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Wednesday, 10/01/2014 9:43:35 PM

Wednesday, October 01, 2014 9:43:35 PM

Post# of 800575
FNMA ~Net Profit Per Share <$72.5> New DD~

The Federal National Mortgage Association, commonly known as Fannie Mae(FNMA), is a stockholder-owned corporation chartered by Congress in 1968 as a government-sponsored enterprise (GSE), but founded in 1938 during the Great Depression. The corporation's purpose is to purchase and securitize mortgages in order to ensure that funds are consistently available to the institutions that lend money to home buyers.

Web Site:


1) FNMA posted 83 billion 963 million dollars NET PROFIT in 2013

We reported net income of $84.0 billion and pre-tax income of $38.6 billion in 2013, the highest annual net income and annual pre-tax income in our history.

2013 Annual Filing, Page 2,

2) FNMA~ As of June 30, 2014 , there were 1,158,080,657 shares of common stock of the registrant outstanding.

3) FNMA net profit per share: 72.5 dollars



4) FNMA paid $130.5 Billion dividends to Treasury in comparison to $116.1 billion in draw requests since 2008.

Fannie Mae expects to pay Treasury $3.7 billion in dividends in September 2014 . With the expected September dividend payment, Fannie Mae will have paid a total of $130.5 billion in dividends to Treasury in comparison to $116.1 billion in draw requests since 2008.

5) FNMA's biggest shareholder USA Government: 79.9%

Although Treasury owns our senior preferred stock and a warrant to purchase 79.9% of our common stock, and has made a commitment under a senior preferred stock purchase agreement to provide us with funds to maintain a positive net worth under specified conditions

Page 1

6) Hedge Fund Manager BILL ACKMAN holds 11% of FNMA common shares

Ackman’s Pershing Square Capital Management LP -- the parent company of Pershing Square Holdings -- has about 11 percent economic exposure to the companies based on common stock outstanding.

Ackman Said FNMA Shares Worth $47

Bill Ackman, who runs the $15 billion Pershing Square Capital Management LP, said that Fannie Mae (FMCC) and Freddie Mac will probably soar because there’s no way to replace the mortgage guarantee companies.

Fannie Mae could be worth $23 to $47 a share over time, said Ackman, 47, speaking at the 19th annual Sohn Investment Conference in New York,

More information about Bill Ackman

7) Hedge fund Manager Bruce Berkowitz's Fairholme Capital Management LLC holds 34.3 million FNMA common shares or 2.96% of shares

Fairholme Capital Management 20,645,300 1.78% Jun 30, 2014
Fairholme Fund 13,657,300 1.18% May 31, 2014

More information About Bruce Berkowitz

8) WSJ: Hedge Fund Manager Carl Icahn paid 4.03 per share for FNMA commons

The same court filing disclosed that Fairholme had sold shares of Fannie Mae common stock to investors including Carl Icahn‘s Icahn Partners LP and Icahn Partners Master Fund LP for $4.03 per share in March.
More information about Carl Ichan

9) 18 banks sued by the U.S. to recoup $200.5 billion spent on mortgage-backed securities bought by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

1. Ally Financial Inc. f/k/a GMAC, LLC ($6 billion)
2. Bank of America Corporation ($6 billion)
3. Barclays Bank PLC ($4.9 billion)
4. Citigroup, Inc. ($3.5 billion)
5. Countrywide Financial Corporation ($26.6 billion)
6. Credit Suisse Holdings (USA), Inc.($14.1 billion)
7. Deutsche Bank AG ($14.2 billion)
8. First Horizon National Corporatio ($883 million)
9. General Electric Company ($549 million)
10. Goldman Sachs & Co.($11.1 billion)
11. HSBC North America Holdings, Inc. ($6.2 billion)
12. JPMorgan Chase & Co.($33 billion)
13. Merrill Lynch & Co. / First Franklin Financial Corp. ($24.8 billion)
14. Morgan Stanley ($10.6 billion)
15. Nomura Holding America Inc.($2 billion)
16. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC($30.4 billion)
17. Société Général($1.3 billion)
18. UBS, Swiss Bank, ($4.5 billion)

Read more:


10) Fannie Mae and Bank of America resolution $11.6 billion on January 07, 2013.

Fannie Mae announced a comprehensive resolution with Bank of America, including a $10.3 billion agreement on existing and prospective repurchase requests on a specified population of loans and an additional payment of $1.3 billion to address servicing issues.

11) Citigroup to Pay Fannie Mae $968 Million Over Mortgage Claims Citi said most of the settlement amount would be covered by the bank’s existing mortgage repurchase reserves.


12) FNMA's source of profit: Fannie Mae’s single-family serious delinquency rate has declined each quarter since the first quarter of 2010, and Delinquency Rate fell to 2.83% in May compared with 5.47 percent as of March 31, 2010.,


13) FNMA winding down theory collapsed because

The Federal Housing Finance Agency directed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to extend the Home Affordable Refinance Program by two years to Dec. 31, 2015.. ALSO THE COMPANY POSTS MONSTER PROFITS.

By Christina Mlynski
• April 11, 2013 • 10:07am

The Federal Housing Finance Agency directed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to extend the Home Affordable Refinance Program by two years to Dec. 31, 2015.

The program was set to expire at the end of this year.

FHFA determined that extending the program will provide borrowers additional opportunities to refinance, give clear guidance to lenders and reduce losses for the government-sponsored enterprises and taxpayers.

"More than 2 million homeowners have refinanced through HARP, proving it a useful tool for reducing risk," said Ed DeMarco, acting director of the FHFA.

He added, "We are extending the program so more underwater borrowers can benefit from the lower interest rates."

Additionally, FHFA will soon launch a campaign to inform homeowners about HARP. The campaign will educate consumers about the program, its eligibility requirements and provide options on how to utilize the program before it ends.

Fannie and Freddie’s regulator recently announced a two-year extension for HARP. The program had had been slated to expire at the end of this year, and will now run through 2015.


Q: What are the goals of this conservatorship?

A: The purpose of appointing the Conservator is to preserve and conserve the Company’s assets and property and to put the Company in a sound and solvent condition. The goals of the conservatorship are to help restore confidence in the Company, enhance its capacity to fulfill its mission, and mitigate the systemic risk that has contributed directly to the instability in the current market. There is no reason for concern regarding the ongoing operations of the Company. The Company’s operation will not be impaired and business will continue without interruption.

Q: When will the conservatorship period end?

A: Upon the Director’s determination that the Conservator’s plan to restore the Company to a safe and solvent condition has been completed successfully, the Director will issue an order terminating the conservatorship. At present, there is no exact time frame that can be given as to when this conservatorship may end.

14) FHFA new annual Report: The Enterprises cannot remain in conservatorship permanently, and expanding private sector participation is essential for the long-term health of the mortgage market.


15) INTERESTING!! White House budget document says FNMA/FMCC are privately owned company(!), it didn't say THE GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISES.

The Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) is a
Government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) in the housing finance
market. As a housing GSE, Fannie Mae is a federally chartered, privately owned company with a public mission to provide stability in and to increase the liquidity of the residential mortgage market and to help increase the availability of mortgage credit to low- and moderate-income families and in underserved areas. Fannie Mae engages primarily in two forms of business: guaranteeing residential mortgage securities and investing in portfolios of residential mortgages

16) FNMA/FMCC Shareholders Challenge U.S. Takeover in Suit
The shareholders’ complaint seeking $41 billion in damages
was filed by the Seattle-based law firm Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP, a lead counsel in class-action lawsuits including those against Toyota Motor Corp. (7203) over the unexpected sudden acceleration of vehicles.

17) HEDGE FUND Perry Capital Sues U.S. Treasury Over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Takeover

By Joe Schneider & Clea Benson - Jul 7, 2013 8:44 PM ET

Hedge fund firm Perry Capital LLC sued the U.S. Treasury Department claiming the government’s seizure of all profits from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is illegal and has destroyed shareholders’ holdings.

18) FNMA CEO is a well-known Lawyer and Former BAC Counsel

19) Fannie Mae CEO: We will have strong profits for the foreseeable future

By: Bloomberg TV interview | Thu, Apr 11, 2013

In his first TV interview since the company reported record profits, Fannie Mae (FNMA) CEO Tim Mayopoulos told Bloomberg TV's Peter Cook today that U.S. taxpayers could see a net gain from their bailout as the housing market rebounds. Mayopoulos said, "I do think, given the strength of our future profitability, that it is possible that we will be able to pay dividends that would be equal to or greater than the amount of money that we've received from the Treasury Department."

Mayopoulos also said, "There is a risk that policymakers will look at our profitability and say we don't need to act on this soon. I think that would be a mistake. There needs to be clarity about what the future of the housing finance system is going to be."

Mayopoulos on Fannie Mae's turnaround:

"We are obviously pleased with the turnaround and from our perspective. This is not something that miraculously came upon us. This is the result of four plus years of work that we've been doing at Fannie Mae. We've really been very focused on building a new book of business that will be profitable. We've been managing the legacy book to minimize losses and we've been focused on pricing appropriately for the risk that we take. While it probably seems like a very sudden turnaround to those outside the company, for those inside the company we've been working on this for years to try to get to this place."

On whether the profits are sustainable over the long-term:

"We do think that we will have strong profits for the foreseeable future. The degree of confidence about that varies the farther out you go because we can't predict the future years out, but for the next few years we expect clearly to be profitable."

On whether taxpayers could earn a profit on their investment in Fannie:

"We are paying substantial dividends to taxpayers, so the company received payments from the Treasury of $116 billion. So far we have paid dividends in excess of $35 billion. I do think, given the strength of our future profitability, it is possible that we will pay dividends that will be equal to or greater than the amount of money that we have received from the Treasury department."

On whether the debate for the government to replace Fannie Mae will happen sooner rather than later:

"I'm not sure if it will happen sooner rather than later. I do think there is a risk that I think people should not accept, but there is a risk that policymakers will look at our profitability and say we don't need to act on this soon. I think that would be a mistake. There needs to be clarity about what the future of the housing finance system is going to be. I think the sooner we get there, the sooner private capital is likely to come back to this market."

On whether the reality is that the better Fannie Mae does, the sooner it goes away:

"That's one possibility. I think what our return to profitability does is allow policymakers to think about a full range of potential outcomes. They don't have to start with the assumption that creating some successors to Fannie and Freddie necessarily means that we have to accept hundreds of billions of dollars of losses for taxpayers. I do think the taxpayers may well receive their money back. I think what this has done is freed policymakers to think about what the full range of possibilities should be. There is a lot of debate about that, but I think the key is getting to an answer in the foreseeable future because no matter what you think the future housing finance system should look like, everybody agrees that at the moment the taxpayer shouldn't be on the hook for 90% of the market. Between Fannie, Freddie and FHA, the taxpayers are guaranteeing 90% of all the mortgages that are being written across the country. That doesn't make sense no matter what you think the future of the housing finance system should look like."


20) Giant Hedge Funds lobbying for the Government Senior preferred shares.

According to Bloomberg and Baron news, Hedge funds offering 182 billion dollars for the government's senior preferred shares.

Based on combined 2012 pretax profits of $28 billion and a conservative 6.5 price/earnings ratio, the two could easily raise $182 billion in the stock market, according to the investors.

Hedge Funds: Paulson & Co.
is among funds that met with members of the Senate Banking Committee and with staff members in the House of Representatives, said two of the people briefed on the matter. Claren Road Asset Management LLC and Perry Capital LLC also have lobbied.

20) If the Hedge Funds plan accepted by the government Conservator-ship will end. FNMA will be owned by shareholders.
The government invested 117.1 billion dollars to FNMA and got senior preferred shares. So far got 95 billion dollars dividend. Plus with new IPO the government can sell its shares on the market at 182 billion dollars. It means U.S. government invested 117.1 billion dollars it will get 277 billion dollars within 4 [t]years. Awesome return.

21) Fortune 500 list: FNMA #13


Rank Company Name

1 Wal-Mart Stores
2 Exxon Mobil
3 Chevron
4 Berkshire Hathaway
5 Apple
6 Phillips 66
7 General Motors
8 Ford Motor
9 General Electric
10 Valero Energy
11 AT&T
12 CVS Caremark
13 Fannie Mae
14 UnitedHealth Group

hedge fund FAIRHOLME Manager Bruce Berkowitz believes Fannie and Freddie are undervalued.


Bruce Berkowitz, a mutual-fund manager with a history of bold bets, is doubling down on a risky wager that the U.S. government ultimately will sell mortgage giants Fannie Mae FNMA +7.32% and Freddie Mac FMCC +9.65% back to private investors.

Mr. Berkowitz is reopening his $8 billion Fairholme Fund to look for new investment opportunities, including potentially increasing his stake in Fannie and Freddie, Mr. Berkowitz said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.




Private Investors Would Commit Approximately $52 billion of Capital
as First Members of a Competitive Industry Insurance Business Plan Requires No Government Support Proposal Allows for Orderly Liquidation of Historical Assets of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

GREAT ARTICLE: Why We Need Fannie and Freddie


November 20, 2013

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FNMA is the most profitable companies in the world. They support USA budget for surplus...

this is my dd.. Read, check links make you own dd


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