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Thursday, 08/07/2014 8:29:28 AM

Thursday, August 07, 2014 8:29:28 AM

Post# of 8007
Ebola - Another Round For The Propaganda Matrix. Don't Be Fooled Yet Again

Every few years, just like clock work, the Center For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and The World Health Organization (WHO) conspire on a new global threat to scare the living daylights out of people. Both these organizations will spread lies of unfathomable magnitude in an attempt to disrupt and instill fear to ultimately exert control and obtain compliance on populations. They've done it before with the flu and they're doing it again with Ebola

Look no further back than 2009 during the flu pandemic hype, and we have the perfect example of a fabricated international orchestration of deception designed to get billions hooked on the fear bandwagon so that Big Pharma could sell millions of anti-virals and vaccines for a flu that was no more dangerous than the common cold.

Manipulating data, promoting falsehoods, continually misinforming the public and using all forms of media to publicize "a deceptive plan", are all effective strategies currently deployed to extend a massive psychological operation to world populations.

The orchestrators of pandemics have historically used the same tactics to achieve their goals. Incrementalism plays a large part in priming the populace for vaccination programs so that administering them becomes a voluntary process rather than forced. The incremental approach gradually integrates all demographic and psychographic factors such as age, sex, family size, language, culture, education, job responsibilities, geography, religion, and how every company, product and service could affect response. It is inclusive of all scenarios that could detrimentally affect the operation. By experimenting through the decades, the orchestrators have learned the best psychological tactics through trial and error.

Using Junk Science To Promote Fear

Both the WHO and CDC claim that by employing their monitoring standards on outbreaks from different parts of the world, they are able to obtain sufficient information to make tentative conclusions about how the epidemics may evolve in the coming months. Much of their clever phrasing is convincing enough to conceal the fact that all their disease policies on response and preparation recommendations are based on pure speculation and junk science.

The reporting that Ebola is spreading faster in Africa than efforts to control it is based on substantial misinformation. In particular, late last week it was announced that two Americans who had been infected with Ebola were going to be flown back to the US, specifically to Emory University, for treatment, a development that ramped up the fear engine within the media (and the alternative media) about the Ebola virus to even greater heights.

One of the problems is that officials will not collect data on the spread of Ebola based on accurate systematic lab confirmation since they will use unreliable methods such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The end point results of conventional PCR are not very precise and end point detection has a very short dynamic range with little chance of detecting the differences between dead or live microorganisms. The CDC is testing all suspected Ebola patients through this method. The PCR method WILL NOT identify if a person is infected with Ebola at contagious levels. Finding trace amounts of Ebola through this method usually means little yet this is how they identify and report to the media that a person is infected.

They will only refer to "confirmed cases" and do not distinguish between confirmed and non-confirmed case. It would appear that the "non-confirmed" cases are categorized as confirmed cases and the numbers are then used by the CDC to prove that the disease is spreading when it isn't.

Also, suggesting that the human immune system is incapable of addressing Ebola without chemical assistance is also a complete lie. During the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918, more than 80 percent of the people treated with allopathic drugs died. Yet, 80 percent of the people who took natural remedies survived. For example, the seeds of the African bitter kola tree have properties that can kill the ebola virus. Also coffee, fermented soy, homeopathic spider venom and vitamin C, may all hold promise as anti-Ebola virus therapies, despite the common belief that nothing can stop this lethal virus from spreading uncontrollably worldwide.

Squashing the innate abilities of human immune system to heal and promoting chemicals is simply another attempt to propagate the need for vaccines. A Canadian pharmaceutical company called Tekmira has been at work for the past few years on an Ebola treatment called TKM-Ebola. Diseases like Ebola often have difficulty attracting investment, as pharmaceutical companies rarely see a large payday in tackling a disease that has rare outbreaks and affects a low-income area of the world.

But TKM-Ebola has attracted the interest of the government. The Defense Department awarded it a contract for $140 million in 2010, after the vaccine proved completely effective in treating non-human primates in chimps. The government's interest in vaccinating against Ebola is largely rooted in preventing bioterrorism attacks, where the disease could be used a weapon.

How Does Ebola Become a Deadly Infection and Why Vaccines Are Not The Answer?

There can be no doubt that Ebola is a dangerous and frightening disease and even though it can kill an 90 percent of its victims it would not in the developed world, largely because of two factors. The first is the person's health in general -- his or her immune system and ability to bounce back from a viral infection. The second is the type of exposure he or she got. Recovery may be more likely if it wasn't a severe exposure -- meaning, perhaps they were exposed to someone who was only early on in the illness, and the amount of virus in the bodily fluids was not yet that high. A 90 percent kill rate would be near impossible in any developed nation.

Dr. Nahid Bhadelia, M.D., the associate hospital epidemiologist at Boston Medical Center and director of Infection Control at Boston University's National Emerging Infectious Disease Laboratories says that in addition to what is known about Ebola, it requires a known marker on the surface of human cells themselves, which it uses to gain entry into the cells. Researchers have found in a laboratory setting that some people's cell lines actually lack this marker, or it may be mutated somehow, so that the Ebola can't get into the cells. However, Ebola research is still very much in its infancy, and knowledge about how the virus behaves is still evolving.

One of the best ways to preventing the spread of Ebola is to help the body's immune system create an effective response to the virus. Ebola does appear to be a uniquely pathogenic virus to which the human body has yet had adequate time to properly adapt, and therefore it is instructive to point other potential natural therapies that have been studied in the past:

Garcinia kola: As reported in 1999, extracts from the seeds of this traditional African medicinal herb were found to"...inhibit this virus [Ebola] in cell culture at non-toxic concentrations."
Vitamin C:According to the late Dr Robert Cathcart, MD, who had extensive experience treating deadly infections with high dose vitamin C, "the Ebola virus kills by way of free radicals which can be neutralized by massive doses of sodium ascorbate intravenously." Indeed, Ebola virus disease -- as is the case with viral hemorrhagic disease in general -- resembles features of acute scurvy, and vitamin C is well known to have a broad range of benefits, including immune-boosting and antiviral properties, with an incredibly high safety margin.
Homeopathic interventions: A study published in 1999 explored the therapeutic potential of a homeopathic preparation of the six-eyed spider venom (Sicarius) at treating symptoms associated with Ebolavirus infection.
Estradiol: A 2013 analysis, titled "A systematic screen of FDA-approved drugs for inhibitors of biological threat agents," found that estradiol exhibited anti-Ebola virus activity in vitro, indicating the relevance of hormonal factors and perhaps gender in susceptibility to the disease -- as well as a possible therapeutic role for estradiol if future clinical research confirms bears these findings out.

There are a wide range of natural compounds that have yet to be evaluated for their direct anti-Ebola activity and/or immune boosting properties, and that may be highly relevant to the goal of preventing and curing it. The most important consideration is that no infection -- including highly lethal ones like Ebola occurs in a vacuum. Psychological, biological, environmental and sociopolitical factors all determine the incidence, spread and virulence of viral infections.

In a widely shared Onion article from a few days ago, scientists "announced" that an Ebola vaccine was still 50 white people away. This was a jab at pharmaceutical companies, who, cynics think, will only set their R&D wheels in motion if there's money on the horizon.

There are several strains of Ebola. The current strain is ZEBOV, or Zaire virus, but there are also Sudan and Cote d'Ivoire versions. It would be impossible to design a vaccine that would work against all of them. Vaccines have an established record of failure in fast-moving epidemics. Donald Allegra, chair of infection control at Newton Medical Center in New Jersey, remembers trying to halt the advance of measles in a Cambodian refugee camp in the 1970s. "We vaccinated 10,000 kids, but didn't have an effect on the outbreak," he said. "Vaccines and acute outbreaks don't work very well together."

Unlike cells, the Ebola virus cannot use its genetic material by itself. Living matter reproduces and passes on genetic material as a blueprint for growth and subsequent reproduction. However, the Ebola virus like other viruses needs a living cell in order to function and reproduce; otherwise it's just playing dead. It can't divide by binary fission like bacteria. A vaccine facilitates the virus and provides an optimal environment to host cells where it is then forced to expend all of its energy and resources to help the virus replicate and make hundreds of more viruses. It does this through unchecked immune suppression which affects T-cells. Vaccination provides the gateway to allow natural immunity to fail and allow this process to a greater extent by suppressing cellular immunity. The poor, weak cell usually bursts like an overinflated balloon from all the viruses and is destroyed in the process. Then, the replicated virus attaches itself to a new, unaffected host cell, and the viral infection continues. Vaccination will never solve the Ebola puzzle.
Adenovirus vaccines, which have been used in Liberia, Guinea, and Liberia, can have serious adverse reactions. Should any population confide in vaccination for the Ebola virus, they would cause an untold number of deaths.


Music: Its language is a language which the soul alone understands,
but which the soul can never translate.

~ Arnold Bennett (1867 - 1931) ~

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