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Sunday, 07/31/2016 5:34:12 PM

Sunday, July 31, 2016 5:34:12 PM

Post# of 12972
America the Sea of Souls

Part 1

More and more people are waking up every day to the fact that they are not the “WE” referred to in the Constitution of the United States. Whether it be through a cruel experience with the courts, or experience of the rampant piracy of alphabet agencies hell-bent on extracting outrageous fines, or simply the reckless abandon of politicians and large financial institutions to get away with virtually whatever they want.

Talk is cheap, where is the proof?

The problem has been proof. You may have heard or read that the courts now operate under Admiralty as well as other law- how can this be proven and explained? You may have heard that the United States is nothing more than a “for profit” corporation- where is the proof and how did this happen?

This is the goal of this latest broadcast and the links below- to provide some of this evidence from the very laws that made it all possible.

Listen Download link

Link to Article mentioned in the audio:

Sovereign Law - Article 170 Corporation
The links to pdf's mentioned in audio:

Eustace Mullins - The Secrets of the Federal Reserve the London Connection.pdf

America the Sea of Souls Pt 2 - Why we live inside a giant bank

Last week, we started to provide some hard evidence in terms of actual statutes of law which reveal the proof that America was always set up for the benefit of just a few, was never recognized as the land of the “free” and was in fact was always the home of the “slave” in the minds of those merchant and banking families that still view the world as their own personal Monopoly set.

Yet as with all discussions concerning such important historical facts, there is a lot of information to cover. As a result, this second episode is also devoted to the topic “America meaning (literally) the Sea of Souls Pt 2- Why we Live inside a giant bank”.

Listen Download

The Temple of Knowledge
The first set of links here is in recognition of the first perpetual Corporation created in English law being the London Company of Physicians (Doctors) in 1522. This is not simply doctors in terms of medicine, but the enclosure of knowledge and those deemed competent and worthy of being associated in the comprehension of science, the law, the world and the mind, not just body.

uk_act_1540_physicians_company_privileges.pdfThis is truly the London Company as we know it. A body that continued its enclosure on knowledge as well as by 1609 the management and custody of lunatics and “creatures”.
From 17th Century English Law Dictionary:

Mystery = a thing concealed, also an Art or Trade such as Physicians, or Law
Physician = A Doctor or Professor of Physick
Physick = Of Nature, in General the Science of all material Beings, systems of this visible world; also the Art of Medicine as well as Law.
Unwrought = not employed, or worked
Horn = a creature, chattel
Creature = a thing incapable of reason, a lunatic or idiot person


1707- Act of Union (Great Britain) becoming the Crown

uk_act_1707_perpetual_crown_government.pdf1800 - Union of Great Britain and Ireland


America the Sea of Souls Pt 3

A Couple of weeks ago we discussed “Pt 2- America the Sea of Souls”. This episode, we provide more background information on the progression of the Corporation of the United States formed in the 18th Century to a new system by 1870 and then again in the 1930’s.

Listen Download Link

Here are some important and relevant links:

1870- District of Columbia formation







1930’s- Corporate Insurance Company Trading as United States









Article 19 - Trusts and Estates

Article 167 - Annuities

In Roman Law- Commerce is considered both a crime and sin

When you hear or read of the word "use" in terms of law, then the most famous act or statute concerning uses was the Statute of Henry VIII in 1535 concerning uses and wills: See: uk_act_1535_uses_wills.pdf

The word "use" has a long provenance and history and comes from the Latin "Usus" - USUS (Latin) - "Use (of Land), Benefit (of Land), Practice, Skill, Experience, Custom, Intercourse, Need, Necessity, Service".

Yet what we have discussed over recent weeks is how property, rights and uses were "enclosed" by militia leaders, nobles and false clergy acting as nothing more than pirates, to then create codes of law such as Admiralty Laws which are nothing more than pirate laws for their own benefit. Thus, we spoke of Commerce being made both a crime and indeed a sin.

What then is a word where there is evidence of alleged acts making "commerce" or an equivalent word unlawful, immoral or a sin?

The hidden meaning of Usury

We find the word in plain sight- with Usury. Contrary to the narrow definition claimed for the word, Usury is the derivative of Use. That is, if a Use is a Trust, then Usury is the Estate, or the Fund, or the Money or the Trade.

USURAE (Latin) - "Benefit of Use, Enjoyment, Rent, Wage, Salary, Simus (Interest), Income, Estate, Commerce"

Therefore, when we speak of usury we are speaking of a deliberate plan to enclose commerce and trade - once a right of people, to control the world through commerce.

Contrary to the claim that usury laws were first formed in the 13th C, it appears the first real definitions against Usury were as late as the 16C and the Papal Bull "Inter Multiplices" by Leo X on 4 May 1515 in the creation of the "pawn shops" for faithful.

Thus in the 16th Century while Catholic Countries were making Commerce as Usury a "sin", the concept of commerce as a right was front and center in the Protestant "work ethic".

It wasn't then until the 18C - after some convenient fires destroyed ancient statutes in England that we see Commerce cease to be the right of the noble classes and become a sin in Protestant law. How? By equating commerce to war, to conflict and therefore immoral and a crime and a sin.

Therefore, to the revised Protestant world of commerce- "all business is warfare" and "all crime is commercial". Which is why conflict is necessary in their system and why everything remains predicated on perpetual war and letters of marque.

Letters of Marque Links








OPCA Explained – Why a most recent opinion by the Queen’s Bench in Canada exposes the Secret Bar Guilds as the most radical and dangerous anti-social and anti-law group in the world

A recent 185 page judicial decision from the 18th September 2012 (Meads v. Meads, 2012 ABQB 571 download pdf here) concerning an acrimonious divorce in Edmonton, Canada has confirmed the inherent danger to the sustainable future of society of so called “Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Arguments” or “OPCA” proffered by acolytes and advocates of the more sophisticated and complex “Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Architecture” to which such arguments by definition must belong.

While the formal 736 paragraph “Reasons for Decision” by Associate Chief Justice J.D. Rooke ("Justice Rooke") is full of presumptions, suppositions, inaccuracies and gross fallacies, the document nonetheless may herald a milestone in identifying a new way in which debate and discussion concerning jurisdiction, law and procedure may unfold – specifically the admission that certain “OPCA” structures exist masquerading as legitimate argument and law, yet having no validity except by force, or as Justice Rooke states in a quote from Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan “The laws are of no power to protect them, without a sword in the hands of a man, or men, to cause those laws to be put in execution.”

Experience and expertise at researching OPCA

[1] For the past 26 years and increasingly full-time over the past fifteen years, it has been my passion and calling to research, discover and objectively reveal the full extent of the complex “Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Architecture” established firstly by the Roman Cult, also known as the Vatican from the 11th Century in claiming the role of Vicar of Christ from the Frankish-Saxon Catholic Church and later fully developed under Henry VIII in the form of “Commonwealth law” through Westminster from the 16th Century; and

[2] Both forms of law still pervade the world today. Both forms of law through Papal Bulls and Acts or "Statutes" are based on obvious frauds and outrageously false presumptions such as the Bull Unum Sanctum (1302) which claims “all creatures are subject to the Pontiff” and the Statute of Westminster (1275) which incredibly refers to several 17th and 18th Century legal terms designed to abrogate the rights of people such as “waste”. Most importantly, both systems of pseudo-legal and pseudo-lawful argument are an anathema to the history of prior Western Law such as Carolingian (Anglo-Saxon) Law, Byzantine Law and even Roman Law which recognized the inherent and fundamental importance of consent; and

[3] As Justice Rooke mentions Frank O’Collins in paragraph (376) as an “OPCA Guru”, while conceding Ucadia and One-Heaven represents a “new and total code of law”, it is a matter of principle that a measured response is published, particularly in answer to a large number of gross errors and emotionally and intellectually unstable and unsupportable references throughout the judicial opinion; and

[4] The following prescription is provided to some of these fallacious and vexatious opinions by a wholly biased and unsuited justice in his treatment of a subject for which he appears overwhelmingly not to be an expert.

Vexatious Litigation and Mala Fide (Bad Faith)

[5] Justice, similar to commerce, depends upon two or more parties engaging with one another to resolve a matter with mutual understanding known in “good faith”. The opposite concept to “Good Faith” is bad faith or mala fide. Blacks 9th Edition (Pg 159) defines “Bad Faith” or mala fide as “dishonesty of belief or purpose”; and

[6] The history of legal maxims, statute and case law concerning mala fide is well defined and clear – that a party acting with dishonest intent, or misrepresenting the facts commits an injury against the law itself – hence the most ancient Roman maxim ex dolo malo non oritur actio meaning “an action does not arise from fraud”; and

[7] Similarly, “Vexatious Litigation”, also known as a “Vexatious Suit” is correctly seen as an injury against the law itself with Blacks 9th Edition (Pg 1701) defines a “Vexatious Suit” as “A lawsuit instituted frivolously, or maliciously and without good grounds, meant to create trouble and expense for the party being sued”; and

[8] However, unlike the identification of fraudulent and wrongful action male fide (bad faith), the question of what does or does not constitute “Vexatious Litigation” is so conditional upon each specific circumstance that (to date) attempts to enforce stricter rules, codes or restrictions against perceived “Vexatious Litigants” have inevitably failed under appeal. It would be an arrogant judge indeed to ignore the weight of history and presume that what he or she may present as “Vexatious Suit” in one circumstance renders any form of partial or similar behavior equally vexatious in the future; and

[9] As to the specific evidence presented in the rambling 736 paragraph reasoning or Treatise ("Treatise") of Justice Rooke concerning the alleged “vexatious” behaviour of one party, including evidence of male fide: a competent forum of appeal or competent jurist upon review would have to reasonably conclude that whatever “Vexatious Suit” and bad faith was demonstrated by one party in the proceeding, the action of Justice Rooke in exceeding his authority, mandate and objectivity to scribe his document outweighs any wrong doing by either litigant and renders a far greater injury against the law; and

Spurious, Irrelevant or Invalid documents and formalities

[10] Suspending for the moment the underlying theme of unquestionable jurisdiction presumed by Justice Rooke to make the wide ranging array of presumptions, errors and simplistic logical fallacies littered throughout his Treatise, it is necessary to consider the merits of specific points raised concerning the use by parties of allegedly spurious, irrelevant or invalid documents and formalities; and

[11] Whereas in past generations, a party to a court matter may be forgiven for the mistake of using an incorrect form or procedure, the age of the Internet affords the vast majority of the populace with virtually instant access to most standard forms and their instructions for most types of courts, especially in Western countries. In many cases, even the same judicial procedures expected to be followed by court officials is also available for instant download and review; and

[12] Whether or not a court is properly constituted or merely a corporate franchise masquerading as a valid court is irrelevant to the fact at hand that a competent party choosing to proceed with a matter within a certain court operated by one of the network of secretive Temple and Bar Guilds is able to not only find the proper forms accepted by the court, but also the generally accepted guidelines of such a commercial pseudo-legal entity; and

[13] An employee of such a pseudo-legal entity, whether a properly invested justice, or merely a private contractor under a letter of marque, has every right to disqualify documents that do not comport the internal procedures of such an entity. Justice Rooke is correct that litigants that ignore this fact risk rendering any argument fatally flawed in the face of demonstrative incompetence in the manner of how they conduct themselves through their paperwork; and

[14] Justice Rooke is also correct in nominating a virtual cottage industry of people “selling” and promoting their own versions of “remedy” to sometimes desperate and gullible people, especially in being convinced that absurd and idiotic corruption of grammar and punctuation somehow renders a superior position as in the case of one highly discredited “remedy guru”. Similarly, there are many other people promoting their own versions of documents through seminars and web sites with the promise of instant success; and

[15] As to the validity of the content contained within such documents, Justice Rooke has gravely erred and is in gross error in seeking to comment and adjudicate the merits of the content. It should have been enough for any Justice to summarize that such documents tendered to the court as per the exhibits within the Treatise do not confirm to proper procedure, were spurious and irrelevant and therefore put to rest. For Justice Rooke then assumed the position of historian, theologian and philosopher and proceeded to adjudicate the validity of the content is quite extraordinary and now demands clear debate and honest answers to a number of the topics raised.

Cestui Que Vie Trusts and Annuities

[16] In several places within his Treatise, Justice Rooke seeks to ridicule those who may question the existence of a type of trust in their name called a "Cestui Que Vie" Trust and its intimate connection to the Birth Certificate; and

[17] While refusing to admit to the existence of such a trust in the name of the litigant in the case, a reasonable person could be led to conclude by the words of Justice Rooke that such claims of the existence of a Cestui Que Vie Trust in the name of each citizen of Canada as in other Commonwealth and western countries is mere mythology and evidence of mental illness; and

[18] In fact, the existence of Cestui Que Vie Trusts and their fundamental importance to the present global accounting system of Western-Roman States is without question. The Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 and of 1707 remain largely in force even today. The reason for these acts? To create the legal fiction necessary that declares if a person is considered lost at sea, abandoned, dead, a lunatic, a minor or incompetent then not only may their property be held in guardianship, but that a contract may be established called an "annuity" whereby a value may be granted to the guardian or custodian by the purchaser of the contract in exchange for some form of ongoing income derived from maximising the value of the estate of the infant, lunatic, lost or "dead" person. The result is the birth of annuities through such acts of parliament as Life Annuities in 1703 which helped fund the ongoing wars of Great Britain and subsequent acts such as the 28 million pounds from annuities act of 1801 which created an even larger annuity system; and

[19] The existence of annuities created against the name of citizens of Western-Roman States, particularly former or present Commonwealth countries is unquestionable. One of the first key acts of US Congress was to establish a system for the repayment of public debt through the selling of shares and annuities through the 1790 Public Debt Act. Virtually every country has its own annuity public statutes, such as Canada and these can be found by searching the public databases. In each and every case, annuities depend upon the existence of Cestui Que Vie Trusts. So who is said to administer Cestui Que Vie Trusts in most Commonwealth countries? The Queen's Bench of the High Court!; and

[20] Here we find that either Justice Rooke is attempting to pervert the course of justice in deliberately obfuscating the fact that he does possess a genuine fiduciary duty to administer the very trust to which the litigant refers, but for some unknown explanation is unwilling or unable to do so; or Justice Rooke and the entire Queen's Bench is wholly incompetent and such fiduciary obligations are no longer being met. In either case, the Treatise of Justice Rooke has opened up more questions than it has answered; and

[21] Fiat justitia ruat caelum (let justice be done though the heavens fall) is not merely one of the oldest and most important maxims for all Judges and Magistrates, it is expected by the public that a judge render his or her verdict and reasoning impartially and without supposition as to whether an accused found guilty is a “good or evil man or woman” in the eyes of the Universe. Any judge that willingly and deliberately exceeds such maxim does so at peril to Justice in that realm and on the face of the Treatise of Justice Rooke, it appears strongly that fair justice is indeed under threat in Canada; and

The illegitimacy of using Fallacy to define argument

[22] The most forbidden act for a Judge or Magistrate to use when addressing the law, is the use of “fallacy”, sometimes also written as “logical fallacy”. This is because for more than two thousand three hundred years (since the time of Plato and Aristotle) it remains a steadfast truth of any competent forum that when one or more fallacies are found to exist in any legal argument, especially one associated with a verdict then logically the whole argument itself may be discredited, derogated or abrogated; and

[23] A classic example of how arguments based on fallacy are forbidden in legitimate and valid forums of justice (as opposed to pseudo-legal commercial places masquerading as courts) is a false argument such as a classic non-sequitur (a) “A red haired man killed a policeman” therefore (b) “All red haired men are killers” or (c ) “Red haired men only kill police”. To a man or woman of sound mind and reason, such an argument is obviously flawed and untrue and injurious to the law; and

[24] A separate example of logical fallacy is “argumentum ad hominem” whereby an argument is constructed upon false and untested presumptions of character in order to validate an argument. It is why competent judicial systems normally forbid their Judges and officials from making or writing argumentum ad hominem fallacies concerning the mind of an accused until such facts are properly tested and can be rightly deduced; and

[25] It is with great regret that the government and judiciary of Canada have permitted the release a document evidencing not one, or two specific paragraphs demonstrating non-sequiturs and ad hominems, but literally dozen upon dozen paragraphs filled with formal and logical fallacies of such number that it is impossible at this time to reference them all within the brief of this reply. This might be something a competent and reasonable reader of the Treatise of Justice Rooke may choose to do at their leisure; and

[26] On every possible grounds of judicial competence, the treatise of Justice Rooke should be immediately withdrawn. Certainly, if the Inner and Middle Temple themselves were disinclined to act against such an obvious injury to the credibility of any future judgments emanating from the Queens Bench in Canada, then one could reasonably conclude the rot within the legal profession is terminal.

The invalidity of circular arguments as logical proof

[27] A further example of fallacy (logical fallacy) littering the Treatise of Justice Rooke is the fallacy of circular thinking, also known as circular logic. Because of how prevalent this particular logical fallacy exists within the treatise of Justice Rooke, the demonstration of such incompetent reasoning requires particular mention; and

[28] A classic example of logical fallacy that all readers would be familiar is “because I said so”, as a time honored answer offered frequently by parents and teachers when cornered on a challenge of jurisdiction, order, instruction of explanation. Continuing the analogy, such a fallacy of circular thinking is usually backed up if challenged by some demonstration of enforcement of jurisdiction. As evidenced by the quote of Hobbes mentioned by Justice Rooke in the opening of his treatise, it appears a similar flawed thinking exists; and

[29] “Might is right” may have been argued by President Lincoln, but it is inarguable as Rule of Law. Before the study of Lord Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England was eventually abandoned to less rigorous education of young legal minds, most first year graduates of law school much less a senior Judge should know that authority of law is ultimately derived from consent of the people. Anything else is merely a decree without legitimacy; and

[30] In a just system, there exists no separate form of law for judges versus litigants. A man who is asked to give consent to testifying under oath in a presumed court of law has every right to ask as a matter of principle that all those who shall administer such an oath and speak for or against such testimony are equally enrolled and bound. The several circular fallacies referenced by Justice Rooke to this point are manifestly inadequate and an example of either extraordinary contempt for fundamental principles of law, or an attempt to obfuscate some other factors contributing to the result that in practice a judge does operate under separate form of law; and

[31] A similar array of flawed and inadequate circular fallacies were offered up by Justice Rooke as to the question of jurisdiction and authority of a court, especially by what form(s) of law it may or may not function. Such questions when done as a matter of respect are absolutely fundamental to the fairness of law. To dismiss such points through the use of circular arguments akin to “because I said so” is an open mockery to the rights of fair hearing, justice and to be heard for any litigant or party before any court in Canada, the United States, Australia and any other jurisdiction enjoyned to the Treatise of Justice Rooke.

The Danger of Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Arguments

[32] Justice Rooke of Canada is indeed correct on one point: “Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Arguments” and those that propagate them are a danger to Justice, the law and civilization in general. As we have just outlined clearly and methodically, we are indeed dealing with an extremely dangerous, spurious, illegitimate instrument in the matter of the Treatise of Justice Rooke himself that threatens the very Rule of Law and Justice in Canada and potentially wider if further propagated; and

[33] The Canons of Law also known as Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum defined through the Society of One Heaven as mentioned by Justice Rooke in paragraph (376) define Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Architecture under Article 163 of Canons of Sovereign Law being:

Canon 6652

Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Architecture (OPCA) is a universally recognized description and acronym to define a comprehensive commercial system of law, statutes, offices, administration, history, enforcement based on fraud, false presumptions and repudiation of time honored principles of Divine Law, Natural Law, Positive Law and Rule of Law. The first “OPCA” Architecture ever invented was the Commonwealth Law Form from the time of Henry VIII of England in the 16th Century CE.

Canon 6653

It is universally accepted by all competent jurists and philosophers that a system must contain the following elements to be validly defined as a Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Architecture (OPCA) being an Area, Army, Assembly and Administration of one or more Agencies

(i) An Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Area, also known as a “country” or “nation” is the appearance of a valid kingdom or constituted dominion under some instrument of constitution, when it is in fact merely a franchise of a larger pseudo-religious commercial network such as the Roman Cult having no legitimacy whatsoever; and

(ii) An Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Army, also known as a “police force” or “sheriff force” is a body appearing to maintain law and order which is instead used to enforce the narrow policies of commercial self interest of a few controlling the OPCA architecture; and

(iii) An Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Assembly, also known as a “parliament” is a body possessing the appearances of validity consent, in the issuing of acts, but which repudiates and rejects the need for consent of the people instead treating with contempt its own laws in order to maintain commercial advantage and power at any cost; and

(iv) An Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Administration and Agencies such as the Private Bar Guilds pretending to be legitimate courts when such franchises are frequently mere registered corporations run by Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Acolytes masquerading as justices and officials.

Canon 6654

The Traits of OPCA Architecture have been rooted in the indicium (signs) of legitimacy since the 16th Century, while promoting rituals and administrative procedures that have no basis in law or history other than to profor commercial advantage to the Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Acolytes. These fraudulent signs are highest in use within the private courts operated for profit by the Private Bar Guilds mostly since the 19th Century falsely pretending to respect and protect the law and uphold the ancient maxims of law in accordance with these Canons, including but not limited to:

(i) The adoption of robes and dress that have more association with wizardry, occult worship of Ba’al as Galli attendants than any legitimate mandate of jurisprudence; and

(ii)The adoption of language, the use of upper and lower case to denote corporate fictions and estates from trusts and other associated elements; and

(iii) The use of terms stolen from sacred law such as “session”, “honorable” while judges in many jurisdictions no longer take proper oaths, nor feel compelled to do so, or justify such behaviour; and

(iv) The heavy use of nautical and maritime terms in association with admiralty law, yet with no interest in honoring the limited remedy made available through such corrupt law.

Canon 6655

An Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Acolyte, also known is one thoroughly immersed and satisfied with the architecture of Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Architecture who displays the general characteristics of arrogance, contempt for history and rule of law, a blasphemous rejection of the significance of Divine Law and is willing to defend the system to the end, without any desire to comprehend its provenance or function. The strongest exemplars of such cultish and fanatical behaviour remains the deliberately corrupted academic system of Western nations from the 20th Century and the insular courts systems of Western nations operated by the Private Bar Guilds.

Canon 6656

The misrepresentation, misnaming or misconstruing of the term Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Architecture (OPCA) is an indication of deliberate fraud, ignorance, incompetence or a combination of all these factors.

Canon 6657

Any argument claiming the present canons reflect in any way a Organized Pseudo-Lawful Commercial Architecture (OPCA) is hereby false, a repudiation of all form of logic and sense and therefore an open confession that the proponent of such a claim is suffering severe mental illness and unfit to hold any form of office.


Clearly, there exists an existential threat to Justice and the Rule of Law in Canada, the United States and Australia and it is from rogue Judges and Magistrates who now openly seek to declare war against sections of the population and to ignore basic principles of judicial competency.

The question is whether we will see a reprieve or a continuation of the rapid decline of basic competence in all fundamental branches of government? Time will tell.

The “Myths” of Common Law – and why members of the Secret Bar Guilds see no problem in treason and no longer following the law of their country

While the previous post (OPCA Explained…Oct 2, 2012) addressed a number of disturbing features of a recent opinion and treatise of a senior Justice and member of the Secret Bar Guilds, a number of outstanding questions remain concerning such elemental subjects as “what is law?”, “what is common law?” and why there seems to be such an apparent disconnect between litigants claiming certain rights and privileges against judges and magistrates denying such claims as vexatious, mala fide (bad faith) and pseudo-legal.

Despite the temptation for litigants to presume that the actions of members of the Secret Bar Guilds are wholly corrupt, such presumptions themselves suffer the same fatal errors of hubris and logical fallacies as Justice J. D. Rooke discussed in the previous post. Generally speaking, those “elevated” to the bench are men and women who have demonstrated a high degree of intellect and ability. Furthermore, as evidenced by their greater contribution to society it can be safely said that the majority of these men and women are upstanding and conscientious members of society. So why then the disconnect between the claims of litigents to principles of law and the interpretation of such actions as a threat to society, or pseudo-lawful?

Similarly, the now openly affirmed prejudices of justices, magistrates and officers of the court that those who choose to by-pass legal representation towards “common law remedies” are deluded at best or incompetent at worst itself is founded on a kind of “disconnect” the source and history of law. The opening three paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America (1776) makes abundantly clear the foundation of what is called “democratic law” – so how have justices, magistrates and other members of the Secret Bar Guilds become so thoroughly treasonous in their attitude towards the people they are supposed to serve?

This is the purpose of this brief article in the hope that for all sides, some light may be shed on the “myths” of common law, the principle of law, legal realism and other “intellectual cults” that have contributed to this disconnect that currently affects the fair dispensing of justice.

The creation of the Common Law “Myth” and Codification of Law

[1] Before the birth in 1881 of the intellectually carcinogenic treatise of Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr (b.1841-d.1935) perversely entitled The Common Law, which heralded the birth of a kind of madness or “legal mind virus” otherwise known as “legal realism”, the modern foundations of the Roman Western Law system were firmly established in the second half of the 18th Century through the creation of what may be described as the Common Law “Myth”; and

[2] The vast majority of what people perceive as both written and unwritten “Common Law Rights” are deliberate 18th Century distortions of completely written Anglo-Saxon Law first promulgated in the 8th Century by the Carolingian leaders beginning with Charles Martel of the Franks:

(i) It was Charles Martel and his sons that invented the very word “noble” from Latin gnoscere and Greek Knosis meaning “wisdom, worthy, enlightened” and the titles of Lord (from Latin laudis meaning ‘praiseworthy, worthy, meritous’) then Baron (ancient Gaelic bara/barra meaning ‘rod or measure of value’) and Earl (ancient Gaelic meaning ‘brave man, warrior, leader, chief’); and

(ii) It was the Carolingians that first invented the concept of “tenancy” and “tenancy agreements” (from Latin tenere meaning to ‘hold/keep’) which meant literally “one who holds land by tenure” – with tenure meaning “an agreement for holding immovable property (tenement), equivalent to lease.” The concept of “hold” was also significant to the Franks as the word itself denoted certain obligations namely “to keep, tend and watch over (the land)”; and

(iii) It was Anglo-Saxon Law under the Carolingians, not “Common Law” that first introduced the rights of tenancy being the right of equite (equite) – being fair use and the right of redemption – being the right to make good any wrong; and
(iv) It was Anglo-Saxon Law and not the myth of “Common Law” that enshrined the rights of the people or “folk” into sacred law or Sacré Loi (Sacred Law) and the Biblia Sacra (Sacred Bible) and later bastardized in the 18th Century to be merely “folklore”; and

(v) It was Charles Martel in 738 CE and not some Plantagenet pretender that on March 14th 738 CE convened the first “parliament” or Campus de Marches (House of Lords) from Latin meaning “theatre or meeting of March” or “meeting of boundaries” with campus meaning “place, arena, meeting” and mar/margo meaning “month of March; edge, border, boundary”; and

(vi) It was under Carolingian leader Charles the Younger (742-768) that the first bicameral “parliament” was first introduced with the formation of the assembly of barons or Parlomentum as “house of review” with the Campus de Marches as the “house of origination”. “Parlomentum” from the Latin words parla meaning “equal speech” and mentum “by like agreement, character, chin”. Hence the original literal meaning of “parliament” being “a meeting of equal speech and character by like agreement”; and

(vii) It was the Carolingians who invented the word Sovereign under Sacré Loi (“Sacred Law”) to describe one anointed by God as having supreme, independent authority to rule a political region known as a Realm. The word “sovereign” originates from the combination of two ancient Latin words sover meaning “savior” and regno meaning “to rule, reign; to be supreme lord”. Hence a Sovereign literally means by its original etymology “to rule and reign as a savior”; and

(viii) It was Anglo-Saxon Law that invented the language of Anglaise, (later corrupted to become English and a less corrupted version being French), the concept of a “style manual” or Scriptura Manualis (“Scripture Manual”) and bicameral writing in majuscule (upper case) and miniscule (lower case); and

(ix) It was Anglo-Saxon Law that demanded only law properly written and codified and passed by “parliament” was to be observed called Capitulum, or capitula or cap. for short. It was also the Carolingians that invented the concept of the Cancellocum or “Chancery” as the official keepsafe and store for all official documents and records; and

(x) It was Anglo-Saxon Law that first invented the form and structure of Covenants, Charters and Contracts that were later deliberately corrupted by the Roman Cult and English “Common Law”; and

(xi) It was the Carolingians that founded the Catholic Church in 741 CE in opposition to the Holly Roman Church from Antioch (original and true name of Constantinople from its founding), invaded and established the office of Vicar of Christ in Rome, created the title Rex Romanum (King of the Romans) and first defined Canon Law as Iuris Canonum of the Catholicus Ecclesia (Catholic Church); and

(xii) It was the Carolingians in their devotion to the true teachings of Nazarene leader Jesus Christ that first formed the concept of the seven sacred sacraments of Honestus (Honesty), Fidelis (Trustworthy), Virtus (Courage), Iustus (Justice), Penitus (Penance), Caritas (Charity) and Clementis (Forgiveness).

[3] Despite the overwhelming existing evidence that what the majority of people believe are “Common Law Rights” are the deliberate corruptions and reworking of ancient Anglo-Saxon Rights, the mythology has been stubbornly resistant. This appears partly due to the absence of clarity and substantial explanation and partly because the mythology remains fertile and profitable ground for many who sell “remedies”; and

[4] The word “common” comes from 15th Century Latin communis meaning “to entrust, commit to a burden, public duty, service or obligation”. The word was created from the combination of two (2) ancient pre-Vatican Latin words com / comitto = "to entrust, commit" and munis = "burden, public duty, service or obligation". Hence Common Law literally means “voluntary enslavement” or simply “lawful slavery”; and

[5] A similar word “commonwealth” is an official 15th Century Roman Cult term created from three (3) Latin words: com / comitto - "to entrust, commit", munis = "burden, public duty, service or obligation" and vele / vealis [which is a Latin word which was purposely removed from etymology] = "livestock or animals". Hence the original meaning of the word Commonwealth is: "the voluntary burden, public duty, service or obligation of the people as livestock (animals)"; and

[6] Neither the word “common” nor “commonwealth” appear accidential. Until the “makeover” of Common Law in the second half of the 18th Century, the laws first promulgated by Henry VIII and his successors can be best summarized as essentially the gradual “enclosure and franchising of rights formerly possessed by the people”. This includes (but is not limited to) the claim of all land to the crown and then re-leased to the nobles; the creation of estates and cestui que vie trusts; the enclosure of traditional lands under continuous enclosure acts forcing peasants from their homes for thousands of years; the enclosure of traditional medicine, herbal medicine and health to the creation of doctors and privatized health in 16th Century London (later the world); the enclosure of all forms of commerce, trade and transport; the enclosure of the rights to travel by converting roads to “postal roads” by 17th Century; and of course the enclosure of justice by selling the court of Chancery to the Inns of Court by the start of the 17th Century and the court of Exchequer of England by the end of the 17th Century; and

[7] Again, despite the overwhelming body of evidence that the “reality of Common Law” is wholly contradictory to the “myth of Common Law”, the myth has continued and much of what has been stated, all supported by countless statutes, contemporary sources and credible historical reference is either excused, explained away or simply ignored; and

[8] What is clear is that the “Common Law Myth” was created at a precise time for a precise purpose being the Codification of Law that underpins the present day system of law, despite ignorance of many parties to it, beginning with the Treaty of Paris of 1763 between Great Britain, France and Spain with Portugal in agreement; and

[9] The Treaty of Paris (1763) is significant for a number of extraordinary factors, the first being the revival of a number of historic treaties that previous were annulled such as the treaties of Westphalia of 1648; those of Madrid between the Crowns of Great Britain and Spain of 1661, and 1670; the treaties of peace of Nimeguen of 1678, and 1679; of Ryswick of 1697; those of peace and of commerce of Utrecht of 1713; that of Baden of 1714; the treaty of the triple alliance of the Hague of 1717; that of the quadruple alliance of London of 1118; the treaty of peace of Vienna of 1738; the definitive treaty of Aix la Chapelle of 1748; and that of Madrid, between the Crowns of Great Britain and Spain of 1750: as well as the treaties between the Crowns of Spain and Portugal of the 13th of February, 1668; of the 6th of February, 1715; and of the 12th of February, 1761; and that of the 11th of April, 1713, between France and Portugal; and

[10] The Treaty of Paris (1763) is significant for a second extraordinary and historic fact in that it heralds the conveyance of the ancient rights, powers, privileges and means of both the Crowns of Portugal and the Crown of Spain as if the Crown of Aragon and Castile thereby making the Crown of Great Britain the sole Ius Patronatus of the Roman Cult, and the sole controller of the most valuable trade in the world at the time being the Vatican’s “global franchise” of slavery, drugs and ecclesiastically backed securities (indulgencies); and

[11] Immediately after the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763, we see a flurry of merchant pirate activity concerning the global slave trade, particularly with the African Company and massively expanding export of slaves from Senegal to meet increased demand. The Bank of England also significantly overhauled its charter to accommodate new found powers in the trade of securities across Europe and the world with Vatican-backed indulgences (securities). In the philosophy of law, the events of 1763 are also seen in the emergence of the definitive legal treatise of Sir William Blackstone entitled Commentaries on the Laws of England (1st Edition 1765, Clarendon Press, Oxford); and

[12] It is Sir William Blackstone that deliberately created the myth of “Common Law” whilst establishing the notion at Roman Cult Canon Law or Ecclesiastical Law is the foundation of all law. In a famous quote (Pg 15) he states “Imperial law is much cultivated and it's decisions pretty generally followed, we are informed by Van Leeuweni, that, “it receives “it's force from custom and the consent of the people, either tacitly or expressly given: for otherwise, he adds, we should no “more be bound by this law, than by that of the Almains, the “Franks, the Saxons, the Goths, the Vandals, and other of the “ancient nations.” Wherefore, in all points in which the different systems depart from each other, the law of the land takes place of the law of Rome, whether ancient or modern, imperial or pontificial. And in those of our English courts wherein a reception has been allowed to the civil and canon laws, if either they exceed the bounds of that reception, by extending themselves to other matters, than are permitted to them; or if such courts proceed according to the decisions of those laws, in cases wherein it is controlled by the law of the land, the common law in either instance both may, and frequently does, prohibit and annul their proceedings”; and

[14] However, the secret conversion and union of Great Britain into the loyal and sole Ius Patronatus of the Roman Cult created a problem within the body of statute of England in that as has been stated in previous posts on this site, the concept of Usury, or “deriving use” from land was seen as intrinsic to the “protestant ethic”. This required an artful solution in how Great Britain could continue to prosper as a secret Catholic Empire, without contradicting canon law and papal bulls against Usury- hence the concept of perpetual war and Admiralty Law both on land and sea”; and

[15] Yet, far from being considered merely an opinion or commentary despite these fundamental changes in law, until the scourge of “legal realism” and “legal positivism”, the works of Sir William Blackstone were universally as definitive legal source no less valid than statute or case law. It is why original opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States, the High Court of Canada and Great Britain as just a few examples, include source quotes from Blackstone as judgments that remain in force even today. In a clear and telling source quote of Blackstone concerning judges, on (Pg 12) he states “SHOULD a judge in the most subordinate jurisdiction be deficient in the knowledge of the law, it would reflect infinite contempt upon himself and disgrace upon those who employ him. And yet the consequence of his ignorance is comparatively very trifling and small: his judgment may be examined, and his errors rectified, by other courts. But how much more serious and affecting is the case of a superior judge, if without any skill in the laws he will boldly venture to decide a question, upon which the welfare and subsistence of whole families may depend ! where the chance of his judging right, or wrong, is barely equal; and where, if he chances to judge wrong, he does an injury of the most alarming nature, an injury without possibility of redress”; and

[16] As was outlined in the previous article, we are at a sad state of affairs concerning the law whereby not only do justices and officers of the court see no problem in the use of logical fallacies, but do not see any difficulty in open contempt for the law, for the source of their authority, for history and most of all for the people of the nation whom they are supposed to serve.
Legal Realism and the mind virus of the Secret Bar Guilds today

[17] Let us for a moment consider the definition of “law” considered by Sir William Blackstone in 1765 being pg (5) “law, considered (apart from any binding authority) as collection of written reason”. Let us now consider the comment of law proffered by legal realism founder and guru O.W. Holmes Jr. from his treatise being “The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience”. Therein rests the chasm, the dichotomy and dissonance between litigants who believe in the law, in logic and reason and graduates of 20th Century law schools who do not; and

[18] Blacks 9th Edition (Pg 962) makes the motive for such a reversal in thinking clearer when it defines “law” as “1. The regime that orders human activities and relations through systematic application of the force of politically organized society or through social pressure, backed by force, in such a society; the legal system. 2. The aggregate of legislation, judicial precedents, and accepted legal principles; the body of authoritative grounds of judicial and administrative action”. (Pg 965) defines “lawful” as “Not contrary to law; permitted by law”; and

[19] Contrast this definition of law by Blacks with Roman Cult Canon Law (1983) Title II. Custom Canon 24 states “No custom which is contrary to divine law can obtain the force of law”. A fundamental custom being consent of the people; and

[20] What these definitions reveal in the light of the cancerous mind virus of legal realism is that in the absence of organized dissent, objection, opposition, those “classes” of professionals owing their position and livelihood to the state and the apparatus of state now see their positions and actions no longer as requiring the consent of the people, but merely the tools of enforcement- a polite way of saying guns, terror, threat and coercion; and

[21] This suspension of the Rule of Law replaced with “the law is whatever we say it is” is no conjecture. Justice Rooke made it plain that this mindset is the status quo of the courts and the Secret Bar Guilds who firmly believe they control the apparatus of power, enforcement and terror when he openly quoted Thomas Hobbes from Leviathan “The laws are of no power to protect them, without a sword in the hands of a man, or men, to cause those laws to be put in execution.”:

[22] In the absence of an impartial and unbiased judiciary; in the absence of a judiciary that honors its own laws and the laws of the society it is supposed to serve; in the absence of a judiciary and court system that recognizes the fundamental principles of logic and reason above “style” and arbitrary “process”; and in the absence of a political and military class held account by the people to whom they are chosen then truly there can be no effectual “remedy” in any Roman Western Court at present.

What are the alternatives?

[23] In the first instance, despite the clear evidence presented in this article concerning the deliberate misnaming of Anglo-Saxon Law to falsely claiming it to be “Common Law”, there will remain a number who seek to dispute, trivialize or encourage the dismissal of this article for fear it may be properly read. The reason being, its threat to their livelihood in promoting inconsistent and often fatally flawed “remedies” that depend on the continued “myth” of Common Law; and

[24] In the second instance, there are alternatives beyond surrendering to the seeming insurmountable obstacles presented by the Roman-Western Legal system (a state of mind strongly promoted as a weapon in itself by the status quo). However, it requires a change in attitude aware from extremes of “truth vs lies” and “good vs evil” and “God vs Devil” to concepts of alternative models measuring their value on utility, consistency and accuracy, not dogmatic beliefs; and

[25] Justice Rooke in his treatise published as fact that the Ucadia and One-Heaven model is a “new and total code of law”. This in itself is an unprecedented historic admission, which was made presumably on the unavoidable nature of its existence:

(i) Ucadia is founded on twenty-two collections of sacred texts called the Maxima Textibus Sacris representing eleven (11) collections of historic sacred and legal texts and eleven (11) collections yet to be written by future generations; and

(ii) Ucadia is then structured on eleven (11) core covenants beginning with the most sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum, the covenant of One Heaven, followed by three covenants of different faiths and seven charters for unions of free societies and associations around the world; and

(iii) “Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum” means the Living Body of Divine Canon Law and the highest of all Original Law comprising twenty-two (22) books of Canons as defined by the Articles of Pactum De Singularis Caelum being Article 89 Canonum De Lex Divina (Divine Law), Article 90 Canonum De Lex Naturae (Natural Law), Article 91 Canonum De Ius Cogitatum (Cognitive Law), Article 92 Canonum De IusPositivum (Positive Law), Article 93 Canonum De Lex Ecclesium (EcclesiasticalLaw), Article 94 Canonum De Ius Virtus Naturae (Bioethics Law), Article 95 Canonum De Ius Rex (Sovereign Law), Article 96 Canonum De Ius Fidei (FiduciaryLaw), Article 97 Canonum De Ius Administratum (Administrative Law), Article 98 Canonum De Lex Frugalitas (Economic law), Article 99 Canonum De Ius Pecuniae (Monetary Law), Article 100 Canonum De Ius Civilis (Civil Law), Article 101 Canonum De Ius Informatum (Education Law), Article 102 Canonum De Ius Nutrimens Et Medicina (Food and Drugs Law), Article 103 Canonum De Ius Industriae (Industry Law), Article 104 Canonum De Ius Urbanus (Urban Law), Article 105 Canonum De Ius Companie (Company Law), Article 106 Canonum De Ius Machinatio (Technology Law), Article 107 Canonum De Ius Proventum (Trade Law), Article 108 Canonum De Ius Securitas (Security Law), Article 109 Canonum De Ius Militaris (Military Law) and Article 110 Canonum De Ius Gentium (International Law); and

(iv) “Codes of Law” also “Codes” means the policies and procedures of all valid Ucadian Society and Our Estate as defined in thirty-three (33) codes being: Agriculture, Banking, Budget & Finance, Building & Construction, Civil, Company, Criminal, Culture & Entertainment, Education, Elections, Emergency, Employment, Energy, Environment, Executive, Fitness & Health, Food & Drugs, Industry, Infrastructure, Judicial, Knowledge Systems, Legislative, Military, Police, Disease Prevention & Sanitation, Prison, Revenue, Service, Technology, Temporary Assistance, Trade and Transport; and

(v) The Ucadia model of law has also identified a system known as the Universal Forms System and Ucadian Form System of over 6500 forms connected and defined by the Codes of law for the efficient and effectual operation of any sized government from a small country to a region to a nation; and

(vi) Ucadia has also founded a global financial model known as the Supreme Financial Model based on a sound architecture of finance based on the rules of nature whereby the immediate debt crisis and concerns of the world could be unwound at a global debt crisis converting debt for credit within forty days if the political classes and the people behind them possessed the will. In any event, the financial system is being rolled out in conjunction with the Ucadia societies.

[26] For all of this work over decades, despite the fact that in the history of civilization no model of such comprehensiveness, dimension or detail has ever been conceived in one generation, there will be many who discount it, ignore it or simply and arrogantly steal parts of it for their own ends; and

[27] Ucadia and One-Heaven are fully working models that do not require a suspension of belief. Nor are such models based on presumptions of anti-law or anti-government or revolution or threat. They were designed to be and remain wonderful gifts that anyone who choose to read, to connect and be part of a community seeking real alternative and change can join; and

[28] While the present Western-Roman Legal System appears hopelessly broken, it is hoped that those that read this post will read and review the Ucadia model and help contribute to its improvement as a tool for all humanity, not just a few.

Frank O’Collins - Origin of the Matrix - Why nobody can be free unless everyone is free.

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New Jerusalem Temple
Consilium (Council)
Menesheh Law Form
The Vatican Holocaust "The Pentigram of Evil"
Power and Origin

Frank O'Collins (Workshop in Sydney January 2012)

Topics: Western Roman Law & The Financial System
Slide show - Western Roman Law pdf
The basis of the current western financial/legal system, and (some of) its corruptions. The Roman Cult (Vatican). Estate Law. Trust Law. Cestui Que Vie Trusts. How did we get here?

Part 1/4 - What do the words Attorney and Barrister really mean? Who do lawyers really serve? What is competence at law? Knowing who and what you are. Who is the 'head honcho' of the system? Language trickery to bring about dishonour.

Part 2 -

Part 2/4 - Testing Competency. Public Notice versus Free Will. What is 'the law'? Where does it come from? Canon Law. Roman Law foundations. Origin of maxims. Auricular Law. Knowing who you are.

Part 3 -

Part 3/4 - Contesting and rebutting claims. Counterclaims. Hierarchy of law. Property and Trusts. Vatican claims. Papal Bulls. Jesuits. Franciscans. Cestui Que Vie Trusts. Testamentary Trusts. General Executor.

Part 4 -

Part 4/4 - Testamentary Trusts. First claim of us as property in trust. Vatican occult ritual on us. Papal Bulls. Transubstantiation. Bank of International Settlements. Reserve Banks as private institutions. Cestui Que Vie Trusts. Queens Bench and Kings Bench of Trustees.

Frank O'Collins - The Roman Cult, Law & The Khazars

November 24, 2011

Frank'O Collins is an author and futurist having developed over 60 web sites on global issues and solutions. 25 years ago, Frank started collecting and working on the ideas that eventually became UCADIA. Since then, Frank has completed a range of books, patents, and models covering a vast array of subjects. Frank's current focus is finishing the 22 books of Canon law, based on the "Restore the Law Project," aimed at challenging the root of Roman Vatican law, 500 years since Martin Luther first challenged the authority of the Vatican and its commercial allies. Frank will talk about UCADIA, the Roman cult, law, sovereignty, history of the Venetians, the Khazarians and other related global issues. Topics Discussed: the Roman law system, Egypt, naming, power, Ebla, Yahudi, Menashe, Etruscans, occupation, Latin, cursive, land, registers, Khazaria, King Tut, Justinian, Belarus, genetic anomaly, black plague, bubonic plague, city of Ur, Satanism, Lilith, magic, true soul vs. counterfeit soul, Amarites and more.

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Franks group discussions on history

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Ritus Verum, also known as the 144 Truths is the final of the three official and sacred writs issued in 2011 to collapse and terminate the master trusts established by the Roman Cult and their Venetian masters claiming all property and land of the world.

Ritus Verum was issued on October 31st 2011 in honor of the action of Marin Luther almost 500 years before on that exact occasion in the issue of his 95 Theses.

Martin Luther and his 95 Theses
On the evening of October 31st 1517, approximately 494 years ago, Martin Luther posted on the door of All Saints Church in Wittenberg his famous 95 Theses. During those days, the church doors was an original form of official public notice and public record, so technically Martin Luther was giving Public Notice.

Unfortunately, the original of his 95 Theses has been lost and the most credible printed copies protected by the Lutheran Church were all destroyed upon the bombing of a declared place of refuge famous for having no military installations other than rare anti-Vatican artifacts, the historic city called Dresden in World War II by the Americans, murdering over 250,000 innocent men, women and children by being burned alive.What remains are disgraceful and deliberate distortions created by Vatican agents whereby over half the document now absurdly praises the pope. The other half is claimed as theological waffle.

Clearly, whatever Martin Luther truly wrote and said, it must have been dramatic and struck a chord with the general public across Europe. The reason we can be pretty certain his true message must have been historic is because it is Martin Luther that sparked what we know as the Reformation.

If not for Martin Luther, we would not have had the Reformation. There would have been no King James Bible, no Church of England, no Calvinism, no separation from Rome, no rise of the spirit of democracy, no foundation for the American Revolution.

Despite his fundamental role, most people alive today know very little about him and even less about the very institutions of Liberty, Freedom and Protestantism they claim to support. This is clearly evident when discussing Reformation Day.

Reformation Day
Until the beginning of the 20th Century, a day considered sacred and important to all who believe in the King James Bible and the protestant faiths was Reformation Day, in honor of Martin Luther on October 31st.
On this day, members of families would exchange presents. Later, this was deliberately incorporated into Christmas to diminish Reformation Day further. Finally, thanks to Hollywood and marketing, Reformation Day was finally removed from the minds of most protestant believers in the United States and other English speaking nations with the ficticious creation of Halloween as a kind of repackaged pagan holiday to ignore Reformation Day.

Ritus Verum, or the Writ of 144 Truths honors the memory and legacy of Martin Luther despite the terrible apathy and lack of thought by all those who profess to believe the Protestant message.

Ritus Verum, or the Writ of 144 Truths

Let those who have eyes see; Let those who have ears hear the truth of this most sacred writ before all men, women, children as witnessed by the Divine and all spirits:

1. ALL possess the right to be heard, whether or not we agree with the ideas expressed; and

2. By virtue of our absolute immutable right of free will, we may choose our own actions and what to believe or not to believe; and

3. ALL possess the right over their own thoughts and opinions, as no one can rightfully claim ownership of your own mind, except you; and

4. Your mind is the general executor and sovereign authority over your own body and so no force may rightfully claim possession over your flesh, unless your mind surrenders and allows it to be so; and

5. No person, corporation, or group may claim ownership of the cells of your body or the genetic code that forms life and who and what we are; and

6. ALL possess the right and ability of reason, through the existence of their conscience, sometimes attributed to the existence of a “soul” enabling choices between what is considered “right and wrong”; and

7. Even if we have on occasions surrendered our sovereignty, no force, nor person, nor being can truly own our soul, mind or flesh, just as no corporation, society or person may claim ownership of the land, water or air; and

8. We are all merely tenants on this beautiful planet that sustains life. No-one possesses a blood right, birth right, prior right nor divine right of ownership or rule over any other; and

9. No one may claim to be superior or others to be inferior based on the color of their skin, or nature of their birth or religion; and

10. While there may be times that we are forced or tricked to say or do things against our nature, unless we be under duress, you are responsible for your own actions and choices; and

11. Indeed, there are some who seek to trick us into false belief and false hope, only to find such trust is wrenched from us when faced with the truth; and

12. There are many more who seek to control us through ideas created by others, encouraging us to believe and sometimes to fear; and

13. Whatever your beliefs, whatever your fears, let them not cloud the right for these words to be heard completely first, before they be judged; and

14. Therefore, let these truths be posted, noticed, recorded and published. So all may read and so all who choose to read may know; and

15. Let no man or woman deface, defile, remove or destroy this sacred writ, lest they be judged by all those including their parents, kin and ancestors, past leaders, teachers and heroes in whose name this instrument be promulgated; and

16. To begin then, let us consider then that no matter how complex or challenging our life or our world that much of what we see, is nothing more than a complex mosaic of ideas; and

17. Some ideas are considered essential by most for our survival, such as money, technology and the concept (idea) of belief itself; and

18. Other ideas such as why we choose only a handful of food crops from the thousands of edible plants in the world are less well considered ideas; and

19. While we are free to form our choices and opinions, it is an absolute fact that most of the ideas we choose to believe are created by someone else and then adopted by us, with little change or investigation into the idea; and

20. Words are symbolic ideas to which certain ideas of meaning have been attached by others, sometimes many hundreds or thousands of years ago. Yet we trust meanings to be true and we choose to believe; and

21. Stories such as history are ideas written by others we choose to believe about ideas of certain events that are supposed to have occurred sometimes many thousands of years before we were born. Yet we trust the story ideas to be true and we choose to believe; and

22. Religion itself is an accumulation of ideas, some of which are claimed to have come directly from Divine source and claimed divine events, written in stories called “scripture” often written from hearsay and not firsthand. Yet we trust the religious ideas to be true and choose to believe; and

23. Indeed, so many of us trust and believe the religious and historical stories sold to us by certain families and owners claiming most property of the world as theirs, that we believe certain people to be the “rulers of the world” as the one percent, while the rest of us live like slaves as the ninety nine percent; and

24. Yet, far from some adopted ideas being neutral harmless, some ideas such as “Divine right of rule” are extremely dangerous and have the power to alter our perception of not just the world around us, but our family and who we think we are; and

25. The most dangerous ideas are those ideas that promote and convince us to believe we are less, that we are weak, that we are unworthy, that we must somehow accept we will never be more than a slave; and

26. This is in effect what keeps the world the way it is- because there are certain families of people who make claims to others for their absolute loyalty on the basis that they possess unique blood rights of rule, hold unique rights of history or powers and therefore must be obeyed without question; and

27. So what in essence is an idea and how might we distinguish between sound ideas that help us and false ideas such as “Divine right of rule” that have imprisoned us, inhibited us or tricked us; and

28. In essence, an idea need not be complex to be worthwhile, to come to life and existence; and

29. The mere existence of an idea is sufficient to validate itself. Whether it is true or false is relative to other ideas; and

30. One of the simplest and most powerful ideas is that the meaning of idea is equivalent to Unique Collective Awareness and vice versa; and

31. By Unique Collective Awareness (“UCA”) we mean an idea that is both unique and part of the wider universe of “ideas” or “awareness” in which we exist; and

32. Therefore, the name of an idea is sufficient proof of its existence in some form. The claimed completion and comprehensiveness of an idea is relative to other standards; and

33. Even the repudiation of the validity of an idea requires its name and therefore existence. Therefore, only ideas that cannot be named, nor described may be said to have no existence; and

34. For example, whether one believes or does not believe in the existence of the Divine Creator is immaterial to the fact that the idea of the existence of the Divine Creator exists; and

35. Existence in essence is an observer and an object observed and therefore named. Without the observer and the observed, there can be no existence; and

36. Existence of the Universe depends upon both rules and matter. Matter without rules cannot exist in Universal reality. Therefore, rules without matter cannot exist in reality; and

37. Rules without matter may exist only as an idea. Therefore, we can say that Rules are equivalent to Unique Collective Awareness (UCA) without Form; and

38. Matter is equivalent to the idea of form in dimension. Therefore we can say that Matter is equivalent to Unique Collective Awareness (UCA) within Form; and

39. The only example of dimension being created in the Universe is a Dream; and

40. The only example of a system whereby Rules exist in theory and then Rules and Matter exist in reality is a Dream; and

41. Therefore, Existence is equivalent to the dream of Unique Collective Awareness (UCA) in form (Matter) according to some Rules (“DIA”). Hence we may call the Universe “UCADIA”; and

42. Therefore, the Divine Creator is equivalent to the idea of Unique Collective Awareness and UCADIA. As we have just proven, Existence itself dependents on the existence of the Divine Creator; and

43. Therefore, We refute any ecclesiastical claim that existence of the Divine is dependent on faith and faith alone. We reject the false and convoluted arguments by science which protest the Divine does not exist, in support of the needs of their religious patrons; and

44. Instead, we rely upon the wisdom of Unique Collective Awareness and the proof that every living thing is proof of the existence of the Divine, every man and woman and child are proof of the existence of the Divine and no longer shall false faith nor fear determine our collective fate; and

45. Thus when we speak of the Divine Creator we mean the total collection of meaning and definition of all objects, matter, rules, life, mind, universe and spirit also known as the
Absolute, the ALL, the IS, the Unique Collective Awareness, UCADIA and other historic names when used to described the greatest of all possibilities; and

46. As the Divine means the set of all sets, there is nothing greater. Therefore, everything else is lesser, including but not limited to the idea of “Law”; and

47. A law is a rule, derived from divine instruction, scientific discovery, agreement, custom or practices over time enjoining or prohibiting certain action; and

48. A canon means “rule, bar, norm, maxim, measure or standard”. Therefore, when canon law is in agreement with Divine Law, it may be regarded as the highest standard law and the “Rule of Law” and

49. The highest law of all law is therefore Divine Law, then Natural Law, then Cognitive Law, then Positive Law; and

50. Divine Law is the law that defines the Divine and clearly demonstrates the spirit, mind, purpose and instruction of the Divine including the operation of the will of the Divine through existence. Therefore all valid law may be said to be derived from Divine Law; and

51. The highest and most accepted Golden Rule of all Divine Law is that “all are equal under the law and subject to the law”. Any law that attempts to abrogate this fact is null and void ab initio and is not a valid law; and

52. Natural Law is the law that defines the operation of the will of the Divine through its existence in the form of matter and physical rules. Natural Laws define the operation and existence of the physical universe, all valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law; and

53. Cognitive Law is the set of laws that define the special attributes possessed by certain higher order life such as mind, ideas, knowledge, recognition and self-awareness created through the simultaneous application of both Divine Law and Natural Law; and

54. Positive Law is the laws enacted by men and women through proper authority for the governance of a society. Positive Law ultimately refers to physical objects and living beings; All valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law and Cognitive Law; and

55. A Positive Law cannot abrogate, suspend, usurp, nor change a Cognitive Law or Natural Law. Nor is it possible for a Cognitive Law or Natural Law to abrogate, suspend, usurp or change a Divine Law; and

56. Therefore, it is not by the will of men to decide when God speaks. It is not to the authority of the church that the Lord submits, but the church that submits to God; and

57. No matter how great the claimed authority of a person, it cannot be greater than the Divine Creator; and

58. No matter how ancient a scripture or belief, it cannot be older than the Creator of the Universe; and

59. No matter how firm a doctrine of faith, it cannot stand should it be against the laws of the Divine; and

60. All the words ever written and spoken in defense of doctrine and law cannot stand if against these truths; and

61. Indeed, the foundation of all civilized rule of law, including all Western Roman Law, begins with the acknowledgment that the highest law comes from the Divine Creator of all things in the Universe expressed through the laws of the Universe and then through the reason and spirit of man to make Positive Laws; and

62. The very meaning and essence of the idea of “office” is derived from ecclesiastical and ceremonial duty (officium) and service when in possession of some circumscribed space such as a chapel, temple, altar or sanctuary; and

63. In recognition of the fact that the legitimacy of office is through the recognition of the supremacy of Divine Law over Positive Law, the investiture of people into office is normally created upon a sacred and ecclesiastical oath to some higher spiritual power; and

64. Therefore all valid official positions of all legitimate governments of all societies on planet Earth depend on the acknowledgment and recognition that the highest law comes from the Divine Creator of all things in the Universe; and

65. The very meaning and purpose of the word “authority” is derived from the creation of instruments and pronouncements of law (auctor) in accordance with ecclesiastical ritual, ceremony or property (ritus); and

66. Therefore all legitimate authority of all officials of all valid governments of all societies on planet Earth depend on the acknowledgment and recognition that all authority is ultimately derived from the highest authority being the Divine Creator of all things in the Universe; and

67. Even the very financial system of the present world is based on the existence of the Treasury of One Heaven and the continued existence of Indulgences as created by the Roman Cult, also known as the Venetian-Magyar controlled Vatican at the end of the 13th Century; and

68. Thus, the very existence of all societies and the idea of Rule of Law across Planet Earth is dependent on the idea of the existence of the Divine Creator also known as the Unique Collective Awareness (UCA); and

69. As the authority and legitimacy of an office is derived from ecclesiastical authority, then the obeying of the Rule of Law is not merely duty, but necessary for the lawful effect of any action. This is because no spiritual force may flow through natural law and positive law of this world, if the sacred rules that establish such law are willingly broken; and

70. It is why through the original laws of trust between the entrustor and the trustee known as Fiduciary Laws require such diligence. It is also why the laws between the trustee and beneficiary originally known as the Laws of Equity are equally as stringent; and

71. While contract and administrative law over the past two hundred years has deliberately corrupted the certainty of obligations of Executors and Trustees appointed to Office, it remains an immutable truth that to hold Office remains both the highest honor and duty of service; and

72. When a man or woman seeks to cling to Office and yet deny their obligations and duties, they automatically excommunicate themselves from any spiritual authority, thereby rendering such acts merely enforceable through ignorance, force or fear; and

73. When a man or woman seeks to cling to Office through the use of ignorance, force and fear, denying their dependency on legitimacy from the Divine Creator and Divine Law, then no action or decree can be regarded as lawful and their tenure can only hold, so long as their power holds; and

74. In some cases, a tyrannical system only lasts for a few years. On other examples, a system of tyranny may survive for hundreds of years before finally being rooted out. The three ages of the Cult of Mithraism, the Cult of the Menes of Tarsus and the land pirate families of the Khazar clans are three such groups; and

75. Mithraism is an ancient Cult and Theology born in the 6th Century BCE under the reign of Darius of Persia through the deliberate corruption of Zoroastrianism and infusing the beliefs of Meneshism as well as Satanism of the exiled Yahudi (Israelites). It is the first Cult in history to be two Cults in one- an inner secretive Cult and an outer generalized Cult. It is also the first Cult to be completely revamped into three separate incarnations (ages); and

76. The First age and variation of Mithraism is “Orthodox Mithraism” from the 6th Century BCE to the 1st Century CE. The second age and variation is “Apocalyptic Mithraism” that emerged in the 1st Century CE and died out by the 4th Century CE. The third age and variation is Reformed Mithraism which emerged from the 11th Century CE and remains in the form of the Roman Cult of Romanism, also known as Vaticanism; and

77. In the first variation of Mithraism as Orthodox Mithraism, Mithra is born from the seed of Adona Elohim (Elohim) the Sun-god and “Lord God” and Ashtarot (Ashtart) the “Virgin Queen of Heaven” being the Foundation Stone (Rock) at the foundation of the formerly destroyed temple of Jerusalem. Mithra then lived his first years within the cave within the rock, now also also known as the well of souls; and

78. As the Yahudi (Israelites) legal system honored its roots back to the Neolithic oral “Holly Law” or Cuilliaéan law from 1070 BCE, the use of writing was considered an abomination before Yah(weh), also known as G-d. Therefore, the creation of Mithraic Law by Yahudi priests in Babylon was considered a great heresy against G-d. However, by the 4th Century BCE, the Yahudi Diaspora were using Greek and Aramaic to the North, Latin to the West and Persian to the South and East; and

79. Mithra was variously named the “Lamb of God”, the “only begotten Son of God”, the “Savior” (Christ), the “good shepherd” and the “way, the truth and the light”. He was said to have been born on the Winter Solstice around December 25th and Died as a blood sacrifice to “cleanse the world of sin” on the Spring Equinox around March 23rd; and
80. Together with his father and mother, Mithra formed a sacred and unbreakable Trinity with Mithra representing justice, truth and loyalty. Hence, Mithra is the god of oaths and loyalty to duty. Thus when a person was baptized to Mithraism they pledged their absolute, undying, unquestioning loyalty to Mithra and his representative the King and High Priests; and

81. As a Cult of Meneshism and Satanism, Mithraism incorporated many of their key themes, most importantly the fundamental and essential practice of blood sacrifice, atonement, continued ritual sacrifice and cannibalism in direct contradiction to Zoroastrianism and Yahudism. As an inner cult and an outer cult, each of the key sacraments of Mithraism had two forms- superior and ordinary; and

82. For the sacred Orthodox Ordinary Mithraic Sacrament of Baptism an initiate put on a white gown, a thorny crown and walked in a procession to the temple, where they were stripped, placed in a pit above which animals such as young calf and lambs were slaughtered on perforated platform over them with the blood flowing through onto them, thus being “born again” with their “sins washed away by the blood of the lamb”. For the sacred Orthodox Superior Mithraic ritual of Baptism, the initiate was usually placed in a stone sarcophagus and instead of a lamb, a human child was ritually slaughtered on an altar above them; and

83. For the sacred Orthodox Ordinary Mithraic Sacrament of the Eucharist, a member would celebrate by consuming unleavened bread and wine in the simulated cannibalism of the body and blood of Mithra for their salvation. Thus, the most sacred words of the Eucharist of Mithra attest “He who will not eat of my body and drink of my blood, so that he will be made one with me and I with him, the same shall not know salvation.” For the sacred Orthodox Superior Mithraic ritual of the Eucharist, the actual blood of a slain child was drunk and their roasted flesh eaten, usually only by the high priests and senior elite of Mithraic members; and

84. The first and most sacred temple to Orthodox Mithraism was the Great Temple of Darius of Persia which was completed by 526 BCE at the site known as “Temple Mount” over the Foundation Stone and claimed birthplace of Mithra. The priests of Mithra were called P’tah which means Father, Peter and Rock; and

85. The most sacred scriptures of Mithraism were a deliberate corruption of the 1st five books of Akhenaten, also known as Moses, the scripture of Zoroastrianism and the prophets of the Yahudi. These scriptures were known as the Massa or Missal and founding Mithraic Priests Father Nehemiah and Ezra brought these to the Temple of Mithra in 455 BCE to celebrate the first and most sacred ceremony of Mithraism known as Mass; and

86. After the destruction of the Temple of Mithra by the Nazarene rebels in 70 CE, the Apocalyptic version of Mithraism was formed at Yavneh by John son of Zachariah, whereby a number of fundamental reforms were constituted, namely death of Mithra moved to March 14th 272 BCE as light of the world (Lucifer), father as now Yavneh (Sun), mother was Mari (Venus), 12 disciples were introduced, ascension into heaven from Temple Mount, returning at End of Days to judge living and dead; and

87. From 70 CE, Apocalyptic Mithraism spread rapidly throughout the Roman Empire, especially amongst the ranks of the Roman Legions many of whom were already Orthodox Mithraic followers. However, no city underwent such a transformation as Rome, with thousands joining the secret inner cult and new temples dedicated for public worship of Mithra the savior; and

88. Apocalyptic Mithraism was largely wiped out with the advent of Imperial Christianity by Constantine and the banning of human sacrifice. However, Reformed Mithraism returned to power in the 11th Century under pagan satanic Pope Gregory VII falsely claiming control over the Catholic Church first formed by the Franks three hundred years prior and subsequently overtaken by the German Saxons. If not for the financial support of the Magyar Pagan Venetian State, the Roman Cult and all subsequent history would not have existed; and

89. The second example of a Cult and tyranny that has failed to be held to account until now is the rise and survival of the Priests of the Menes of Tarsus, variously known as the Menasheh, the Menesheh, the Samaritans and the Sarmatians; and

90. The priests of Tarsus claimed their heritage directly from the city of Ur and their worship of the Pentagram remained testimony to this symbol as the oldest symbol associated with the goddess of Ur and later Maru (Am-Maru) also known as Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Astarte, Cybele, Venus, Athena and today as Lady Liberty and Lady Justice; and

91. By the 4th Century, the priests of Tarsus were on the ascendency and in opposition to the creation of Imperial Christianity sought to construct a pure religion of magic, using a pure language of magic known later as Hebrew; and

92. It was Menes Satanic priest Baba Rabban with the scholar Merqah who is the first author and founder of the Mishnah in 333 in direct opposition to the founding of Imperial Christianity by Emperor Constantine in 325; and

93. It was Baba Rabban who founded the Sarmatian state he named Israel as a magic word from Isis, Ra and El in 333 from the year of death of John the Baptist; and

94. It was Baba Rabban who broke the laws of the Zadokites, the Nazarenes and Mithraism by adopting the kippa woollen head piece of Cybele worn by Sarmatians for all believers and by demanding followers bow down daily in prayers to worship Mt Gerezim and not Jerusalem; and

95. Thus under Baba Rabban, the whole of Palestine became the state of Israel and was divided into twelve (12) administrative districts administered by the Head priest of a priestly family of the Menes-Heh as an administrative advisor being: Asher under R. Ashi b. Abin; Benjamin under R. Benjamin b. Jephet; Dan under R. Daniel b. Kattina; Ephraim under R. Ephraim b.Papa; Gad under R. Gaddal b. Menashia; Issachar under R. Isaac b. Samuel; Judah under R.Judah b. Menasiah; Levi under R. Levi b. Hama; Manesseh under R. Menashiah b. Tahalifa; Naphtali under R. Nappaha; Simeon under R. Simeon b. Lakish; Zebulun under R. Zebida; Reuben under R. Papa also known as Baba Rabban; and

96. In the 6th Century, the Kingdom of Israel was finally smashed under Christian Emperor Justinian, and to be a follower of Menachism was made a capital crime. However, due to the great plagues and the collapse of law and order, the Menes tribes survived and most sought refuge with their former servants and militia being the land pirates known as the “Khazars” from southern Mongolia to the Russian plains; and

97. The Menes re-organized themselves as the “White Khazars”, later the “White Russians” becoming gods and uniting the tribes of the Khazar (Black Khazar) into one empire until its collapse at the death of Khagan Menasseh II upon the beginning of the 10th Century. The Khazarian Empire disintegrated into Civil War with splits between the White Khazars and Black Khazars; and

98. Aaron (Rurik), eldest son of Khagan Menasseh II, the 1st Grand Prince of the Rusar (Russians) escaped up the Volga from Odessa to a new capital at Ninevah (Nizhnii Novgorod) and the eventual formation of the Sarmatian Empire, later called the Russian Empire in the 18th Century; and

99. Joseph (Aaron) the 1st Grand Prince of the Magyar who sought to establish a new homeland called Etelküzü (Etel similar to Greek Enetoi "praiseworthy/chosen" and küzü "land") --the Chosen Land between the Carpathian Mountains and the Dnieper River, eventually being driven back to form their capital Enetoi within the marshes of the river Po called "Venice"; and

100. Yariel (Nasi)-Bayan the 1st Grand Prince of the Bulgar and Avar and arch-enemy of the Magyar reaching its height under Simeon I of Bulgaria until 927 when the Avar largely defected enmass to Islam under the Abbasid Empire and the Bulgar were gradually reduced in power; and

101. Obadiah (Öge) the 1st Khan of the Uyghar of Mongolia and China, later known as the Mongols and the "Goldern Horde" was the fourth main line of the former Khazarian empire and tribes; and

102. By the 15th Century, the descendants of Aaron (Rurik) under Ivan III Vasilevich (1440-1505) had reunited the Rus as the Empire of Samaria with its capital at Moscow; and

103. By the early 20th Century, the Rus tribe of the Khazars were deceived by their Magyar cousins and the last of the true Khagans and “White Khazars” in the form of the Romanov royal family were completely exterminated; and

104. In 1055, Pietro Leoni, also known as Leo de Benedicto, the son of King Pietro II Urseolo of Hungary and direct descendant of Joseph (Aaron) the 1st Grand Prince of the Magyar and the powerful Pierleoni family that controlled the office of Doge of Venice until 1026, combined forces with pagan priest Hildebrand to personally fund a massive militia army of “Borgia” mercenaries from Spain to create the Roman Cult from the Saxon Emperors; and

105. On 27 September 1540, the bull Regimini militantis ecclesiae was issued by Alessandro Farnese as Pope Paul III (1534-1549) as a direct descendant of Joseph (Aaron) the 1st Grand Prince of the Magyar and the powerful Pierleoni family to re-establish the dominance of Venice over its invention of the Roman Cult through the creation of the Jesuit Order, supported by other Council families including the Orsini, Conti, Corraro, Aldobrandini, Borghese and Caetani; and

106. In the 14th Century, descendants of Yariel (Nasi)-Bayan the 1st Grand Prince of the Bulgar and Avar formed the Ottoman Empire under Kaiser Osman I (1258-1326) under Islam; and

107. At the beginning of the 17th Century, Ibrahim I, descendent of Kaiser Osman I and Yariel (Nasi)-Bayan the 1st Grand Prince of the Bulgar and Avar commissioned the occult scholar Nethaniel (Nathan) of Gaza and his scriptorium to restore a pure version of the original Ba’al worship of their ancestors many centuries before; and

108. The religion created by Nethaniel (Nathan) of Gaza for Ibrahim I is variously called Sabbateanism and Ashkenazism (meaning “the illuminated knights” or “the illuminati”) with Ibrahim I declaring himself “messiah”. Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa Pasha of Mehmed IV forces deposed Ibrahim I to swear allegiance to Islam in 1666 as attempt to stop it; and

109. Despite all attempts to stamp out Ashkenazism (Sabbateanism) amongst the Bulgar, Avar, Magyar and Rusar, huge numbers of Khazarian descendents convert to this new extreme apocalyptic messianic Cult; and

110. By the 20th Century, the Magyar of Venice now devoted followers of Sabbateanism succeeded in wiping out the leading royal descendents of the Bulgar and Avar families and ancient Menesheh followers with largely only extremist Ashkenazi followers of the Ottoman (quasi- Islamic) religion remaining; and

111. In the middle of the 20th Century, the Magyar of Venice as dedicated followers of Sabbateanism
choose to destroy the ancient covenant of the Menesheh, concocting the end of the world through a great tribulation, a sacrifice of rivals, the identity theft of millions, the creation of a New World Order and claim over a homeland, from which none of their ancestors ever lived; and

112. By the 13th Century, the descendants of Obadiah (Öge) formed the Great Yuan Dynasty of China under the 1st Khan of the Uyghar of Mongolia by Kublai Khan (1260-1294); and

113. By the 20th Century, the descendents of Obadiah (Öge) re-established power through being the head families of the Communist Party, with the Magyar hoping to eliminate these families through global war within the first fifty years of the 21st Century leaving only the Magyar the remaining line of the Khazars; and

114. This is the twisted and tortured truth of the world, hidden from view, hidden from history and known to few; and

115. This is the revelation of how we have been deceived and how those who loyally serve their insane leaders have also been deceived; and

116. That those who claim ancient religious right to rule are without valid claim, basing their arguments on fabulous fictions easily exposed; and

117. That those who claim ancient blood right are nothing more than imposters, with the Khazars originating as land pirates of the steppes of Mongolia and the Caucus and nowhere near the Levant, nor Egypt nor Europe; and

118. That those who claim power via magic and Divine right are the same who destroyed their own covenant in World War 2, thus ending any claim of continuous faith or religion; and

119. They are without credibility, without provenance, without history, without authority and yet they persist; and

120. They persist with the lie that they have a Divine Right to rule, with all who are not members of their family being nothing more than cattle; and

121. They persist with the lie that they follow the Rule of Law, when they destroyed their own covenant eighty years ago and have failed to follow their own laws for centuries; and

122. They persist with the lie that there is no slavery, yet through the banking system they continue to claim ownership of our body, mind and soul through occult rituals around birth certificates, trusts and bindings; and

123. They are insane, bereft of competency, unable to see their own history and yet they would rather destroy the world than cede an inch; and

124. Despite such mental illness and dishonor, Divine notice has required they receive fair warning of their pending doom at the hand of the greatest Divine miracle in Civilized history; and

125. They have been warned in prophecy and stories for centuries, yet have ignored all such warnings; and

126. They were officially warned by notice two years ago upon the existence of the sacred Covenant Pactum de Singulars Caelum, yet they have remained mute; and

127. Once again, their officials were warned one year ago of their dishonor and still they ignore Divine notice; and

128. No group in history has been repeatedly warned to restore their honor with the Divine; and

129. No group in history has been repeatedly warned to atone for their actions and restore proper stewardship of the world; and

130. No other time in history have the elite been given so many opportunities to make correction and be forgiven for what they have done; and

131. This now being the third and final notice before the Day of Divine Judgment against their dishonor, their evil and their incompetence they remain stubbornly resolute to the end; and

132. Thus as all of Heaven and those who read these one hundred and forty four truths bear witness, so it shall be that those who have ruled this world for one thousand years upon lies, upon fear and malice shall be torn from their palaces; and

133. Commencing from the Day of Divine Judgment There shall be a weeping and grinding of teeth the likes of which has never before been seen, upon the unleashing of the greatest army of spiritual force, being angels and demons united against these imposter families and false elite; and

134. Until every one who has openly defied the will of Heaven and Earth has been held to account, the forces unleashed upon this day will not rest; and

135. The plans of the elite for global destruction shall fail. Their plans to stay in power shall fail. The pleas for mercy after all they have done shall fail; and

136. They shall be bound in accordance with their iniquity and dishonor to all nature of spiritual force. Their agreement to have their souls taken from their body shall be fulfilled; and

137. Thus, their souls shall be taken when they sleep, when they eat, when they walk; and

138. Thus, their souls shall be taken when they bathe, when they drive or fly or when they go outside; and

139. Thus, there shall be no bunker deep enough to hide, no mountain lair high enough, no place safe enough; and

140. Nor shall the continued spilling of blood ward off the inevitable; and

141. The hounds of Heaven and Hell united shall hunt each and every one of them down, salvaging their souls and disposing of the flesh; and

142. They shall be hounded every moment of every day until their kind is no more; and

143. A promise then shall be fulfilled when the evil and wicked have been swept from this earth and the rule of law restored; and

144. As it is written so it shall be.





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