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Re: TRUISM post# 4255

Friday, 08/29/2014 11:59:19 AM

Friday, August 29, 2014 11:59:19 AM

Post# of 6287

Ads all over the place.

Take a look for yourself:

Game-changing technology could send New Energy
Technologies (NENE) from under $2 to $10…
on its way to $20…

Micro-size solar cells make any surface a power generator
Applied as a barely visible spray
Nothing to build or install
3 times the savings of rooftop solar
Makes electricity even in shade

Dear Fellow Investor:

It had to happen. Eventually someone had to come up with an energy alternative that makes sense!

They did, and it’s a game changer.

That’s not just me talking, either. I’m no scientist, I’m a stock picker.

I’m used to discovering under-the-radar companies with high-flying stocks. The kind that soar 2,200%, 2,300%. (See box below at right.)

But game-changers like this one come around once or maybe twice in a lifetime.

Look, even publications from MIT, Yale, and the Mukand Institute of Engineering & Technology are astounded by the breakthrough.

The MIT Technology Review says it could be “a revolution in solar power.” Scientific American, via their website, says it could be “a game changer.” And AOL says that “Spray on solar panels are now a reality.”

Yes, you read right.

Spray-On Solar Panels are Now a Reality.

This technology is real: Microscopic solar cells that are literally sprayed on a surface, drying to a nearly invisible surface, and pumping electricity non-stop into homes and buildings.

Think of the implications: You and every homeowner in America could make your own electricity without bulky, expensive rooftop solar panels. Every office building, every commercial business, every manufacturing plant could spray their way to lower utility bills.

A technology this revolutionary would have been impossible a few years ago. But a small group of scientists, looking for a way to make solar batteries smaller and more powerful, discovered something mind-blowing:

They found a way to make power-generating solar cells so small that you have to have pretty great eyesight to even see them. What’s more, to install them, you don’t need a rooftop full of bulky panels and a crew to install them. Instead, you don’t need anything but a spray gun. Like the most credible scientific minds in the world said, it’s “a revolution.” A “game changer.”

The Argonne National Laboratory, one of the greatest research centers in the world, published a report that says the company developing the technology (I’ll tell you about them in a moment) “is working on a very exciting technology called SolarWindow™ that is a coating that generates electricity from both natural (sun) and artificial (light bulbs) light.”

Yes, you’re about to witness the dawn of a new era, as an outmoded but vital technology is replaced by one that can serve our modern needs. Think of it as jets replacing propeller planes. . .or cell phones compared to the old rotary dialers. Inventions like the internal combustion engine, the electric light, and the personal computer.

That’s the kind of quantum leap forward we’re looking at now.

A Microcap Company with a Mega-Cap Technology.
This one technology could change New Energy Technologies Inc. (NENE) from a $22.7 million market cap to a multi-billion dollar company.

New Energy Technologies knows this, of course. That’s why they’re throwing everything they’ve got at their power-gen technology, which they’re calling SolarWindow.™

The company won’t say when they’re going to release SolarWindow™ to the market, but Yale University’s prestigious environmental journal, Environment 360, says NENE “is close to commercial deployment.”

That means it could be a matter of months, though I can’t say for sure what “close” means. But one thing’s for sure:

Jumping on New Energy Technologies (NENE) stock could very well change the lives of investors who are smart enough to see the opportunity of a lifetime.

I believe in this company so much that I’m putting my reputation (it’s my livelihood) at stake here.

The facts are just too convincing, even for an old skeptic like me:

Scientists at New Energy Technologies have developed a spray-on coating that deposits a film of micro-size solar cells on any surface, feeding free electricity into your home.
NENE’s SolarWindow™, their first commercial product being developed, is not just a “great idea” that never sees the light of day. It has already been developed, validated, and demonstrated to industry leaders.
Only one other analyst I know of has discovered NENE. Jeff Siegel of Energy and Capital attended a demonstration event and concluded that:
“New Energy’s SolarWindow™ technology could eventually capture more energy in a single month that Saudi Arabia will produce in the next 50 years.”
Which means it can’t be long before the whole world knows about NENE, and its stock becomes the darling of analysts and investors everywhere.
NENE is rushing the SolarWindow™ toward commercialization, which means it’s time to buy stock in NENE and watch it soar!
Now. . .think for a moment about the implications of all that to you as an investor.

Your Once-in-a-Lifetime Chance for Great Wealth.
This could be your investment of a lifetime. The one that will put you so far ahead that you’ll never worry about your finances again.

As I said, I specialize in barn-burner stocks. I’ve been doing it for over 30 years.

Like most young guys, I loved cars and I was an avid admirer of the companies that made them. That’s when I became interested in American Motors (AMO). I bought AMO, against the advice of the broker. When the stock went from $3 to $13 in six months, it changed my life forever.

My life changed again when I bought K-Mart for $600 and sold it after several stock splits for $10,000.

That did it. I knew I had a knack for stock picking, so I was off to the races, and finding barn-burning stocks became my life and my passion.

There’s nothing I like better than seeing one of my recommendations soar 878%, like Arena Pharmaceuticals did in 2012 after I recommended it at $1.38. Shortly after my recommendation, the Company received FDA approval for one of its drugs and the stock exploded to a high of $13.50.

Or a $75-cent stock rocket ahead by 2,120% to $16.65, like Vanda Pharmaceuticals did following my recent recommendation.

Autobytel shot up 1357% after I alerted my readers. . . Argosy Gaming jumped 1767%. . .and Dynavax vaulted a pocket-filling 2036%.

Plus, I gave my readers winners like PetSmart (2,810% profits) and Republic Industries (2850% profits).

But as great as they were, NENE is in a totally different ballpark.

Vanda and Petsmart didn’t have the power of industrial or technological upheaval behind them.

Imagine the fortune you’d be sitting on today if you had bought General Dynamics or DuPont during the military buildup of the early 1950s.

Or if you invested in Boeing or Lockheed Martin during the arms race of the 1980s. Or Microsoft or Dell during the personal computer revolution of the 1990s.

Chances for life-changing wealth are so rare that you never want to miss one. It may be the only chance you get.

But get the right investment at the right time and you’ll be the envy of every investor. Like the “Molecular Millionaires” who bought biotech stocks in the mid-1980s and early 1990s. And the “Microsoft Millionaires” who bought computing stocks in late 1980s and early 1990s.

All these investors became rich because they recognized history in the making. They saw that biotechnology and personal computing were inventions that would change the world – and make them rich.

The Biotech Revolution and the Computing Revolution created tens of thousands of “Microsoft Millionaires” and “Molecular Millionaires.”

Not by inventing anything, but by holding stock in companies that had the right technology at the right time.

Getting in at the right moment was the key to their riches, just as it is now for you.

Just three months in 1986 separated the ultra-rich who made 19,500% and the merely rich who made 9,600% in Amgen.

A few short months can make all the difference in the world when we’re talking about a cheap stock with big potential, like New Energy Technologies (NENE).

An End to High Electric Bills!
Thirty years ago no one could imagine that the personal computer would ever be anything more than a toy. Today everyone except early investors in IBM and Dell are eating their words.

Likewise, it’s hard to imagine that just as we have personal computers, we can have personal power plants. But we’ll soon be doing more than imagining such a thing.

Imagine having the windows of your house sprayed with a clear coating of organic nanoparticles that generate electricity to power your house.

Think what if would mean if you, and every one of America’s 50 million home owners (and someday, every home in the entire world) were to be retrofitted with electricity-producing windows.

Think of the money it could save you annually in electric bills.

Think how much less coal and natural gas would be needed to power electrical plants if every home in America had New Energy (NENE) SolarWindows™.

Now think what it would mean if every new office building, every new school, every new mall to be built in the future incorporates this amazing power-gen technology!

And think how much profit you could make by getting in early on this still-undiscovered stock, NENE while it’s still trading for less than $2.

Buying NENE now could prove to be as profitable as getting in early on Con Edison or Ford.

World’s Leading Scientists Jump On Board NENE.
Inside the scientific and power-gen communities there is keen interest in NENE’s solar technology. In fact, the illustrious members of our Board of Director and Board of Advisors are testaments to the potential of our technologies.

The company really scored when they named Dr. Scott Hamilton as Principal Scientist last year. Dr Hammond came to NENE straight from NREL, where he served as research fellow since 2008.

At NREL, Dr. Hammond was involved with design and synthesis of organic small molecules and polymers for organic photovoltaics, roll-to-roll and slot-die coating, and device fabrication. There are very few experts in this field, and significantly few who are experienced with both the science and experience gained from working at NREL.

And he’s not the only one jumping on board NENE.

Dr. Christopher Harris, Director of Licensing at Vanderbilt University and previous Associate Director for Licensing at the NREL (the same agency that is assisting New Energy Technologies with SolarWindow™ product development and commercialization) is on NENE’s board of advisors.

So is Patrick Sargent, former Director of Solar Market Intelligence & Government Relations for Asahi Glass Company, one of the world’s largest glass makers. With his knowledge, NENE will have extraordinary strength in partnering with a strong glass company to extend product reach.

Dr. Z. Valy Vardeny, one of the world’s foremost leaders in OPV device polymers and experimental physicists, is also on the Board of Advisors. Dr. Vardeny has led research into the photophysical properties of conducting polymers for two decades. This is a tremendous advantage as NENE drives to lower the cost of solar energy.

And last year New Energy Technologies hired Patrick Thompson as Vice President of Business & Technology Development. He is a glass manufacturing-process engineer who brings particular expertise in solar, plastics and film, glass, and solar-glass segments – all important areas of commercial interest and technology development for New Energy’s SolarWindow™.

Affordable Solar Windows are going to be the Next Big Thing!
Hard to believe?

Well, just remember, a lot of people thought the Wright brothers were out of their minds.

I believe that this could prove to be one of those huge, historic developments – like the Kitty Hawk.

. . . or Apollo. . .or Graham Bell’s first phone call, that changes everything forever.

To say it’s a “game-changer” is a total understatement.

There’s so much demand for reliable, cheap power that big users aren’t waiting for utility companies to upgrade aging systems.

They’re starting the revolution now, installing their own micropower systems – mini-power plants – in factories, warehouses, office buildings, and even in entire cities.

Localized and micropower technologies are already being used by Google, Nestle, FedEx, Walmart, Ebay, Cargill, Unilever, and Coca Cola.

They’re installing power solutions like the Bloom Box, a mini-power plant invented by a former NASA engineer and being field-tested right now by Google and FedEx.

And a revolutionary water-to-hydrogen technology invented by an MIT scientist that is being installed to electrify the futuristic 2.3 square mile Masdar City.

They’re not the only ones either.

Hotels, hospitals, and manufacturing plants around the world are taking power generation into their own hands and out of the hands of utilities and corporate providers.

Pretty soon micropower is going to arrive at your home and neighborhood too.

It’s on its way, thanks to the technologies and companies you’re about to discover. Especially one: A motion-power energy harvester of such sheer simplicity and far-reaching potential that it could be a game-changer.

In fact, it could be delivering electricity to your home in a few short years, transmitted from neighborhood micropower plants you never see…never smell…never hear.

The company is my number one recommendation for you to capture profits up to 2,500%, and I’ll reveal it to you in a moment.

As you can see from the table below, New Energy’s SolarWindow generates 300% more electricity than rooftop solar panels!

And, here’s something else no roof-top solar panel can claim: During night time hours, the SolarWindow™ actually captures some of energy from street lights and indoor lighting so it can be recycled as stored electricity. Solar panels are worthless at night and on cloudy days.

Even the glow of a few nearby street lights could generate
electricity to help your home keep running at nighttime.

In fact, according to a report published by Energy & Capital, New Energy’s SolarWindow™ is said to be 1,000% more efficient than a rooftop solar panel at capturing energy from even artificial light sources.

But, just in case you’re thinking, “this sounds too good to be true,” allow me, if you will, to suggest why you may want to take what I have to say seriously and even act quickly on it:

My name is Bill Mathews. And not to brag, but to establish credibility…

There’s a Reason I’m Ranked #1
The facts are…

Over the past 50 months my 243 recommendations have a collective average gain of +162%!
Fully 99% of my picks over the last 50 months ending December 2012 were winners!
I believe my latest find has the potential for a 1,000% gain!
Best of all, NENE is still cheap, recently still under $2 a share.

As news of its success sinks in, I’m expecting volume for NENE to pick up and the price to climb steadily to the $5-$7 range over the next few months on its way to $10 in the next 12 to 18 months.

While a five-bagger is not shabby, my advice will be hang on. I wouldn’t even think of selling half when this $2-now-stock hits $10, because this “window of opportunity” (pun intended) will still be wide open.

Assuming that NENE commercializes its technology, the stock has the potential to be, near the top of my all-time biggest winner list. Gains of 700%, 800% or even 1,000% are certainly possible.

Think big!

Remember, if you’d bought 1,000 shares of Microsoft at its IPO price of $21 when it went public in 1986, you’d now have 288,000 shares and your original $21,000 investment would now be worth a cool $7,200.000!

That’s a gain of 43,185%! And that’s the kind of long term potential I see for this world-changing technology!

And if SolarWindow™ makes New Energy Technologies (NENE) the new Exxon or the new GE of the energy world, you could very well see once-in-a-lifetime gains that could easily turn an investment of $10,000 now into $50,000 or more in the not too distant future!

I think this is going to become one of those legacy investments, like a Microsoft or an Apple that just keeps going.

Turn $10,000 into $50,000 in the next 12 to 18 months!
NENE is the best profit opportunity I’ve seen in a long time. And, if you ignore this chance to cash in, I don’t know how long it will be until I find an opportunity as good as this one.

Plus, I ordinarily make a new pick available only to subscribers. I don’t do this every day!

So, I hope I’ve convinced you to add some shares of New Energy Technologies (NENE) to your speculative growth portfolio.

Of course, I also hope that you are impressed enough with my find, and my DETAILED research, that you’ll want to keep up with my future recommendations.

As I said before, name is Bill Mathews, and I have been writing and publishing The Cheap Investor for over 30 years.

My track record of being early to identify big future winners while they’re still penny stocks has earned my advisory the honor of being rated “The #1 Best Performing Market Letter.”

And now, after more than 30 years of doing this, I’m such a believer in what New Energy is doing that I’m willing to stick out my neck and predict that NENE could eventually prove to be. . .

The most profitable stock of my entire career!
Right now, NENE is trading around $2 a share. I am saying it could climb to $8 to $10 within the next 18 to 24 months.

And from there, the sky is the limit…

I don’t expect this to be one of those “peak-and-plummet” wonder stocks. Two or three years down the road, if all goes well, I predict you will see NENE trading north of $15!

Why should you invest your hard-earned dollars based on what I’m saying?

Well. . . perhaps my track record will help allay any reservations:

The average gain for all of my 50-month recommendations (through December 2012) is 162%
Of my last 243 recommendations (all of them) only 2 are currently losers!
My subscribers made 2,419% on CarMax. And Pre-Paid Legal shot 5,141% after my recommendation. I called PetSmart for a gain of 2,810% and Vanda Pharmaceuticals for 2,120% profit. Bradley Pharmaceuticals soared 2,951% and Idec Pharmaceuticals gained 4,340% after my calls.

Here’s just a glimpse of some of my other past big winners:

If that’s the kind of winning record you’d like to have, be sure to join The Cheap Investor Today.

NENE is absolutely my top pick at the moment, the best opportunity I’ve seen in some time, but every issue of The Cheap Investor is filled with other penny stock recommendations that could soar to profits of 300%, 400%, even 1,000% as other investors pile in.


I've never claimed to have all the answers but feel i'm beginning to corner the market in questions worthy of solutions.

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