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Alias Born 01/12/2011

Re: jobynimble post# 290111

Tuesday, 03/01/2016 5:00:35 PM

Tuesday, March 01, 2016 5:00:35 PM

Post# of 312058
You're witnessing something rare: a company's stock trading without a biased analyst BS'ing you and no stock promoters taking advantage of thousands of people. The company has no free trading shares to sell - its up to our shareholders to spread the word. Our trading pattern isn't odd.. it's what the market would look like without promoters, paid analysts or funds selling their stock to a song and dance.
- John Bordynuik

Sideline interesting story: The day I purchased 310 Holdings (April 2009), Hans (zardiw) contacted me. His program (Amanda) alerted him to the 8k. He advised me he bought on that day.
- John Bordynuik

I post on stocks that I invest in only.