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Re: n0gutsn0gl0ry post# 24077

Tuesday, 10/27/2015 5:13:14 PM

Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:13:14 PM

Post# of 28688
I also agree with Mike's observations #msg-117980042 that if Kryron has been and will always be a hoax, that until this scam concludes with a bankruptcy or shut-down by the FBI/SEC as an empty shell, that John Bourque obtaining huge amounts of shares to signal that he feels sales will happen and propel BORK's pps to high levels, was the first head fake.

This started in 2011 and continues to this day.

I suggest that hearsays from 2011, that continue presently, are additional head fakes.

Purpose of hearsay head fakes, masterminded by John Bourque to fill outstretched mugs with his Minty Green Kool-aid, have one purpose, pump BORK so he can dump his BORKs.

It was done very successfully (obscenely so) in 2011, but having no effect today. But in total it has been a very successful endeavor for John Bourque to suck into his pockets the cash of the Kool-aid drinkers using his near zero cost of millions upon repetitively issued millions of Bourque Industries shares to be exchange by them Buys of the Kool-aid folks.

As Mike observed, within the recent financials mention of an increase in John Bourque's royalties could be another head fake.

But unlike Mike's comment that it becomes that of a double head fake, I suggest that its just another of many.

Mike correctly points out "If the whole thing is an elaborate ruse [why] bother [if] there's never going to be any sales?"

As noted above, this ruse has already delivered to John Bourque massive amounts of cash selling his near zero cost millions upon millions of shares in 2011 during the climb of BORK towards a high of $5.85 with a continued selling on the downward while BORK's pps remained in the dollars range.

But as clearly known, John Bourque while in prison instructed his puppets to keep Bourque Industries alive, but not operational, so BORK's pps remains sub penny. This knowing that upon his release from prison he will have his puppet Board of Director's purchase a Pig-in-a-Poke newly created patent of which John Bourque instructed his puppet Board of Director's to accept without any independent verification of worth and accept a valuation of $1,185,000 payable not in cash, but the "keep Bourque Industries non-operational" so Bourque Industries will pay in sub penny worth shares ($0.003) as the result of not communicating anything to the Hurting in the Dark Shareholders so that the Market's view of Bourque Industries is as a failed company while the plotting to present Bourque Industries on the verge of great success in 2015 was outlined to happen two years prior, but not acknowledged to the public (Market) so as to keep BORK at a failed company sub penny level.

Proof is simple, as all the great potential so stated in the last financials has materialized since February of this year (last 9 months) of which could not have happened in the prior two years when John Bourque was in prison using the knowledge base of Kryron from all activity obtained from 2011.

Why not is simple, as John Bourque never deposited the critical information on how to make Kryron into Bourque Industries, and when his departure to prison happened John Bourque continued to keep this information only to himself. Thus not only did John Bourque not comply with the terms of the sale of Kryron Global to Bourque Industries and transfer all knowledge of the Kryron Process to Bourque Industries, but once John Bourque left employment of Bourque Industries he illegally removed this propriety property from Bourque Industries in total.

It should be understood that all of the Kryron patents have status of not being enabled, thus without the knowledge John Bourque has never delivered to Bourque Industries, Bourque Industries without John Bourque can not make Kryron alloys, which was the situation during his prison stay.
"The purpose of the requirement that the specification describe the invention in such terms that one skilled in the art can make and use the claimed invention is to ensure that the invention is communicated to the interested public in a meaningful way."

Yes, we can expect that the newly purchase one million dollar patent from John Bourque will not be enabled and not fully delivered to Bourque Industries, as all critical instructions John Bourque will keep to himself such that such patent is useless without John Bourque. This even though John Bourque's puppet Board of Directors will accept as "fully delivered" and transfer to John Bourque those 395 million shares as payment from Bourque Industries.

It appears that the conditions in the 09/29/2011 "four key strategic business acquisitions to consolidate all facets of Kryron technology into a single corporate entity" allows John Bourque to develop and hold ownership on newly created Kryron patents he develops using information contained from Bourque Industries propriety Kryron property.

But then knowing that all patents so mentioned will not be enabled, that until Bourque Industries receives the full instructions for review themselves, the nature of this one million dollar newly purchased patent can not be determined if it adds a totally new and necessary procedure needed by Bourque Industries to execute Kryron patents to achieve additional potentials of Kryron made with Bourque Industries already existing patents.

So back to the head fakes that I suggest have been many using the conclusion that Kryron is a hoax, all hearsays from 2011, and all demos and testing results from the 2011 time line have been head fakes with one purpose, that being John Bourque's ability to sell his zero cost shares.

Examples being his salary and royalties assigned would never be fulfilled by cash since Bourque Industries would never have sales that resulted in revenues capable of fulfilling except thru "shares for salary/royalties."

Thus all multiple head fakes has but one purpose, monetizing BORK.

This recent increase in John Bourque's royalties from 5% to 9% is just another head fact to give the illusion that John Bourque is confident of sales.

As Mike concluded: "Until they eventually sell something or fade away, not much will happen with the value of anyone's shares, including those holding hundreds of millions of them."

But I disagree in that if John Bourque can deliver better and more convincing hearsays that are followed by convincing positive sounding news releases of "progress is active, just not fulfilled yet, but looks to be on-target for delivery," then to me rather than Mike's "... not much will happen with the value of anyone's shares, including those holding hundreds of millions of them" I will suggest that John Bourque holding near a half billion could dump them over months and months of "soon" official press releases into just a few pennies such that John Bourque can continue to monetizing his near zero cost BORKs.

Even at one penny, dumping near a half billion BORKs results in...
395,000,000 BORKs x ($0.01/BORK) gives $3,950,000

Really... nearly 4 million dollars before short term taxes?

While a million dollars "ain't what it use to be" its still nice money when your initial investment was near no money.

Reminder: This posts contained only my opinions and are not recommendations or advise to buy or sell any security, stocks or other investments. These posts are for entertainment purposes only and are not considered to be facts or truth.

The posts contained on my (gotmilk) account are my own opinions and are not recommendations or advise to buy or sell any security, stocks or other investments. These posts are for entertainment purposes only and are not considered to be facts or truth.