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Alias Born 02/05/2004

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Thursday, 07/21/2016 9:23:23 PM

Thursday, July 21, 2016 9:23:23 PM

Post# of 130513
AMBS never had anything of value - ever

hence they succumbed to death spiral financing in an effort to stall for another year, in an effort to rape their own books

before loosing total control to Josh Sason of Magna

AMBS was a scam from the beginning

don't believe me - read this series of CEO Blogs - which were all lies:

CEO Chairman Blog Quotes - Non-Dilutive Financing, Grants, Partnerships, Shareholder Value, Revenue, etc.

Blog #1.) Arresting Cell Death in PD, TBI, Cardiac Ischemia & More
December 10th, 2012

• In order to maximize potential returns, the Company is establishing its partnership criteria with our advisors as we look at near-term value inflexions to achieve further value-building milestones.

Blog #2.) Onwards and Upwards: Building Value From a Solid Foundation
January 14th, 2013

• As previously discussed, the Company is now in an excellent negotiating position with potential partners and investors interested in advancing our diagnostic candidates forward on favorable terms, so we can devote the majority of our internal resources to our MANF programs in Parkinsons, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cardiac Ischemia and evaluation of certain orphan indications.

Blog #3.) Q1: Setting the Stage for Growth in 2013
February 20th, 2013

• Even more encouraging is that MANF’s mechanism of action appears to lend itself to addressing a range of potential therapeutic applications with large market opportunities addressing significant unmet medical currently under evaluation. With this opportunity in our midst, my responsibility as CEO is to position the Company to actualize its potential by removing barriers to progress and establishing a credible plan that gives our shareholders and the broader investment community confidence that we will meet our objectives.

• Spinning off Amarantus Diagnostics: Last week we disclosed the creation of Amarantus Diagnostics, a subsidiary company to further develop the Company’s LymPro and NuroPro diagnostic assets. The internal estimates of the market opportunity for these assets exceeds $800 million and the time to market is likely significantly less than our MANF asset, due to different regulatory requirements for marketing of these types of diagnostics. Moreover, with recent guidance from the FDA regarding the need to focus drug development programs on early-stage patients, Amarantus Diagnostics will be positioned among the most innovative companies developing products in the Alzheimer’s space with LymPro. From the corporate perspective, we believe we can unlock the true value of these assets without further diluting the value of the MANF opportunity for our shareholders with this strategy. We are currently working on updating the clinical trial design for the LymPro and NuroPro assets in light of recent developments in the field and will update the marketplace in the near future regarding timelines to key milestones on their path to commercialization.

• With a market opportunity that we estimate to exceed $5 billion annually, we believe this is the best way to maximize the value of MANF at this critical phase in its product development cycle, as well as strategically position Amarantus to capitalize on various opportunities that are in best interest of the Company and our shareholders.

Blog #4.) The Stage is Now Set for Growth: Focus on Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
March 25th, 2013

• …internal priorities are shifting with the emergence of new information regarding the market demand for LymPro; we are planning for significant growth in the second quarter. Management believes we are on the right path to achieve success for all stakeholders involved in Amarantus.

Blog #5.) Continued Progress with our Business Plan in Central Nervous System Disorders
May 16th, 2013

• In April, we changed the Company’s business model to a holding company structure in order to segment out the key product categories Amarantus is pursuing: Therapeutics and Diagnostics. In doing so, management, along with its advisors, outlined an aggressive growth strategy for the Company’s key products, MANF and LymPro, at a period in their development cycle when significant value can be created with relatively little capital invested over the next 12 months.

• Once achieved, we expect Amarantus to be positioned to move much closer towards our stated objective of up-listing to a national stock exchange. We believe focusing on this business strategy will most effectively unlock the considerable fundamental value inherent in Amarantus.

• Management believes that our current strategy, and most importantly the assets that underpin that strategy, will soon be in the mainstream of biotechnology development because they are able to directly address the disease mechanisms we are seeking to treat.

• Notwithstanding the foregoing, the fundamentals of the Company have continued to improve substantially since our third quarter filing of 2012, and we expect this trend to continue.

• Going forward, we believe the Company is well positioned for continued growth, and as we overcome challenges we expect fundamental shareholder value to continue to improve.

Blog #7.) Ophthalmology: MANF’s Orphan Strategy Coming into Focus in Retinitis Pigmentosa
August 14th, 2013

• Due to its relatively small patient population, RP qualifies as an orphan indication which provides a number of financial incentives for development in this indication.

• When data becomes available in the coming weeks on different applications, we will begin to spend some time reprioritizing our MANF pipeline to ensure that we are maximizing shareholder value, while simultaneously ensuring that we are expeditiously moving MANF forward in the various indications where MANF has shown benefit pre-clinically. We intend to rely heavily on not-for-profit funding for certain indications in order to minimize shareholder dilution while maximizing patient benefit as we move MANF forward.

Blog #8.) LymPro Heading into 2014: Shifting the Diagnostic Paradigm in Alzheimer’s
November 4th, 2013

• From our perspective, the addition of new rules encouraging preventative measures, including diagnostic tests at key points in life, could be tremendously valuable to human health and to our bottom line.

• As we build out our diagnostic franchise, we are keen to keep an eye towards building shareholder value and improving patient outcomes. We believe these two things go hand and hand, and we certainly believe AD is an indication where there is massive potential for both.

• The team at Amarantus is growing stronger by the day, and we are building the Company to be the victors in the marketplace when the dust settles.

Blog #9.) The Golden Goose: Preparing PhenoGuard to Lay the Next Golden Egg
November 12th, 2013

• Coupled with our partnering business model, we believe we will be able to find the appropriate partner for PhenoGuard to fully exploit the true value of this technology.

• We expect to be in a position to start collaborating on this project in early 2014 having expanded our PhenoGuard cell line library to 88 cell lines from four distinct brain regions associated with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Clinical Depression and Huntington’s disease.

Blog #10.) Unlocking Shareholder Value as Milestones Approach: Uplisting in 2014
January 6th, 2014

• In late December our team reviewed the Company’s development, regulatory, reimbursement and marketing plans with experts in the field, and we are now preparing to implement the strategy for LymPro’s most lucrative path forward for Amarantus shareholders.

• We continue to believe that adding a Phase 2 asset to our therapeutics pipeline will significantly build near-term shareholder value as we allow MANF to mature across multiple orphan indications and we work towards that significant corporate milestone.

Blog #13.) Q1-2014: The Maturation of Amarantus
February 24th, 2014

• In order to make this pipeline relevant, it is important to have the cash necessary to drive these programs forward. In order to obtain the necessary cash on an ongoing basis, the Company retained F. Randall Grimes last summer in order to prosecute a grants program based upon the assets we had at the time.

• We were pleased to see the NIH’s budget fully restored for fiscal year 2014 and are actively involved in liaising with various agencies and other organization.

Blog #14.) Transformational Funding Positions Amarantus Heading into 2014 Milestones
March 10th, 2014

• This certainly applies to Amarantus’ current situation and, with today’s series of financial transactions; we have overcome THE major hurdle impeding the unlocking of our true value for our loyal shareholders. We raised $4M in cash by issuing 45M warrants priced at $0.12 and 4M common shares priced at $0.10. As they say, money talks and so as we continue ongoing discussions with various groups with interest in the Company’s product line, we now have the most important tool in any negotiation: the ability to say ‘no.’ This power gives the team at Amarantus financial credibility in the biotech space where credibility is everything and the potential returns for good deals vs. bad deals can swing dramatically.

• Dilution is certainly a key concern of mine being the co-founder and a large shareholder, along with my co-founder and father Dr. John Commissiong, as is the perception that the Company will continue to dilute itself at low price levels all the while impeding the natural progression of our trading market; this was the exact reason why we structured the transactions as we did: We now have cash on hand to fully operate into the fourth quarter of 2014, and potentially into 2015 if certain of our pending and in process grant applications is awarded. Between today and the next time the Company would need cash, we have a number of fundamental value-building milestones that we believe will shift the investment thesis underpinning Amarantus, thereby allowing these milestones to get priced into the market ahead of drawing down on additional capital;

• A key issue in gaining access to grant funding has been the lack of financial stability of the Company and the fear from granting agencies that if strict timelines were not met, the Company would not be able to sustain the project – this concern now no longer exists as the Company will be able to supplement grant funding with company funding as necessary; We are aware that it is possible in the biotechnology industry to gain strong financial terms from potential partners eager to gain access to the Company’s technology – we can now aggressively pursue this strategy without the risk of a significant dilutive financing throughout that process; We will now begin contemplating shareholder value-building strategic decisions regarding certain key assets, and the best way to monetize the work we are doing, while keeping a view on long-term value creation via our holding company business strategy;

Blog #16.) 2H-2014: Milestones ahead to Position Amarantus for the Up-list
June 18th, 2014

• In closing, I would like to thank our shareholders for your continued support as we grow our business and achieve the milestones we have set before us. We have a clear plan and strategy, and are working to establish appropriate channels for scientific, development and financial partnerships that will provide near and long-term value creation possibilities across multiple fronts. Our strategy remains to up-list our common stock in 2014, and we believe we have the scientific credibility, diversity of assets and value creation milestones to achieve that objective while simultaneously allowing for further value creation once up-listed. We are quite pleased with our progress and look forward to additional updates in the weeks and months ahead.

Blog #18.) MANF Continues to Deliver Heading into 2H-14
June 30th, 2014

• Last week we attended a successful BIO convention where we ended up participating in over 60 partnering meetings, and were extremely pleased with the reception we received from the community at large.

• It is clear that we have become highly visible to larger pharmaceutical companies, as well as promising early-stage companies seeking to partner their assets. The general theme was that each of our assets has tremendous promise within their own right, and most importantly that there is a strong scientific and business case to be made for each becoming a blockbuster asset.

• Taken together, the synergies created from a business perspective are able to insulate the Company from significant enterprise risk, and our ability to demonstrate progress with any of these assets will lend credibility to the rest of the portfolio. In light of these comments, we are now especially looking forward to the month of July which includes AAIC and our #C4CT Summit, as well as the rest of 2014. We believe the Company is growing stronger by the day and we are excited to share our enthusiasm with our fellow shareholders.

Blog #22.) Preparing Amarantus for the Up-list in 2H-14: Capital Markets Strategy
August 10th, 2014

• Of greatest note in this preliminary proxy statement is the fact that the Company has not put forth a request for a reverse split of the common shares. Many of you are likely asking how the Company can possibly expect to up-list to a national exchange in 2014 without the need for a reverse split of its common shares. The answer is that the Company does not know where its common shares will be priced towards the end of this year, and therefore cannot project what will be required in terms of a reverse split or if a reverse split will be needed. However, we remain optimistic that we can significantly increase shareholder value through value building events both from a scientific and clinical perspective, as well as a capital markets perspective.

• We believe the scientific and clinical work our team is endeavoring upon is second to none in the areas of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Retinitis Pigmentosa, and we intend to leverage the value we have created to date into new business opportunities the Company believes are equally attractive consistent with our track record.

Blog #23.) Initiating Studies for CLIA Launch at ICON Central Lab’s
Sept. 2th, 2014

• We are continuing to evaluate shareholder value creating arrangements for our diagnostics division, including a potential ‘spin-out’ or other business arrangements that would make strategic sense for the various LymPro and Amarantus stakeholders.
24.) Fundamental Milestones Ahead – Uplisting from Strength
Sept. 18th, 2014

• Notwithstanding the tremendous fundamental growth the Company is experiencing, we recognize the primary concern to our investors is dilution. To this, I will note that we already have, within the existing cap structure as of today, access to $18M in financing from our Lincoln Park facility and $5M through the exercise of warrants. This capital would be sufficient to carry us into 2016.

• We continue to believe in our pipeline, our people and our prospects, and look forward to moving forward hand in hand with our shareholders as we take the incremental steps necessary to unlock the true value from our pipeline.

Blog #25.) Eltoprazine, LymPro and MANF: The Path Forward to Value Creation
Oct. 27th, 2014

• The last several weeks have been a particularly exciting time for the team at Amarantus. Months of effort are beginning to bear fruit, as we’ve begun to reach milestones in all three of our key programs. As the company continues to make systematic progress in executing on our business plan, we are encouraged by the reception we are receiving from patients, physicians and shareholders who understand the importance of what we are doing.

• The company is currently preparing marketing materials to support the launch to both the pharmaceutical industry and the general practitioner community to ensure they understand the value that LymPro will bring to their diagnostic paradigms. In addition, the company is continuing the development of its reimbursement strategy to support commercial sales, in addition to putting in place its LymPro general marketing strategy. We believe putting all of the pieces in place for a successful launch of LymPro is crucial to its initial launch and establishment as the market leading blood diagnostic for Alzheimer’s disease.

• As a holding company, Amarantus is continuing to evaluate methods of returning value to shareholders, including a potential spinoff of the company’s diagnostic division. In addition to LymPro and our NuroPro Parkinson’s diagnostic, we are actively evaluating additional complementary late-stage neurology-focused diagnostic assets that would bolster our diagnostic division and make for a successful ‘spin-out’ while concurrently returning value to our shareholders. We believe we will be able to execute on this strategy in the near-term.

• As a holding company, our strategy is to acquire undervalued assets, incubate them through critical de-risking milestones and thereafter seek to deliver value to our shareholders through strategic initiatives. We believe we are well positioned to deliver on that promise in the near-term with our diagnostic division, making for the first data point of success of the overall business model and positioning Amarantus to continue this model as we move forward. We believe wholeheartedly in LymPro, and want to ensure that it receives the necessary management focus and commercialization expertise for it to become the gold standard for Alzheimer’s diagnosis. We expect to have updates on this initiative in the near-term.

• As a biotechnology holding company, we have the luxury of being strategically diversified in highly attractive areas of growth across our pipeline. With this strategy we are insulated from enterprise risk from any one program, thereby giving us leverage as we look for additional product opportunities and allowing us to return value to our long-term shareholders either through equity gains or dividends.

Blog #27.) Amarantus Diagnostic
January 28th, 2015

First-Mover Advantage in the $3B Alzheimer’s Blood Test Market with a Business Strategy for Significant Near-Term Revenue in Multiple Sclerosis to Bridge the Gap

• Importantly, this agreement (with Georgetown University Biomarkers) allows us to position Amarantus Diagnostics, our newly-formed, wholly-owned subsidiary, to the pharmaceutical industry and the institutional investor community as having cornered a huge part of the enormously attractive Alzheimer’s blood diagnostics market.

• As part of our business strategy as a holding company, we have endeavored to create standalone business units across our portfolio. The recent creation of Amarantus Diagnostics enables us to put a focus our diagnostic division to implement a focused business strategy that mitigates its own enterprise risk, while allowing for sustained value creation over time. This in turn, will provide a compelling risk/reward opportunity for investors in comparison with other diagnostics companies of similar stage.

• In summary, the significant work we have done to both assemble and advance our portfolio has yielded a tremendous fundamental outcome. We have faced significant challenges throughout this journey, but have landed in a very good position that will now allow us to focus solely on executing on the opportunities in our portfolio and delivering value for shareholders going forward.

• After exhaustive scientific, clinical and commercial due diligence, we were able to complete a transaction that crystalized our diagnostics division from compelling science with emerging competition that initially addressed small market $150 million market opportunity, into potentially the premier neuro-diagnostics entity with cutting edge technologies addressing a near-to-mid-term market opportunity with little-to-no-competition, and peak near-term revenue potential of $300 million in the U.S. alone, that would bridge the revenue gap to the potential $3 billion revenue potential presented by the AD blood diagnostic opportunity that we believe will be possible in the mid-to-long-term.

• As described in some detail in previous communications, we are committed to providing a return of capital to our shareholders via a potential spin-out of our Amarantus Diagnostics division.

• We intend to focus on maintaining a significant financial interest in the diagnostics business because we wholeheartedly believe Amarantus Diagnostics can “win” in Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis – two massive market opportunities that could be a huge financial windfall. We have very recently been approached by a number of leading investment banks to evaluate strategic options for the diagnostics business unit, and are now evaluating the options in this area.

• In the near term, we have the opportunity to explore the potential sale of the division for cash (and maintain a royalty), IPO the entity, license the technologies to a third party, or evaluate other strategic options that may present themselves now that we have created critical mass. We intend to update our shareholders on progress in this area as significant events occur.

• Our main goal in any of these initiatives will be to maximize shareholder value. In the event of a ‘spin-out,’ Amarantus plans to maintain an equity ownership, in order to put a significant, growing equity asset on our balance sheet. We would also enable current shareholders to participate directly in our soon-to-be revenue generating diagnostics business via a stock dividend, while also maintaining an equity position in our therapeutics and discovery business units

• In summary, the significant work we have done to both assemble and advance our portfolio has yielded a tremendous fundamental outcome. We have faced significant challenges throughout this journey, but have landed in a very good position that will now allow us to focus solely on executing on the opportunities in our portfolio and delivering value for shareholders going forward

Blog #28.) Amarantus Shareholder Update: Fundamental Progress on Pipeline & Strategy Continues
March 26th, 2015

We’ve also made progress in our Diagnostics division towards the execution of one of our strategic goals, including:

• Retaining an executive search firm to identify a CEO for our Diagnostics division

• Retaining a consulting firm specialized in the sale of tax credits, to market the $7.5 million of New Jersey tax credits obtained in the Diogenix acquisition

• Although not reflected given the recent deterioration in our current price, I believe we’ve made tremendous progress in a relatively short period of time with near mid and long-term value creation opportunities. Notwithstanding market fluctuations, I want to be clear and reassure you that the fundamentals of the company have not changed, and the investment thesis behind Amarantus deriving value from its therapeutic and diagnostic pipelines remains intact.

• On behalf of the management team and board, it is our hope that update gives you renewed confidence in the company and reminds you of the reason you invested in Amarantus. We believe 2015 will be filled with significant fundamental milestones and tangible opportunities to unlock shareholder value.

Blog #32.) Improving Healthcare for Patients & Families: Believing in our Vision through Ups & Downs
November 6th, 2015

• With this in mind, our holding company incubator business model was established to be able to withstand even the most challenging of market conditions by giving management the flexibility to focus available resources during challenging times on the most near-term value creating activities that will advance the incubation of our most advanced assets towards near-term liquidity events.

• To this end, the Board of Directors has given management the mandate to accelerate our partnering initiatives in order to acquire the resources necessary to move the rest of the portfolio forward. Given the diversity and robustness of our rich clinical pipeline, many options exist to best execute on this directive while preserving and/or transferring value to our shareholders along the way. The Company had previously made the decision to transact on the diagnostics portfolio in order to become a pure-play therapeutics company. We will likely take this approach one step further and also seek to transact on either ESS or Eltoprazine in order to further refine the Company’s profile into a regenerative medicine company (ESS + MANF + PhenoGuard) or a neurology company (Eltoprazine + MANF + Phenoguard), and achieve economic benefit from such a transaction. In looking at the pipeline, it is critical to note the late stage nature of ESS and Eltoprazine; each of these assets, individually, could provide a pipeline for a very valuable standalone public company.