to his house to threaten him?

I am no perfect angel, but in the light of the characters on this board, I am pretty close


By: very_tired1
11 Jan 2006, 04:49 PM EST
Msg. 10104 of 10187
(This msg. is a reply to 10088 by jarta.)
Jump to msg. #
Jimbo full of it again...

When will it ever end?

First off, what is an LV connection?

Secondly, I have not lauded into the heavens anything. I was a shareholder of a stock I believed in, ECNI. Long before I got hired by the company, I disapeared off of the boards for almost 18 months and then got the job.

Gee.. big surprise, I was told of what was supposed to be another great opportuity in PCBM and I invested in that one too.. so what, I lost money.

In both stocks, I ragged on people I perceived to be bashers, people perceived to be paid to lie about me stock investments. So what? To several, I backed off and even apologized.

As far as CJ employing his relatives, first off, what on earth does that have to do with me? Secondly, defense of one hiring his family if they are qualified is not too difficult, but I will not go there for now.

I never heard of Montgomery Beard or the Siapan people prior to seeing the reference on these boards. Again, I ask what the F do they have to do with me?

You then reference TH signing some contract with certain people long ago. Again, what the F does that have to do with me?

You then mention CJ dealing with Llamar Jensen and some alleged phony gas claims at Nakon. Once more, what the F does that have to do with me?

All of these alleged things were done long prior to me being retained by the company. HOwever, I do believe that it was TH who did the Nakon deal, not CJ. I saw TH signature all over it, not CJ.

So bigmouth, you have named several matters that not only occurred long before I got to ECNI but I had ZERO to do with. I have files upon files, cases upon cases that I went to Court on, did depositions, J/D Examinations, mediations, you name it. Those are real world, legitimate legal tasks, nothing to do with pimping a stock. You are 100% aware that I was employed by ECNI to be a lawyer, not a stock promoter, but you like to be a degenerate drinking liar, which you have repeatedly proven to be the role you can not escape from.

Be bitter all you want, it must really be something that I occupy all of your thoughts and dreams, 24/7.


By: very_tired1
11 Jan 2006, 06:46 PM EST
Msg. 10107 of 10187
(This msg. is a reply to 10106 by fungagain.)
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1)How many different penny stocks have you received shares from?

1. 3, all as compensation from CJ for work done for ECNI. None from PCBM, none from ECNI before being hired in Summer of 2002.

2)Have you held all shares, or did you sell? If so, how many shared did you receive? How many sold? How many now holding?

2. Still holding 700K of ECNI/all 305 M of CMKX + more I purchased. I still have 173 M of PCBM as well.

3)How could you be legal counsel for a company and not be aware that slurpy was receiving shares?

3. Surfit never received shares when I was legal counsel for ECNI. Secondly, any shares paid out go through the CEO and TA so long as they fall in number under the authorized and have an opinion letter. I was not the only counsel for ECNI and certainly not their securities counsel, only their litigation counsel in CA and their counsel dealing with corporate debt restructuring.

4)Who is Joan Shapiro and does she actually do anything for these companies, or is she just the receiver of shares for slurpy?

4. Her work for the company, as the work of many employees, was not made aware to me. As far as Surfit, what he did for the company, if anything, I do not know. You saw him on these boards often and your presumpton is that he was paid to promote the stock. That is entirely possible, but I have no knowledge of as I was not made a part of paying anyone for work done.

5)Who was ike? How was catgirl and her family involved with PCBM?

5. Ike was Rebecca from Vegas, a former sh, if I am not incorrect. I do not know who catwoman is (other than the comic book character Selena Kyle) nor do I know her relation to PCBM.

6)What job was slurpy doing to have earned his shares?

6. Your guess as far as "Slurpy" is as good as mine. For example, I was not there when ECNI retained Twin Peaks to do their Webpage, I was not there when ECNI retained the officers, I was not there when ECNI hired a lot of people. It is not a surprise that I was not there when ECNI hired Surfit, if they did. Further, I see that JS's shares were given to her prior to the time of my employment, further supporting the fact I could not have known about it when it occurred.

7)Was it slurpy who put you on OMOG? Why would you listen to him? What other stocks did slurpy put you on?

7. I trusted Ed a lot due to a friendship that went back a couple decades. We knew each other from volleyball and we hung out until I could not hang out with him any longer. I bought OMOG on 2 occasions, lost money on one and got a little back ont he other. As per the usual, a great stock tip was just a BS story and by the time I bought in, the dumping was in process. Not the first and last time I was screwed over. I purchase none of them anymore. As far as other stocks I was put on by Surfit, there were too many to remember. I lost a lot of money on the ones he put me on. I am grateful for other friends and contacts who gave me good tips that helped to cover my losses elsewhere.

8)Why did you go through a period of time where you would blast Turino, then shortly afterward laud him?

8. Why I flip-flopped on Turino? I bought the whole naked shorting BS on PCBM and spoke to LoCastro on a regular basis, who lied to me repeatedly about busting the short. When I woke up and smelled the coffee, I turned on management with as much vigor as I had when supporting them against what I perceived to be bashers. Remember, I received a most unpleasant visitor to my home due to my ragging JT who caught my wife alone at home.... not a pleasant experience. You can rag me for all you want, but remember, I paid a price of real threats against my family for telling the truth that none else here experienced.

9)What's the most amount of aliases you've had at any one time?

9. 4-5 aliases, but only using one at a time. Everytime I would get a new one, the old one would be booted off for language. I would run out of aliases, create 4 or 5 at one time, but only use one at a time when online... so never more than one being used.

10)Is someone paying slurpy or you to post?

10. No one has ever paid me to post a single line, ever. As far as Ed, you will have to talk to him. I have heard rumors that he has, but I have never seen the evidence to prove that he was paid for posting.

11)Does slurpy still live at the same address?

11. I have not dealt with ED for almost 2 years (other than condolence exchanges whem my mother died and when his father died). I have not been to his home for appx. 2 years. Lst I knew he was still in SM, but I do ot know anymore.

12)Is alanc, SBG, jcline, wondrwen, jmcjmc also working with slurpy?

12. I do not know alanc, SBG, wonderwen, jmcjmc from personal interaction (never met them). I have spoken to alanc and wendy, both are genuine people with real lives, not paid touters. AlanC Owns his own real estate comppany is much respected in his community. Wendy lives in Fla and has employment outside of this stock world. I believe neither of them to have ever been paid to taut anything. The other posters you refer to, I have never interacted with on the phone or personally so I could not give you an accurate answer about them.

You state that I finally decided to answer questions. I have been answering them openly for over one year.

As far as me looking awful for 45, thanks for the kind words. You might find that looks in a pic might be deceiving in lieu of reality.

I hope you see that other than legal questions that were beyond my right to discuss, I was open with you. You can rag all day on me for being a dummy in following and investing certain stocks, but then again, several investments turned out well so I am about even to make a general statement. I lost on most of my penny stocks and as a rule, I do not touch them anymore.

Now, I ask you, would I open the doors of information to you if I was not sincere? Are you going to even tell us your name?


By: fungagain
11 Jan 2006, 10:47 PM EST
Msg. 10114 of 10187
(This msg. is a reply to 10107 by very_tired1.)
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Treffry......Well I do find many of your responses interesting, however, I've known my share of lawyers and have yet to meet that angel in any of them.
There is so much info here to consider based on all your answers, but one in particular that really rings strange with me.
Why in the world would ECNI be giving you shares in CMKX and why wouldn't you have found that unusual at the time, considering the two companies weren't related at all?
If you don't mind me asking, what was the approximate date and the share price when they gave you 305 MILLION shares? Why would you be pro CMKX if you knew other companies were just tossing their shares about? After all, you claim you weren't the only attorney working for ECNI?
Oh yeah, and based on the filings, it seemed you and Joan received shares at the same time, so why is it you state slurpy didn't get shares when you were with the company?
Did you introduce slurpy to ECNI or did he introduce you, or was it just one big miraculous coincidence?
Also, you have claimed in the past that you got your ECNI shares very late in the game, yet you knew slurpy was touting the stock to you? Amongst other companies? Didn't this seem odd to you?
I know who Ike was supposed to be, but how did she get so involved with slurpy?
You claim you turned on Turino. However, just as quickly you turned back to his side? Are you saying this is because he threatened you? Did you report this to the police?
Do you think slurpy is still posting? A few are saying it's actually you. What do you think?
I think we're making real progress....don't you?


By: very_tired1
12 Jan 2006, 02:48 AM EST
Msg. 10117 of 10187
(This msg. is a reply to 10114 by fungagain.)
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Interesting Fung..

you are now basing your character assasination on the nature of other lawyers? Sounds fair to me.

Why would I get shares of CMKX from the CEO of ECNI? Well, not to be repititious for the 1000th time, but ECNI did not have hard cash to pay me. I was working for shares, which many I stil have. But after ECNI made a deal with a potential partner, including a non-dilution clause for no more share increases, I was either working for nothing or getting paid from whatever CJ could pay me with. Since he was also an advisor and fundraiser to CMKX, he paid me in shares of that company. Totally legal and ethical. The value of those shares was, I believe, .00005 when I received them, amounting to about 15K of wages. I was paid the shares between Nov of 2003 and Jan of 2004. Pretty boring material.. huh?

I probably told Ed about ECNI first, but I can not be sure. He was on these boards a long time before I ever got on them. I actually heard about ECNI from a hair stylist who cut my hair back in mid to late '99.

As far as turning back to Turino, where do you get that one from? I was never a friend of Turino's in the first place, only meeting him once to try and determine if PCBM was ever going to amount to anything. I only personally met him in Vegas in the fall of 2003 (or 2002 - not sure). I have no contacts with him, the only one I really spoke to about this stock was LoCastro. As far as calling the police, I certainly did, as well as the Feds. Since his henchmen did not personally threaten me, they were hesitant to act. However, you can do a lot of threatening to a person without actually saying the words.

As far as Joan receiving shares at the same time I did, I can only say that Urban must have cut mine at the same time he did Joan's. However, I had zero to do with it. You go back to the CMKX board and see if I was pumping the stock. You will find out I never did. Other than an occasional hope expressed, I have been a serious critic as to how many aspects of the company was run.

As far as Slurpy touting stocks, most were ones he invested in. Certainly, you can not think that everyone who says good things about a stock on all the boards are people paid to do it. Some get their benefit from owning the stock and the price going up. I must admit that I was surprised to see him receiving shares from the company.

I believe Surfit might occasionally post, but not too often. From my understanding, the same guys who visited me with a message went to him with a whole lot more to say, if you get the meaning. From my understanding, his relations with JT went very sour and he was "told" not to post anymore on these boards. The visit was not pleasant from what I was told, but then again, that is hearsay.

Progress? I offered the truth a while ago. You have been the first to seek it out instead of merely doing what Jarta does, lie and manipulate. He is not worthy of a response anymore.


By: fungagain
12 Jan 2006, 10:31 AM EST
Msg. 10124 of 10187
(This msg. is a reply to 10117 by very_tired1.)
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Allan.....OK, we're moving along now. Forgive me if I may repeat myself, but I'm trying to piece this all together in my head.
It's quite humorous that my claim that lawyers are not to be confused with angels, in your book is the equivalent of a "character assassination". You must really have a high regard for your occupation!
Now, I'm still trying to put my arms around this thing where Chris Jensen pays you in CMKX shares? First off I note you claim they were worth .00005, but my research shows you could have easily gotten twice that, so perhaps you need a new broker? If your shares were free to you, and you'd lost faith in penny stocks, and you've actually done work to earn these shares, why in the world didn't you sell them at any price? Especially when the stock rose back up to .0012?? Even at .001 those shares would have been worth $305k to you!! You didn't consider selling half??..... You state that you told "Ed" about ECNI first, however you also claim Joan was working for the company long before you? You introduced "Ed" to the company then lost track of him? He was doing things behind your back with your own contacts?? How did you ever become acquainted with Mr. Jensen in the first place?
...As to your posts pro, con, then pro again towards Turino, fortunately I believe I saved many of those and it'll be just a matter of me relocating them. I'll see what I can do, then we can discuss this topic further.
.....As to your visitation from "henchmen"...who are you stating sent these people to you? Jensen? Turino? LoCastro?...Do you think these were professional guys?
.....You state you think slurpy only posts still on occasion? So, do you think this guy below was slurpy?...

Why do you think slurpy is posting if he was strongly warned against it? Do you think whiteknight is slurpy?


By: very_tired1
12 Jan 2006, 04:23 PM EST
Msg. 10140 of 10187
(This msg. is a reply to 10124 by fungagain.)
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Well Fung...

I know who I am. I agree that most lawyers are degenerates.. but so are many others in differnt professions - it is just that lawyers impact people's lives to a greater extent than most other professions - probably why I seek to retire from law within the next couple years, I tire dealing with this class of person.

Again, on the CMKX shares - when CJ gave them to me, they were worth between .00005 and .0001 - you could sell them for .00005 and buy them for .0001. Yes, the price did rise to .0011 or .0012 but I was on a fishing boat the 10 days after they announced the retention of Roger Glenn (the event that sent the price running up) in June of 2004. By the time I returned, the shares were worth about .0005. I could have sold the shares but again, I held on in the hopes of big things coming down with the stock. There were many rumors of good things going on with the stock, so again, I took a chance. In the end, I actually purchased an additional 503M.

So, again, you can consider me a hopeless holdout, but that does not make me some sort of lowly character or criminal as Jarta continues to prescribe to me. To the contrary, if you knew me, you would likely believe otherwise. I am not here to toot my own horn, but the people from here who did take the time to get to know me believe in me. Posters McCurdydon, Chickpick, Winedude, O2Bsane and others.

I told Ed about ECNI back in '99 when he first got into the stocks. I did not keep tabs on him. Remember what I have said before, I would occasionally hang out with ED, that is occasionally, until the situation would forbid it. In other words, I do not drink heavily and I do not do anything else that would impair my thinking. If someone near me does, I get away from them. If you consider it that I "lost track" of him, yes, I have lost track of him for several months and even years at a time due to our very, very different lifestyles.

I became acquainted with CJ because I was referred to him, I believe by Surfit. CJ needed an LA attorney to see TH in prison to get authority to take over for the company and ED referred me. Also, a few months prior, I got a call from him asking a few legal questions at a time he was referred to me by whom (hence the first 350,000 shares he got me from TH in July of 2002), I do not know, could also have been Surfit.

As to who sent the bad guys to my place, it was JT with the info given to him by Surfit. Hence the reason Surfit and I parted ways permenantly. I can forgive a lot of things, but placing my wife in the way of harm is not one of them that I will recover a friendship from. Professionals? Yes, I do believe they were, although if I were at home when they arrived, I would have been able to test how professional they really were.

I defintely do not believe WK is Surfit.

Just my opinion, of course.

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