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Re: coinstarz post# 13

Thursday, 07/20/2006 4:18:33 PM

Thursday, July 20, 2006 4:18:33 PM

Post# of 98
Great. Short is almost down. It's buying time now.

Save Time Warner, Fire Parsons
Joan Lappin, Gramercy Capital Management 07.20.06, 12:15 PM ET

As a fledgling publishing analyst in 1967, the first company on which I ever authored a report was Time, Inc., then king of the publishing hill. Time was always thinking ahead and creating new magazines to appeal to new interests (think Sports Illustrated and People). What is now Time Warner (nyse: TWX - news - people ) continues to own and/or control some of the finest media assets in the U.S., but they no longer seem to be forward-thinking.

Many of these assets were assembled by the late Steve Ross at Warner Communications, who clearly understood how to manage his movie and record executives: Let them be entrepreneurs and provide them generous financial incentives for producing solid earnings growth. Ross foresaw the value of access to the home through cable and assembled a cable franchise.

Steve was often ridiculed for being a highly paid corporate executive with a fleet of corporate jets. That was before fired executives received $140 million severance packages after months of nonperformance if they would just leave--think the Walt Disney Co. (nyse: DIS - news - people ). Very few people knew or understood that the gents who headed up Warner Bros. studio; Atlantic, Electra or Warner records (then part of TW), or Warner's other creative arms, often earned more than Steve did. However, by not electing those people as corporate officers, their compensation never had to be disclosed in the proxy statements.

Time and Warner merged in 1992, and the place became a shark tank almost immediately. Purges followed purges, and the CEO office became something of a revolving door. The bigger the company grew, the more hostile the work environment became and the more time had to be spent on corporate politics just to keep your job. Rather than fostering creativity, that's an environment that promotes group think. You can't produce good movies or exciting "with it" products that way--and they haven't. It was this regime and its constantly changing players that led to an obscene reported cost of $209 million to produce the latest Superman Returns movie. How embarrassing when it opened to first-weekend grosses in the $55 million range, half of Sony's (nyse: SNE - news - people ) Spider-Man 2 or Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean openings.

It's been a number of years since someone got the ever-so-brilliant idea to merge Time Warner with AOL for all the imagined synergy between new media and old media, putting Time content onto AOL's portal. AOL had this amazing multiple and a high-priced stock but no real assets. Time Warner had great assets but no real multiple and, for sure, no sense of how to go about building for the future in the new-media millennium. Sadly, that problem persists today.

Current CEO Dick Parsons was a protégé of Nelson Rockefeller and a member of the Time Warner board as a result of his connections. Because he was a political operative first, he knows all about politics, infighting and being a Teflon don. That served him well in the TW shark tank. Even though he was in favor of the AOL merger, he somehow escaped its taint. Once Gerry Levin and Steve Case were out, Parsons was the shining lawyer to lead the company out of the debt wilderness and into the bright tomorrow. However, his years on the job would indicate that even though he is nice and smart, he doesn't have a clue as to how to lead a creative company beyond caretaking the assets, hoping underlings will figure out how to run them better and fending off Carl Icahn. So far, there is no sign of a bright today let alone a brighter tomorrow.

After fiddling and fiddling with AOL for the last several years and erasing its moniker from the company name, Time Warner is about to throw in the towel on AOL as we have known it. There are delicious advantages in running a utility where people mail in $15 to $25 per month for an e-mail box and connectivity. It's the same concept as mailing in $50 or $100 per month for cable that Steve Ross found so attractive decades ago. From recent news in The Wall Street Journal, it appears that AOL plans to convert to an advertising-only model instead of collecting its utility fees for its subscription-based service. I see two problems with that decision:

* Even though subscribers have shrunk to 18 million from 28 million over the last few years, those remaining customers still mail in significant cash each year. That cash flow has helped Time Warner repair its very stretched balance sheet from its sorry state of a few years ago. Analysts have put mice to spreadsheets and concluded that Time Warner will lose between $1 billion and $2 billion in annual revenue--not chopped liver, even for a large company like this one.

* Can AOL really sell enough ads? Right now, Time Warner is lusting after the advertising models of Yahoo! (nasdaq: YHOO - news - people ) and Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ), both of which are prospering by selling ads. Terry Semel, who ran Warner Bros. studio for years, is now running Yahoo! quite well. Despite having sold print ads for decades, Time Warner seems clueless when it comes to attracting advertisers to its Web sites. In the first quarter, Yahoo!'s ad revenue grew by $350 million to $1.38 billion. AOL's ad revenue grew by a smaller 26% to a total of $392 million, not much more than the amount Yahoo! added in the same quarter. It is hard to imagine what is going to change to make AOL a much more attractive ad buy to suddenly replace billions in lost subscription revenue.

Poor Time Warner, or its remnants, is sadly in need of an energizing shot of adrenaline. Yes, the balance sheet is better. Yes, the creditors are no longer growling at the door. Yes, Carl Icahn's foolish takeover effort was beaten back. But what it needs now is leadership like the kind Edward J. Zander brought to Motorola (nyse: MOT - news - people ) as CEO.

When Zander arrived at Motorola three years ago, Motorola was a proud company with great technology that needed to be re-energized and also needed its balance sheet straightened out. Zander changed the mood and the culture. He held people accountable for their divisions and got the divisions to cooperate. The balance sheet is fine now, and the company is buying back stock at a healthy clip. Zander understood that this is a new millennium and floundering toward group decisions just doesn't cut it in the new global economy rife with theft of intellectual property and shorter product cycles. Time Warner's stock chart is like the flatline EKG of a dead person for the last three years. Motorola is up by 50% since Zander was announced as the new CEO in late 2003.

Dick Parsons is constantly mentioned as a GOP candidate for NYC mayor when Bloomberg is term-limited in 2009, providing Parsons with a face-saving exit strategy. Maybe the real question is if Time Warner can survive until then with its current battery of caretaker managers.

The company shouldn't be broken up. It should be shaken awake by someone with the creative spunk of a Ted Turner, an innovative broadcast and programming pioneer and long a board member who could see into Time Warner's future but who has been silenced by this regime.

The sooner Mr. Parsons is sent packing, the better Time Warner will be. It's hard to figure out what will make this stock an attractive investment until then.

Joan E. Lappin is chairman and chief investment officer of Gramercy Capital Management.

