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Alias Born 03/07/2014

Re: None

Thursday, 08/27/2015 11:07:40 AM

Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:07:40 AM

Post# of 106841
0.0028 / 0.0031 (20000 x 385000) WOW !! Holy COW.

Bidding all in the .002's now. Whoah, this is amazing.

Ask/Sell-side stacked 20 to 1 to the Bid.

It's free falling- the volume is high and picking up speed. 9 MILLION shares traded and it's not even 11 AM E Coast time. DOWN 23% now.

Again, by the time they split this (IF FINRA and the SEC even approve it and all) - this thing might be literally like $1.50 a share LOL !! Amazing.

I still can't see how this is an "excellent future" LOL?????? Makes ZERO SENSE TO ME, NONE???? Looks like a potential end to the entire thing- like their last gasp ability to tap dilution lenders of last resort may dry up after this- or at least slow down maybe. At least until it gets diluted back to the sub $1 buck range all over again?

Wow. The market cap might hit like $2 million or even less given the pace of this massive selling/dumping if it continues for a few days.

WHERE is all the "big buying" stepping in here to get these shares at even .0026 or whatever? NOT SEEING IT? So the big "new name" re-branding thingy doesn't have the "investing world" all excited about jumping in here- at .0025 or .003 per share, LOL?????? The "big plan" and all- it's not got buyers rushing in here to get a big ole chunk?? Why? Why is that I wonder????? Kinda odd to me?

Here's a quote from the "PR" released today:

"Bioheart, Inc. (BHRT) announces today its plans to change its name to U.S. Stem Cell, Inc. and that it has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission a Preliminary Information Statement on Schedule 14C to commence the process to execute a 1,000 to 1 reverse stock split and change the name. The Company’s new brand identity will be:

U.S. Stemcell

Management believes that the reverse stock split will elevate the Company from its current "penny stock" position enabling institutional investors who are precluded from investing in companies below certain price per share ranges to potentially consider investing in U.S. Stem Cell, Inc. Further, the reverse stock split will bring the company’s issued and outstanding Common Stock shares into a more manageable volume. As the process requires regulatory review, applicable notification of FINRA, as well as additional standard requirements for this action, there are no assurances as to the time frame for enactment and no guarantee that this action will transpire.

So it's not even a "done deal" that this split and all even takes place in the end- per that paragraph from their PR above? How does a huge R/S "elevate the Company", LOL???? I just don't see how that "works" exactly either?? NOTHING about a company's market-cap or cash position changes in a slit- so what is being "elevated" exactly about the company? Makes ZERO SENSE to me personally? I don't get it?????

The shares will be brought "into a more manageable volume"?? What? What does that mean too? MAKES NO SENSE TO ME? I don't get that one either? Apple traded more volume in 5 minutes, every single day- than this probably trades in a week? What's a "manageable volume" even mean?

Management really thinks that by just doing a 1000:1 massive R/S that now "institutional investors" would buy into this company, LOL??? REALLY? A company with a few employees and a market cap now approaching $2 MILLION whopping bucks is going to attract "institutional investors"?????? What????? Really? That's all it takes- is an ole 1000:1 R/S and the "institutional investors" will show up? Like they wouldn't do their due diligence and see the company just did a massive 1000:1 R/S split, LOL? MAKES ZERO SENSE TO ME, NONE? This company isn't a candidate for any "institutional investors" that I've ever read or heard about, LOL!! NO WAY IMO.

Just another BHRT (oops, U.S. Stemcell whatever) another PR thingy that just makes practically no sense to me personally, none. The SEC 14C they just filed spelled out that the OTCQB market has a ONE CENT MINIMUM and that if BHRT didn't maintain that- they'd be headed for the "pink sheets". THAT is what "makes sense" to me- as to why they'd do this massive R/S split. NOT "institutional investors" blah blah LOL !!

From the just filed SEC 14C form, PAGE 6:

"Just filed 14C, PAGE 6:

"The Board of Directors believes that the Reverse Stock Split may improve the price level of our Common Stock and that the higher share price could help generate interest in the Company among investors and other business opportunities. In addition, the OTC Markets, in which our stock trades, requires a minimum price of $.01 to be listed on the OTCQB. The Reverse Stock Split, while not guaranteeing our ability to remain above $0.01 after the Reverse Stock Split, will improve the likelihood of trading above this minimum requirement. The effect of the reverse split upon the market price for our Common Stock cannot be predicted, and the history of similar stock split combinations for companies in like circumstances is varied. There can be no assurance that the market price per share of our Common Stock after the reverse split will rise in proportion to the reduction in the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding resulting from the reverse split. The market price of our Common Stock may also be based on our performance and other factors, some of which may be unrelated to the number of shares outstanding."

THAT is the main reason to implement the R/S IMO. They were headed for the infamous "pink sheets" looks like to me- per their own SEC filed wording and statement.

My sub .003's worth, aka less than 1/3 OF A CENT'S worth, for what it's worth

Posts contain only my amateur opinions, personal views and thoughts. I discuss stocks as a hobby only. Always do one's own due diligence before investing.