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Saturday, 09/20/2014 1:29:41 PM

Saturday, September 20, 2014 1:29:41 PM

Post# of 482735
Turkish hostages freed, but questions linger

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Turkish authorities say they have freed 49 hostages from one of the world's most ruthless militant groups without firing a shot, paying a ransom or offering a quid pro quo.

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But as the well-dressed men and women captured by the Islamic State group more than three months ago clasped their families Saturday on the tarmac of the Turkish capital's airport, experts had serious doubts about the government's story.

The official explanation "sounds a bit too good to be true," said Sinan Ulgen, a former Turkish diplomat who chairs the Istanbul-based Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies. "There are some very legitimate and unanswered questions about how this happened."

The hostages — whose number included two small children — were seized from the Turkish Consulate in Mosul after the Islamic State group overran the Iraqi city on June 11. Turkish leaders gave only the broadest outlines of their rescue Saturday.

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the release was the work of the country's intelligence agency rather than a special forces operation.

"After intense efforts that lasted days and weeks, in the early hours our citizens were handed over to us and we brought them back," Davutoglu said.

Davutoglu was the star of the homecoming ceremony Saturday, flying the hostages back to Ankara on his plane and delivering an impassioned address to the crowd. Families rushed the aircraft to greet their returning loved ones. The ex-hostages emerged wearing clean dresses and suits and showed little sign of having been held captive by fanatical militants for more than three months.

The hostages' joyous reunion at the airport came as an enormous relief after the recent beheadings of other hostages — two U.S. journalists and a British aid worker — by the Islamic State group. The gruesome deaths briefly reignited a debate over whether the U.S. or British government should pay ransoms to free hostages.

Turkey's state-run Anadolu Agency reported no ransom had been paid and "no conditions were accepted in return for their release," although it didn't cite any source for its reporting.

View galleryIslamic State extremists
This undated file image posted on a militant website on Jan. 14, 2014, which has been verified and i …
The agency said the hostages had been held at eight separate addresses in Mosul and their whereabouts were monitored by drones and other means.

The Iraqi government said it had no information about the rescue.

The hostages declined to answer all but the most general questions, although a couple hinted at ill treatment or death threats.

Ex-hostage Alptekin Esirgun told Anadolou that militants held a gun to Consul General Ozturk Yilmaz's head and tried to force him to make a statement.

Another former hostage, Alparslan Yel, said the Islamic militants "treated us a little better because we are Muslims. But we weren't that comfortable. There was a war going on."

Yilmaz thanked Turkish officials but gave no details about the captivity or release.

"I haven't seen my family for 102 days. All I want to do is to go home with them," he told journalists.

How the hostages traveled from Mosul to Turkey and why the Islamic State would relinquish such a useful bargaining chip remained unclear.

"I think it's fair to say that we haven't been told the full story," said Aaron Stein, an associate fellow at the London-based Royal United Services Institute who has studied Turkey's security policy.

It's also unclear whether the release will change Turkey's policy toward the Islamic State. It had been reluctant to join a coalition to defeat the militant group, citing the safety of its 49 kidnapped citizens.

But even with the hostages' release Stein said he doubted that Turkey would suddenly adopt a much more muscular attitude toward the militants.

"There will some changes, but not as much as people hope," he said.

In Washington, one U.S. official said Saturday that while the Obama administration was pleased with Turkey's contributions so far, it hoped that the change in circumstances of the hostages would allow Turkey to take on a more robust role. The official was not authorized to speak publicly about diplomatic matters.

The successful operation was likely to prove a boon to Turkey's government. Davutoglu, flanked by Yilmaz and others, made sure to highlight Turkey's success and blast the political opposition. He also thanked the "nameless heroes" involved in the release.


Satter reported from Istanbul. Qassim Abdul-Zahra in Baghdad and Matt Lee in Washington contributed to this report.

649 Comments My Comments

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Ibrahim 1 minute ago 0 0
Evidently, PM Erdogan is Jihadist Mozlem Brother who supports together with the Jihadist in Chief of the White House Hussein Obama the Jihadist barbarian terrorist Mozlem brother thugs of ISIS, al Qaida, Hamas that commit crimes against humanity every single day. Turkey supports the expansion of the Jihadist thugs of ISIS in Syrian Kurds areas using Obama's provided US tanks, US Humvees and US artillery and missiles. The American people are betrayed by the Jihadist thugs loving Obama who supports the Caliphate of ISIS and its expansion while his forced promises to fight ISIS proved to be hoax and going against the strategy of US top generals that support the destruction of ISIS in Syria and Iraq using ground forces together with air strikes. Shame on the Jihadist thug sympathizers Turkish PM Erdogan and shame on the fake phony fraud Obama who lies to the American people and hiding his traitorous support of the worst enemies of America together using the blind support of the liberal Jihadists of the Democrats and their deceitful media of the NY Times, AP and ABC.
Fed Up in West Texas
Fed Up in West Texas 30 minutes ago 1 14
I think Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu needs to tell the rest of the world what deal was made to get their hostages back. ISIS would NOT just let them go.

Saying that "without firing a shot, paying a ransom or offering a quid pro quo" is a BLIVET.

Two probable agreements made:
1) Turkey will not join the coalition being formed to fight ISIS
2) Turkey will impede the ability of the Kurds to fight back

A third possible agreement is that ISIS will whack the Kurds in Iraq, Syria and possible even Turkey and give Turkey plausible deny-ability.
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Saint 31 minutes ago 1 4
The Al Nusra front rebels are Sunni Syrians joined by all types of Mujahedeen from Sunni Arab neighboring countries and Europe, the US and Chechnya.. The ISIS group started as a Sunni radical group in Iraq and some parts of Syria and they were also joined by all types of Mujahedeen from Sunni Arab neighboring countries, Europe and the US... These two groups have one financing entity that is Saudi Arabia and one training and arming entity that is USA in the form of the CIA of course... The VOLUNTEERS coming form all types of Muslim and non Muslim countries change allegiance to anyone of the two groups and join forces without any regulations or control... Also, the former Saddam army generals who are also Sunni, joined the ISIS group and trained them how to use military tactics and army weapons against Maliki the Shea Prime Minister of Iraq... This is why the ISIS decided to attack the Kurds because Saddam generals told them that capturing Mosel Dam and the Oil fields will be a great asset.. This angered the US because the Kurds are US allies and Israeli allies which triggered the US bombing against ISIS.

The US public opinion is influenced by the beheadings graphic videos of journalists, but the problem is that they do not know the role of the US/CIA in arming these very terrorists and that the bombing in Syria will likely weaken Assad and enforce the terrorists .. Obama just asked for 500 million dollars to arm the Syrian rebels
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MC 23 minutes ago 2 0
USA supports the Free Syrian Army. We DO NOT support IS or al-Nusra Front.
Saint 3 minutes ago 0 0
@ MC This what the CNN tells you right, keep watching CNN, MSNBC, FOX and you will be safe! No you will see worse than 9-11 in your home town wake up before it is too late...The US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Jordan are all instrumental in instating all the Sunni Islamic Terrorist groups in the Arab World.. These groups are the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Nusra in Syria.. All these terrorists were trained by the CIA in Turkey and deployed through the border to Syria and Iraq...This is to destabilize secular Assad and Shea Muslim Iran backed groups in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon..For example here is where we get the Intel about the relationship between Al Nusra front and the CIA...Former al-Qaeda member Sheikh Nabil Naiim has released astounding video testimony in which he asserts that the leader of Jabhat al-Nusra, the primary fighting force in Syria attempting to topple President Bashar al-Assad, is a CIA operative. Sheikh Nabil Naiim, considered to be the historical leader of the Islamic Jihad movement in Egypt, led the Safwa al-Qaeda training camp, where he met Osama Bin Laden. Naiim then moved to Sudan with al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and was officially recognized as an al-Qaeda member. Having been directly involved in the assassination of Egyptian president Anwar al-Sadat, Naiim was imprisoned after an attempt to assassinate Hosni Mubarak and only released after Mubarak’s regime collapsed. Naiim subsequently abandoned violence and is now outing his former comrades as being on the CIA payroll. Sheikh Naiim states:

the leader of the Nusra Army (Mohammed al-Jawlani), who declared his support for Ayman al-Zawahiri, is a CIA operative in the al-Nusra.

Naiim also identified al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri as a US double agent. He says:

What is Zawahiri going to give you? Scud missiles? He owns nothing and he’s constantly on the move. All he owns is the recording that he releases every 6 months. But these however are his orders from the Americans.

Speaking of being “fooled by an American plot,” Naiim states that “the US has been allowing us (al-Qaeda) to fight in Afghanistan for 18 years and have funded and supported us,” adding that members of the militant group were being manipulated. He then turns his attention to al-Nusra terrorists fighting to topple Assad in Syria, warning them:

You are fighting the war in Syria on America’s behalf. Eventually you will be called terrorists and you will be killed or put in prison just like what happened to us after Afghanistan. These leaders are manipulating you, you will find yourself dying and the Americans fulfilling their goals not yours.

Naiim’s assertion that Jabhat al-Nusra is being directed by the CIA would demolish claims by the White House and other NATO powers that there is a distinction between the al-Nusra Front, He states that the Syrian crisis is a proxy war that the US is conducting via unwitting young mercenaries that think they are waging a holy war to bring the Islamic Caliphate back and implement the Sharia. However, he states that the harsh truth is that every one of these militants will end up either in prison or dead once the US is done with them. He also reveals that these groups are being led by CIA agents.

Nikita Ni
Nikita Ni 6 minutes ago 1 0
Nasty Turks cutting deals with terrorists because they are terrorists ! All the so-called hostages freed just like that but our journalists get executed. All BS !
Don't know how long it will take for us to realize that we cannot trust these Turks under any circumstance. There's a reason why they are still not in the EU and never will be. They don't want to join the coalition to fight these barbarians….becuase they are the same! Remember what they did to the Greeks, Armenians,Kurds etc ? Greeks fought them and threw them out and no trace of them in Greece anymore! Time to wipe these monsters off the face of the earth! Islam is the most flawed religion in the world.
john 1 hour ago 2 24
The Turkish prisoners were diplomats, and Sunni btw Most Muslims in Turkey are Hanafite Sunnis forming about 72%, and Alevis of the Shia denomination, form about 25% of the Muslim population but me thinks Isis really did not want to provoke a war with Turkey, geographically, they are just too damn Mosul. I think Isis is maybe coming to realization, that they are going to boxed in and have awaken the western powers to action, and maybe they F''ed up by the public beheadings of innocent westerns who were not infidel combatants. In their religious fevor, they got cought up in the moment, and now they are are going to pay....
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Turk 1 hour ago 6 4
your comments really brillant greetings from turkey my friend, there are too many turkish hater comments in yahoo pages , but your comments are objective
The Grinch
The Grinch 1 hour ago 2 3
History proves that the Turks are a people who know how to make "races" and types of people disappear by "relocation". Don't mess with Turkey when you are much weaker than them.
James C.
James C. 1 hour ago 0 3
john. You are giving them too much credit for humane behavior. These people are not as stupid as you think. They do outsmart themselves occasionally. They are not going to back away from brutality. But they are getting hit harder by airstrikes than people realize. While they demonstrate bluster, they still know fear also. But they behave more like bullies. Give them a good taste of their own medicine, and you learn they aren't as tough as they think. That fact, and the possibility of Turkey joining and putting boots on the ground, would be more than they could handle militarily. It is also a move to buy support and sympathizers from inside Turkey. We now have to be careful about including Turkey in any future plans involving ISIS. They know their ambitious plans only have a chance if the movement spreads. Our greatest challenge is to not provide them with any propaganda material. While doing that, kill as many of them as possible, especially the leaders. Like it or not we created all this by taking a bad situation and making it far worse. This is the problem when no matter who you choose to deal with in the area, you are still making a deal with a devil. The current plan about arming and training moderate rebel groups in Syria has me laughing through the tears. How do you verify which is which? They likely all have their own people imbedded in all those groups. Look at the Afghan soldiers that were plants, who just waited for the right time and opportunity to reveal themselves. If the followers realized their leaders were really cowards, and they were just dying for their ambitions, do you think they would still follow? History says yes. Humans are in reality not that intelligent. We simply declare we are, then prove ourselves wrong. But then we are too stupid to even realize we are wrong. So the beat goes on, until maybe we finally screw up totally, and cause our extinction. If you think we are not mostly herd animals, just look at how few have individual ability to think for themselves, and not blindly follow both false leaders, and equally dumb peers. In many herds the whole herd does not even see the leader. They follow the butts of the animals in front of them. You have heard the saying " go with the flow ?". That is herd mentality.
007 39 minutes ago 3 3
Turkey needs to shut down the transport of black market oil rigs coming from ISIS. This is a country that cannot be trusted. "Whoever is not for us, is against us!" By the way, there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.
A. 7 minutes ago 0 0
@007, Read the latest EU reports on how the EU member states have been buying and using the ISIS oil. And France, Italy, Germany and China also negotiated with ISIS in order to rescue their citizens. So, all these countries are now in your target list?
DD 5 minutes ago 0 1
@007, If you keep putting all Muslim's down and do not separate these Barbarians THUGS that they are not even human's nor are they Muslim's AND put them all among these Barbarian's. If you do not at least give a chance for the true Muslim's to speak out and when they speak against these Barbarians you will find them say " WHAT IN THE HECK THEY ARE PUTTING US DOWN AMONG THESE BRABARIAN'S THUGS, AND EVEN IF WE FIGHT THESE THUGS DISHONE THEM AND SO ON WHY SHOULD WE DO IT. It's as the saying goes Dam if you do Dam if you don't. Why not show support those who speak and fight against these Barbarians separate the power crapping politician's that they only want to sit in that high office and hell with the population as in Saudi Arabia Qatar (Turkey they buy oil from ISIS) , and so on. History speaks for itself. Europe's Jews weren't killed by Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, or Baha'is, he said, "they were murdered by people who professed to believe in Jesus, who professed to be Christians and used the Bible to justify the killings. I would remind that people can cherry-pick from the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Quran to justify anything they say or do. That doesn't make it right."Well let's see first you were with Al Qaida. You went to Syria as Al-Qaida member they kicked your A(SS) out. You decided to create your own State and call it IS( Islamic State) You declared, and appointed yourself as the "caliph", or ruler of all the world's Muslims. Well I do not see anyone from the almost 1.9 Billion of Muslim's excepted you as their so called "caliph" except for approx.. 10.000 some of them were Christians Jewish none believers but they converted to "Islam" but not the Islam as I know it to be. According to true Islam and true Muslim's no one shall be converted to Islam by the "SWORD" True Muslims will convert if they believe deep down to their soul this is what they want as anyone who convert to Christianity or Judaism's. By he way that so called . We know the Quran orders believers to fight in combat against those who are the oppressors, aggressors and terrorists and those who are assaulting and killing the innocent men, women and children. But it gives out clear orders - NOT TO Fight against those who are not fighting against you...Now here is an example that answer your post. It is our duty and privilege to present the truth and proof about Islam and what it represents. We desire to clear up misconceptions and misunderstandings about Islam to help others see the true message that came with all of the prophets from Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them all. "The message is: La ilaha illa Allah (none has the right to be worshipped except Allah)."I would like to ask you a question - 'If you hear something you like in the answer or something that really makes sense to you - then are you prepared to accept the message of worshipping your Lord without any partners?"After all, Islam is really all about this one subject anyway. There is not such a meaning in the Quran, ordering or even permitting the Muslims to ever attack innocent people whether they are Christians, Jews, or any other faith for that matter. Combat is only ordered against those who are attacking or killing the innocent Muslims. The word used most often in Quran, that is so often mistranslated as kill; slay; or slaughter is not jihad, it is Qital and if you look to the Arabic, you will quickly understand this word in today's usage would clearly be combat. Naturally, just as here in the U.S. we must stand up for righteousness and strive to prevent oppression, aggression and tyranny. Quran tell us the verses dealing with this topic are specific and not intended to imply a general meaning for just anyone to decide to go around combating non-Muslims. The early Muslims had been driven out of their homes and turned out into the desert to starve. After finally, relocating in Medina, verses came in Quran instructing them to make hajj (pilgrimage) back to Makkah. Finding their way blocked and after several years of making agreements and treaties that the others continually broke, the Muslims were at last, told they could now fight in combat against the tyrants who had so horribly mistreated and abused them in the past. However, this would only be acceptable to Allah if they remained within very specific limitations. The word "Qital" in Arabic in this instance refers to "combat" rather than what some have used "kill" because the word "kill" is far to general, while the word "combat" appropriately describes what is intended by the usage in this passage. Allah Knows Best. It should also be noted the usage of the word "Fitnah" in the same verse denotes a horrible condition, not unlike what we find today when there is terrorism and tyranny against the moral and just society at large. It would be easy to properly understand the meaning as, "Engage them in combat, even killing them, until the state of "Fitnah" (terrorism) no longer exists in the society and people are free to worship Allah by their choice. "these verse are not designed to promote terrorism, but rather these are very orders from Above to the Muslims to be the first of those who stand out aggressively against all forms of terrorism and oppression. Once this is in place, there really isn't a question anymore, due to the necessity as we see today, to prevent and subdue enemies of freedom, liberty and justice. In other words, we could easily say Allah ordered believers in the Quran to wage combat against terrorism - 14 centuries ago. And the "struggle against oppression, terrorism and tyranny" in the Arabic language, it is called, "Jihad." "Islam declared the WAR ON TERRORISM - over 1,400 years ago! "Does the Koran Forbid the Killing of Non-Muslims? Koran’s verse 5:32. This famous line is actually only a small part of the verse, and is not even a complete sentence. Here is the line, as it is usually quoted, clipped and cropped, by apologists:“…whosoever killed a human being… it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind…”To get a better understanding of the origins of this verse and its intended meaning in the Koran, let’s go through the complete verses 5:32-37 (Pickthall’s translation), starting with 5:32:5:32: “For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. Our messengers came unto them of old with clear proofs (of Allah’s sovereignty), but afterwards lo! Many of them become prodigals of the earth. "Does the Quran command Muslims to kill others? No -it clearly states its forbidden .A. From the Qur'an
1. "…We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul - unless for a soul[1] or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And, whoever saves one, it is as if he had saved mankind entirely." [Qur'an, 5:32]
This verse establishes the sanctity of life.
2 "…And do not kill the soul[3] which Allah has forbidden except by right…" [Qur'an, 6:151] 3. "And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right. And whoever is killed unjustly, We have given his heir authority but let him not exceed limits in [the matter of] taking life. Indeed, he has been supported [by the law]. " [Qur'an, 17:33].
4. "And [the believers are] those who do not invoke any deity with Allah, nor kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right, nor commit zina." [Qur'an, 25:68]
This verse conveys the heinousness of unjustifiably taking a human life, and indicates that wrongful murder is close in enormity to shirk and zina.
5. "And fight, in the path of Allah, those who fight you…" [Qur'an, 2:190]
This verse indicates that only those involved in combat are to be fought, which excludes non-combatants such as women, children and civilians; a regulation detailed further by narrations from the Sunnah, as mentioned in the following section.
6. "Among mankind is he whose speech impresses you in worldly life, and he calls Allah to witness as to what is in his heart, yet he is the fiercest of opponents. And, when he goes away, he strives throughout the land to cause corruption therein, and to destroy crops and lives. And Allah does not love corruption." [Qur'an, 2:204-5]
These verses indicate that wanton destruction and indiscriminate killing are tantamount to working mischief /corruption upon earth. Warning Against Wrongfully Taking Life.
3. "A Muslim remains in latitude concerning his religion as long as he does not take a life."
4. "Avoid the seven ruinous [sins] … associating partners with Allah, sorcery, unrightfully taking life which Allah has prohibited, consuming riba, consuming the property of an orphan, fleeing on the day of marching [in battle], and accusing a chaste, oblivious believing woman of adultery." Specific Narrations Regulating Killing During War
5. Ribah ibn al-Rabi` al-Tamimi says, "We were with the Messenger of Allah in a battle. He saw people gathered, and then he saw a slain woman, whereupon he said, "This [woman] was not fighting!"
Another version adds, "Thereupon, the Prophet objected to the killing of women and children."
Another adds, "Catch up with Khalid and tell him: The Messenger of Allah commands you not to kill [women and] children, nor hired workers."
6. Ibn `Abbas says: The Messenger of Allah, when dispatching his troops, would tell them, "….Do not behave treacherously, nor misappropriate war-booty, nor mutilate [those whom you kill], nor kill children, nor the people in cloisters."
Another version contains, "…Do not kill a decrepit old man, nor a child, nor a youngster, nor a woman…"
Another contains, "…Do not kill a woman, nor a child, nor an old, aged man…"
Another contains, "Do not kill a child, nor a woman, nor an old man, nor obliterate a stream, nor cut a tree…"God/ Allah Bless you.
They cutting the hands for those who steal yet they steal from woman and children men they Rape woman and Children. These are not Muslims, and those who support them are not Muslim's either I read the same book that you might have read or not. Islam is submission to Allah through Tawhid (belief in the Oneness of Allah/ monotheism), resignation to Him through obedience, and disavowal of Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) and its people.Besides, a Muslims are thus called as they show complete submission to Allah and obey Him, abiding by His Commandments and refraining from what He has prohibited. Islam is also a name for all the Commandments of Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (peace be upon him), including Salah (Prayer), Sawm (fast), Zakat (obligatory charity), Hajj (pilgrimage), faith and so on. Such categories fall under Islam.Islam is submission to Allah through Tawhid (belief in the Oneness of Allah/ monotheism), resignation to Him through obedience, and disavowal of Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) and its people. No religion is known to be named after its prophet with the exception of the religion of the Christians, It was named after Christ, the son of Maryam (Mary), peace be upon them, after the religion had been distorted. This name is totally wrong. But every religion can be attributed to its prophet; we can say: "The religion of Musa (Moses, peace be upon him), the religion of `Issa (Jesus, peace be upon him) and the religion of Muhammad (peace be upon him)," in the same way we can say: "Islam is the religion of such and such a person" and so on. If it was not for American and European countries all that have oil their oil will be nothing but sitting deep into the ground with not even one penny these B..S...T Kings Dictatorships will not survive one second. only 5% of Saudi Arabia are rich the rest they give them free housing food and cloth and they shut them up. same goes to the rest of all so called Arabian Gulf. Where are they not denouncing ISIS and Al Qaida? no one is you know why? they want to keep their A..S's on that chair they give money to Al Qaida and ISIS so that they will not attack them. But at the end they will end up with the Stick up their A*SS. When ISIS has all the money it needs there is no need for them anymore then their turn will come. When ISIS has all the money it needs there is no need for them anymore then their turn will come. What will you say then? Do you remember Desert Storm? who saved Kuwait? please stop watching news because you are brain washed. What do you thing these Thugs Barbarian Animal's are doing how many innocent Children woman men all Muslim's killed by Bin Laden he killed more Muslims than America or any other country killed for the entire 20th and 21th century. ISIS has killed Chopped heads of Innocent Children Woman men in one day that American Killed in 100 years. Shut that #$%$ mouth of yours and stop being brain washed by some SH**TY Imam or Sheikh they know nothing about true Islam or what they want is money no more no less. Tell me where is the Holy book it says you kill Christian's Jewish? I'm Muslim Read the Quran and Bible and no where it say kill the Christian's or Jewish if you do not believe in Jesus(ISSA pbuh) you are not true Muslim. If you do not believe in Moses pbuh) you are not a true Muslim. Where in the Quran it says you must convert to Islam by the Sword or be killed? Muslims are supposed to advise everyone by using a gentle and simple approach to attract the hungry souls to the Way of Allah(SWT). Actually, the problem is not so much calling or inviting to people to the message of Islam, as it is the way that we go about it. The way that we present ourselves and the message is most important and unfortunately, something that many of the Muslims are not taking into consideration these ISIS is doing by the Sword. They have actually ruined the image of dawah due to the rigid methods, mistakes and misunderstandings they are applying. This gives a very negative impression about Islam and the Muslims in general. Considering all of the detraction and negative media against Islam and Muslims occurring in these days, it is vital that we approach our dawah with wisdom, kind invitation and logical discussions. A wise man once said, "Debates bring a lot of heat, but not very much light." Forcing someone by the SOWRD That is NOT dawah. That is a waste of time and energy. The fact is, that this will turn people away from the truth and destroy the pure message of Islam. When we are going to talk with folks about Islam, we should first begin with the word itself. Let people know that there is a difference between the word "Islam" "ISLAM" can be understood both, as a verb and as a noun. As a noun, it is the religion that was completed by Allah for all human beings 1,400 years ago. The message came with Muhammad, peace be upon him, in the Arabic language. As a verb, the word "Islam" means the surrender, submission, obedience and peace in sincerity with Allah. "Prophet hood" in Islam is also an area that brings people to a better understanding of Muslims and what Islam is really about. as much as we love and honor and respect all of the prophets from Adam to Abraham and Moses and David, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them all. As a matter of fact, that is where people begin to go the wrong way, by over praising something or someone in the creation. All praise and worship is due to Allah, alone. You might like to read and share the messages about Muhammad, peace be upon him, and Jesus, peace be upon him, from the Muslim perspective. NOT BY THE SWORD THAT IS HOW BEING GOOD MUSLIM, NOT AS THESE THUGS MURDERES ARE GOING ABOUT IT. TO CONVERT IS A CHOICE FROM THE HEART AND SOUL OF SOMEONE NOT BY FORCING THEM AND IF THEY DO NOT THEN THEY WILL BE KILLED THIS IS NOT HOW YOU USE DAWAH .I have spoken out on this THUGS MURDERS BEFORE AND ?I'M SPEAKING OUT NOW. THIS IS NOT WHAT ISLAM IS ALL ABOUT ?ISLAM HAS BEEN HIJACKED BUT THUGS CALLING THEMSELVES ?MUSLIMS. You cannot force people to convert nor do you kill them if they ?do not. That is a choice not by the sword. DO YOU WANT SOMEONE ?BECAUSE HE OR SHE IS AFRIAD FROM BEING KILLED TO SAY YES I ?HAVE CONVERTED BUT IN HIS OR HER HEARTS, ARE NOT ?MUSLIMS? NO ONE SHOULD FORCE ANYONE TO FOLLOW THIS ?RELIGION OR ANOTHER. IF YOU SEE CHRISTIANS CHARITIES ?MORMONS DO GOOD WORK ALL OVER AND IF ANYONE WANTS TO ?CONVERT TO CHRISTANITY OR JUDAISM OR WHATEVER THIS IS ?THEIR CHOICE AND IT IS BETWEEN THEM AND God/ Allah not your ?business or mine or anyone's else.
KW_Denver 12 seconds ago 0 0
DD - Next time, put your comments in book form, with and intro and chapters, to make it easier reading. SHeesh.

Edward 43 minutes ago 2 10
Released on the promise that Turkey will not help the U.S. or any other infidels. Turkey also had a Turkish official in the Embassy with our murdered Ambassador Stephens 2 hours before the attack. Why has that fact been left out of all the stories about Benghazi? Was that person ever looked into as a terrorist supporter. Something stinks . Turkey is not our allay. They also have now gone along with ransom. Every country can be bought if the price is right.
s 50 minutes ago 2 9
If Turkey is one of our strong allies then it's time to worry. Turkey has no intent except to control it's people and dodge a fight with anyone including ISIL which might cost them in lives and treasure. There is a lot about the mid-east that defies logic. As long as you accept "their way", no problem. But, do not think for an instance they welcome your philosophy nor will they accept true democratic freedom. The religion itself denies the possibility. P.S. Has anyone ever understood or found the truth about why our government whisked the Saudi's out of America after 9-11? I seem to remember some guy claiming it was that dirty old Saddam responsible while the majority of the terrorist were Saudi and Saudi money funded them. Ditto Osama. Why, after all this time, has no one in power or "lamestream" media looked into the connection. And I'm supposed to believe the #$%$ I'm being fed today? I'll make Lindsay (their gonna kill us) and John (trust what I say and ignore what I do McCain a deal. Grab a gun and go and I'll go with you. Otherwise sit down and shut up you war mongering fools. The situation is to intense for your fanning of the flames.
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Nikita Ni
Nikita Ni 12 minutes ago 0 0
They pretend to be one of our strong allies but they are not! We need to learn that they cannot be trusted. Maybe we need to start teaching that to our students as the Greeks, Armenians etc teach in their schools. It's time the new generation learned who the enemy is.
Bob S
Bob S 11 minutes ago 0 0
s: I would think that if what you say is true someone in the Obama administration would have leaked it out. This proves that the Bush administration did the right thing.

NoMsCankles 35 minutes ago 2 4
Turkey is not worried about IS taking over Turkey, hardly...and Turkey always has their borders open to American's and EU members...then now you want to blame Turkey for the sickos from the US & the EU that want to cross into Syria and join IS? Turkey is now OUR KEEPER? Get real people...should we stop a Turkish citizen from entering Canada or Mexico? Don't blame Turkey for the sickos leaving here that want to join IS...those sickos were raised here and in the all starting to sound just like your anointed one, always blaming someone!
NoMsCankles 25 minutes ago 2 1
..there's only 3 types of people on here saying we should kick Turkey out of NATO, because they have their own interest in mind, or they are just stupid American's that have never been anywhere in the world and are completely that would be #1 Stupid uneducated American's...the next 2 would be Greeks & Jews...there ya have it...and for different can also include all Armenian's in this country...they're still crying...what the Turks did to them, we did to the American Indian, and I don't hear any of them whining..unlike the Armenian's they are too proud.
CJ 4 hours ago 0 10
I'm sure they met their demands. It wasn't for free. They negotiated with the terrorist.
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A. 4 hours ago 1 1
France and Italy also negotiated with IS in order to save their citizens. But the UK and US refused that, and saw their citizens being beheaded by British Jihadis.
CJ 4 hours ago 0 2
Well we can't negotiate , we would lose all control. We need to go over their and squash them before it's to late. It's going to take more than airstrikes to do that.
CJ 4 hours ago 0 3
All the airstrikes will do is scatter them like cockroaches.
Bati 2 hours ago 1 2
What if it was you and/or a relative who was captured? Would you then want and expect your country to rescue yourself and your loved ones? I think yes.
CJ 1 hour ago 0 3
Yes but we can't give into that. We have special forces that take care of this kind of #$%$. How do you think we managed to get ben laden?
jim 54 minutes ago 1 3
turkey is ruled by ISIS

wildcrzy 2 hours ago 0 8
Only because Turkey wouldn't allow the United States to use it's air bases.
RonG 55 minutes ago 2 9
Not surprised, Turkey is responsible for GENOCIDE BEFORE IN THEIR HISTORY and NOW and is in bed with ISIS, that is why even as a NATO member they are refusing to join the west to attack ISIS. Majority of ISIS thugs are flying to Turkey and organize in their southern cities and then move freely to Syria and Iraq to commit all these atrocities. Turkey gave arms to ISIS and allows ISIS to sell and deliver the oil thru their territory from Syria and Iraq. Turkish Islamic government recently said they will accept the Muslim Brotherhood cockroaches after Qatar kicks them out. Turkish Islamic government is a modern version of ISIS cancer.
Lead Apron Please
Lead Apron Please 3 hours ago 4 37
I would venture to say ... that terrorist muzlims don't act generous without something in it for them. - And in this case, not being attacked by the Turkish Army has it's benefits. Having lived with the Turks for over a year ... I would say that they offered a token amount to ISIS to release their citizens, but loaded it with a threat. A threat that "If their offer wasn't taken they would be insulted and would have to save face by attacking the offenders." It is the way things are in that part of the world.
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NJC 3 hours ago 3 8
You failed to mention that ISIS adheres to similar notions as those of the Ottoman empire where in thousands of Armenians and Christians were (in the early
19th century) beheaded on their way out of Smyrna
CONNIE 2 hours ago 1 7
Exactly, and you can bet they got something pretty valuable, they dont' deal in small change, as we have clearly seen ~
Gocyolu 32 minutes ago 1 1
NJC you are a #$%$! not?

Dia 3 hours ago 5 60
Okay, we've got the hostages freed, now we don't have to worry about them becoming collateral damage. So let's get in there and finish the job! Let's eradicate those rabid dog terrorists from the face of this earth once and for all! Seriously, if you have a cancerous tumor, you have the surgeons cut it out; I consider the terrorists just that - a cancer on humanity. We know where they are, so what are we waiting for? Bomb them out of existence and let's be done with it!!!
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Sturm Adler
Sturm Adler 3 hours ago 19 6
Dia....You are either foolish or stupid, maybe both !
BarakAlypse_Now 3 hours ago 10 3
I dunno, but doesn't ISIS have higher poll ratings in Iraq than Obama?
CONNIE 3 hours ago 5 6
Not tha simple Dia. Maybe being a little more informed might help.
Doc 2 hours ago 1 5
Ya, because they are all in one building just waiting for Rambo to come in.
Terry 2 hours ago 3 4
Isis is running scared,they know their time is about over,they all will be killed,they have gone to far in their animal like behavior,death to them all.God is not on their side only Satan is their god and they will learn just like Hitler.
Jessica 2 hours ago 1 4
Keep dreaming
Terry Jirovsky
Terry Jirovsky 1 hour ago 1 0
Right on!
Highlander 1 hour ago 0 2
When are people going to wake up. You can't kill off religious extremists ideas. Just like the evangelicals in the U.S. There work is never done. All you can hope to do is degrade them. At least in this country the Constitution hold them back but they keep at it. In the Middle East nothing holds them back. Until other Muslims start building a govt. That does.
Ronnie B
Ronnie B 1 hour ago 0 0
@Sturm Adler ,I am not foolish or stupid, but since you are in to name calling, you are a #$%$ slap #$%$#$%$ sucker
s 1 hour ago 1 0
You go first and I'll go with you. Otherwise sit down and shut up!

Larry ZED
Larry ZED 47 minutes ago 0 6
This is why Turkey did not want to join the coalition.
R 49 minutes ago 0 1
What Americans refuse to understand is that there are no moderate Muslims. Their religiousgoal is to rule the world by killing all the infidels . This mayhem has been going on since the 700s. ISIS has been beheading people everyday in Iraq but they only show the Americans and the British. Maybe if they behead a dog..that would wake up America.
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NoMsCankles 37 minutes ago 3 2
..there's only 3 types of people on here saying we should kick Turkey out of NATO, because they have their own interest in mind, or they are just stupid American's that have never been anywhere in the world and are completely that would be #1 Stupid uneducated American's...the next 2 would be Greeks & Jews...there ya have it...and for different can also include all Armenian's in this country...they're still crying...what the Turks did to them, we did to the American Indian, and I don't hear any of them whining..unlike the Armenian's they are too proud.
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Bob S
Bob S 16 minutes ago 0 0
NoMs: I can tell you are a member of DAESH and the hate you have has no meaning on this board.

Brett 1 hour ago 0 3
Turkish Muslims were released. No Americans, Jews, or Christians will be released from anything buy life by these sadistic killers. They need to be removed from the world population. Period. Don't give them any slack for "kindness".
Peter 1 hour ago 0 4
So Turkey gets these people freed because of mysterious conditions and Turkey has not joined the Coalition. Either they were scared they wouldn't be able to free them if they joined the fight against IS or they made a deal with them.
GB 1 hour ago 0 1
Betting Turkey doesn't join forces with us now. They probably held back one or two and if they do they both will be executed. Just a gut feeling.
Peter 1 hour ago 0 4
So Turkey gets these people freed because of mysterious conditions and Turkey has not joined the Coalition. Either they were scared they wouldn't be able to free them if they joined the fight against IS or they made a deal with them.
GB 1 hour ago 0 1
Betting Turkey doesn't join forces with us now. They probably held back one or two and if they do they both will be executed. Just a gut feeling.
Mark V
Mark V 13 minutes ago 0 0
I keep saying you can't trust a single stinking muslim. Turkey claims they didn't pay a ransom or agree to any conditions upon their release. What a crock, especially since the Turkish leader has been running his mouth recently against he very countries they are supposed to be allied with...NATO. Western Civilization should band together and put an end to islam all over the world once and for all.
Nikita Ni
Nikita Ni 23 minutes ago 3 2
Nasty Turks cutting deals with terrorists because they are terrorists ! All the so-called hostages freed just like that but our journalists get executed. All BS !
Don't know how long it will take for us to realize that we cannot trust these Turks under any circumstance. There's a reason why they are still not in the EU and never will be. They don't want to join the coalition to fight these barbarians….becuase they are the same! Remember what they did to the Greeks, Armenians,Kurds etc ? Greeks fought them and threw them out and no trace of them in Greece anymore! Time to wipe these monsters off the face of the earth! Islam is the most flawed religion in the world.
Ingleside 1 hour ago 0 1
Propaganda at best. Turks are a bunch of sheep like other host countries. That's why they are popping up there. They cowardly accept their fate.
voiceinwilderness 49 minutes ago 0 1
I will go on record and tell you that the President plan against ISS will be very-very sucessfull, most will not believe the results of this President success, and just so you will know, the next President will not be dealing with this crisis, but I can tell you without blinking a text there will be other crisis's to deal with,stay tuned.
Curious 1 hour ago 3 3
The US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Jordan are all instrumental in instating all the Sunni Islamic Terrorist groups in the Arab World.. These groups are the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Nusra in Syria.. All these terrorists were traind by the CIA in Turkey and deployed through the border to Syria and Iraq...THis is to destabilize secular Assad and Shea Muslim Iran backed groups in Iraq, Syria and LEbanon..For example here is where we get the Intel about the relationship between Al Nusra front and the CIA...Former al-Qaeda member Sheikh Nabil Naiim has released astounding video testimony in which he asserts that the leader of Jabhat al-Nusra, the primary fighting force in Syria attempting to topple President Bashar al-Assad, is a CIA operative. Sheikh Nabil Naiim, considered to be the historical leader of the Islamic Jihad movement in Egypt, led the Safwa al-Qaeda training camp, where he met Osama Bin Laden. Naiim then moved to Sudan with al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and was officially recognized as an al-Qaeda member. Having been directly involved in the assassination of Egyptian president Anwar al-Sadat, Naiim was imprisoned after an attempt to assassinate Hosni Mubarak and only released after Mubarak’s regime collapsed. Naiim subsequently abandoned violence and is now outing his former comrades as being on the CIA payroll. Sheikh Naiim states:

the leader of the Nusra Army (Mohammed al-Jawlani), who declared his support for Ayman al-Zawahiri, is a CIA operative in the al-Nusra.

Naiim also identified al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri as a US double agent. He says:

What is Zawahiri going to give you? Scud missiles? He owns nothing and he’s constantly on the move. All he owns is the recording that he releases every 6 months. But these however are his orders from the Americans.

Speaking of being “fooled by an American plot,” Naiim states that “the US has been allowing us (al-Qaeda) to fight in Afghanistan for 18 years and have funded and supported us,” adding that members of the militant group were being manipulated. He then turns his attention to al-Nusra terrorists fighting to topple Assad in Syria, warning them:

You are fighting the war in Syria on America’s behalf. Eventually you will be called terrorists and you will be killed or put in prison just like what happened to us after Afghanistan. These leaders are manipulating you, you will find yourself dying and the Americans fulfilling their goals not yours.

Naiim’s assertion that Jabhat al-Nusra is being directed by the CIA would demolish claims by the White House and other NATO powers that there is a distinction between the al-Nusra Front, He states that the Syrian crisis is a proxy war that the US is conducting via unwitting young mercenaries that think they are waging a holy war to bring the Islamic Caliphate back and implement the Sharia. However, he states that the harsh truth is that every one of these militants will end up either in prison or dead once the US is done with them. He also reveals that these groups are being led by CIA agents.
Even sight
Even sight 2 hours ago 0 4
I think it's fair to say they haven't been told the whole story? No ransom or military operation, and they think it's fair to say they don't know the whole story?
DRH 31 minutes ago 0 2
Now Turkey can help the US fight ISIS now... With all it's hostages back!
Edward 2 hours ago 0 4
I.S. is now running scared. The first easy victories went to their head. They now realize they have awakened several "sleeping giants" and are going to get their butts kicked.
Charles 1 hour ago 0 3
Turkey is proving itself to be very much in the Muslim camp and not much of a dependable ally. NATO needs to open it's eyes.
Edward 3 hours ago 0 4
I.S. is now running scared. The first easy victories went to their head. They now realize they have awakened several "sleeping giants" and are going to get their butts kicked.
charlos2 1 hour ago 0 1
The Turks weren't the only diplomatic mission in Mosul. There was a U.S. Embassy Office in Mosul as well. Was that mission evacuated before the beheaders arrived? Why didn't we protect our personnel by blasting the invading rapists and crucifiers ahead of time? We're protecting them everywhere else in Iraq!
There is something smelly about the seizure of Turkish consular personnel in Mosul vis-a-vis the evacuation of Americans.
Richard Fitzwell
Richard Fitzwell 24 minutes ago 0 2
Turkeys as a bird sometimes will drown in the rain if they look up and their beaks fillip with water. When I looked that up, I was surprised.

Now the nation than has the same name as the bird, shows IQ of the bird. Nice going Turkey for supporting terrorists.
DukeoftheNorthernWoods 2 hours ago 0 3
The entire world capitulates to the equivalent of drive=by shooters. Unless we develop and install true leaders, we are doomed.
Marcia 1 hour ago 0 0
Unfortunately, in circumstances of this nature, it is always a speculation that Turkey actually has had a hand in forwarding the militant's agenda at some earlier point in time. Whether or not they agree with the militant's agenda today is obviously not very clear.
Edward 1 hour ago 0 2
Turkey is a Muslim nation that has allowed the steady flow of weapons to ISIS. They support Sharia law and hate America. I work with enough of these guys to know that like Obama, when the chips are down they will side with the Muslim terrorists.
Cody 1 hour ago 0 2
Its because they are funneling their money operations allowing them to operate and sell black market oil.
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Atila 1 hour ago 0 0
yes yes
Atila 1 hour ago 0 0
isis doesn't know whats coming at them-they are #$%$-all the might of the world!Screw them with no mercy!

damd69 1 hour ago 0 0
isis freed them just in attempt or to get turkey not to go after them which wouldn't have happened anyway their too busy sitting on the sidelines doing nothing but covering their own tails in that area
JimmyP 7 hours ago 0 8
IS is rewarding Turkey for agreeing NOT to help in the campaign to defeat them. And Turkey actually borders Syria.
JimmyP 7 hours ago 0 8
IS is rewarding Turkey for agreeing NOT to help in the campaign to defeat them. And Turkey actually borders Syria.
Marshall 58 minutes ago 0 0
I am willing to bet there was either a prisoner swap or some significant amount of money or weapons traded. This was most certainly NOT and act of mercy or kindness from ISIS because they are murderous MUSLIM PIGS.
Charles 14 minutes ago 0 0
I find it hard to believe all of this and wonder if they are together at some type i do not trust Turkey i hope i am wrong.
Commenter 2 hours ago 0 0
Great, now they have no reason to not join the fight on Isis and put Turkish boots on the ground and contribute some money. Or do they?
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RPC 22 minutes ago 0 0
I wonder what kind of deal they made... but you know we did the same for a guy who deserted his post and Comrades and now he sleeps in a warm bed and is going back to school. I don't get it but this deserter will someday get what is coming to him.
just wondering
just wondering 4 hours ago 0 0
I hope that ALL the hostages are checked out.
Mark14 48 minutes ago 0 0
How can questions already be lingering the same day the hostage release is announced?
Kat 2 hours ago 3 1
Perhaps the only goal the USA should have is to obtain our citizens that are being held by ISIS and get out of there as safely as possible and leave these militants to destroy each other and themselves. Let them take over Iraq, Iran and Syria and Turkey and when these countries cry for help let them call upon their imaginary false god allah! And should they ever attempt to hurt our ally Israel we will deal with them according to how our one true G_d directs us to do. ENOUGH already. We DO NOT need their oil, we DO NOT NEED anything these EVIL people have. We have enough resources In our own country. Enough already! Let them loose on each other then the USA can go in and finish the job. Lastly, it is rumored that three of the five prisoners that the POTUS released in exchange for Berdahyl are now in Iraq directing these militants in their evil war. Why isnt the news media reporting this? If true , this is an outrage!! Where are the journalists that have integrity? Yahoo stop protecting this liberal POTUS and let the comments on this site be posted.
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Robert 2 hours ago 0 0
Journalists and integrity? I remember when we had such a thing in this country but it was a long time ago.
Kat 1 hour ago 0 0
Robert - sad but true - that is why I posed the question. TY for ur comments.

Mike 3 hours ago 0 2
Turkey needs to be kicked out of N.A.T.O. They can't be trusted to help fight these animals !
Isa 3 hours ago 0 0
Most likely, Turkey either paid a ransom, or gave up intelligence on the Kurds or Americans, or something of similar huge value to ISIS. Turkey is home to at least one major NSA facility, so Turkey knows a lot that can hurt America and Americans.
Isa 3 hours ago 0 0
Most likely, Turkey either paid a ransom, or gave up intelligence on the Kurds or Americans, or something of similar huge value to ISIS. Turkey is home to at least one major NSA facility, so Turkey knows a lot that can hurt America and Americans.
bark4squirrels 2 hours ago 0 0
And for this he will except the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood who were kicked ot of Egypt.
Mark O. Pierce
Mark O. Pierce 3 hours ago 3 1
Does this seem like a lot of fuss over a terrorist group to you? This "terrorist group" has seized land, equipment, oil, and money in the territory they now claim as their own. Somebody is buying their stolen oil, which helps keep them going strong. Personally, I have no use for oil. I do have a use for gasoline which comes from oil. My point being that somebody is buying oil from this group, which is not rightfully theirs. They do this knowing that they are working with criminals when they buy it. They are attempting to recreate the old Caliphate, and even expand it beyond what it used to be. They have sold some of the people they have captured as slaves. They have killed many people who would not convert to their brand of Islam. They have done a lot more things that any civilized person would see as crimes. The way you eradicate evil is to pull it up before it gets it's roots deeper into the ground. The longer these criminals hold onto the land they have invaded, the harder it will become to shut them down. The longer we wait to shut them down, the more powerful they will become. They are terrorists, but their aim is to be accepted as a nation, and if they are accepted as a nation, they will continue to attempt to spread the territory they claim. Twice, Turkey has been the home to a great empire. Both times the people who created those empires were originally very small in power when they got started. ISIL needs to be destroyed here, and now.
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Terry 2 hours ago 0 0
ask putin,they are backing isis

Earl 2 hours ago 0 1
I think Obama and Kerry have VERY LITTLE UNDERSTANDING of how to deal with the various Middle East cultures and mentalities.
Rick 1 hour ago 0 0
Turkey made a deal with the devil. The Islamic State new that if Turkey wanted to they could made it harder for ISIS to sale oil. They decided to play nice with Turkey in exchange for Turkey not securing its borders.
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Alfred 1 hour ago 0 0
How does one sale oil?

Whodoman 2 hours ago 0 1
Radical Islam wants to take over the world and has boiled up over and over for centuries. It's time to end the cancer.
PetY 3 hours ago 0 0
Provide safe passage to IS fighters from join the fight in Syria and Iraq? Turkey got to know who help those IS wannabe when they 1st come into join the fight via Turkey. From all the report of captured wannabe IS Jihadists, Turkey seems to be the destination of arrival and departure.
American Pride
American Pride 1 hour ago 0 0
Of course they released then unharmed, Turkey is allies of theirs. Those going to Syria to fight with ISIS fly into Turkey then flow across the Syrian border.
Charlie 1 hour ago 0 0
I think Turkish hostages was just a show put on for the west. I think Turkey is behind Islamic State group . Where did Isis get all the weapons and training from? You don't think Turkey mite of had a hand in that?
Dave 1 hour ago 0 0
I don't trust any of them motherfutchers. They live by the sword time to make them die by it.
American Pride
American Pride 1 hour ago 0 0
Of course they released then unharmed, Turkey is allies of theirs. Those going to Syria to fight with ISIS fly into Turkey then flow across the Syrian border.
Charlie 1 hour ago 0 0
I think Turkish hostages was just a show put on for the west. I think Turkey is behind Islamic State group . Where did Isis get all the weapons and training from? You don't think Turkey mite of had a hand in that?
Dave 1 hour ago 0 0
I don't trust any of them motherfutchers. They live by the sword time to make them die by it.
C.C 3 hours ago 0 2
For the most part Turkey remained neutral in the Iraq war. Therefore, why would anyone expect Turkey to get involved in cleaning up this mess in Iraq, that has been largely created by the war.
MC 47 minutes ago 0 2
Turkey is being rewarded for not participating in the Obama coalition. Whether there was an agreement to this effect or whether IS is just thanking Erdogan for a decision that they liked, it will cause further doubts about whether Turkey can be trusted with it's current government.
jim 1 hour ago 0 0
Where are our Orthodox Bishops which were kidnapped ? Find them and release them.
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alex m
alex m 2 hours ago 0 1
I would expect a lot of head bowing and hand shakes after this showing of acceptance
to ISIS.Turkey has shown it's true color in expressing that all Muslims are our friends.
christine w
christine w 8 hours ago 0 8
This is the propaganda shift. It's part of the "we're not so bad, after all" tune that ISIS wants the world to hear. Can't help but wonder if the motive is to sway Turkey's opinion from entering into the conflict. This cancer will find any way to attach itself to a new host.
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Debra 7 hours ago 2 1
It has been attached..your fallacy is thinking its a new host. Turkey is one of many terrorist nations fueling the Syrian coup along with the US military-industrial empire.
Neelie 4 hours ago 0 0
Turkey is a terrorist nation? That's a good one.

Minority Mandate
Minority Mandate 2 hours ago 0 0
If Turkey isn't that interested or overly concerned about ISIL why should we be? When they offer to pay for our Air Force to fly from their bases we should talk.
Robert 1 hour ago 0 0
This is just Isis playing the Turkey Government not to join in any attack against them.
They will abduct and kill Turkish citizens in the future without reason.
SanJuanKid 11 minutes ago 0 0
Without firing a shot, paying a ransom or offering a quid pro quo? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
Twenty-One 3 hours ago 0 0
The Turkish idiots paid the terrorists the ransom.
Kevin11 8 hours ago 0 6
Congratulations Turks, BUT with your gov't paying a ransom there will be more hostages taken. Share your jubilation now, but what will you tell the next class of hostages that are taken due to the ransom they now expect?
Galileo 2 hours ago 0 3
The best way to lead ISIS into submission is to capture their wives and remove their veils. They will then start shaking and trembling, and their fig leaves will fall.
Busan Brew
Busan Brew 6 hours ago 4 29
So happy, so ....
Wait, no one knows what the other side got for the trade.
Yeah, its nice for the people and families, but a time bomb for the rest of the planet.

I really wish people studied history more. Nothing ever comes out of appeasement or playing the short game. Your opponent will always come back with the tools they got got fashioned into deadly weapons.

How much you want to bet that we will find out that many of these nutters got training on the US dime in the more than 10 years of mismanaged stupid over there.

Korea, learned nothing. War continues
Vietnam, learned nothing. Lost, but wont admit it.
Gulf War, learned nothing. Won, kinda?
Gulf War 2, learned nothing, Won, but spent billions trying to figure out what happens next.
Gulf war 3, only just begun.

Christ at least we were smart enough as a country to call it quits in Korea and Vietnam. What the hell is so special about Iraq... Oh, yeah....
Why even ask.
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Who Me.
Who Me. 4 hours ago 2 1
Starfoxusa 3 hours ago 0 0
Who Me. oil? Yes but now the US is in a much better position with oil. Notice no rise in oil prices because of Russia and the middle east conflicts. In fact gas prices fell to below $3 a gal. in my area. The US is expected to become an oil exporter again in as little #$%$ years. They are even considering removing the export ban to help the EU with using less Russian oil and gas.
Starfoxusa 3 hours ago 0 0
These are the facts, prove me wrong cowardly downers.

Citizen concerned
Citizen concerned 6 hours ago 0 4
Key here is the fact that we don't know what Turkey did (pay ransom, etc.) to win the release. Paying ransom just encourages more kidnappings. Just a vicious circle.
nixontapes 58 minutes ago 0 1
This was all staged to make Turkey look good and make ISIS look human. ISIS would not be the force they are without Turkey's "blind eye" complicity allowing ISIS to stage and regroup on Turkish soil. Turkey is now the bastion of the Muslim Brotherhood and cannot be trusted as an ally. Why we have not tossed them from NATO is a question I would like to see answered.
Gus 3 hours ago 0 2
Well there goes my opinion of Turkey's ability to defend itself. Iran could probably wipe these people out in ten minutes and are probably planning to do so if given cause. Or it may be why ISIL doesn't mess with them. We have an airforce base in Turkey but they won't allow air strikes out of Incirlik. We should do it anyway.
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CONNIE 3 hours ago 0 1
They wont' be harmed......the deal has been made, and it is NOT with the United States.

Mr. President
Mr. President 1 hour ago 0 1
The turkies and Qataris,
the DAESH Group.
Of course, Daesh will free any,
turkey or qatari, hostage, they're
their masters.
The turkies, the BrotherHERD
of Moslims, the MOTHER of all
TERRORIST groups, and Daesh group,
hold same Islamist, Terrorist and
terrorism ideals and values,
principles, and believes.
Their, main goal is to destroy,
the West and Christianity and
establish, again, their own
Islamic khalifah,
that will control the entire world
Puo 3 hours ago 0 0
Wow! IS will be shooting themselves in the foot when they find out that over half of those Turks were actually Hindu.
Surgeon Boy
Surgeon Boy 3 hours ago 0 0
What kind of deal did they work to negotiate the release of those hostages? Land border squatting rights in Turkey?
sonsofliberty 4 hours ago 0 0
A secular republic taken over by bearded twits of a third rate religion of repression and hate...
Ezequiel 5 hours ago 3 1
Turkey is next. The fight against IS is naturally going to spill inside Turkey. Just imagine the monumental mess created by Obama. Kurds are going to be armed by the USA and those weapons are going to be used against IS as well as against Turkey.
What is more important to the Kurds than their fight against Turkey? Their conflict with IS relates to a few oil fields, while their conflict with Turkey refers to the prospect of Kurdistan being a real nation.
James C.
James C. 2 hours ago 0 0
Could it be ISIS realized Turkey represented the greatest military challenge in the area? This was the bribe to keep them out of the conflict by buying a little goodwill?
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Tish 3 hours ago 0 2
What did you guys promise the terrorists.I'll bet it involves not opposing them in any way shape or form and possibly safe haven if they need it!
Wayne M
Wayne M 4 hours ago 0 0
So is this a pay off by the crazies not to attack them or is this no longer an excuse not to join in destroying these crazies?
optimistmiser 4 hours ago 0 0
Turkey can now start to roll its tanks and full military capabilities against ISIS.
Geoff Z
Geoff Z 1 hour ago 0 0
don't remember this hitting the news and turkey has kept quiet about it since. perhaps if the west would shut up of strategy, networks/youtube/internet refuses to show beheading videos this terrorist wouldn't be able to sustain their relentless PR campaigns. but nobody has the balls to take that sort of stand.
Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith 4 hours ago 0 0
Incerlik Air Base in Turkey is crucial to the upcoming operations. Sure hope they didn't use that as a bargaining chip.
Richard 4 hours ago 0 0
Could it be that ISIS release the hostages so that Turkey would not the American coalition against them?
Richard 4 hours ago 0 0
Could it be that ISIS release the hostages so that Turkey would not the American coalition against them?
Jim 6 hours ago 4 18
Yep - the Arabs brought this upon themselves. They have a situation that is out of control and someone needs to go in and clean house - in a big and most profound way. I prefer never to see an innocent man, woman or child killed by a Arab backed terrorist. Someone needs to stand up to those countries and demand they act now or we go in and make their lives a total hell. it will force them to focus inwardly and spend their billions on rebuilding rather than killing. And if anyone is going to die it will be an Arab person - terrorist or other - for allowing their evil to spread so far and wide without controlling it themselves.
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Frank 5 hours ago 0 1
Agree to the most part but we continue to sell and give heavy arms and military equipment to various groups in the area. So often those are eventually used on us. We need to do a better job there.
Bill 5 hours ago 3 1
Where have you been the last 20 years Jimmy boy. The arabs brought this on themselves? Those countries have been at war with each other for a long time. But we have totally de-stabilized the mid east and what is going on now is in large part due to our meddling. Wake up Jimmy.
Steve 4 hours ago 2 2
That someone who stands up cannot be the US. I don't think they can be backed by the US either, which effectively means it won't happen. If the US does go in, anything accomplished will be called "imperialism" or "crusading". Giving anyone in the Arab world a weapon is stupid beyond belief.
Sharon 4 hours ago 1 1
They have to do this themselves!
Muhammad 4 hours ago 1 0
lls, make their life a living hell? this country has more blood on their hands than other. always talking fighting for freedom but you are the real terrorist. why do us? I knew the answer to this as a 3rd grader. there is a pattern.
For me, Hamas, ISIS, Islaamic Jihaad, even Hitler is the lesser of the two evils and I hope those still fighting get at this government and their families and you blind patriots
Muhammad 4 hours ago 0 0
"why do they hate us?"
Patrick 4 hours ago 0 0
The "Arabs brought this on themselves" !? Do tell? The US had NOTHING to do with any of this!? Is that what you're ignorantly claiming?

Jason John
Jason John 4 hours ago 0 0
A lot of great insights in your comments, the fact of the matter is. If we set feet on the ground? Then it is safe to say that Our Troops are setting up for the biggest fight in this Country's History. Remember England going up against Russia? The history in World War 1, 2 will repeat it self, rather than dealing with #$%$, We are dealing with the belly of the Beast, the Real sons of Cain.
Jimguyy 4 hours ago 0 0
Another Ottoman Empire?
... 4 hours ago 0 0
Well, never bite the Islamic hand that feeds you.
tom 4 hours ago 0 0
Too bad, 'cause there was a blogger who was going to go in and rescue those Turks all by their lonesome. So is the war over? Can we all go home now, or do you have some more inflammatory rhetoric to impart?
America 6 hours ago 0 1
Thank a Liberal.
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Patrick 5 hours ago 0 0
I am glad the hostages held their heads high and was able to keep them attached to their bodies.
Oscar 4 hours ago 0 4
You have the families of 50 well connected individuals who were already making deals of their own and appearing to circumvent your authority. Mix this with your apparent lack of spine to take military action against some distant cousins.......what do you do? What will you do?
Magoo 2 hours ago 0 0
Now can TUrkey join the fight on Terror as we asked previously and were denied to join.
Magoo 2 hours ago 0 0
Now can TUrkey join the fight on Terror as we asked previously and were denied to join.
Patrick R
Patrick R 9 hours ago 0 2
It is great that those people won't be executed but it also discredits any stance other countries are taking to not make deals with terrorists. I don't think we have to reach very far to assume some deals were made that aren't going to help anyone but them. This is becoming very frustrating that we actually think something is going to change. We either go all in or pull everything back. Let's quit half-assing stuff.
Robert 1 hour ago 0 0
Lots of our "enemies" and lots of "enemies of our enemies"--but no friends. We can use our air power and intelligence drones to contain the herds of Islamic factions but we would be foolish to get between them. Any general that says "we need boots on the ground" should immediately be cashiered out of the service.
Nei 3 hours ago 0 0
This "Happy event" was only made possible by Turkeys move towards the extreme Islamic doctrines as evidenced by their support of the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups like Hamas. They need to be kicked out of NATO and shunned by the EU. The domino effect that started with the USA invasion and toppling of Saddam in Iraq and continues today with the complete failure of Islamic nation states is a very dark historical moment for the West.
Cindy 4 hours ago 0 0
this is probably a ploy to gain sympathy for their cause whatever that is.Do not trust them. They are money hungry killers who have no souls.
Edward 3 hours ago 0 0
Let me understand, Someone who kidnaps your child, in order to to secure your promise of non intervention, is actually someone you can work with after they release that child.
larry n
larry n 3 hours ago 0 0
I served with some Turks in Nam.. They unlike Obama will take you to task at the point of a knife.
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Someone 2 hours ago 0 0
The leadership in Turkey has drastically changed since Nam.

SOBEflyGUY 3 hours ago 0 5
This liberation of Turkish hostages is an OBVIOUS agreement between ISIS and the Turkish Prime Minister in Ankara, Ahmet Davutoglu who without a doubt will not let American Military stage any attacks into Syria and ISIS from their soil after this!
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Scott 4 hours ago 0 5
Obama's brilliant quote during his last address. "Let me make this perfectly clear, the group known as the Islamic State ISIS is not Islamic" Thanks mr. president. He then went on to say that the Pope was not Catholic and that Babe Ruth was never a New York Yankee.
Barbara Colvin-Kerr
Barbara Colvin-Kerr 3 hours ago 0 0
Turkey has been aiding ISIL. The "hostages" were a good excuse to NOT be part of "attacking Muslims." Turkey wants the USA and other Sunnis to deal with the Assad government and ISIL so a gas pipeline to the EU will not be built by Assad/Iran/Russia. Read Seymour Hersh The Red Line and the Rat line
Barbara Colvin-Kerr
Barbara Colvin-Kerr 3 hours ago 0 0
Turkey has been aiding ISIL. The "hostages" were a good excuse to NOT be part of "attacking Muslims." Turkey wants the USA and other Sunnis to deal with the Assad government and ISIL so a gas pipeline to the EU will not be built by Assad/Iran/Russia. Read Seymour Hersh The Red Line and the Rat line
OldVet72 5 hours ago 0 4
"The Anadolu Agency reported no ransom had been paid and "no conditions were accepted in return for their release."...So they want us to believe that this one time, ISIS simply released hostages out of a sense of compassion? What a loadacrap. If no money exchanged hands then the Turks have agreed to allow ISIS unrestricted access across their borders to escape attack by NATO. Turkey needs to be expelled from NATO.
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Commenter 43 minutes ago 0 0
Turkey is the gateway in and out of Iraq and Syria into the rest of the world. The Turks most likely threatened to arrest all travellers of fighting age to enter or exit Syria and Iraq... simple as that. And oo many Western brainwashed as*ses that islam, various brands of it, that are going to fight along their brethren... some of them go to be humped as extra entertainers for ISIS
LoyalAmerican 5 hours ago 0 0
Turkey is happy to have its 49 hostages returned to them. But IS does do this out of any humanitarian concerns. The West and other countries need Turkey to be committed to taking down the IS. That means Turkey must play ball with the Kurds and others that Turkey normally does not like. Obviously the IS feels they will make Turkey more than reluctant to allow others to use Turkey as a springboard to attacking the IS.
Sanctuary 5 hours ago 0 1
Oh good, now you do not have a legitimate excuse to not go after them. Unless that is, you are aiding and abetting those murderous jackals?
ANGEL 6 hours ago 0 1
Can't Obama and his cronies see the writing on the wall. Turkey made an agreement with IS not to join into the coalition but to keep out of the fighting. It is really obvious to anyone with 1/2 a brain that IS hates the US and the UK and will cause havoc as long as we are flying our fighter jets and bombing them. This is definitely a no win fight.
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eyesopen 3 hours ago 0 5
This was clearly a political gesture on the part of IS to keep Turkey on the sidelines and out of the international coalition that will be hampered by its absence. We will see if Turkey subscribes to the plan. If it does, that should call into question its value as an ally and NATO member.
Ron 5 hours ago 0 0
ISIS is obviously starting its campaign to have the world recognize it as a country on its own right. I am certain that many in the West will point and say that this OK because it's just the Sunni looking for self identity. Just like they will say about Iran that they just wish to have respect. I have a bridge up sale...
Duke 5 hours ago 4 11
ISIS used the release of the Turks as a tactic to show that if a nation leaves ISIS alone, that nation will not see beheadings of its citizens. Bomb ISIS or fight ISIS, then ISIS will use terror to fight back since it can't go to that nation and bomb it back. Not yet anyway. ISIS continues to grow with foreign recruits joining more and more. Those recruits will be the bombers of the nations they came from. Just a matter of time.
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rayg 3 hours ago 1 19
Turkey will likely be serving as open spies for ISIS, relaying information provided by the Western nations including US of military plans and targets.
rayg 3 hours ago 1 19
Turkey will likely be serving as open spies for ISIS, relaying information provided by the Western nations including US of military plans and targets.
Ibrahim 49 minutes ago 4 3
Evidently, PM Erdogan is Jihadist Mozlem Brother who supports together with the Jihadist in Chief of the White House Hussein Obama the Jihadist barbarian terrorist Mozlem brother thugs of ISIS, al Qaida, Hamas that commit crimes against humanity every single day. Turkey supports the expansion of the Jihadist thugs of ISIS in Syrian Kurds areas using Obama's provided US tanks, US Humvees and US artillery and missiles. The American people are betrayed by the Jihadist thugs loving Obama who supports the Caliphate of ISIS and its expansion while his forced promises to fight ISIS proved to be hoax and going against the strategy of US top generals that support the destruction of ISIS in Syria and Iraq using ground forces together with air strikes. Shame on the Jihadist thug sympathizers Turkish PM Erdogan and shame on the fake phony fraud Obama who lies to the American people and hiding his traitorous support of the worst enemies of America together using the blind support of the liberal Jihadists of the Democrats and their deceitful media of the NY Times, AP and ABC.
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whytruthhurts 5 hours ago 0 0
The West should have done the same to protect its people but they are too arrogant but they wanted to talk to Taliban.
JimP 5 hours ago 0 0
The best plan is for the U.S. to simply leave the Middle East. Completely. All troops, all citizens, all diplomatic facilities. And have zero presence in Saudia Arabia or any other "friendly" Arab states, either. That includes aids workers and missionaries. All Americans need to vacate the Middle East, immediately. Once our people are out of harm's way, we can begin to deal with ISIS more effectively. As in nuking the frak out of them.
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Jerry 1 hour ago 0 1
Apparently our allie is in bed with ISIS. AND, our wannabe citizen hasn't figured this out yet. "our Islamic leader"
We apologize an error has occurred.
We apologize an error has occurred. 5 hours ago 1 17
Turkey and ISIS are both Islam Sunni. ISIS admittedly is extremist Sunni but that shouldn't bother Turkey with the hostage return. While Turkey is contained in the Levant, their military strength, the strongest in the region, should provide enough deterrent to ISIS aggression there in the near future.
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Jim 7 hours ago 5 31
Awesome - now go and kill every ISI person we can find. Also do not forget to target their families and Arab leaders too. There is so much evil in Arab states we need to do a cleansing just to ensure our world will be dare for years to come. there is no greater evil in our world than that coming from all Arab states. Arabs are our new and far worse version of NATZEEZ. Even their so called monarchs - they are funding terror while they sit in their palaces laughing at the world. Someone needs to go to every Arab state and create a lot of chaos like President Bush did in Iraq. Someone needs to attack every major city infrastructure and have them to concentrate on rebuilding their own countries. We of course should control their oil for a period of time until we pay off all of our war debt. Then we can somehow quickly those evil families go back to terror.
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The REAL J.J. 2 hours ago 4 3
One of the main problems with the moronic so called religious right wing Republican Tbillies is that they jump to the lowest common denominator of thought immediately and run with it without any further thought of the damaging effects that their collective statements may cause, that is a symptom of a low IQ. A low IQ is the reason why Tbillies don't understand President Obama with any of his strategies for America, even when they work out and are proven to be correct decisions in retrospect. Tbillies can't admit they were wrong with anything so they can grow intellectually so don't expect their comments to stop anytime soon... Tbillies are not respected by the educated in the United States of America because they continually put party over country at the expense of things like infrastructure spending among other important programs because they are unable to see the big picture, austerity has its place in time and measure but the Tbillies lack the wisdom to know when and where to properly use it . Tbillies are simply tolerated by big business for one reason and that reason is for money. Tbillies make money for big business because they are stupid enough to be used by big business to do their dirty work for them. Right wing media talking heads jump on the band wagon as well with securing cash from Tbillies, Limbaugh and the like perpetuate misinformation then make money off that information and become millionaires thanks to the Tbillies lack of due diligence from independent, unbiased sources. Tbillies don't understand thoughtful, meaningful strategies or see the big pictures in life because they are betting on the bible and their interpretation of it to be true, they expect the world to end and soon, furthermore Tbillies are extremely selfish in thought and do more harm than good with everything they type or verbally speak leaving behind only hate in their wake... Please think before you comment and I realize I say that in vain. BOTTOM LINE... Turkey did whatever they did to protect their people from harm, good for them in doing so, but now it is time for they to get behind the coalition to stop terrorism where ever it springs up in the world... in ending, the Turks must get the benefit of the doubt before the Tbillies begin throwing their negative and unwise comments around to the world population on social media undermining their own country.
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Lardo 2 hours ago 0 0
Funny how the only countries not concerned with ISIL are the countries where ISIL exists. Why should my son die to protect people who do not want to be protected.
Lardo 2 hours ago 0 0
The U.S. is not concerned about it's safety, it's concerned that a few big oil companies are not in control of the Oil now controlled by ISIS. Oh ye gullible.
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