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Thursday, 06/09/2016 7:51:13 AM

Thursday, June 09, 2016 7:51:13 AM

Post# of 482417
Donald Trump Addresses Supporters On Primary Night (Full) | MSNBC

Published on Jun 8, 2016 by MSNBC [ / , ]

June 7, 2016: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump makes remarks to supporters at Briarcliff Manor, New York. [with comments]


Donald Trump will destroy Hillary Clinton next week: Alex Jones talks to Roger Stone

Published on Jun 8, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Alex Jones and Roger Stone discuss how Donald Trump is going to annihilate Hillary Clinton in this Presidential race. [with comments] [and see in particular (linked in) and preceding (and any future following)]


Video: Alex Jones Flips Out, Is Physically Restrained

Published on Jun 8, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones was wrong Hillary Clinton is the absolute best choice for 2016.

Show your love for Hillary today! [with comments]


Poll: Phillie Phanatic More Qualified to Be President Than Donald Trump

A new poll found Pennsylvanians prefer the Phillie Phanatic to Donald Trump for president — and it’s not even all that close.
June 8, 2016 [with comments]


History Made

Published on Jun 7, 2016 by Hillary Clinton [ , ] [no comments yet]


Hillary Clinton Addresses Supporters In Brooklyn On Primary Night (Full) | MSNBC

Published on Jun 8, 2016 by MSNBC

June 7, 2016: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton addresses supporters at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in Brooklyn, New York.

Hillary Clinton Makes History
June 8, 2016 [with comments] [also at e.g. (comments disabled)]


Clinton on Trump: ‘I’m Going To Talk About Why He’s Unqualified to be President’ | NBC Nightly News

Published on Jun 8, 2016 by NBC News [ / , ]

As the presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is pledging to continue making the case that Donald Trump ‘is temperamentally unfit to be commander-in-chief.’ [with comments]


Bernie Sanders Addresses California Supporters On Primary Night: 'The struggle continues' (Full) | MSNBC

Published on Jun 8, 2016 by MSNBC

June 7, 2016: Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders makes remarks on primary night in Santa Monica, California.

Bernie Sanders Vows To Stay In The Race
“The struggle continues,” he said.
06/08/2016 [with embedded video clip, and comments]

Bernie Sanders’s Post-California Choice
June 8, 2016 [with comments] [also at e.g. (part of title taken from; with comments)]


Bernie Sanders Speech After California Primary - TYT Analysis

Published on Jun 8, 2016 by The Young Turks [ / , ]

The Young Turks panel discusses Bernie Sanders speech after the California primary election. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola, and Jimmy Dore, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. [with (already approaching 5,000) comments]


Jimmy Dore Goes F*CKING CRAZY As Bernie Sanders Fights On

Published on Jun 8, 2016 by The Young Turks

Jimmy Dore had quite the reaction after Senator Bernie Sanders announced he would continue his presidential campaign. [with comments]


Sanders Vows to Keep Fighting for Nomination Even if Hillary is Elected President


By Andy Borowitz
June 7, 2016

SAN FRANCISCO (The Borowitz Report [ ])—Upping the ante in his quest for the White House, Vermont senator Bernie Sanders vowed on Tuesday night to continue battling for the Democratic Presidential nomination even if Hillary Clinton is elected President of the United States.

“If, on November 8th of this year, Hillary Clinton is elected President, we will have only begun to fight,” Sanders told a packed rally in San Francisco.

Sanders acknowledged that continuing to fight for the nomination after Clinton is elected President would represent a “steep challenge,” but added, “When we started this race we were only at three per cent in the polls. Anything is possible.”

Any hopes that Sanders would soon abandon his Presidential run in the interest of Democratic Party unity were dashed in his defiant closing remarks. “Just because someone stands up there on Inauguration Day with her hand in the air and is sworn in as President, that does not mean it is over,” he said, to a standing ovation.

© 2016 Condé Nast


Inside the bitter last days of Bernie's revolution

Bernie Sanders and aides laugh at the idea that he’s damaging the party and hurting Hillary Clinton.
AP Photo

Sanders: 'Defying history is what this campaign has been about'

In an interview [ (with comments)] with NBC News’ Lester Holt on Tuesday, Bernie Sanders held firmly that he will continue to lobby superdelegates.

For better and for worse, Sanders made all the big decisions.

By Edward-Isaac Dovere and Gabriel Debenedetti
06/07/16 11:26 PM EDT
Updated 06/08/16 01:33 AM EDT

There’s no strategist pulling the strings, and no collection of burn-it-all-down aides egging him on. At the heart of the rage against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, the campaign aides closest to him say, is Bernie Sanders.

It was the Vermont senator who personally rewrote his campaign manager’s shorter statement after the chaos at the Nevada state party convention and blamed the political establishment for inciting the violence.

He was the one who made the choice to go after Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz after his wife read him a transcript of her blasting him on television.

He chose the knife fight over calling Clinton unqualified, which aides blame for pulling the bottom out of any hopes they had of winning in New York and their last real chance of turning a losing primary run around.

And when Jimmy Kimmel’s producers asked Sanders’ campaign for a question to ask Donald Trump, Sanders himself wrote the one challenging the Republican nominee to a debate.

There are many divisions within the Sanders campaign—between the dead-enders and the work-it-out crowds, between the younger aides who think he got off message while the consultants got rich and obsessed with Beltway-style superdelegate math, and between the more experienced staffers who think the kids got way too high on their sense of the difference between a movement and an actual campaign.

But more than any of them, Sanders is himself filled with resentment, on edge, feeling like he gets no respect -- all while holding on in his head to the enticing but remote chance that Clinton may be indicted before the convention.

Campaign manager Jeff Weaver, who’s been enjoying himself in near constant TV appearances, and the candidate’s wife Jane Sanders, are fully on board. But convinced since his surprise Michigan win that he could actually win the nomination, Sanders has been on email and the phone, directing elements of the campaign right down to his city-by-city schedule in California. He wants it. He thinks it should be his.

“Bernie’s been at the helm of this campaign from the beginning,” said Weaver, “and the overall message of this campaign and the direction of the campaign and the strategy, has been driven by Bernie.”

Convinced as Sanders is that he’s realizing his lifelong dream of being the catalyst for remaking American politics—aides say he takes credit for a Harvard Kennedy School study in April showing young people getting more liberal, and he takes personal offense every time Clinton just dismisses the possibility of picking him as her running mate—his guiding principle under attack has basically boiled down to a feeling that multiple aides sum up as: “Screw me? No, screw you.”

Take the combative statement after the Nevada showdown.

“I don’t know who advised him that this was the right route to take, but we are now actively destroying what Bernie worked so hard to build over the last year just to pick up two fucking delegates in a state he lost,” rapid response director Mike Casca complained to Weaver in an internal campaign email obtained by POLITICO.

“Thank you for your views. I’ll relay them to the senator, as he is driving this train,” Weaver wrote back.

In the run-up to the California primary, the big strategic question was how much to modulate the tone of the letter to superdelegates that he's been preparing to send out Wednesday, building on the case that Sen. Jeff Merkley, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, former Sen. Paul Kirk and former Communication Workers of America president Larry Cohen have been making to fellow superdelegates over the phone for weeks about polls and other factors that would make Sanders the more competitive general election candidate.

This isn’t about what’s good for the Democratic Party in his mind, but about what he thinks is good for advancing the agenda that he’s been pushing since before he got elected mayor of Burlington.

Sanders owns nearly every major decision, right down to the bills. A conversation with former Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin about getting left in personal debt from his own 1992 presidential campaign has stayed at the top of Sanders’ mind.

He demanded that the campaign bank account never go under $10 million, even when that’s meant decisions Weaver and campaign architect Tad Devine have protested -- like making the call in the final days before Kentucky to go with digital director Kenneth Pennington’s plan to focus on data and field, instead of $300,000 to match Clinton on TV.

Sanders ultimately lost there by just 1,924 votes.

Sanders and aides laugh at the idea that he’s damaging the party and hurting Clinton. They think they don’t get enough gratitude for how much they held back, from not targeting more Democratic members of the House and Senate who opposed him to not making more of an issue out of Clinton’s email server investigation and Bill Clinton’s sex scandals, all of which they discussed as possible lines of attack in the fall. They blame Clinton going after him on gun control for goading him into letting loose on her Goldman Sachs speeches.

“If they hadn’t started at it by really going hard at him on guns, raising a series of issues against him, that really was what led to him being much, much more aggressive than he otherwise would have been,” said Devine, the consultant who helped engineer Sanders’ plans for a protest candidacy into a real campaign (and convinced him to run as a Democrat).

Since he finished approving the ads for California not long after the Kentucky strategy spat, Devine has been back home in Rhode Island, noticeably missing from cable news as a surrogate but still regularly in touch with Sanders. Devine, who’s been more anxious about what an endgame looks like, says he hasn’t heard anything from the senator that suggests he would alter his plans because of the Clinton campaign’s eagerness to have President Barack Obama endorse her and declare the primaries done.

“They would be very smart to understand that the best way to approach Bernie is not to try to push him around,” Devine said. “It’s much better if they try to cooperate with him and find common ground. They should be mindful of the fact that the people he’s brought into this process are new to it and they will be very suspicious of any effort to push him around.”

Aides say Sanders thinks that progressives who picked Clinton are cynical, power-chasing chickens — like Sen. Sherrod Brown, one of his most consistent allies in the Senate before endorsing Clinton and campaigning hard for her ahead of the Ohio primary. Sanders is so bitter about it that he’d be ready to nix Brown as an acceptable VP choice, if Clinton ever asked his advice on who’d be a good progressive champion.

* * *

Every time Sanders got into a knife fight, aides say, they ended up losing. But they could never stop Sanders when he got his back up.

Coming off walloping Clinton in the Wisconsin primary in April, the first internal numbers from campaign pollster Ben Tulchin showed Sanders within range in New York’s pivotal contest two weeks later. Though some senior aides say they realize now the dynamics of the state and the closed primary meant they never really had a shot, they also blame coverage of his New York Daily News interview and the blowup over calling Clinton “not qualified” for taking New York off the table.

Losing Pennsylvania the following week was another body blow, one of four losses in five states that night.

In the days following, before Sanders scored his win in Indiana that campaign aides feel no one acknowledged because it came the same night Trump locked up the Republican nomination, the calls started coming in from Democratic power brokers.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid’s call was part advice, part asking a favor, urging Sanders to use his now massive email list to help Democratic Senate candidates. Russ Feingold in Wisconsin was the most obvious prospect, and Reid wanted to make introductions to Iowa’s Patty Judge and North Carolina’s Deborah Ross—to help Democrats win the majority, but also to give Sanders allies in making himself the leader of the Senate progressives come next year.

Reid, according to people familiar with the conversation, ended the discussion thinking Sanders was on board. He backed Feingold. But that’s the last anyone heard.

Word got back to Reid’s team that Weaver had nixed the idea, ruling out backing anyone who hadn’t endorsed Sanders. Weaver says it’s because the Senate hopefuls had to get in line for Sanders’ support behind top backers like Gabbard and Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.)—though neither has a competitive race this year.

Sanders never followed up himself.

Just before they all figured they’d see each other at the White House Correspondents Dinner, a call from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta came in to Devine, who’s seen by most in the Clinton camp as the only senior aide to Sanders whom Clinton’s staff feels is actually open to a conversation, though Weaver and Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook have checked in with each other occasionally as well.

“I’m ready to talk,” Podesta said, though, “I don’t have a peace pipe or anything.”

Devine brought the idea to Sanders.

“Do you trust him?” Sanders said, people familiar with the conversation said.

“Yeah, I do,” Devine said.

“You think we should talk to him?” Sanders asked.

“I think we should try to win California, and then we’ll talk to him,” Devine said.

Reaching out to the Trump campaign was a different story. Devine knows campaign chairman Paul Manafort from, among other things, their collaboration on the campaign of ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. According to campaign aides, the morning after Trump was on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Weaver asked Devine to give Manafort a call to see if they could actually make the debate happen. They were already fielding offers from most of the networks—including a producer for Stephen Colbert, who wanted to host the debate on his own late night show.

Manafort laughed, said it was a joke, but then again, Trump was on his plane, and he had no idea what the candidate would do. The answer turned out to be a statement killing the speculation. Manafort left a voicemail for Devine saying he’d won over Trump. Devine never called him back.

* * *

Top Sanders aides admit that it’s been weeks, if not months, since they themselves realized he wasn’t going to win, and they’ve been operating with a Trump’s-got-no-real-shot safety net. They debate whether Sanders’ role in the fall should be a full vote-for-Clinton campaign, or whether he should just campaign hard against Trump without signing up to do much for her directly.

They haven’t been able to get Sanders focused on any of that, or on the real questions about what kind of long term organization to build out of his email list. They know they’ll have their own rally in Philadelphia – outside the the convention hall—but that’s about as far as they’ve gotten.

“He wants to be in the race until the end, until the roll call vote,” Weaver said.

Aides say they’re going to discourage people from booing Wasserman Schultz, who’s emerged as public enemy number one among Sanders supporters, when she takes the stage at the convention. But they think it’s going to happen anyway.

Meanwhile, they’re looking into trying to replace the Florida congresswoman as the convention chair with Gabbard, and forceWasserman Schultz to resign as DNC chair the day after the convention.

The meetings in Philadelphia have already started, with the platform drafting committee set to have its opening session on Wednesday. The Sanders team is headed by Mark Longabaugh—Devine’s business partner, but who’s veered closer to Weaver when it comes to eagerness to headbutt. There are negotiations with the Clinton campaign and the DNC over what they’re going to force them to agree to, from speaking slots at the convention to long-term control over party operations to the order of early state voting (Aides say Sanders believes the race would have been radically different if the order were different, and more states were by themselves on the calendar instead of lumped together on super-ish Tuesdays).

“Everything is on the table,” Longabaugh said.

There’s also the issue of payback. Campaign aides say that whatever else happens, Sanders wants former Congressman Barney Frank and Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy out of their spots as co-chairs of the convention rules committee. It’s become a priority fight for him.

Sanders, the aides say, believes Frank has hated him for years, but the former Massachusetts congressman’s calling him a “McCarthyite” pushed him over the edge. He never really registered who Malloy was, despite his being from a neighboring home state and his status as one of the most liberal governors in the country, but Sanders was enraged to hear the governor say he had blood on his hands for not supporting the gun manufacturer liability law.

Aides think Democrats should be grateful that he’s increased voter turnout and registration. And it’s why they assume Clinton’s campaign will humbly request he be her college campus and millennial ambassador through the fall, to keep up the rallies and the voter registration that’s given him the 45 percent of primary voters.

“When they say we’re hurting the Democratic Party,” Devine said, “we believe we’re helping it.”

That’s because Sanders is a savvier politician than almost anyone’s given him credit for. He likes that he’s been in front of almost a million people since the campaign started. But he knows that as soon as the campaign’s done, the crowds will start thinning, and he’s not going to get on television anymore. He’s certainly not running for president again.

Sanders knows the ride is about to stop—but he’s going to push it as far as he can before it does.


Full results from the June 7 primaries

How she got here: Hillary Clinton's long road to the nomination
Photo essay

Gingrich praises Clinton's 'spectacular speech'

© 2016 POLITICO LLC (emphasis in original) [with a non-YouTube excerpt from the included YouTube embedded, and comments]


Hillary Clinton Wins California Primary, Routing Bernie Sanders

Both Clinton and Sanders had campaigned heavily in the state.
06/08/2016 Updated June 8, 2016 [with comments]


Bernie Sanders Supporters Attack Reporters Online After Hillary Clinton Declared Nominee


By Sam Levine
06/08/2016 12:25 pm ET

Political reporters faced a series of nasty attacks from supporters of Bernie Sanders [ ] after The Associated Press reported that Hillary Clinton [ ] had secured enough delegates to become the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee for president.

While the AP didn’t receive any specific threats, Danny Spriggs, the organization’s VP for global security, sent out a memo Tuesday saying individual employees “have received angry communications in the form of emails, social media messages and phone calls,” Poynter reported [ ]. Spriggs urged AP employees to practice “situational awareness.”

Amy Chozick, a reporter for The New York Times covering Clinton, tweeted that she had received multiple threatening calls from Sanders supporters.

Amy Chozick
I won't be answering calls from unknown numbers today, after third call from Bernie supporters telling me they'd hunt me down in the streets
12:05 PM - 7 Jun 2016
[ (with comments)]

HuffPost’s Mollie Reilly received several personal messages attacking her for reporting Clinton was the presumptive Democratic nominee on Monday.

Mollie Reilly/Facebook

Mollie Reilly/Facebook

Mollie Reilly/Facebook

The Washington Post rounded up [ ] several of the attacks from Sanders supporters aimed at female political reporters, including some directed at NPR’s Tamara Keith and BuzzFeed’s Ruby Cramer.

Tamara Keith
Today is going to be awesome!
11:37 AM - 7 Jun 2016
[ (with comments)]

Andrea Bernstein of WNYC told Politico [ ] that she had received emails calling her a “whore” and “shill” for Clinton. Politico’s Gabriel Debenedetti said he received several messages calling him a “corporate whore.”

Some Sanders supporters, sometimes called “Bernie Bros,” have earned a reputation for vitriolic, sexist online attacks [ ]. BuzzFeed reported in January that Sanders’ campaign had quietly apologized [ ] to the Clinton campaign and other Clinton supporters who had been attacked online.

Sanders accused the AP on Monday of prematurely declaring [ (included in full in the post to which this is a reply)] Clinton the nominee because they used superdelegates to make their determination. Clinton earned enough pledged delegates to become the presumptive Democratic nominee on Tuesday [ ], but Sanders has vowed to stay in the race.

Copyright © 2016, Inc. [with embedded video clip, and comments]


Ann Telnaes
In light of #HistoryMade, a Hillary Clinton cartoon from 1999

4:40 AM - 8 Jun 2016 [with comments]


Bernie Sanders Is Said to Plan Large Layoff From Campaign Staff

Senator Bernie Sanders and his wife, Jane, arrived on Tuesday at Los Angeles International Airport.
Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times

JUNE 7, 2016

UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif. — Senator Bernie Sanders [ ] plans to lay off at least half of his campaign staff Wednesday as his battered presidential bid continues despite Hillary Clinton [ ]’s being declared the presumptive Democratic nominee, two people close to the campaign said Tuesday.

Many of those being laid off are advance staff members who often help with campaign logistics, as well as field staff members who have been working to garner votes for the senator, according to a campaign official and a former campaign staff member, both of whom spoke on condition of anonymity. Some campaign workers may move into jobs at Mr. Sanders’s Senate office, but others will be terminated, they said.

Word of the layoffs came on a night that Mrs. Clinton declared [ ] that she had captured the majority of pledged delegates needed to capture the Democratic nomination, despite a spirited fight from Mr. Sanders, who has showed no signs of ending his campaign.

Mr. Sanders insists that he is prepared to challenge Mrs. Clinton at the Democratic National Convention in July, holding out hope that his lobbying of superdelegates — party officials and state leaders who cast their final votes at the convention — will siphon support from Mrs. Clinton as he makes his case that he is a stronger candidate against Donald J. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee.

Mr. Sanders’s spokesman, Michael Briggs, said Tuesday that Mr. Sanders planned to travel to his home in Vermont on Wednesday and then head to Washington on Thursday. Campaign aides say he plans to hold rallies in Washington, which holds the last nominating contest on June 14.

Word of the cutbacks came a day after The Associated Press declared Mrs. Clinton the presumptive Democratic nominee. And Tuesday night Mrs. Clinton won a commanding victory in the New Jersey primary, widening her delegate lead over Mr. Sanders.

Mr. Sanders’s campaign, once a fund-raising juggernaut, saw a significant decline in donations after Mr. Sanders lost a series of important primaries in the Northeast in April.

Yamiche Alcindor reported from Universal City and Maggie Haberman reported from New York.

© 2016 The New York Times Company


What Bernie Sanders needs to do now

By Dana Milbank
June 8, 2016

After Tuesday night, Bernie Sanders’s infinitesimal chance of winning the Democratic nomination rests on one possibility: that Democratic superdelegates will overturn the will of the voters.

This is no small irony: Sanders spent much of his campaign railing against superdelegates and fighting to eliminate the practice of giving party officials and establishment types a say in the nominating process. But now the only thing keeping him in the race is the vain hope that superdelegates, the vast majority of whom support Hillary Clinton, will defy the popular vote and throw their support to him.

Little noticed in Clinton’s resounding victories in California and New Jersey [ ] Tuesday: She clinched an outright majority of regular, pledged delegates. Her 2,184 (to Sanders’s 1,804) [ ] are a majority of the 4,051, even before D.C. has the final Democratic primary next week. If there were no such thing as superdelegates — as Sanders claims to desire — Clinton already would have won [as indeed she already has].

For some context: Clinton’s lead of nearly 400 pledged delegates is triple the lead Barack Obama had over Clinton when the 2008 primaries ended. Clinton has won 13 of the past 19 Democratic contests [ ], compared with Obama’s wins in three of the last 10 in 2008 [ ]. Clinton has won 15.6 million votes [ ], which is 3.7 million more than Sanders has received. (As for the Sanders claim to have brought new voters to the party, turnout has been lower than it was in 2008 [ ].)

By Sanders’s own argument, superdelegates have no right to overturn the result of the popular vote. On June 4, 2008, Sanders, who hadn’t endorsed during the primaries, decided to back Obama – days before Clinton dropped out and months before superdelegates voted. At the time, Sanders’s hometown Burlington Free Press wrote [ ]: “Sanders said he held off supporting either of the Democrats because he has made it a custom not to support any Democrat for the presidential nomination until the party had chosen its nominee.”

So why isn’t Sanders using the same standard now, even though Clinton has an outright majority of pledged delegates and a lopsided number of superdelegate commitments? Call it the politics of pique.

Politico, in an extensive look at the waning days of the Sanders campaign [ (above)], described a candidate aggrieved. “Sanders is himself filled with resentment, on edge, feeling like he gets no respect — all while holding on in his head to the enticing but remote chance that Clinton may be indicted before the convention,” Edward-Isaac Dovere and Gabriel Debenedetti wrote. “.?.?. His guiding principle under attack has basically boiled down to a feeling that multiple aides sum up as: ‘Screw me? No, screw you.’?”

Politico reported about an email from the Sanders rapid-response director about the campaign’s scorched earth position against the Democratic Party in Nevada, “just to pick up two f---ing delegates in a state he lost.” Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver replied that Sanders himself is “driving this train.”

Sanders now seeks the ouster of Democratic National Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other party officials as payback. So, if this is all about Sanders’s hurt feelings, let us praise and affirm him. He has run a brilliant campaign, invigorated the left, pushed Clinton in his direction and made his populist politics ascendant in the Democratic Party. He is entitled to his share of happiness. He is good enough, he’s smart enough and, doggone it, people like him.

But it’s time to abandon the canard that he is saving democracy in his bid to rid the party of superdelegates. In the young history of superdelegates there never has been a case when party-appointed delegates overruled the popular vote — even in 2008, when Clinton had early commitments from most of the superdelegates. Had Sanders won the popular vote, they would have swung to him, as they did to Obama.

Sanders seemed to be of two minds Tuesday night when he delivered a speech alternately defiant and conciliatory.

He vowed to “continue the fight in the next primary, in Washington, D.C.,” and to “take our fight for social, economic, racial and environmental justice to Philadelphia” for the Democratic convention.

But he also said that “we will not allow Donald Trump to become president of the United States,” and that, in regards to Clinton, “our fight is to transform this country [ ] and to understand that we are in this together.”

As the crowd cheered Sanders in California Tuesday night, The Post’s Robert Costa reported [ ], his wife whispered to him: “They’re still with you.”

They are. And Sanders can either lead them to work with Clinton for the ideas he believes in — or to nurse pointless grievances over a race Clinton won, fair and square.

Read more;

The Daily 202: Primary wins show Hillary Clinton needs the left less than pro-Sanders liberals think

Sanders’s rationale for staying in the race may no longer include winning

© 2016 The Washington Post (emphasis in original) [with embedded video clip, and comments]


Presidential Primaries

2,383 delegates needed to win

Through the Nre Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota, Montana and California primaries and the North Dakora caucuses of June 7, 2016:

Pledged Delegates:
Clinton 2,203
Sanders 1,828
Clinton lead 375

Clinton 574
Sanders 48
Clinton lead 526

Total Delegates:
Clinton 2,777
Sanders 1,876
Clinton lead 901

Additional Delegates Needed:
Clinton (394 over)
Sanders 507

[(drawn from) as currently at] [and for comparison, see e.g. the NBC delegate tracker at and the CNN delegate estimate page at ]


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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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