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Re: Mystik7 post# 132413

Tuesday, 07/29/2014 3:03:43 PM

Tuesday, July 29, 2014 3:03:43 PM

Post# of 194800
Creative didn't take the action. Thanks for your sentiments.

Here's everything RH posted to the FITX board except for deleted messages. Correlate the times and FITX events if you can.

Get a load of that first message. How did he define "picked up"; bought retail? or was awarded in exchange for services?

I doubt this is going to trial.

Just picked up some shares,looks like it's going be a wild ride MMS covering by looking at the trades.
What you just seen was MMS covering before the big show IMO.
I think they know something is near and there covering,seen this before.
If that;s the case when the MMs cover this will pop easy well over $0.25 easy.
Same here new blood coming in IMO
Right now this is a tug of war with investors and MMS, MMs looking for cheap shares to cover from weak hands everyone hold.MMS will be forced to buy at the offer if everyone holds there shares.
Market Makers have started to cover there shorts on FITX since last week on thursday.
Here are the MMs that are shorting this and starting to cover, CDEL - M - CITADEL SECURITIES CORP. - FREEPORT, NY - 516-378-1000 ETEX - M - E*TRADE CAPITAL INC.
Anytime one attacks a MM on a message form and does not stop expect the MM to crush this,they do read forms and pay for there little bashers JMHO.
You need reread what I posted and no not saying that about TAKI.
I doubt its a seller,its clear as night and day this is shorts in full swing .
VFIN was there for a minute this is shorts covering IMO>
Someone just bought $25,000 dollars worth on the offer at $0.006 something up here $$$
With that massive buy at the ask the other day of $25,000 bucks, I say something coming soon.
That's 2 big buys in the last 10 days,and agreed someone loading the boat. Smell contracts soon.
FITX on Watch waiting on some free cash to come in,I think GNC contract around the corner IMO.
It's clear this is not selling Market Maker CDEL is covering shorts before the end of the year to clear there books. Now if it was selling VERT or VNDM will all over this but in this case not going on here.
VNDM also on the bid side looks like short covering IMO, also VNDM showing 900,000 Shares left at offer right under 1M then easliy goes back up to a penny.
Asked my broker.
Big Bid up there by CDEL they need shares IMO.
Great News by FITX IMO, but not many people buying in which does not make any sense what so ever. There is a bunch of scam companys out there and FITX happens to be a real company and showing no interst it's unreal how a good company has to suffer like this while scam compaines bring in massive volume and dumping.
Great News by FITX IMO, but not many people buying in which does not make any sense what so ever. There is a bunch of scam companys out there and FITX happens to be a real company and showing no interst it's unreal how a good company has to suffer like this while scam compaines bring in massive volume and dumping.
I agree,this is unreal GNC news out this should be at $0.05 IMO. I think we move up in the green tomorrow. Could be that old saying BUY ON RUMOR AND SELL ON NEWS>
IMO FITX needs to get into the Medical MArijuana Sector for Infused products in their supplement line. I have been reading about Infused products with Medical Marijuana using Hemp with Protein. With all these weed stocks flying it would not be a bad idea if we joined them. What do you guys think .....also read below....
Agreed, been doing a lot of reading about HEMP protein in the weed sector it's massive IMO.It's only a matter of time for before someone else grabs it.
I did send it for him to look at also look at this..... Hemp Protein Powder Shakes for Health Nutrition Hemp protein is an excellent source of protein that contains 20 amino acids used by the human body, and all eight essential amino acids. Hemp is also free of oligosaccharides, the main component that causes gas, bloating and upset stomach for many people. Hemp protein is made by grinding the hemp seed of the plant Cannabis sativa. This type of hemp is certified free of THC, the active ingredient in the drug marijuana, you cannot get high by ingesting hemp protein. The kinds of proteins found in hemp are very alike to proteins already found in our body. This is key because hemp protein provides the correct amount of amino acids to help our bodies build muscle and lose fat. Hemp protein consists of globulins and albumin. These are two of the three most common types of proteins manufactured by the human body, and hemp has more of these than any other type of protein. Hemp is also a high quality source of the amino acids arginine and histidine, required for muscle growth. It is also a great source of branch-chained amino acids that are needed for repair of lean muscle. Hemp protein powder also contains the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. Hemp also is a great source of gamma linolenic acid this is another important source of omega-6. All these much needed essential fatty acids are found in hemp and are for energy and stamina. Essential fats that are found in hemp have been shown to reduce food cravings and raise cardiovascular functions. Hemp Protein is loaded with dietary fiber. Each 30 grams of hemp protein delivers 8 grams of fiber this is one-third of the recommended daily requirement of 30 grams. Hemp protein also provides antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that our bodies need on a daily basis. Benefits of Hemp Protein Powder · Increased energy and stamina · Increased lean muscle mass · Increased metabolism · Reduce food cravings · Naturally lower cholesterol and blood pressure · Improved immune functions · Increased cardiovascular levels Organic hemp protein is also vegan, gluten free, kosher, and non-genetically modified containing no chemicals or pollutants. It contains no sugar, saturated fatty acids, Tran’s fat, cholesterol, and no THC. Hemp protein is very safe for individuals that are allergic to nuts, gluten, and are lactose intolerant.
I just posted it .
I think shareholders should email the company to look at it, won't hurt just a idea.
Email him everyone should the more the better.
Everyone here email the company about the IDEA and let's if they listen to shareholders.
I hope they do read it, IMO he better get on board with this for someone else does.
Yep no need to do that,they just need to bring to there product line.
Senators Seek to Lift Restrictions on Industrial Hemp Thursday, February 14, 2013 Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Ron Wyden, D-Ore., Rand Paul, R-Ky., Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., today introduced legislation that would allow American farmers to grow and profit from industrial hemp. The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2013 would remove federal restrictions on the domestic cultivation of industrial hemp. Specifically, the bill would remove hemp from the Schedule I controlled substance list under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, and would define it as a non-drug so long as it contained less than 0.3 percent tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Oregon is among eight states that have already defined industrial hemp as distinct from marijuana and removed barriers to production, and the Kentucky state Senate Agriculture Committee this week unanimously approved a bill to license hemp producers. However under current law, farmers in states that allow hemp must still seek a waiver from the Drug Enforcement Administration or risk raids and seizures by federal agents. The U.S. is the world’s largest consumer of hemp, but it remains the only major industrialized country that bans farming the product. U.S. imports have consistently grown over the past decade – increasing by 300 percent over that period. And, between 2011 and 2012, the number of acres in Canada – where 90 percent of U.S. imports come from – devoted to growing hemp nearly doubled. “Unfortunately, there are some dumb regulations that are hurting economic growth and job creation, and the ban on growing industrial hemp is certainly among them,” Wyden said. “The opportunities for American farmers and businesses are obvious here. It’s time to boost revenues for farmers and reduce the costs for the businesses around the country that use hemp.” “The Industrial Hemp Farming Act paves the way to creating jobs across the country – from Kentucky to Oregon and everywhere else,” Paul said. “Allowing American farmers to cultivate industrial hemp and benefit from its many uses will boost our states’ economies and bring much-needed jobs in the agriculture community.” “I am proud to introduce legislation with my friend Rand Paul and Senate colleagues, that will allow Kentucky farmers to harness the economic potential that industrial hemp can provide,” McConnell said. “During these tough economic times, this legislation has the potential to create jobs and provide a boost to Kentucky’s economy and to our farmers and their families.” Last June, Wyden attempted to amend the farm bill to allow farmers to grow industrial hemp. Two months later, Wyden introduced similar legislation along Senators Merkley, Paul and Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2013 is the Senate companion bill to H.R. 525, which was introduced last week in the House with 28 original co-sponsors
How do you know,well I guess no one will until detail of it come out.
People STop Selling into Market Maker CDEL you can see what he is doing sitting on the bid taking in all those shares he is covering let him burn the higher this goes up the more he has to pay at higher prices.
This is Huge Free Trading Shares No Lock up (FITX), a nutritional supplement company focusing on active lifestyles today announced that its Board of Directors has approved a one share dividend for each five shares of common stock of the Company, which is a 1.2:1 forward split or a 20% stock dividend. of free trading shares
Don't' think so here is why the 20% Dividend is FRee Shares no lock up, the only one that would be dilutive would be the shareholder its self if they sell like they did yesterday. Yesterdays volume was from profit takers pretty sad it shows most are not even long, and still have the balls to bitch about the company.
And SHorty has to cover those shares also.
The thing I hate the most is when people do not do there DD and post what ever for their own benefit, There was no shares given for yesterdays promo it was all cash.And from watching Level 2 all day no one was dumping Market Maker CDEL was killing this from the start was on the offer the whole time shorting you name it. Clear as night and day.
That's fine , but I doubt people going walk away from free money.
Can't tell if the weak hands share holders never sold yesterday we would have been at $0.04 yesterday, but they all panicked and sold. That tells me they're greedy and in it for a quick buck and bitch once the share price goes down and blames the company when its the share holder himself that dumped.If all goes well IMO we should go over $0.02.
This is very rare and a very good thing a company puts out a Div... With no lock up on shares that's like free cash in the bank $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
CDEL trying his hardest to cover $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Holy Crap 11,010,999 bought up holy shit this huge for us.
$143,000 bought at $0.0128 HUGE
Once again NOT dilution, this is the short covering cause of the 20% dividend that CDEL has to cover cause all shares will be accounted for. Only dumping taking place here are the weak share holders flipping and selling for short term.
Anyone that has been trading for years and knows about Level 2 should know what's going on . And CDEL is a huge shorter, look what he did on Monday and yesterday and look what he is doing today.
Really you sure about that? Why is CDEL shorting this then as we speak?
Don't bet on that, if this stock ever to a downfall its cause of the weak hand end of story.
It's greed, that's why they're selling then they come back and bitch why the share price went down later.
Wait until the due date for the Divi. comes out the shorts going really burn, there trying so hard to bring this down one last time to cover before due date so they don't pay a higher price.
Not trying to be a smart A&&, just watch level 2 and CDEL and you will see your self, only if people took the time to that instead of Bitching all the time.
Nope looks like CDEL brought some help, my gut tells me this going to go nuts tomorrow before the dive date, since Firday markets are closed IMO.
They have to over cause on dividend date they will be short so hey covering what they can now.
I agree.
I agree,someone trying to bring this down.
This is a shake by mms to cover before dividend date next week.
This has no effect on share price, all this means you get more shares in the account that's it. Now it's up to the shareholders to hold them if not sell them and the price will fall end of story.
Going to make this simple for everyone, the company is giving everyone a 20% dividend for free if you have free tradable shares in your account. This will not reduce the share price, the only time this will happen if people get their shares and unload that's it, but if everyone holds this will fly.
A F/S is a dividend, as you're paying shareholders more in shares same thing.
Anytime someone gets a share or shares from the company from an F/S is a Dividend cause it holds value to it so you can call it either or. And I don't understand what the big deal is if everyone getting an extra 20% in their accounts people should be happy, most pinks don't do that.I think the best thing to do is wait until we get the shares in account next week end of story.
IMO I think we get another 100Million share day this going to bust through $0.02 if everyone plays ball.
Good deal bud,if we do get that 20% and everyone holds this will fly.
You're right, and I think they will keep everyone informed what's going on.
From what I'm hearing promo not over just yet, this is just the start, I love plays like this.
The incentive is you get 20% on top of the shares you hold.
Monday will be the last day to get the shares for 20% div...
ALert ALL Monday will be the last day to get the 20% on top of your shares,if your not in you don't get anything, if you are what ever total amount you have you get 20% extra free money IMO>
Alert ALert INSIDERS WERE BUYING THE CRAP OUT OF FITX, PAYING VERY HIGH PREMIUMS. Bill ChaabaN CEO purchased 5,777,216 Average cost 0.01326 Jeff Thomas President, purchased 6,759,278 Average cost 0.01778 Item 20 Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers. A. In the following tabular format, provide the information specified in paragraph (B) of this Item 20 with respect to any purchase made by or on behalf of the issuer or any "Affiliated Purchaser” (as defined in paragraph (C) of this Item 20) of shares or other units of any class of the issuer's equity securities. All common shares. Bill Chaaban shares Purchased January 1, 2012 - September 30, 2012 # SHARES AVERAGE PRICE PAID 1,834,532 .0186 1,074,384 .0127 1,076,300 .004 1,792,000 .0137 Total shares purchased 5,777,216 Average cost 0.01326 __________________________________________________________________ Jeff Thomas shares Purchased January 1, 2012 - September 30, 2012 # SHARES AVERAGE PRICE PAID 6,759,278 .01778 Total shares purchased 6,759,278 Average cost 0.01778 CEN Key Marketing Strategies The following are two key strategies and phases which CEN plans to penetrate the marketplace: (1) Launch products through electronic sales media and internet and utilize high profile and celebrity guests Friends. Set up distribution to Wal-Mart type stores. a. Internet advertising and sales b. Industry specific magazines and articles c. Professional athletic teams and individual endorsements (2) Launch products through national retail distributors including Wal-Mart and Costco. The CEN brand is marketed primarily in the mass market retail channel with additional, yet limited distribution in health food stores. Our products will be sold domestically in leading retail outlets in all 50 states as well as internationally. Ourmassmarketcustomersinclude: a. Warehouse clubs such as Costco, Sam’s Club and BJ’s. b. Mass Merchandisers such as Wal-Mart and Target. c. Drug stores such as Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid and Longs. d. Supermarkets such as Fred Meyer, Giant, Kroger, Publix, Safeway, Stop & Shop, H-E-B and Raley’s
It's like some people are not getting it here, Company, which is a 1.2:1 forward split or a 20% stock dividend. Of free trading shares of outstanding prior to the date of April 2, 2013 as FINRA has received all necessary documentation for this corporate action and has been approved. Now that the split is low or Div... This will not affect the share price what so ever, the only time the share price will drop will because of shareholders getting there so called 20% extra and selling that's it. Also cause there is no lock up on the shares and you can trade them IMO that's free cash and if no one can see that has major issues or should not be in penny stocks what so ever.Reading this board is like the same thing over and over nonstop,we all know must here make a lot of money and riding on free shares and still bitching about what no one will ever know. IMO the ones that cashed out big are flippers and shareholders in the last 3 days,not the company, if it was the company they would have to file they sold if anyone knows anything about that.So the ones screaming dumping are the ones who sold and made a nice amount of cash and looking to get back in.Next person that says company was dumping is a dam fool or does not know anything about Level 2 and needs some 101 DD class IMO GLTA.
Every corporation has the same goal in mind: to maximize shareholder wealth. This goal is fulfilled in two different ways, by re-investing cash into the business to stimulate its growth, or by paying dividends to shareholders. A dividend can take the form of either cash or stock.
ATT ALL: For the ones who still cannot understand Every corporation has the same goal in mind: to maximize shareholder wealth. This goal is fulfilled in two different ways, by re-investing cash into the business to stimulate its growth, or by paying dividends to shareholders. A dividend can take the form of either cash or stock The company, which is a 1.2:1 forward split or a 20% stock dividend. Of free trading shares of outstanding prior to the date of April 2, 2013 as FINRA has received all necessary documentation for this corporate action and has been approved. Means Today And Monday is the last day to get in, thos who don't will pass up free money.
So 14 Million Shares sold out of 180Million WoW I would say that's good compared to other pennies that would be 90% dumping or selling LOOOL
Wrong if you had a offshore account you can short any security.
Not worried, this company already making money does not need to dump :)
Boom We are proud to introduce these new innovative proteins which will complement our existing product lines, as Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. generated over $2.5 million in revenue last year.
Are they making money, We are proud to introduce these new innovative proteins which will complement our existing product lines, as Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. generated over $2.5 million in revenue last year.
Thats the Meat to acquire licenses and brands in the industrial hemp and medical marijuana industry $$$
Once again people need to do their own DD promoters,did not get paid in stock it was cash if you read their disclaimer.That's the problem with people these days to lazy to do anything and rather assume than post facts unreal IMO.
That's going be huge,IMO my gut tells this going do like MJNA.
For your information, CDEL, BKRT, BMAK are shorter and as for VFIN he is sitting at $0.0125 has not been at the offer so stop the BS and post facts.
Thank you, its the people here feeding CDEL and he is dropping the price to get more shares,people need to stop selling into him.
Nothing to do with, it's someone playing around with this stock to get cheap shares before Tuesday for the Div... Date and at the same time hurting other shareholders and they need to stop cause at the same time this is creating panic selling and feeding into CDEL .
? his family dump Do you have proof to back that up ?
I agree bud.
Are you guys kidding me that is very few shares compared to the volume we got this past week, over close to 600M million in volume.
No one knows how many were sold out of the 5million and who cares are people not seeing how much volume we got this week,and how much people made money here and left on to other plays.If I was the CEO of this company I would go private and get of the public sector, I have never seen this many people cry over nothing.
At least they feel what they're doing and letting the public know on there so few shares that were sold, go to another company those CEO will not even file and dump hundreds of millions of shares on top of shareholders. I for one give BILL credit for following the books GO FITX.
IMO, what do you care or anyone else here, it seems everyone else sold for a profit and maybe even you and people want to bitch about him selling a very small amount less than 5M out of the 600 Million shares make no sense to me what so ever.
IMO the one to blame are the ones that panicked and caused a firesale and gave all the shares to CDEL cause of greed end of story.
Agree 100%
Before you run your mouth lets see what he files from what I'm hearing he did not even sell 5m shares. And for such a very small amount for you to make a big deal about says one thing you have on this board agenda good day.
Wrong again for one the company did not pay $150K and the other the company did not benefit anything they have to file what they sell. The only ones that benefited and still bitching are the shareholders that sold plain and simple.
I think the company clarified enough it people that do not know how to read a PR correctly IMO.ANd there is also a few people here that I'm going to be pointing out soon that have been scrweing around with level 2 to box in the stock for their own benefit that I will be reporting soon.Then they got balls enough to blame the company, no one here is dumb or was born yesterday.
Who knows, but I dont think a company can take part in a marketing program, and who cares I think about 80% of the shareholders made their money 2 folds here. In Penny land you need a marketing program to make money or the stock does not move at all IMO.
I think more great news in the works and it's a matter of time before she goes boom.$$$$
Well then there you go, but from what I know company did not pay for it.So let's move on the next subject as this is a waste of time and getting nowhere bud. Let's talk about how the company bringing real revenues and has a real product line which must companies in penny land don't have .
Happy Easter all going out with family ,good luck all next week.
Your right.
There you go Monday last day to get IMO>
They have to file to sell which they did,and it,s then 5million shares. And how is this a scam company they have real revenues and real product with that said real company.
Also the MM CDEL picked up a ton of shares over a penny, so you can bet they're going to run it over a penny so again.
I have seen companies with a much bigger share count than FITX by 10 times and still go through the roof, with FITX now in the MMJ sector going to be very soon this will be over $0.10 IMO.
Every penny stock needs promo IMO or it's dead in the water, back in the days penny stocks traded on their own without any promo, now it's a must Monkey See Monkey Do.
Let's just hope this goes back and longs can make money on this.
Yes Sir.
Article from Seeking Alpha ......Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (FITX.PK) On March 25th 2013, this Michigan based nutritional supplement company announced its entrance into the medical marijuana sector. This company which focuses on health based nutritional products plans to acquire licenses and brands to capitalise on this growing sector. They plan to launch products which will be made in GMP-certified and FDA-approved factories. The company plans to use hemp protein powder and chia seed in their nutritional supplements. These alternatives are rich in protein, dietary fiber and Omega fatty acids; which would add to the nutritional benefits of their products. The company has a new line of products ready for launch in April 2013 and thus felt the Medical Marijuana market was a natural progression. It is the only company in this sector to announce a dividend. On March 27th, 2013, the company announced a 1.2:1 forward split dividend. In addition the company generated $2.5 Million in revenues last year. With its current market cap of $3.7 Million, it is clearly undervalued and seems to be a good buy, with sales expected to rise, given the introduction of the new product lines. The positive aspects? It is a known company in the health based nutritional product sector which manufactures under strict GMP guidelines at GMP certified and or FDA registered facilities.
Show the proof then, cause email was sent to the company and they say no. So, show me what you got .
CDEL needs to back off, enough is enough.
Built A new Shareholder base IMO.
Boxing in a stock is a crime.
FITX News Out ative Edge Nutrition, Inc. Announces Forward Stock Split Print Alert Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (PC) (USOTC:FITX) Intraday Stock Chart Today : Monday 1 April 2013 MADISON HEIGHTS, Mich., April 1, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (OTCPINK: FITX), a nutritional supplement company focusing on active lifestyles is pleased to advise that FINRA has received the necessary documentation to announce the 1.2 : 1 forward Stock Split. The announcement will be on today's daily list and will take effect at the open of business 4/2/13. The new symbol on this date will be FITXD. The symbol will revert back 20 business days after effective date of the split. About Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. Creative Edge Nutrition is a holding company and a Nutritional Supplement Company focused on developing innovative, high quality supplements. The company offers a broad spectrum of capsules, tablets, and powders, as well as science based products in the principal categories of weight management, nutrition challenges, energy and fitness. The Company manufactures under strict GMP guidelines at GMP Certified and/or FDA registered facilities. and About is one of the leading online retailers in the market today for discount supplements! Always focusing on the hottest products and what provides the best results for their customers, Supplements To Go has made a great name for themselves in the world of nutrition. To find out more about, please view the site About is one of the best known e-tailers of discount nutritional supplements. Providing its customers over a decade of quality products at the best prices around, A-Z-Nutrition supports its customers with a portal that is easy to use and to the point. To find out more about them, please view their site About World Class Nutrition – Founded in 1999, early in the internet age of web based super stores, World Class Nutrition is a successful nutritional supplement/fitness equipment retailer due to providing their loyal customers top level support and great prices on their favorite supplement brands. About Chesapeake Nutraceuticals provides premium grade supplements to aging Americans. Consumers can count on them for bringing the latest scientific findings in the supplement world to market as their entire line is Doctor Formulated in conjunction with the latest research from elite U.S. and International Medical Institutions. To find out more about them, please view their site About Hemp North will provide premium grade Hemp Protein supplements to those looking for a natural and lactose free product. Consumers can count on us for bringing the latest scientific findings in the supplement world to market. Also all our products can be found for sale and purchase on all the sites we own,,, and About We will have the best value at the best price; The products which will be manufactured in state-of-the-art facilities GMP Certified and FDA Compliant, and packaged and stored in conditions of the highest standard. A few of our goals are to educate the public with current, science-based information, and provide the highest quality natural products. will strive to become the site and brand of choice for health-conscious consumers. Also all our products will be able to be found for sale and purchase on all the sites we own,, and Safe Harbor Notice This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as statements relating to financial results and plans for future development activities, and are thus prospective. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding intent, belief or current expectations of the Company, its directors or its officers. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control. Actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements are risks and uncertainties associated with the Company's business and finances in general, including the ability to continue and manage its growth, competition, global economic conditions and other factors discussed in detail in the Company's periodic filings with the Security and Exchange Commission. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements. Contact: Jeff Thomas (313) 655-1669 Email: SOURCE Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. Copyright 2013 PR Newswire
Holy Shit News President Obama Backs Proposal to Legalize Marijuana, Tax Junk Food
To the person using CDEL get the F*(*& out the way so the stock can move up dam man enough with your freaking games or I'm going to start short your plays and crush them
The major problem here is not shorting,it's cellar boxing in a stock or putting up a wall with different MMs to prevent the stock from going to high to keep it in a stricted trading pattern for ones benefit that I strongly believe is happing here.
A little long but an interesting read: “CELLAR BOXING” There’s a form of the securities fraud known as naked short selling that is becoming very popular and lucrative to the market makers that practice it. It is known as “Cellar boxing” and it has to do with the fact that the NASD and the SEC had to arbitrarily set a minimum level at which a stock can trade. This level was set at $.0001 or one-one hundredth of a penny. This level is appropriately referred to as “the cellar”. This $.0001 level can be used as a "backstop" for all kinds of market maker and naked short selling manipulations. “Cellar boxing” has been one of the security frauds du jour since 1999 when the market went to a “decimalization” basis. In the pre-decimalization days the minimum market spread for most stocks was set at 1/8th of a dollar and the market makers were guaranteed a healthy “spread”. Since decimalization came into effect, those one-eighth of a dollar spreads now are often only a penny as you can see in Microsoft’s quote throughout the day. Where did the unscrupulous MMs go to make up for all of this lost income? They headed "south" to the OTCBB and Pink Sheets where the protective effects from naked short selling like Rule 10-a, and NASD Rules 3350, 3360, and 3370 are nonexistent. The unique aspect of needing an arbitrary “cellar” level is that the lowest possible incremental gain above this cellar level represents a 100% spread available to MMs making a market in these securities. When compared to the typical spread in Microsoft of perhaps four-tenths of 1%, this is pretty tempting territory. In fact, when the market is no bid to $.0001 offer there is theoretically an infinite spread. In order to participate in “cellar boxing”, the MMs first need to pummel the price per share down to these levels. The lower they can force the share price, the larger are the percentage spreads to feed off of. This is easily done via garden variety naked short selling. In fact if the MM is large enough and has enough visibility of buy and sell orders as well as order flow, he can simultaneously be acting as the conduit for the sale of nonexistent shares through Canadian co-conspiring broker/dealers and their associates with his right hand at the same time that his left hand is naked short selling into every buy order that appears through its own proprietary accounts. The key here is to be a dominant enough of a MM to have visibility of these buy orders. This is referred to as "broker/dealer internalization" or naked short selling via "desking" which refers to the market makers trading desk. While the right hand is busy flooding the victim company's market with "counterfeit" shares that can be sold at any instant in time the left hand is nullifying any upward pressure in share price by neutralizing the demand for the securities. The net effect becomes no demonstrable demand for shares and a huge oversupply of shares which induces a downward spiral in share price. In fact, until the "beefed up" version of Rule 3370 (Affirmative determination in writing of "borrowability" by settlement date) becomes effective, U.S. MMs have been "legally" processing naked short sale orders out of Canada and other offshore locations even though they and the clearing firms involved knew by history that these shares were in no way going to be delivered. The question that then begs to be asked is how "the system" can allow these obviously bogus sell orders to clear and settle. To find the answer to this one need look no further than to Addendum "C" to the Rules and Regulations of the NSCC subdivision of the DTCC. This gaping loophole allows the DTCC, which is basically the 11,000 b/ds and banks that we refer to as "Wall Street”, to borrow shares from those investors naive enough to hold these shares in "street name" at their brokerage firm. This amounts to about 95% of us. Theoretically, this “borrow” was designed to allow trades to clear and settle that involved LEGITIMATE 1 OR 2 DAY delays in delivery. This "borrow" is done unbeknownst to the investor that purchased the shares in question and amounts to probably the largest "conflict of interest" known to mankind. The question becomes would these investors knowingly loan, without compensation, their shares to those whose intent is to bankrupt their investment if they knew that the loan process was the key mechanism needed for the naked short sellers to effect their goal? Another question that arises is should the investor's b/d who just earned a commission and therefore owes its client a fiduciary duty of care, be acting as the intermediary in this loan process keeping in mind that this b/d is being paid the cash value of the shares being loaned as a means of collateralizing the loan, all unbeknownst to his client the purchaser. An interesting phenomenon occurs at these "cellar" levels. Since NASD Rule 3370 allows MMs to legally naked short sell into markets characterized by a plethora of buy orders at a time when few sell orders are in existence, a MM can theoretically "legally" sit at the $.0001 level and sell nonexistent shares all day long because at no bid and $.0001 ask there is obviously a huge disparity between buy orders and sell orders. What tends to happen is that every time the share price tries to get off of the cellar floor and onto the first step of the stairway at $.0001 there is somebody there to step on the hands of the victim corporation's market. Once a given micro cap corporation is “boxed in the cellar” it doesn’t have a whole lot of options to climb its way out of the cellar. One obvious option would be for it to reverse split its way out of the cellar but history has shown that these are counter-productive as the market capitalization typically gets hammered and the post split share price level starts heading back to its original pre-split level. Another option would be to organize a sustained buying effort and muscle your way out of the cellar but typically there will, as if by magic, be a naked short sell order there to meet each and every buy order. Sometimes the shareholder base can muster up enough buying pressure to put the market at $.0001 bid and $.0002 offer for a limited amount of time. Later the market makers will typically pound the $.0001 bids with a blitzkrieg of selling to wipe out all of the bids and the market goes back to no bid and $.0001 offer. When the weak-kneed shareholders see this a few times they usually make up their mind to sell their shares the next time that a $.0001 bid appears and to get the heck out of Dodge. This phenomenon is referred to as “shaking the tree” for weak-kneed investors and it is very effective. At times the market will go to $.0001 bid and $.0003 offer. This sets up a juicy 200% spread for the MMs and tends to dissuade any buyers from reaching up to the "lofty" level of $.0003. If a $.0002 bid should appear from a MM not "playing ball" with the unscrupulous MMs, it will be hit so quickly that Level 2 will never reveal the existence of the bid. The $.0001 bid at $.0003 offer market sets up a "stalemate" wherein market makers can leisurely enjoy the huge spreads while the victim company slowly dilutes itself to death by paying the monthly bills with "real" shares sold at incredibly low levels. Since all of these development-stage corporations have to pay their monthly bills, time becomes on the side of the naked short sellers. At times it almost seems that the unscrupulous market makers are not actively trying to kill the victim corporation but instead want to milk the situation for as long of a period of time as possible and let the corporation die a slow death by dilution. The reality is that it is extremely easy to strip away 99% of a victim company’s share price or market cap and to keep the victim corporation “boxed“ in the cellar, but it really is difficult to kill a corporation especially after management and the shareholder base have figured out the game that is being played at their expense. As the weeks and months go by the market makers make a fortune with these huge percentage spreads but the net aggregate naked short positions become astronomical from all of this activity. This leads to some apprehension amongst the co-conspiring MMs. The predicament they find themselves in is that they can’t even stop naked short selling into every buy order that appears because if they do the share price will gap and this will put tremendous pressures on net capital reserves for the MMs and margin maintenance requirements for the co-conspiring hedge funds and others operating out of the more than 13,000 naked short selling margin accounts set up in Canada. And of course covering the naked short position is out of the question since they can’t even stop the day-to-day naked short selling in the first place and you can't be covering at the same time you continue to naked short sell. What typically happens in these situations is that the victim company has to massively dilute its share structure from the constant paying of the monthly burn rate with money received from the selling of “real” shares at artificially low levels. Then the goal of the naked short sellers is to point out to the investors, usually via paid “Internet bashers”, that with the, let’s say, 50 billion shares currently issued and outstanding, that this lousy company is not worth the $5 million market cap it is trading at, especially if it is just a shell company whose primary business plan was wiped out by the naked short sellers’ tortuous interference earlier on. The truth of the matter is that the single biggest asset of these victim companies often becomes the astronomically large aggregate naked short position that has accumulated throughout the initial “bear raid” and also during the “cellar boxing” phase. The goal of the victim company now becomes to avoid the 3 main goals of the naked short sellers, namely: bankruptcy, a reverse split, or the forced signing of a death spiral convertible debenture out of desperation. As long as the victim company can continue to pay the monthly burn rate, then the game plan becomes to make some of the strategic moves that hundreds of victim companies have been forced into doing which includes name changes, CUSIP # changes, cancel/reissue procedures, dividend distributions, amending of by-laws and Articles of Corporation, etc. Nevada domiciled companies usually cancel all of their shares in the system, both real and fake, and force shareholders and their b/ds to PROVE the ownership of the old “real” shares before they get a new “real” share. Many also file their civil suits at this time also. This indirect forcing of hundreds of U.S. micro cap corporations to go through all of these extraneous hoops and hurdles as a means to survive, whether it be due to regulatory apathy or lack of resources, is probably one of the biggest black eyes the U.S. financial systems have ever sustained. In a perfect world it would be the regulators that periodically audit the “C” and “D” sub-accounts at the DTCC, the proprietary accounts of the MMs, clearing firms, and Canadian b/ds, and force the buy-in of counterfeit shares, many of which are hiding behind altered CUSIP #s, that are detected above the Rule 11830 guidelines for allowable “failed deliveries” of one half of 1% of the shares issued. U.S. micro cap corporations should not have to periodically “purge” their share structure of counterfeit electronic book entries but if the regulators will not do it then management has a fiduciary duty to do it. A lot of management teams become overwhelmed with grief and guilt in regards to the huge increase in the number of shares issued and outstanding that have accumulated during their “watch”. The truth however is that as long as management made the proper corporate governance moves throughout this ordeal then a huge number of resultant shares issued and outstanding is unavoidable and often indicative of an astronomically high naked short position and is nothing to be ashamed of. These massive naked short positions need to be looked upon as huge assets that need to be developed. Hopefully the regulators will come to grips with the reality of naked short selling and tactics like "Cellar boxing" and quickly address this fraud that has decimated thousands of U.S. micro cap corporations and the tens of millions of U.S. investors therein."
I agree, but I'm starting to think that a few people here are messing around with the stock for their personal gains and hurting others. Example I seen this before one with alot of money in his or hers account can box in a stock and put up a wall to prevent the stock from going up, reason for this is that they can not be able to trade the stock 10 times a day swing trade ETC.A real pro trader will do anything in his power to keep a stock trading in a certain pattern for there benfit,if the stock goes up to high then that pattern is gone and will not deal with a stock at higher prices.Stocks that trade from $0.005 upto $0.015 are always victims to this type of abuse.What these people don't is is that this a crime at the same time,I do know the CEO is looking into this matter and getting legal consel to take action from what I'm hearing on a few people.
It's amazing how the stock does so well when no one is here to screw with it.
Can't really spot a short trade but a short cover yes, Example Green is a buy, Red is a sell and Black is a short cover seen on Level 2.
I think I would know since my uncle is a market maker buddy.
That is incorrect,you out of people should know it will not take 6 months to get the shares,it takes up to 20 days until the D comes of FITX then shareholders will have there shares in the account. This has nothing to do with the company this from DTC. IMO the ones that are crying about not getting there shares fast enough is not a true long. People here mad they can't sell at higher prices from greed. This just shows this whole time it's not the company selling or a short,it's people here that will not let the stock go up and just flipping every chance they get.I can bet you if the share price was at $0.008 right now not one person would be B*******,but since share price up they just want to sell. This is a real company with real money coming in. I suggest if your not a long go to another stock, some here I just lost my respect to from the childish's posts.
Please explain how with facts?
Insider can not sell during a lockup,just like share holders no can do anything until D comes of.
If the broker does not get the shares within 20 days, yes you can bet there short big time and in huge trouble and they will have to cover.
Agreed, not only is it the broker but DTC also, I mean they're so backed up it's unreal. I can now see why the stock price has never gone up, nothing but flippers and could care less about the company IMO.
You are correct not a company problem,if some don't see there shares then yes huge short problem and broker must cover tough shit for them IMO.,
Becarefull, I heard sometimes if you sell to quick they're going to make you cover not the broker meaning they will hold you accountable for that cover with your money.
Not in all cases, I was years ago with scottrade to buy a stock and cover for selling to quick.
Did anyone notice the 200 trade of more then ten times on Level 2?
MARKET MAKER SIGNALS Penny traders believe that Market Makers (MM) will "signal" moves in advance buy using small amounts of buys or sells as "signals". The "signals" are such a small amount of shares (worth no more than 5 or 10 dollars) that no trader would have paid a commission that costs more than the amount of shares bought. The "signals" are from one MM to another. 100 - I need shares. 200 - I need shares badly,but do not take the stock down. 300 - Take the price down so I can load shares 400 - Keep trading it sideways. 500 - Gap the stock. This gap can be either up or down, depending on the direction of the 500 signal. 911 - Pending News
More the 29 trades of 200 blocks on Level 2 for ERBB what the hell?
What is that 200 trade blocks of 38 times huh?
Once again the same ASSH*&%& using CDEL that is a poster on this board selling for greed and not letting this go up.Dam you man stop and let it go up everyone knows who it is, sooner or later I will be calling you out exposing your true colors.
You have proof that CDEL has 500 Million shares?
IMO this a poster here on the board using MM CDEL doing this to FITX, like he does to every other stock. I will not say any names but I'm sure a lot of people know who I'm talking about. I just wish this guy leaves or get what he has coming to him. I have made a complaint against him.
You mean CDEL killing the stock from the start and always has been, driving the stock lower to pick up more cheap shares.
NOPE CDEL has, this would have been over a penny already but CDEL kills every run to keep in it a certain pattern. If this was to go over a $0.015 and go much higher higher CDEL will loss control and I can think of one person using CDEL.
Bro stop it I disclose everything, and stop changing the topic, you're known for this kind of crap of boxing in a stock for your greed and must here know it.And not scared to say it either ever stock ur in gets killed and CDEL is there to with you. So please bro stop changing the tune and stop playing ur games and let this go up, or just leave I speak for many here.
That's off topic and an attack.
Are you?
I'm no longer going to post on this board until CDEL and his little boy toy are gone. Good luck to all here FITX real deal.
Looking for a green day today.
That is false, if a CEO sells he must file with pink sheets and so far nothing filed. Unless you have facts to prove your statement I would sure like to see it.
This will be huge for FITX also....Eric Holder Says DOJ Will Let Washington, Colorado Marijuana Laws Go Into Effect
Creative Edge Nutrition Announces Ground Breaking Products For The Medical Marijuana Field- Hemp Tea And Coffee Additive Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. Announces the Entrance into the Medical Marijuana Sector
FITX News HUGE.....Creative Edge Nutrition Announces the Formation of Cen Biotech Inc. for Its Medicinal Marijuana Business Sector
Yup I agree, no promos on it that I see, very good sign.
FITX I love this part could be huge from PR today.....The Company has already contracted with leading industry, process and control experts to lay the foundation for growing its presence in the Medicinal Marijuana business sector.
It should read the news pretty huge IMO.
Let's break the $0.0018s
Cen Biotech Inc. was formed with the sole purpose to obtain licensure to build Medicinal Marijuana facilities adhering to all local legal requirements. The Company believes strongly in the necessity to provide patients with a continual supply of medicinal marijuana grown under strict conditions to ensure continuous quality and purity. Cen Biotech plans to implement strict security, quality control, quality assurance and record keeping for future operations. The Company has already contracted with leading industry, process and control experts to lay the foundation for growing its presence in the Medicinal Marijuana business sector.
FITX HUGE NEWS Creative Edge Nutrition's Subsidiary CEN Biotech, Inc. Announces a New Contract With Endexx Corporation to Provide Software to Track the Production and Sale of Medicinal Marijuana.... MADISON HEIGHTS, MI--(Marketwired - Sep 6, 2013) - Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (OTC Pink: FITX), a nutritional supplement company focusing on active lifestyles, today announced CEN Biotech Inc. has entered into a definitive contract to utilize the M3Hub™ services from Endexx Corporation (OTC Pink: EDXC). In a collaboration agreement and contract, Endexx will provide its "Seed to Sale" technology solution and a total inventory management platform for tracking of the production and sale of Medicinal Marijuana, a new business development project lead by CEN Biotech Inc., a Division of Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. Todd Davis, CEO of Endexx, stated, "Collaborating with CEN Biotech Inc. will showcase the full potential and scalability of the M3Hub Platform. Utilizing our "Seed to Sale" inventory control systems will fully support the projects CEN Biotech is leading. We are excited to be working with the CEN management team in this new endeavor." President and CEO Bill Chaaban of Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. stated, "After canvassing the field of available record keeping software, it was a clear and easy choice for us. Endexx is leading the pack in traceability. The implementation and use of their software will ensure every single seed and microgram yielded in the process, including waste will be accounted for. With the possibility of drug diversion, the use of their software will aid our company in the tracking and safeguard." Like us on Facebook About Endexx:,, The Endexx Management Team and its advisory group each have at minimum 10-50 years of experience in their respective fields. The business professionals associated with the direction of the company all have experience growing businesses, developing and implementing new technologies. M3Hub™ looks to incorporate into the M3Hub™ multiple service channels including: Financial Solutions, Insurance, Security Monitoring, Vending, Distribution controls, RFID tracking, Taxation Collection Service, POS management, Biometric Protocols, Applications, Doctor Referral and Verification, Centralized Lab Testing, Quality control management and Vending services. The M3Hub™ will also foster an outer layer service providing: Referral Networks, Policy and Legal association, Social Media, News and Scientific literature distribution and collective industry affiliation partners. Contact Endexx: and About Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. Creative Edge Nutrition is a holding company and a Nutritional Supplement Company focused on developing innovative, high quality supplements. The company offers a broad spectrum of capsules, tablets, and powders, as well as science based products in the principal categories of weight management, nutrition challenges, energy and fitness. The Company manufactures under strict GMP guidelines at GMP Certified and/or FDA registered facilities. and About is one of the leading online retailers in the market today for discount supplements! Always focusing on the hottest products and what provides the best results for their customers, Supplements To Go has made a great name for themselves in the world of nutrition. To find out more about, please view the site About is one of the best known e-tailers of discount nutritional supplements. Providing its customers over a decade of quality products at the best prices around, A-Z-Nutrition supports its customers with a portal that is easy to use and to the point. To find out more about them, please view their site About World Class Nutrition -- Founded in 1999, early in the internet age of web based super stores, World Class Nutrition is a successful nutritional supplement/fitness equipment retailer due to providing their loyal customers top level support and great prices on their favorite supplement brands. About will provide premium grade Hemp Protein supplements to those looking for a natural and lactose free product. Consumers can count on us for bringing the latest scientific findings in the supplement world to market. Also all our products can be found for sale and purchase on all the sites we own,, About We will have the best value at the best price; The products which will be manufactured in state-of-the-art facilities GMP Certified and FDA Compliant, and packaged and stored in conditions of the highest standard. A few of our goals are to educate the public with current, science-based information, and provide the highest quality natural products. will strive to become the site and brand of choice for health-conscious consumers. Also all our products will be able to be found for sale and purchase on all the sites we own,, Safe Harbor Notice This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as statements relating to financial results and plans for future development activities, and are thus prospective. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding intent, belief or current expectations of the Company, its directors or its officers. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control. Actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements are risks and uncertainties associated with the Company's business and finances in general, including the ability to continue and manage its growth, competition, global economic conditions and other factors discussed in detail in the Company's periodic filings with the Security and Exchange Commission. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking
Keep dreaming and nice try.
You got proof to back up that statement?
FITX and EDXC will be massive IMO, these 2 companies will be the talk of the year.
Wrong, I asked that already and no shares what so ever and both companies can verify that if you call.
Could be many things people flipping the stock or BIDS that have GTC but not the company.
Post facts, company has real money coming in check its books.
You can get the info from bottom of the PR....Todd Davis Endexx Corporation 480-595-6900 There was no shares given to either party for this deal, which makes it even better IMO.Please call to verify this and post it.
The same number at the bottom of the FITX Pr.
Senator McCain is on board for legalization.‘maybe-we-should-legalize’-pot--192226634.html And here's the text to the article: John McCain told an Arizona town hall he's open to legalizing pot (AFP) Drug war hawk John McCain is turning pot dove. McCain appears open to making a dramatic shift on marijuana policy, saying during a town-hall meeting in Arizona that he's open to potentially legalizing weed. “Maybe we should legalize. We're certainly moving that way as far as marijuana is concerned,” McCain said in comments first reported by Arizona Daily Star columnist Tim Steller. “I respect the will of the people." In the past, McCain has been a hard-liner on federal drug policy. During his 2000 presidential primary campaign, the Arizona Republican suggested increasing penalties and sentence guidelines for those convicted of drug crimes. During a 1999 Republican presidential debate at Dartmouth College, McCain said, “I can’t support the legalization of marijuana. Scientific evidence indicates that the moment that it enters your body, one, it does damage, and second, it can become addictive. It is a gateway drug.” However, national attitudes on pot have changed dramatically in recent years. Arizona is one of 20 states that allow patients with a medical prescription to use marijuana. A recent poll of Arizona voters showed 56 percent of respondents saying they favored legalizing small amounts of marijuana. Advocates of legalization are working to get a ballot measure before Arizona voters in 2014. In 2012, McCain’s daughter Meghan told NBC’s “Tonight Show” host Jay Leno that she favors legalizing marijuana and admitted to having smoked a joint. “Yes, I come out for legalizing marijuana in this book,” McCain told Leno. “I was living in Los Angeles very briefly last year, and I was shocked at how people here smoke weed the way people in New York pour wine.”
NEWS No shares for partnership EDXC and FITX CAVE CREEK, AZ--(Marketwired - Sep 9, 2013) - Endexx Corporation (OTC Pink: EDXC) -- In a recent contract announcement regarding our new business partner CEN Biotech, Endexx stated it will be providing total inventory control, tracking and support services for the cultivating and growing of Medical Marijuana. Endexx can only support companies that are in full compliance with the laws of the jurisdictions in which they operate. After conducting due diligence in regards to the fulfillment requirements of this contract, Endexx is confident that all laws regarding the growing of medical marijuana are being executed in full compliance with the associated jurisdiction the contract pertains to. Additionally, the contract is a standard business contract. The two companies have not been obligated to debt financing or an equity exchange to conduct and fulfill the requirements of the associated services. About Endexx:,, Endexx Corporation is a micro-cap publicly traded company, representing the interest of its shareholders and collaborating with independent software developers, scientists, engineers, and other companies to build businesses that can thrive collectively in the equity markets. Endexx's team recognizes that individually small companies with new technologies have an extremely difficult time sustaining themselves as stand-alone companies. Through our collaborative practices, individual and group skill sets are better utilized to develop technology and grow the business, while centralizing costs and eliminating redundancies. The Endexx management team and its advisory group each have at minimum 10-50 years of experience in their respective fields. The business professionals associated with the direction of the company all have experience growing businesses, developing and implementing new technologies and running publicly traded corporations. Endexx Corporation is ultimately structured to provide a platform for entrepreneurs to thrive, offering maximum return on investment through equity ownership in the parent corporation. Each individual is a shareholder and is encouraged and self-driven to be successful and contribute to the overall objective of increasing shareholder value. Contact Endexx via email to receive corporate news and updates at
News The two companies have not been obligated to debt financing or an equity exchange to conduct and fulfill the requirements of the associated services.
I agree,FITX and EDXC will be a match made in heaven, with huge returns IMO>
I'm sure a lot of people will be chasing this stock very soon IMO.
Read the Prs please, only think I got from a phone call is no shares were given out to other company. I'm reading the Pr and putting 2 and 2 togather.
IMO FITX going be running soon IMO.
I agree,both parties will make bank as something big is going on IMO. And these prices for FITX will not last for long.
FITX I believe that is the purpose behind M3Hub. To allow growers and retailers a structured inventory tracking process that will be compliant with law mandates. That will allow companies like Creative Edge Nutrition or Dixie Elixirs for example to hire Endexx for seed to sale tracking and allow Endexx to be free of the actual growing and selling operations. Partnerships with those companies may be more profitable in the long term than outright acquisitions since we don't incur the overhead. Additionally Autospense machines can also be leased or bought to facilitate retail sales, which makes that acquisition a huge asset to Endexx's overall business model and should lead to some of our greatest future revenues. That's my take on it so far for whatever it's worth.
FITX and EDXC history in the making
Why is that I have a pot farm in Michigan, you do know Michigan is a weed state right ?
I really think you need to read up on the laws, there changing every 2 weeks.
That brings a very good point, looks like they have raised the capital already, the selling has stopped stock has bottomed 3 times already. My gut tells me this is going north and they raised they funds they need to what ever there doing.
You really need to read Pr and look very closely FITX
And each City within the state has its own rules $$$
I do agree on one thing they might have done some dilution to raise captail but that's the name of the game on pinksheets. IMO I think they raised enough and its time for the stock to move North.
Yup :)
I asked about a R/S and they said that will not happen, I'm not worried the least bit for godsake there is nasdaq compines that have billions of shares outstanding and trading over $25 bucks s a share GooooFITX.
Untrue, anything the company sells like Bill has to file and you know it, last I seen he only sold $20k worth and that was it compared to how much was traded here.
This was a month ago and don't remember, maybe here should try and contact the company them self s rather then making stuff up .
I have a lot of things on my mind and have no time for someone that he him self can call or email the company and get his own facts and instead of making his own up and puts fear in to others with lies and false statements. And your the same person that said you talked to CEO of EDXC yesterday and made a false statement, I called and verified to see if you did in fact talk to anyone, turns out to be a lie, this says a lot. Have a good day, and next time you true to lie find another way.
Yes please do what is it?
Really this is what you posted... Who did you speak to at EDXC??? Home > Boards > US OTC > Internet - Information/Portals > Endexx Corp. (EDXC) I had a somewhat lengthy phone conversation with Public Reply | Private Reply | Keep | Last Read Post New Msg Replies (3) | Next 100 | Previous | Next Joseph199 Member Profile Joseph199 Friday, September 13, 2013 9:41:24 AM Re: TyTrades post# 18133 Post # of 18501 I had a somewhat lengthy phone conversation with EDXC to clarify and no products have ever been sold to a fortune 500 and the software is still a prototype in the works. I just like facts.
Just like you we want facts, and so far from what your posting is not true.
That's great but not at the price your looking for good luck.
1 left at $0.0011 then breakout mode IMO.
I'm buying at offer 2.5M at $0.0013 so far no fill.
Yes it is, FITX and EDXC Monster plays in the making IMO.
AT the same time that was a buy of $23k shares moving around, always a good thing signs of big things coming.
And who has $23,000 dollars to buy goes both don' it.
Agreed, this is the bottom, I'm sure who ever got filled with that big order wants this to move now North IMO.
Since EDXC and FITX are a TEam EDXC news Just out...
EDXC and FITX GM everyone,I'm very proud to be part of this company, I can say soon this company is going to make history IMO.This is the only company with very few shares,real product, a real deal CEO that cares about us.Good luck longs, I hope our time is very near.
Not just yet lol.
Nope this is the right board EDXC and FITX.
I like both of them.
EDXC and FITX are a perfect match IMO.
That I agree on for sure IMO>
Really can you post facts instead of guessing games,did you know the CEO can only sell 1% and has to file which he has everytime, and I think he biggest sell was about $12K worth very very small IMO compared to all the volume we have seen here.Before you go and post something t that you're not sure to get some facts.
Like I said post facts, what ever issue you have with the CEO should be kept of the boards IMO>
Show proof that the CEO without filing, this is the law he has to file and he has been, lets see ur proof if any.
This has no facts we need links proof filings that show this numbers show us please.
I was guessing those numbers needed Missy to show me proof that selling was taking place.
Post the proof.
Checking now.
My investment here is solid 100%
Jeff Thomas sold huge you say BS... He sold 6/5/2013 1,012,800 4/1/2013 8,578,660 3/25/2013 9,417,660 That is very little and I mean very little compared to the volume that has come in.
And this very little amount of shares sold IMO,good thing is there filing for the public sees another good reason why FITX is a winner.
Use ETrade.
Im using my Etrade account to get this information,I'm assuming any insider has to file a 144 which they did and fully current with it.Which is a good thing for FITX since other pinks dont even do this.
Just Like I said every company has the right to sell as long as they file it, which IN FITX it does and very little shares, 95% of other pinks don't even file.
Agree not worried,Go FITX.
There u go thats what I have,was going to post that Thanks for doing so.Once again very little shares sold compared to the volume that has come in and nothing sold since then,so no insiders selling Thanks.
IMO , alsong is it is public for shareholders to see if one is willing to dig and find out.
No read my post, I'm talking a shareholder its there duty before they invest in a penny stock to due there DD if not to bad, don't start crying that you lost a few hundred bucks and blame the world.
This topic was about how much insiders sold nothing more,and people can pull this information.
I'am only going what's made public, but I will email them and share what I find.
I'm not worried GO FITX.
Creative Edge Nutrition Ships First Order to MADISON HEIGHTS, MI--(Marketwired - Oct 8, 2013) - Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: FITX), a nutritional supplement company focusing on active lifestyles today announced the shipment and sale of its performance based Cenergy brand products which are now being sold on the #1 online retailer in the world, the global leader of online nutritional supplement sales. Leonard Armenta VP of Brand Management/Marketing says, "Having our Cenergy Nutrition Brand of products being sold by the #1 selling retailer of Sports Nutrition in the world is a major step in our company's vision. This will bring major credibility to our product line in both the US and Internationally. To have the support of along with their over 2 million people on the bodybuilding forums will help us take Cenergy Nutrition to a whole new level and will also provide us with more opportunity to engage customers worldwide." Cenergy Nutrition will have a large presence at and they will sell the full flavor line of our ground breaking product Amino Plex along with our other product which will be on shortly." Like us on Facebook About is the largest online sports nutrition company in the world, based in Boise, Idaho. Their goal from the beginning was to make this website the best source for bodybuilding information and interactivity on the Internet while at the same time providing the largest bodybuilding cyberstore for quick and easy shopping! The site opened to the public on April 13th, 1999, after six months of development. They have grown to more than 25,000 pages and have been recently ranked the No. 1 most visited bodybuilding and fitness website in the world! About Hemp North will provide premium grade Hemp Protein supplements to those looking for a natural and lactose free product. Consumers can count on us for bringing the latest scientific findings in the supplement world to market. Also all our products can be found for sale and purchase on all the sites we own,, About We will have the best value at the best price; The products which will be manufactured in state-of-the-art facilities GMP Certified and FDA Compliant, and packaged and stored in conditions of the highest standard. A few of our goals are to educate the public with current, science-based information, and provide the highest quality natural products. will strive to become the site and brand of choice for health-conscious consumers. Also all our products will be able to be found for sale and purchase on all the sites we own,, About Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. Creative Edge Nutrition is a holding company and a Nutritional Supplement Company focused on developing innovative, high quality supplements. The company offers a broad spectrum of capsules, tablets, and powders, as well as science based products in the principal categories of weight management, nutrition challenges, energy and fitness. The Company manufactures under strict GMP guidelines at GMP Certified and/or FDA registered facilities. and About is one of the leading online retailers in the market today for discount supplements! Always focusing on the hottest products and what provides the best results for their customers, Supplements To Go has made a great name for themselves in the world of nutrition. To find out more about, please view the site About is one of the best known e-tailers of discount nutritional supplements. Providing its customers over a decade of quality products at the best prices around, A-Z-Nutrition supports its customers with a portal that is easy to use and to the point. To find out more about them, please view their site About World Class Nutrition - Founded in 1999, early in the internet age of web based super stores, World Class Nutrition is a successful nutritional supplement/fitness equipment retailer due to providing their loyal customers top level support and great prices on their favorite supplement brands. Safe Harbor Notice This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as statements relating to financial results and plans for future development activities, and are thus prospective. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding intent, belief or current expectations of the Company, its directors or its officers. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control. Actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements are risks and uncertainties associated with the Company's business and finances in general, including the ability to continue and manage its growth, competition, global economic conditions and other factors discussed in detail in the Company's periodic filings with the Security and Exchange Commission. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements. Contact: Jeff Thomas (313) 655-1669 Email:
It's the greed if people hold IMO this will go over $0.002 in a heart beat.
Something tells me the company is on a new path, to build a base for shareholders.
FITX going in the same path as Musclepharm but no R/S IMO>
HUGE NEws Out IMO FITX Creative Edge Nutrition Signs Exclusive Distribution Deal With Europa Sports MADISON HEIGHTS, MI--(Marketwired - Oct 10, 2013) - Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (OTC Pink: FITX), a nutritional supplement company focusing on active lifestyles today announced that its performance based products by its brand Cenergy Nutrition will now be Exclusively Distributed by the US's top Distributor Europa Sports. Leonard Armenta VP of Brand Management/Marketing says, "Europa Sports is the #1 Sports Nutrition Distributor in the US. By having them as a partner in our growth phase is a major accomplishment for us. They sell to thousands of retailers. Because of this our Cenergy Nutrition brand's retailers will grow by over 100% quickly. It will give our great customers the ability to purchase our product from many different retailers. We felt that this would not only benefit our customers, but also allow us to be sold into more retailers quicker." Like us on Facebook About Europa Sports Products Europa Sports Products is a national distributor of sports supplements. We supply to specialty retailers, Internet sites, and health clubs. Gold's Gym, National Discount Nutrition, Smoothie King, and the US Marine Corps are clients. About Hemp North will provide premium grade Hemp Protein supplements to those looking for a natural and lactose free product. Consumers can count on us for bringing the latest scientific findings in the supplement world to market. Also all our products can be found for sale and purchase on all the sites we own,, About We will have the best value at the best price; The products which will be manufactured in state-of-the-art facilities GMP Certified and FDA Compliant, and packaged and stored in conditions of the highest standard. A few of our goals are to educate the public with current, science-based information, and provide the highest quality natural products. will strive to become the site and brand of choice for health-conscious consumers. Also all our products will be able to be found for sale and purchase on all the sites we own,, About Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. Creative Edge Nutrition is a holding company and a Nutritional Supplement Company focused on developing innovative, high quality supplements. The company offers a broad spectrum of capsules, tablets, and powders, as well as science based products in the principal categories of weight management, nutrition challenges, energy and fitness. The Company manufactures under strict GMP guidelines at GMP Certified and/or FDA registered facilities. and About is one of the leading online retailers in the market today for discount supplements! Always focusing on the hottest products and what provides the best results for their customers, Supplements To Go has made a great name for themselves in the world of nutrition. To find out more about, please view the site About is one of the best known e-tailers of discount nutritional supplements. Providing its customers over a decade of quality products at the best prices around, A-Z-Nutrition supports its customers with a portal that is easy to use and to the point. To find out more about them, please view their site About World Class Nutrition - Founded in 1999, early in the internet age of web based super stores, World Class Nutrition is a successful nutritional supplement/fitness equipment retailer due to providing their loyal customers top level support and great prices on their favorite supplement brands. Safe Harbor Notice This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as statements relating to financial results and plans for future development activities, and are thus prospective. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding intent, belief or current expectations of the Company, its directors or its officers. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control. Actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements are risks and uncertainties associated with the Company's business and finances in general, including the ability to continue and manage its growth, competition, global economic conditions and other factors discussed in detail in the Company's periodic filings with the Security and Exchange Commission. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements. Contact: Jeff Thomas (313) 655-1669 Email:
Wow, no marketing with the last 2 press tells me something is up in a very good way, won't be long IMO before we see pennyland.
Only a few left at $0.002 and if that breaks going north fast.
One left guy then this breaks $0.002s
If this goes past $0.0021 today look for $0.004s quick.
1 MM left then $0.002s come one baby.
MMS must be short big time, look at the bid whacks for a few dollars, hold tight people MMS short big and have to cover soon
Watching LV2 tells me there short huge.
They will chase soon IMO MM squeeze coming.
Level 2 thin.
There is 5 MMS left at $0.0021 is someone came in now with about $2k IMO this going nuts, nothing left after that.
You mean up.
If you do that I will take out the $0.0024s.
CDEL has to cover his huge short IMO I think he is short over 500Million shares, but he will get burned soon watch.
HUGE ALert people, HUGE SHORT CDEL and ETRF boxing stock in
And a burning will come IMO>
IMO, who ever is a short better cover now or face what's to come and pay a much higher price.
Even a 10 year old can look at Level 2 and see MMs playing games and boxing this in to cover a short.
Please SHow proof that he is doing .
WoW, $14,000 Dollar buy at offer amazing.
Small pullback, very healthy for the stock fill in the GAPS IMO<
That's not what I asked you, and since you're not going to show me any type of proof says it all, a good day.
No I asked for proof that the company was dumping, and once again no proof but good luck with your lies.
Once again,I asked you to show me proof, if you can't please step aside.
If that; s the case why are you wasting your time here then ? You just stated you stay away from companies like this, or is it really true what they say about you and BIll?
I'm out for tonight guys good night all and goodluck:)
This is a dumb trader doing this MMS will paint a very small Bid wack, this is a punk bidwacking doing this for a reason IMO>
Buyingthe big blocks here:)
Get your facts right not dumping its a seller that is selling for a quick flip.
No need for links, look at Level 2 a trader knows if its a dump and its clear its not just a seller looking for a quick flip.
[B]Only reason it would not go to a penny is because the dam flippers and bid hitters, if they stopped and held this will fly,but like I always been saying here on this board , hold tight and watch were this goes.I really think this will go past $0.05 IMO P.S Are you going to be coming in for some shares,if so let me know lets hit the offer.
Needs to break the $0.004s and this will move hard IMO.
Video Chart People on FITX from Last Night
CEN Biotech update could be a huge game changer, also waiting on the GNC news that will be pretty big its self IMO>
They were small ones, and they were mine, I was buying late in the day and got the small orders filled. All orders filled at $0.0042.
I doubt that the company will be doing any type of R/S, also I think it would be great if the company did address that issue.
FITX News OUT, CEO interview CEN Biotech could make billions listen to the interview. A New Audio Interview With Bill Chaaban, CEO of Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc., is Now at AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 29, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --, Inc. (SCV) announced today that a new audio interview with Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (OTC Pink:FITX), a nutritional supplement company focusing on active lifestyles, is now available. The interview can be heard at Bill Chaaban, CEO of Creative Edge Nutrition, called into to update the listening audience on the business model, business lines, markets, management team, goals for Creative Edge Nutrition, and much more. P.S. NO REVERSE SPLIT and GNC Order Coming $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
How is doing a video chart a paid promo lol, a video chart is to learn what direction the stock might be going to, what's the break out points, bottoms ETC.I check with the company GNC is around the corner IMO, they got the transaction number from GNC,they're just waiting on an order from GNC which can be any day now. Orders from GNC does not happen over night, I knew of another company that took them 16 months before they got the first order from GNC. Good Luck.
Looks like longs are holding strong, IMO this is ready for the next leg up.
ANytype of News next week will be good, either GNC or about CEN BIOTECH $$$$ IMO>
I highly doubt people been thanking, you might have caused a few here to miss the run up over 500% , and you might be stopping them from another run up. If you can post hard facts then I would take the time to read, but so far only a repat with no facts. People will do there own DD and make up there own minds here IMO.
I can agree to that,good time very near, longs holding strong, chart ready for the next move :)
MissL these days people need proof, and if there was any type of shares issued we would see it and as of now nothing.FITX is holding nice and strong IMO,just days away IMO before something big comes. P.S . Please do not use the SOS Nevada as every company uses the Per Value of $0.0001 and does not mean issue shares at $0.0001 nice try, I think people here are a lot smarter IMO. GO FITX Show proof that he issues shares at $0.0001. the LOWEST ANY COMPANY CAN ISSUE SHARES AT IS 35% DISCOUNT FROM SHARE PRICE FOR FUNDING AND THAT'S A FACT FROM FINRA AND SEC RULES.LOOK IT UP.THERE IS NO WAY A COMPANY CAN ISSUE THAT LOW WITH SHARE PRICE THAT HIGH AND THAT'S A 100% FACT.
Question is do you get proof, I heard that the shares are still the same and have not increased since the PR of CEN Biotech which is a very good sign. I had to admit in the past they would increase every 2 weeks so far nothing. That's a very good step for shareholders, 2nd someone is buying up a ton of shares lately could a buyback be in the works who knows. Look at our Partner EDXC huge buys taking place first FITX with massive buying with a pullback cause of flippers which is common. My gut tells me that FITX and EDXC going to be the top dogs in the weed sector.I'm not going say 100% there is a buyback or something going until they PR it cause I have no facts, until we hear from the company.There is no dilution we all know it, show proof there is like a share increase or a change in the A./S, you can't can you cause they have not increased.
IMO, once that News is out we see pennies very quick my gut tells me this one of those plays of a lifetime. GO FITX
Need to close above $0.0042s today, I have a a feeling we getting big news or the start of big news next week $$$ FITX
SO are you trying to say they can issue shares at $0.0001 loool, really come on MissyL this is truly getting old.The facts are in the charts and there has been no increase in outstanding shares which tells me one thing no dumping, that's all the facts I need and people can watch OTCMARKETS Good Day.P.S and when they did increase the shares they always updated otcmarkets, and since there has been no change there that says no change in shares and that's a fact.And every time I ask for proof you change the subject, good day Missy we all know the truth.Only way to find out is if they update pinks which will be soon.:)
Wrong FITX Created in Incorporated In: NV, USA, and as for CEN Biotech not in Michigan, a lot more DD should be done before posting anything IMO. Yes there is a office in MICHIGAN and ATL. We should be getting a update very soon IMO>
FITX More News Out Front Page of WINDSOR STAR Another firm applies to grow marijuana.... And below hired 5wpr CEN Biotech CEO Bill Chaaban FITX BELLE RIVER – CEN Biotech is hoping to cultivate, harvest, trim, dry and package marijuana in Lakeshore and be one of three proposed medical marijuana production facilities in Essex County. The company declared its intentions in a letter to council as it is required to do as part of an application to Health Canada to be a licensed grower of marijuana for medical users. The proposed facility would be at Manning and North Rear roads, which is close to the OPP detachment at Manning Road and Highway 401. In a letter to council, CEN Biotech CEO Bill Chaaban said the team putting together the application for a production facility includes lawyers, pharmacists, ex-police officers and municipal representatives. CEN Biotech is proposing to build a 58,000-square-foot steel barn to house its operations, according to a town document. Council was supportive of the proposal, saying the industry posed no concerns because it will be highly regulated. “Welcome to Lakeshore,” Coun. Linda McKinlay said. Coun. Dan Diemer said the proposed site next to the OPP detachment was perfect. “It’s a highly regulated industry, no different than Seagram’s or Hiram Walker,” Diemer said. “We love industry of any kind.” Mayor Tom Bain said he didn’t think the marijuana growers would post any problems for the town. Council discussion Tuesday centered on whether the production facility qualified for agriculture zoning if it had a commercial component and how it would be assessed for tax purposes. Coun. Charles McLean asked whether commercial zoning applied if the marijuana growers were going to process the crop on site. Steve Salmons, director of community and development services, said it would not be unlike a milling operation for grain. “If they mill their own grain it’s value added, but they can’t take grain from anywhere else,” Salmons said. The property would be taxed at the agriculture rate, staff said. Salmons said growing marijuana was a legitimate crop much like a greenhouse operation. Security at the facility will be tighter than what is found at a maximum security prison, he said. Health Canada has received 248 applications nationally from companies wishing to set up licensed marijuana growing operations. The federal government, which used to grow marijuana for medical users as did medical marijuana users themselves, has changed the regulations around medical marijuana production. The federal government is turning over medical marijuana production to the private sector in large commercial operations. Medical marijuana users will no longer be able to grow their own pot as of March 31 and the federal government is getting out of the business as of April 1. The other two facilities are ECGreen in Oldcastle and a Leamington greenhouse, which includes London-based Fifth Avenue Para-Legal and Private Investigation Services Inc. as an investor. Fifth Avenue and its partners propose constructing a 70,000-square-foot greenhouse with security that might cost up to $1 million, said Fifth Avenue’s Garry White. FITX HUGE PR OUT Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. Hires 5W Public Relations as Agency of Record MADISON HEIGHTS, MI--(Marketwired - Nov 13, 2013) - Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. and subsidiary CEN Biotech, Inc. (OTC Pink: FITX), a nutritional supplement company focusing on active lifestyles, today announced they have retained 5W Public Relations as their agency of record. 5W Public Relations (, one of the 25 largest independently owned PR firms in the US, will execute a comprehensive public relations program designed to increase awareness of Creative Edge Nutrition and its subsidiary CEN Biotech, Inc. and its variety of products with the goal of becoming recognized as the leading authority in nutritional supplement products. Bill Chaaban, President and CEO, commented, "We are ecstatic to have retained and to be working with one of the top Public Relation firms in the country. Our shareholders will see the need for such a firm in the near future." CEN Biotech, Inc. was established to cultivate and sell medicinal marijuana in the jurisdictions where it can be lawfully produced and sold. The client list for 5wpr is huge look OMG
We go up from here IMO>
We need the IBOX updated.
People have to understand the 248 applications 239 were denied, so that leaves FITX from the 9 that will get approved IMO.
Don't you find it funny how FEDEX now wants to open up a Cargo HUB in WinDSOR Canada 10 minutes away from Lakeshore were FITX his getting the building, do you think FEDEX gearing up to do some major EXporting of WEED across the country me thinks so.
No, its building to become a major importer and exporter of medical marijuana across the board, not just for FITX for all companies, this just shows where the big money is going to Canada.ANything else ?
Really, what makes you say that?
Very thin today,week hands out IMO
Tell me about it.
My money is on Snoop doggy Dog
The IMO once company comes out with PR confirming it did apply to Health Canada this will explode.
CEN BIOTECH MOre News Medical Marijuana Industry Hits County]/b]
CEN-Biotech is moving into land already zoned for agriculture, so no public meetings are required. All it needs is a license from the province and business can begin.
FITX will be the hugest player in CANADA.
Agree not now.
FITX Going Explode Boooom Read this.Canada's Medical Marijuana System Overhaul Starts Tuesday
IMO FITX could be a once in a life time stock,if they get the green light from Canada, this will be the best play that I have seen in 12 years on the OTC markets.
Really nothing to post here, as we already know FITX huge winner going make some peeps here a whole lot of CASH soon. FITX will rule the weed sector IMO>
$0.05-$0.010 is my target on FITX IMO>
Both will be winners IMO< only difference is EDXC will be in dollars and FITX will be at $0.10. IMO
I'm adding every chance I get , no way will I be selling anytime soon this a once in a lifetime IMO> Example I'm not going to say what stock it was, and this was a while ago, and the shares outstanding was 5,7Billion and float 4 Billion. I got in at $0.0003 and had over 396,000,000 Million Shares. Like a dumbass, I sold to fast as the stock was climbing up on some really good news sold around $0.001-$0.0036 s area with heavy volume. The stock went to $0.057 with billions traded, I would have made a killing IMO. Now for FITX lower share count the news will be 100 times greater than that play so I will be holding.
I think something is coming this week, and we start the climb to copper land. IMO
Guys a few more hits and this going to $0.006 I need some help.
I don't think people understand that yet until news hits IMO.
I agree.
I agree 100%, only if people held for a few days this will fly to $0.03 easy.
It can go very high, there is many companies I been with that had triple what you posted and still went up, there is a large amount of Nasdaq companies that have billions out and trade over $30 bucks a share so many here here know what's up.
This is the start IMO.
Just heard something massive coming boys and girls game time.
Do you r DD its within t he last 3 prs , Goodluck all.
Look I do some hardcore DD, and what I find I keep to myself, and others should do the same IMO.
That's a good Q...and already been asked NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sharessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. YOU DO KNOW FITX MAKES revenue CORRECT ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????WHy dont you take the time to email the company???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Got any proof ?? Got any links???
Not That I have seen,and you been called out on a lot of thing also to post links and she proof and you did none :)
Already did , very happy with my investment here.
Need links proof ETC post anything without any facts is false.
This time I think he means it,lets bet on it deal?
Let's bet then if you're so sure then, FITX is a great company ?
That means nothing, show proof there dumping please??? NEED PROOF PLESAE.
What people have to understand here is that FITX and EDXC is a goldmine ready to explode 100 times over IMO.If CEN BIotech was in the states I would be if about the whole thing,but CEN biotech dealing with Canada a country that has passed the Medical Marijuana law, so no worries of F.B.I raids or DEA or ATF.
I disagree with you , every single OTC stock has to rise capital some how and we all know this and we still invest.And as for the shares as you say bloated I don't buy it, I have been in companies that had 4 times the outstanding shares and still run to $0.10 or even higher.It's not the company I'm worried about its your flippers and their greed that prevent the stock from moving. You know how many times I hear the company not letting the stock go up that's Hog wash IMO, its the shareholders flipping every chance they get.We need real investors here that will hold IMO>
That's not a bad idea.
It will be more then that's for sure everyone missing the bigger picture what other Medical marijuana None , once we get the green light , this will be a race to get in IMO> and everyone knows it.
I think my opinion stands correct 99% once we get the green light it will be a race to get in.
Time to load again on the dips $$$$
Yup $$$
That won't happen IMO,CEN Biotech is FITX and if BIll makes this happen FITX will be very happy IMO>
NO limit with FITX, just waiting for the green light.
FITX News Out People Cen Biotech Presence at Michigan House of Representatives Hearings on Potential Medical Marijuana Law Changes Date : 12/05/2013 @ 10:40AM Source : Access Wire Stock : Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (PC) (FITX) Quote : 0.003 -0.0001 (-3.23%) @ 10:51AM Cen Biotech Presence at Michigan House of Representatives Hearings on Potential Medical Marijuana Law Changes Print Alert MADISON HEIGHTS, MI, December 5, 2013 Creative Edge Nutrition Inc. (PINKSHEETS: FITX) is proud to announce that it is represented at today's Michigan House of Representatives Hearings on potentially ground breaking legislation changes by the premier government relations firm Kheder, Davis & Associates. . Today's hearings will focus on three bills. Bill SB660 ( ). HB 4271( ), and HB 5104 ( ). Bill Chaaban, CEO stated "It is very important to have a premier government relations firm representing CEN Biotech's interest in the fast changing landscape of the medicinal marijuana field. We intend to operate in every jurisdiction where we are legally entitled to do so. If the three Bills at today's hearing were implemented, it would lead to the creation of a pharmaceutical grade medicinal marijuana program and the dispensing of medicinal marijuana in the pharmacy setting. As a company, we support these changes as it will allow patients access to consistent quality, purity and potent medicinal marijuana in a health care setting." As previously reported in the Windsor Star on November 13, 2013, we have the required municipal approval as required by law. Look for more exciting developments to come out of Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. as we continue with this forward momentum. Like us on Facebook About Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. Creative Edge Nutrition is a holding company and a Nutritional Supplement Company focused on developing innovative, high quality supplements. The company offers a broad spectrum of capsules, tablets, and powders, as well as science based products in the principal categories of weight management, nutrition challenges, energy and fitness. The Company manufactures under strict GMP guidelines at GMP Certified and/or FDA registered facilities. and . About is one of the leading online retailers in the market today for discount supplements! Always focusing on the hottest products and what provides the best results for their customers, Supplements To Go has made a great name for themselves in the world of nutrition. To find out more about, please view the site . About Hemp North will provide premium grade Hemp Protein supplements to those looking for a natural and lactose free product. Consumers can count on us for bringing the latest scientific findings in the supplement world to market. Also all our products can be found for sale and purchase on all the sites we own , , , About We will have the best value at the best price; The products which will be manufactured in state-of-the-art facilities GMP Certified and FDA Compliant, and packaged and stored in conditions of the highest standard. A few of our goals are to educate the public with current, science-based information, and provide the highest quality natural products. will strive to become the site and brand of choice for health-conscious consumers. Also all our products will be able to be found for sale and purchase on all the sites we own , , ,
FITX will be hitting the Medical Marijuana scene for Michigan Now $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
This just proves if one worries about share price every minute here everytime news comes out is not a true long and nothing but a flipper. I'm holding a very large amount of shares and willing to wait. The ceo is building a story with huge hints in the PR, IMO anyone here looking for a run to happen and going flipp needs to move to another play. There is no promo here or paying newsletter this is the real deal people.
Wrong this is the real deal, are people so blind to see that a Government of a Country will be backing FITX/ CEN BIOtech ?
Its called a walk down by MMs to load up as much as they can before the massive news comes out IMO Seen it done before and if really happening here then we are talking bout pennies soon.
Really don't care to be honest with you I'm a long term holder and been doing this for 18 years, no selling here.
You To
Yea you got it
Really wrong on what, show proof that the company is dumping, IMO its' people that are not long term and going elsewhere. If there was any type of dumping we would have seen VFIN VNDM on the offer,and guess what they were not there, nice try move on.
And guess what the A/S has not moved, and the outstanding has been the same for awhile now.Until I see an increase anywhere on otcmarkets or the increase in the A/S then maybe it will be a concern .But so far none of the above has happened <<<<<<< pretty Simple right :)
It's called raising capital like any other company on the stock exchange.And for the past few months there has been no change in the A/S or O/S which is more than enough proof. What I need is proof that they're dumping right now link please.
Very strange for sure, how many times you hear the word dump its a dump and when asked to show proof they come at you with another thing very funny.
Once again what Dilution,share proof that the company increased the A/S please, and it really truly amazes me how one can not back up pure facts and posts the same thing over and over.
Keep dreaming if that will happen IMO.
I fully agree with you , the story is building like no other and just going to get bigger IMO>
Lets say FITX gets the green light to grow.... Health Canada’s current price for medical marijuana produced under contract: $5 a gram (government sales end March 31, 2014) Health Canada’s projection of profitable private-sector price in 2014 after the new free-market kicks in: $7.60 Projection of average price as the market matures in several years: $8.80 Advertised price of products of CannaMed, the first licensed distributor in the new system: $9 to $12 a gram The current estimated cost of black-market dried marijuana purchased on the street: $10 to $15 a gram Let's do a simple breakdown... Example CEN BIotech grows 500,000 Pounds a year of medical marijuana and sells it at a price of $6.00 a gram each pound holds 454 Grams. $6.00 times 454 = $2,724 a pound times 500,000 pounds = thats 1,362,000,000 Billion That's BILLION a year and this is low balling.
I have an idea lets send the CEO a bunch of questions regarding FITX what his future plans are once income does come in if he gets the green light. Please PM me the questions and will do my best to submit to the CEO. Start from now all the way till the end of next week.
Bud I'm going to make this simple >>>>>Show me that the A/S has increased and the outstanding has been bloated recently.So far the numbers have not changed for months now which is a very good sign. I'm not talking about the past, I'm talking about the present. <<<<<<< pretty Simple right :)
Here you go since I guess your having a hard time.... And guess what the A/S has not moved, and the outstanding has been the same for awhile now.Until I see an increase anywhere on otcmarkets or the increase in the A/S then maybe it will be a concern .But so far none of the above has happened <<<<<<< pretty Simple right :) Quote: Ever figure out who FITX bought the domain from? Huh lets stick to one thing and not go on to a different subject no don; t know who they bought it from.I'm still waiting on proof with links.
Please don't twist my words we can go on all night and keep asking you the same show me proof other then that it's all Hog wash IMO...
Are you kidding me right now, I have seen companies with a lot more shares than FITX run to $0.05 -$0.25 with a smaller story. When FITX comes with the green light this will gap to pennies before the open.
Why is this so hard for you to understand show me proof there dumping show me proof the A/S increased can you do that very simple.
I think the CEO is doing a great job IMO he will history with the first OTC stock to get the green light from a government backed country to grow medical marijuana in the billions of dollars. I mean I have a reason to be here IM a shareholder, are you a shareholder just a question ?
You correct Nevada Sos is the proof and the A/S has not changed for months now here is the link for proof since I have asked you many times to post it and won't. NO CHANGE We are talking about the present not the past.
I will tell you what it is its short term investors hoping the next PR will say we got the green light and move on to the next play for greed. Only the true longs will get the rewards IMO.We had one investor already admit he dumped 35 Million shares when it hit $0.0065 and another one today by PM saying he moved on today and sold. I wish I could say his name but don't want to get banned. And don't forget a lot of people also selling for the holidays coming up for shopping and tax write offs,but you already know that.
Since you have no proof of anything or links to back up your posts, they have no value what so ever IMO. The A/S has not changed end of story.
Major epic run coming.
Maxed or not maxed,good thing is has not increased or changed on Nevada SOS and moving to the present and future not the past.
Come on bro who has more credit a poster from hub or them.... Another firm applies to grow marijuana
Agreed, but IMO does not matter where the share price goes from here might dip or go up, Janury of the New years is when SHOCK and AWE will happen.
Really???? Lets do the math Mr. Stock Guru on otcmarkets Shares Outstanding 3,117,417,549 a/o Sep 09, 2013 how many shares have been traded since Sep, 09 , 2013 up until now??????? If the company has sold or dumping shares with all that volume don't you think they would have increased the Outstanding but first increase the A/S which is 3/5 ?????????????????????????? Simple 101 penny stocks trading .
I use one and have used them all, and guess what none of those firms all any deposit of Penny stocks to be sold. Only a few firms allow penny stocks to be deposited for resale and certain MMS can trade them and that's a fact 100 % and none of thos MMs have been here in a while another good sign.Got anything else to teach me lol.
Brother every company does that and you know it,from Nasdaq companies to penny stocks, and if you lost all credibility with them that's on you . I have lost million of dollars before and gained it back and a repeat but you don't see me crying about it on the boards for what you think anyone cares if I lose money, no one is to blame but himself you pulled the trigger and have to live with it. I'm not looking at the past but the future and its looking pretty damn good in my EYES but good luck.
Here we go again stuck in the past , you're talking about the forward split in March 28, 2013 that's a while ago IMO and others would agree. People are caring about the present time and nothing has been increased. Come at me with something better than the same subject over and over.
LOOOL are you for real right now, what are you talking about Free trial. You were just talking about brokers for FITX,man stick to one subject, I bet you feel the walls closing in Night bro to funny GO FITX.
Quote: Mismanagement of the share structure in the past should give people a lot of concern for the future. Your joking right??? You do know this penny stocks we are talking about lol.IMO FITX has a great thing coming.
Why do you keep talking about the past when the major concern is if the increased the A/S and here is proof they did not But anyway I'm out , thanks for the replies over and over now we have more eyeballs on the stock, I'm pretty sure you got the cheap stock today and will be flipping out of it soon, and when you run out will come back and post the same stuff over again. Bro I used to these tricks back in the days and can see them a mile away.Good night.
Thank you and so are you, I know what's up and played this game before brother man. I just hope you hold for the long term rather than the short term Good luck.
Sorry meant MMs not brokers, the only MMs that can sell penny stocks is the platform we talk about that's only when you buy and sell with the same platform, but cannot deposit stock and choose a MM doe snot work that way.There is only 3 MMs that dump shares when deposited at a certain frame.
A Lot of penny stocks are getting Naked Shorting that's a fact,only reason happens in pinky land is cause the GOV and SEC don't care cause they hate pennies like the wild wild west.You should know this.
Doubt going there,but if it did would load the as much as I can, I wish I could load more at those levels
Do what you have to do,and may you become rich best of luck TITAN OUT.
Okay no problems FITX winner bud good night.
Now we need present not past night.
You can't even post proof or have facts that the company has been dumping lol Good light WoW> P.S please post present not past, that's what new shareholders like.
Already seen your so called proof and it's outdated and a repeat over and over, post present stuff A/S has not changed or shares increased, but you can't can you lol Good night Missy
FITX going to get that green light soon bud and she going run hard to pennies. P.S my thoughts... “If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.”
Sure I,have just do a little math and these are facts that no one can deny.... TITAN Member Level Thursday, 12/05/13 11:48:25 PM Re: Stock Steward post# 48947 Post # of 49012 Really???? Lets do the math Mr. Stock Guru on otcmarkets Shares Outstanding 3,117,417,549 a/o Sep 09, 2013 how many shares have been traded since Sep, 09 , 2013 up until now??????? If the company has sold or dumping shares with all that volume don't you think they would have increased the Outstanding but first increase the A/S which is 3/5 ?????????????????????????? Simple 101 penny stocks trading . If I don't reply tonight , I'm off to bed but that should be good enough NIGHT.
Stop Wait a minute you mean tell me that otcmarkets and Nevada SOS is HOG wash and you know the real numbers ???? Look again and do the simple math did I strike a nerve ? TITAN Member Level Thursday, 12/05/13 11:48:25 PM Re: Stock Steward post# 48947 Post # of 49012 Really???? Lets do the math Mr. Stock Guru on otcmarkets Shares Outstanding 3,117,417,549 a/o Sep 09, 2013 how many shares have been traded since Sep, 09 , 2013 up until now??????? If the company has sold or dumping shares with all that volume don't you think they would have increased the Outstanding but first increase the A/S which is 3/5 ?????????????????????????? Simple 101 penny stocks trading .
Since Sept 9 of this year, if the company has been dumping like you and others say they would have increased the A/S long time ago , you cannot deny that.
Good night.
Really and yours does, so far you have showed showed no proof of anything your posts are of no value if one cannot back them up .
You know for a person that knows so much you figure that simple math would help , here you go again and no one can deny this what so ever.... TITAN Member Level Thursday, 12/05/13 11:48:25 PM Re: Stock Steward post# 48947 Post # of 49012 Really???? Lets do the math Mr. Stock Guru on otcmarkets Shares Outstanding 3,117,417,549 a/o Sep 09, 2013 how many shares have been traded since Sep, 09 , 2013 up until now??????? If the company has sold or dumping shares with all that volume don't you think they would have increased the Outstanding but first increase the A/S which is 3/5 ?????????????????????????? Simple 101 penny stocks trading .
That's your logic, do the math on what I posted,IMO you don't and ignore the fact the people that you're trying to save or warn about FITX will not care about your future posts and have 0 values. We both know FITX is a winner heck you even invested into it at one time, and you might still be picking up on the dips. Good luck.
Yes I can and so can everyone else, I will break it down for you. You're saying that the company dumping every chance it gets correct I will take that as a yes. ON otcmarkets Shares Outstanding 3,117,417,549 a/o Sep 09, 2013,how many shares have been traded since Sep, 09 , 2013 up until now,a ton of shares have traded up until now, and if the company has been dumping theyw would have increased the A/S a long time ago ,but no change with A/S, and to top it all off FITX has been updating every chance they got on otcmarkets. The best thing about them they don't hide it like other pinks do and why would they hide it now??????????????????? When in the past otcmarkets would update every few weks.
2 countries now Canada and the states huge.
CEN BIOTECH .... Based on $7 dollars a gram 80,000 Sqft. Lets do 55,000 plants each plant should yield 1 lbs, that's 55,000 pounds. 55,000 times $,3,178 per pound based on 454 grams in a pound at $7 bucks a gram, comes out to be $174,790,000 Million Dollars of revenue, and this is just low balling. From what I'm hearing there expanding the plant to 500,000 Sqft. Lets say out of the 500,000 sqft they use 400,000 sqft plants that can grow at $7 bucks a share $3,178 bucks times 400,000 plants $1,271,200,000 Billion Dollars for FITX Now if BIll grew this pants did 3 levels meaning 3 levels going up 3 rows that's triple $3,813,600,000
Still waiting for the so called proof that they increased the A/S for FITX Please.
I doubt someone from the inside will give you that info....
I have an idea all shareholders PM Questions about FITX and will send them to The CEO, lets pick the CEOs mind.
Spread the word and have people send me there Questions for the CEO....
I agree with this 100% , I have seen higher Share Structures 3 time this amount and still go to $0.05- $0.25
IMO, if FITX does bring in large amounts of cash from sales of medical marijuana soon, I could see the CEO doing a buyback,if that happens we see $0.25 quick.
Quote: Never ever going to happen... and the buyback talk is laughable. Can you explain why this will never happen, I think it will if Bill said no R/S and there has been no increase in shares anywhere something tells me he might be going that route of a buyback if we pull in the cash which should be very easy.
But Missy your not answering the question here... Quote: Never ever going to happen... And the buyback talk is laughable. Can you explain why this will never happen, I think it will if Bill said no R/S and there has been no increase in shares anywhere something tells me he might be going that route of a buyback if we pull in the cash which should be very easy.
Quote: Bill claimed on FB that NAKED shorts were attacking the stock. (That post is still up if you want me to get it for you). But when the quarter report came out it shows he was diluting the company to hell. Is there proof that shows BIll selling, we have been asking for proof for weeks now and nothing, and yes FITX are getting Naked shorted everyday there is reports for that.
Quote: I disagree with your facts... He knew he was diluting the hell out of this and that this statement is a lie. Once again please show us Proof that Bill was selling, and just FYI you do know CEOs are very limited on how much they can sell like 1%, so I'm really wondering why you keep saying bill and cannot even back it up with facts.
Can you explain this please...... Quote: Never ever going to happen... and the buyback talk is laughable. Can you explain why this will never happen, I think it will if Bill said no R/S and there has been no increase in shares anywhere something tells me he might be going that route of a buyback if we pull in the cash which should be very easy.
Huge Victory for FITX look ....... December 10, 2013 MI Dispensaries, Edibles Get Committee Nod Tags: cannabis legislation, house bill 4271, house bill 5104, marijuana edibles, michigan marijuana dispensaries Medical marijuana dispensaries in Michigan received a rare bit of good news today. The state’s House Judiciary Committee approved two separate bills that would OK medical marijuana dispensaries and allow patients to consume edibles. Both bills now head to the House floor for consideration. If approved, they would become legal updates to Michigan’s Medical Marihuana Act of 2008. The bills could end the years-long turmoil within Michigan’s medical marijuana industry, which has made it one of the most challenging markets for cannabusinesses in the country. This has been a particularly bumpy year for cannabis professionals in the state. In February, the state’s Supreme Court ruled that Michigan’s medical marijuana act violates federal law, giving police the green light to begin shuttering dispensaries. Scores of dispensaries have closed across the state as a result. Then in July, the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that marijuana brownies are not a usable form of cannabis under the state’s medical marijuana law, essentially prohibiting all non-smokable forms of cannabis. The new bills directly address the commotion caused by the two rulings. House Bill 5104 updates the medical marijuana law to clarify that multiple parts of the plant – such as dried leaves, resin and extracts – can be eaten or otherwise used by patients. House Bill 4271 would allow local communities to decide whether they allow dispensaries. While getting the two bills through the House committee is a great first step, it remains to be seen if backers can muster up enough support to get the measures signed into law.
Re Read the PR,thats to expand on the building that's already up.
And Guess what I have been past the buildings they are real.
Alot of peeps here will be in for a huge shock soon IMO> Go FITX
IMO we see a hard bounce in January of the new year near a $0.01, then climb from there with the big news.
And you have no evidence of dilution from the company since the last share count back in Sept,of 2013.
Agreed,if the company was selling this would have been blown past the 3.5 A/S long time ago.
But if the company was doing dilution then how come the A/S has not changed since Sept 2013, I mean that is awhile back and if your saying there dumping they would have changed the a/s for a increase correct?
Lets say he does update FITX, and there is no change what then?
As long as the A/S does not increase I'm happy $$$
Do you understand of what a public company does on the OTC? And as for the share count that is very small compared to other compines IMO>
2014 GOLD rush for this sector and FITX right in the middle.
What shares were given for money got proof a link please?
Dammm case closed on that lool
Don't you think if they did get the loan it would be a stake in a % of return from the weed grown?
How do I know what it is,and really don't care to be honest. FITX about to make history.
No Promotions going here or in the future they hired the best PR firm out there and this firm is very picky who they bring on board so get your facts correct. Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. Hires 5W Public Relations as Agency of Record
Thank you for the DD, a lot of good read for the new investor on CEN Biotech and FITX.
Agreed and nice find for FITX.
FITX looking better then ever IMO, only going to get more attention from here.
IMO, this was the best thing the company ever did to hire these guys for Public R....
Talking about NASDAQ,I would not doubt FITX gets up listed to NASDAQ, WE ARE TALKING ABOUT ABOUT $1.3 MILLION POUNDS A YEAR. 454 GRAMS IN A POUND TIMES $7.50 EQUALS = $3,405 A POUND TIMES $1,300,000 MILLION POUNDS EQUALS =$4,426,500,000 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR,I REPEAT $4,426,500,000. NOW CAN YOU IMAGINE WITH EXPORTING TO OTHER COUNTIRES THAT WILL BE DOUBLE.IMO SHARE PRICE WILL GO TO DOLLARS AND WE GET UP LISTED TO NASDAQ P.S Colorado State out of Weed, we would not have this problem right now if CEN BIOTECH was up and running already, we could have shipped them a few tons, this is huge for CEN BIOTECH IMO>
Here is the math and how big it is IMO,453 Grams in a pound times $7.60 a gram is $3,443 a pound. $3,443 1,300,000 Million Pounds = $4,475,900,000 Billion Dollars YES I SAID IT BILLION DOLLARS. That's just CANADA ALONE,add on a few Country"s and a few states I say near $10Billion a year.IMO I think BILL will do a share buy back with that type of cash, and sitting past a buck and uplist to the NASDAQ, can anyone say other wise facts are there I mean he is backed up by the whole country of CANADA so people this is the real deal here IMO.And don't forget the Seed to sale with EDXC huge for them also.
Warning “After fielding numerous requests and complaints from shareholders regarding the posting of slanderous and/or defamatory comments about the company in open forums, we have decided to pursue legal action. Upon information and belief, it appears there is a malicious and/or tortious interference with our share price being conducted by individuals or a group of individuals which are acting alone or conspiring. As a benefit of having four attorneys in our company, we will prepare a lawsuit and seek a subpoena from the court to obtain the identity of these individuals. We are very confident we will be successful in this regard and will use every legal avenue available to achieve the remedy or remedies allowed by law.” Your spreading false statements of a paid promo when you know there is not what so ever,by spreading these false posts ur hurting the share price and scaring investors. I will be passing this along to the company, I would say lawyer up IMO>
Very nice post neophyte184, and agree with you 100%.
Why is it hysteria cause its a life changer IMO,FITX has facts to back it up including a country Canada, can not get better then that.There is some great DD on the board, IMO this will be the talk of the next few years. (FITX)
People need to redo there math here it is plain and simple at $7.60 a gram. 1.3 Million Pounds a year from CEN BIO TECH..... 454 Grams in a pound times $7.60 a pound $3,451 times that with 1,300,000m Million pounds = $4,486,300,000 a Year and this is just CANADA alone with out exporting to others.... Health Canada estimates that consumers currently pay between $1.80 to $5 per gram of dried marijuana, with the price under the new program to rise to about $7.60 per gram in 2014. Peace Naturals charges $6 a gram and offers a 50 per cent discount, up to a set amount, for those on disability allowance or social assistance. (FITX) $4,486,300,000 If anyone has any Q>>>>>>> please email the CEO he is very quick to reply.
I fully agree with you there,I was watching Level 2 and seen nothing like it before $1million dollar load up on the offer and price did not move one bit.That tells me 2 things. 1.Huge Hedge Fund loading the dame boat and only has the power to screw around with MMS on level 2. MMS see something massive coming next week and know they have to cover there shorts A.S.A.P before (FITX ) really goes main stream. Think about look at the board from last night lit up like the 4th of July many new posters supporting the company and others non so supporting. There is a reason for everything someone is really working over time to keep price were its at to cover or load end of story.
That I would agree on,1,3Million pounds is alot IMO.
HUGE NEWS Harry Reid Backs Medical Marijuana
How many people are even holding at $0.002 , I would say no one . Everyone flipped out for a profit and now are in at higher prices. IMO
Breaking news people Obama on pot: 'I don't think it is more dangerous than alcohol'
HOLY CRAP Sterling Scott, CEO, GrowLife Inc, that's who is in that picture. Wait a minute CEN BIOTECH Grow the weed and Grow life supplies the lights and stuff to grow,That would be big for us no w doubt about that.That mean FITX moving at full speed,IMO FITX taking over the weed sector.
Agreed 100%
Good days coming IMO VERY GOOD DAYS.
I will tell you why it did not go in our favor, CEN BIOTECH was a direct threat to ArcView Group and for what it stands for. CEN BIOTECH Project was too big for them and there so called investors to handle, and they are also in fear that CEN Biotech will now take center stage and put them in the dark. IMO ArcView group is nothing but a joke, did you guys know that the ARCVIEW is in NEED of money for them self’s $700K. The point of this meeting was to raise money for new companies not ARCVIEW. When they went on stage talking about how ArcView needed money it did not look well, a few people ended up walking out. Here is what is going to take place IMO CENBIOTECH will be making a huge footprint for its self In Canada then the U>S>A> once it does that then it becomes a huge threat to the ARCVIEW Group as one of the largest players in the world and puts ArcView in the rear view mirror IMO. ARCVIEW rally does not want to help the small guy there for them self’s to get the cash. Why in the hell would you say we are going to help the little guy get cash, and then come on stage them self’s saying oh but we need cash ourselves. Rumors going around that a few of the Judges said to get CENBIOTECH out of ARCVIEW group before they go on stage, Why are they in fear of something? From a few people that did attend the meeting, the minute CENBIOTECH said 1, 3 million pounds a year there was a few jaw droppers and wanted to get in touch with CEN Biotech once they left the stage. One guy said he told an ArcView worker to tell them he is very interested in speaking with them, the workers reply was don’t even try??????????????????? Why would they say something like that you scared of something???????????????? CEN BIOTECH going be taking over the spotlight now. $$$$$$$$$$$ IMO this was a huge win for CENBIOTECH and they made ARCVIEW look like a bunch of fools, and soon be eating there dust Soon Peeps. P.S I just found out more information about ArcView group, ArcView group is doing nothing but stealing people’s ideas as they present themselves at the meeting. Did you notice how every time someone presents themselves for funding ETC they kick everyone else out while only the Arcview group hears what they have to say.
IMO we $0.25 by Mid FEB...
Must Read this why FITX will be the key player soon If there allowing 150 grams per person or ¼ ib it will take 4 people to make a pound correct, take 4,394,880 Million people divide that into 4 you get 1,098,720 pounds you need for yearly intake for Health Canada, and this is low balling. This is why Bill of CEN BIOTECH is going to grow 1, 3 million pounds. The Canadian government projects 30, 000 medicinal users, wrong it also forgot to count the millions of people already smoking that will have to get a medical marijuana license by a doctor by March 14, 2014 in order to smoke legally. IMO this low balling this does not include importing or exporting CEN BIOTECH has to apply for more to grow. Annual cannabis use by country Canada 12.6 % 2009 [1] Canada 34.88 million (2012) Canada, Population 12.6% of 34.88 million = 4,394,880 Million People That Consume Cannabis. Canadian teens lead developed world in cannabis use: Unicef report Medical Marijuana Users May Face Pot Shortage in B.C. Under the new rules coming into effect on April 1, only dried cannabis may be offered for sale, and it must be mailed or couriered directly from the authorized producer to the customer, in child-proof bottles. Patients who prefer to ingest marijuana orally will have to make their own extracts and tinctures. They will be permitted to possess a maximum of 150 grams of dried marijuana, or 30 times their daily dose, whichever is less. That’s ¼ IB per person, 4 people will be a pound. SO in 2012 4,394,880 Million people smoked and with today’s current date you can add another 1 million to be on the safe side, let’s do the math. If there allowing 150 grams per person or ¼ ib it will take 4 people to make a pound correct, take 4,394,880 Million people divide that into 4 you get 1,098,720 pounds you need for yearly intake for Health Canada, and this is low balling. This is why Bill of CEN BIOTECH is going to grow 1, 3 million pounds. The Canadian government projects 30, 000 medicinal users, wrong it also forgot to count the millions of people already smoking that will have to get a medical marijuana license by a doctor by March 14, 2014 in order to smoke legally. IMO this low balling this does not include importing or exporting CEN BIOTECH has to apply for more to grow.
IMO we have one of the best CEO's out there that really cares about his shareholders. GO FITX >>>>>
AJOE and WISE 25% each but still part iof CEN BIO tech which means total for FITX is realy 60% also FITX becomes the winner out all of this PHOT about to unload shares and FITX stated no increase.
IMO ,I think the CEO will clear the 8k up and will show FITX is more stake then PHOT in this deal.IMO FITX will be the real winner out of all this as PHOT will be selling shares to fund this project and FITX CEO stated no increase or R/S is FITX is the best bet for now.
That would not be a bad idea IMO, ungagged T/A will be the icing on the cake.
NEWS HUGE This is to clear up any confusion. Creative Edge Nutrition Inc. owns 75% (Seventy-Five Percent) of Cen Biotech, Inc CEN Biotech Inc. (FITX) Clarification on Ownership of the World’s Largest and Most Advanced Legal Cannabis Production Facility MADISON HEIGHTS, MI / February 3, 2014 / ACCESSWIRE / Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (FITX), in a previous press release announced a collaborative deal in the operation of its future medical marijuana facility in Lakeshore, Ontario Canada. 8k filings with the SEC through our collaborative partner have led to confusion in the ownership held by Creative Edge Nutrition Inc. This is to clear up any confusion. Creative Edge Nutrition Inc. owns 75% (Seventy-Five Percent) of Cen Biotech, Inc. The structure of the CEN Biotech Inc. ownership was done with the best interest of shareholders and the company in mind. The percentages held by Wise Phoenix LLC, AJOA Holdings LLC and the “key Players” are held in trust on behalf of Creative Edge Nutrition. This structured ownership was for a multitude of reasons; most importantly, to prevent a Hostile takeover and protect what is the company’s most valuable asset. It also prevents control from being in the hands of one individual or party. Outside parties have attempted to acquire the land the company has leased from the owner. He has received offers in excess of $25 million dollars for 10.3 acres in an attempt to obtain the site. In the past months, numerous hedge funds, investments banks and large corporations have attempted to acquire up to 80% of the facility in exchange for capital. Bill Chabaan, President, is adamant: “We have stayed vigilant in our focus and will institute any and all preventative measures to protect our interests.” Bill Chabaan reassures shareholders, “There have been many offers of financing but it was important to bring on a collaborative partner who understands our market and will contribute to our operations. As always, my team and I, act ONLY in the best interest of our shareholders.” About CEN Biotech CEN Biotech, Inc. was established in 2013 as a partially owned subsidiary of Creative Edge Nutrition (OTC Pink: FITX) for the sole purpose of supplying the Canadian public with pharmaceutical-grade medical cannabis under the newly established Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) CEN Biotech Inc. has submitted a comprehensive application to become a licensed producer (LP) of dried marihuana for medicinal purposes and has received a ready-to-build approval from Health Canada. Cautionary Language Concerning Forward-Looking Statements This release contains "forward-looking statements" that include information relating to future events and future financial and operating performance. The words "may," "would," "will," "expect," "estimate," "can," "believe," "potential" and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at, or by, which that performance or those results will be achieved. Forward-looking statements are based on information available at the time they are made and/or management's good faith belief as of that time with respect to future events, and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in or suggested by the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause these differences include, but are not limited to: fluctuations in demand for Creative Edge Nutrition’s products, the introduction of new products, the Company’s ability to maintain customer and strategic business relationships, the impact of competitive products and pricing, growth in targeted markets, the adequacy of the Company’s liquidity and financial strength to support its growth, and other information that may be detailed from time-to-time in Creative Edge Nutrition’s filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Examples of such forward-looking statements in this release include statements regarding future sales, costs and market acceptance of products as well as regulatory actions at the State or Federal level. For a more detailed description of the risk factors and uncertainties affecting Creative Edge Nutrition Inc. please refer to the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings, which are available at . Creative Edge Nutrition Inc. undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Contact: Jeff Thomas (313) 655-1669 Email: Source: Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc.
GREAT VIDEO IMO, FITX share price will be at $0.25 soon IMO>
Wrong,many other compines that have billion s and billions of shares outsatnding and trading on NASDAQ, another 2 company's look at PHOT going to 3 billion in a few days and over $0.30 HEMP 2 billion and near $0.30. FITX is bigger then both by 100 times, once FITX starts to grow the plants we looking into $0.50 if not dollars IMO>
Agreed by 100 times over IMO>
FITX winner here long term, no room for short termers IMO>
People this is the real deal here , you guys see the BRINKS truck there also BIG MONEY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
LOL, FITX golden winner.
Looks that way,not trying to bash PHOT, but peeps going be selling hard once they put 3Billion out and have to fund us on FITX.
Agreed, and FITX will be growing 1,3Million pounds better value here IMO<>
We should IMO, if we break $0.06 this going to $0.08 IMO>
Here we go again with the false information by people again no untrue.
Not confirmed.
More News Huge U.S. deputy drug czar says pot is less dangerous than alcohol.
Cannabis Financial Network Executive Interview | Bill Chaaban, CEO of Creative Edge Nutrition (FITX) In this episode we will be talking to Mr. Bill Chaaban, President and CEO of Creative Edge Nutrition, a publicly traded company in the legal cannabis sector which trades under ticker symbol FITX. Mr. Chaaban discusses the company's partially owned subsidiary, CEN Biotech. CEN Biotech, Inc. was established in 2013 as a partially owned subsidiary of Creative Edge Nutrition (OTC Pink: FITX) for the sole purpose of supplying the Canadian public with pharmaceutical-grade medical cannabis under the newly established Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) CEN Biotech Inc. has submitted a comprehensive application to become a licensed producer (LP) of dried marihuana for medicinal purposes and has received a ready-to-build approval from Health Canada.
Filling the gaps and coiling up for the next run very healthy IMO.
News. ...
More news ..
Tomorrows vote will not play any key role for FITX,from what I heard there is now bigger funders ready if need be.
Really are you kidding, lol who cares what the CEO wears.
Bill made this clear already , and everyone knows it, those shares already in the market and have been.
It's already in the 8-k that I'm pretty sure you seen.
And that's great if it has alot of details, but IMO no matter if its good or bad, this stock going to run up still no matter what. ALL MJ plays are on fire right now and more fuel is getting added by the minute. Good Luck.
FITX $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Read his pasts posts,let me explain something to you FORBES ,WSJ, The street .com The biggest PR 5wpr would deal with FITX if it was not real ,trust me they done there DD on this company and they it will be massive, there just trying to be the first to cover it on the wire to take credit before it goes big.
Humboldt County
Humboldt County
The share count the same, she was just rounding a number off,so lets not make this to a issue nothing has changed.
It's going up and ur dream is coming true to the last part IMO>
Sell your shares then, will buy them :)
Compared to the other company's you post on this one is the best.
Big time and all the rest IMO.
Don't need the luck been holding since $0.0009 enough said good day Bud:)
That's my point good day.
Very :)
FITX going be HUGE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Obama can not turn back now, it's to big IMO>
Looking for a bank that pays the highest interest.
My dad was once telling that it got as high as 18% wow.
$0.0979 - $0.098
Unreal,only if we had those rates now,make a few million bucks from FITX and locked it up for 3 years and live of the interest rates,my dad was also telling me people were getting very very rich from those rates.
My Level 2 working but not IHUbs;(
$0.098 $0.0998
@jimcramer: Marijuana Stock Index Outperforms S&P 500 - @MainStr
IHUB Level 2 Back up Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Meanwhile, up north, just outside of Detroit, Sam Alawieh, CEO and founder of the pharmaceutical company RXNB, has developed closed-door climate bay technology to replicate the exact environment of 50 different strains of marijuana in a controlled and sterile manufacturing environment. Alawieh, whose background is in pharmacology, has 32 patents pending on marijuana-related technologies. "People have been focused on access," he says. "But the second-wave evolution is about predictability and accountability." Alawieh has licensed RXNB's technology to CEN Biotech, an offshoot of the publicly traded company Creative Edge Nutrition, based just outside of Detroit. The company broke ground on a $12 million manufacturing facility in Ontario, Canada and plans to grow and sell 1.3 million pounds of medical marijuana this year in the Canadian market. "Everything will be completely computer-automated," says Bill Chaaban, CEO of Creative Edge Nutrition, which has made its bread and butter selling nutritional supplements and energy drinks in the U.S. "You're not going to have a guy walking around with a ponytail and jeans."
That's the MMs trying to cover before the huge run IMO.
That is FITX lol.
Will Creative Edge Nutrition Become The Jolly Green Giant Of Medical Marijuana?
It's called Patent pending, maybe under a differant name a LLC ETc.
Why, explain in details,
Only on the Canada side TSX exchange , will not effect FITX what so ever and there only aloud to grow 1,200 plants VS 1,3 Million pounds FITX so we all know who the big player will be.
That would put the share price IMO around $0.35 - $0.46 a share IMO,then when we grow the first crop it will go past $0.50 a share in a heart beat.
Are you accusing the company or Bill dumping Shares?
That might come true of a un gagged TA, I'm hearing he might move to another TA, a much larger firm.
Why don't you ask him that, how about that.
In correct,full man team for wiring can take no longer then 1 week if working around the clock =, which IMO Bills plans to have them do. He wants this up fast.
Nope same,its 7 compaines big deal.
Not worried one bit,as he just a investor in the company and does not run the company, anyone can invest into a company there is crime with that. Don't why this is a such a big deal,FITX is making milestones happen and will be the biggest and greatest IMO>
$0.13 easy IMO.
Okay now your really dreaming if that;s going to happen, you mean $0.58 soon.
Charts in pennystock are BS IMO<
FITX NEWS HUGE This Public Company Has A Plan To Make $5 Billion A Year From Selling Pot Read more:
Cause there will be no more then 12 IMO, and it's been made clear and sent to Health Canada that CEN BIotech will produce the largest amount.1,3Million pounds and Health Canada and they know, if there was a problem with that they would had said something IMO> IMO CEN BIOTECH will be the leader of the pack.
Investing money in any penny stock or even big board stock is very high risk,people should treat any type of investment as a huge gamble, no such thing as a 100%. IMO 2 ways a investment can go HUGE return or a huge loss.Good luck to all..................
Same here,and I agree spread the money out.
Incorrect now your spreading false information, there is alot going on, I know people that are driving by every other day, from what they say there getting ready to layout the fencing.
Funny how must of them say NON compensated
FITX Hired 5pwr as there Public Relations no need to do any promos.
Read he bought Paid debt which is very legal,so lets move on.And what ever he has going with t he SEC has nothing to do with FITX. Anyone can buy debit from any company no matter what background,and has he been found guilty of anything NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, don't know why this is a issue.
Third, we talked about Randy Hamdan. He said that FINRA has no issue with him and that just because someone has been sued doesn't mean he didn't anything wrong. I can relate to that personally! Also, he said that if the circumstances were to change, then he would act accordingly.
Just a investor that buys Paid Debit.
Dude stop,all this is Hogwash IMO,we are looking at the present and future now,this about to make history IMO,this is the only company that has kept his share holders up to date on everything.
Sweet Nice Pictures, we moving forward Good job.
How many shareholders are going to the shareholder meeting on Friday?
Don't forget all MADISON HEIGHTS, MI, February 18, 2014 - Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: FITX), is proud to announce that it is having shareholder open house. Shareholders may use this press release as a Letter of Invitation for Canada Customs and Border Services Agency. To Whom It May Concern: Please accept this invitation letter to attend an Open House at the new location of CEN Biotech Inc., on Friday February 21, 2014 at 5:00pm and Saturday February 22, 2014 at 10:00am. We are located at 20 North Rear Rd., Lakeshore, Ontario, Canada N0R 1K0, just south of the Manning Rd. interchange on Highway 401. Please dress appropriate for the weather and we look forward to meeting you at the Open House. Sincerely Yours, Bill Chaaban President & CEO Bill Chaaban, President and CEO stated, "We are very excited to meet our shareholders face to face and show them our plans in person. We intentionally scheduled the press conference after market hours so we may press release anything disseminated to our complete shareholder base and prospective shareholders before the open of market on Monday February 24, 2014. We are very excited to welcome you to Lakeshore, Ontario and our site. We have exciting times ahead as we forge forward with executing our plans of building the world’s largest and most technologically advanced medical marijuana facility in Lakeshore, Ontario, Canada."
FITX best bet IMO.
I also heard the shareholder meeting went very well,good JOB and goodluck all.
Great Read from another poster IMO. Notes from somebody who actually attended shareholder meeting I will start off by saying that listening to the audio recording of the open house does not offer a decent perspective on the atmosphere of the room that night. The recording is very scratchy and muffled. I have a much better version I will upload soon. Here are some points of note from the evening. The parking lot was jam packed. I had to park out on the street nearly off the property line. There were attendees from all across the country at the meeting. I notices license plates from Michigan, Ontario, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Florida to name a few. Inside the building was standing room only once the meeting began. I was able to sit in the first row of the balcony, dead center. Bill and crew took note of me very early on as I was taking diligent notes and recording everything. The team they had on staff had an incredible range of industry experiences. Introduced were a career Canadian police officer, a retired US Secret Service and DEA agent, Bill Chabaan and his cousin who owns the property, Sam Alaweih PharmD, a farmer in Ontario who is also a lawyer, and several more. Sam Alaweih talked the most. Honestly, he talked so god damn slow and philosophically I phased him out when he got off track. Two things were apparent, Sam is an incredibly intelligent and cerebral man, and he believes in the mission of FITX. Sam is a pharmacist, and I believe he will have an integral role in strain development. Sam spoke about the importance of educating physicians and patients on the benefits and intended purpose of each strain and how they intend to grow the brand. Sam said one thing that is important to note. The mantra of the company as he sees it is, "persistence, ingenuity and integrity". The team mentioned integrity frequently during the presentation. Bill was the best speaker, you could tell it hurts for him to have to repeatedly answer the same questions over and over about PHOT and financing and such. In addition, he referenced a gag order which prevents him from sharing specific details about security of the site and workflow process management. He was clear in stating that they have every detail of the cultivation of plants down to an exact formula from seed to shipment. He was my favorite to hear speak. He was concise, passionate, and honest. Something of note is that Bill again stated that FITX has NO PLANS TO CHANGE THE NUMBER OF O/S. This drove one woman in attendance crazy during the Q and A because she didn't know how a stock market works and was insistent that there are some secret, undiscovered shares up their sleeve. She was annoying, and got the Q and A off on a bad foot. It quickly recovered. Bill stressed the importance of transparency to him in this business. Not only because of the nature of the business, but because of the stocks OTC status. He did not want any confusion about his company's status or intentions. FITX DOES PLAN TO UP-LIST TO THE NASDAQ AS EARLY AS MAY. They have already been in talks with the SEC in order to do so. FITX plans to develop clear and regular reporting cycles for the shareholders in order to maintain transparency. FITX does plan to enter the European market as soon as possible. As it has been pointed out, they could move a massive amount of product to the European market at a huge profit. While Bill stated it was "Not relevant to this discussion" when asked about recreational bud in the states, he also said CEN Biotech will be able and prepared to "Dominate the market" when it happens. CEN Biotech is using their war chest to hire lobbyists in Michigan and Washington DC. I do not believe it is entirely unreasonable to expect to see their product within the states within a couple years. I have no reason to believe that states approving recreational use would have any issue with importing their product. According to Sam Alaweih, the pharmacist, they intend to grow their brand through a multiple aspect approach including pt advocate utilization, physician education, and face to face meetings with doctors. He may have eluded to an online educational platform, but again, the guy began every sentence with a metaphor and ended it with an allegory. The Q and A section was interesting. Questions ranged from basic misunderstandings of the stock market to hard hitting questions about the PHOT deal. The guy asking about PHOT asked if the 25% was in perpetuity, to which Bill responded that it was, and their other avenues for financing were not viable. Two things of note here. An oil and gas company offered funding to CEN Biotech. Also, Big Tobacco offered Bill financing for 60% of CEN Biotech. To those who say big tobacco will take over the business, they may have missed their chance with that by offering Bill such a shitty deal. The PHOT question guy was sitting right next to me. He has no idea about the difficulties companies in this sector face trying to raise funds. He was legitimately pissed that he hadn't been able to finance CEN Biotech himself. Apparently before I showed up he had been telling people he's already bought a condo with his profits from FITX. The one question which seemed most important to me was the very last question asked of the entire evening, "Bill, specifically why are you so confident you will receive the license from Health Canada?" one brave young soul asked. One fellow shareholder was kind enough to answer him, "Because they called him asking for pot...". Bill was quick to add that the phone call lasted 45 minutes, and the Director of Health Canada was informed of every aspect of their business and insisted that they continue building, and hurry up with it. I will let everybody here know, I was blown away at the meeting. I was expecting a shanty with some free shitty coffee and folding chairs. Instead I was greeted by two younger attractive people, one to direct me into the meeting, and another to offer me a drink. Inside the meeting room(old movie theater I'd bet) there was a table of delicious horderves including shrimp cocktail and a variety of cake and sweets. I tried it all, you know, for science. It was amazing. I've decided to triple my position in FITX because of what I saw Friday. Several other investors in my network intend to buy in tomorrow and hold long. I will be doing the same, for full disclosure. I can't but help at this point picturing myself in a couple years sitting on a boat staring out at the water with a scotch in hand answering the question, "How'd you make your first million?" Me: "I got in early on CEN Biotech" tl;dr: I was blown away at the shareholder meeting. I'm tripling down tomorrow and going long on FITX. They intend to up-list to the Nasdaq, do not intend to dilute the shares or do an RS. If there is a team of people who can accomplish all the crazy things FITX has claimed it intends to do, they've assembled the right team for the job.
Do you have any proof how much he sold,he is allowed to sell some shares nothing wrong with that what so ever and what's the big deal 1% very small number.At least Bill doing it the correct way, other CEO's on pinks unload shares without telling shareholders. Must here should be happy he is honest and doing this the correct way.
NEWS NEWS MADISON HEIGHTS, MI / February 26, 2014 / ACCESSWIRE / Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (FITX), is proud to announce a partnership agreement with RXNB Inc. for the first right of purchase of a pharmacy license in the State of Michigan. Under the agreement, CEN Biotech Inc. (A Michigan Corporation) is positioned to establish a gateway for distribution of naturally occurring pharmaceuticals in acknowledgement of Michigan Senate Bill 0660. Senate Bill 0660 recognizes the sale of pharmaceutical-grade cannabis through licensed facilities; allowing under certain circumstances, the regulations of possession and use of pharmaceutical-grade cannabis by certain individuals. Effective December 30th 2013, the bill has published as a public law, passing both the Senate and the House successfully. “Senate Bill 0660 is in line with our philosophy that medicinal marijuana is a controlled substance that must be recognized for its medicinal properties, which requires a licensed individual & entity to dispense to the patients accordingly, for various ailments” Bill Chaaban, CEO Creative Edge Nutrition states. Mr. Chaaban continues discussing alternate avenues of dispensing, “We believe in responsible medicine and are not opposed to alternative and or new avenues of access to pharmaceutical-grade cannabis, but we still must recognize the implications of the failure to provide security, traceability and accountability”. The agreement will allow for Creative Edge Nutrition to conduct business at the patient dispensing consumer level in the State of Michigan. Dr. Sam Alawieh, Pharm.D. explains “We are excited to continue our collaboration with CEN Biotech Inc. ( Canada), CEN Biotech Inc. (Michigan), & Creative Edge Nutrition Inc. to position ourselves in the market place to provide patients access to medicine responsibly, pending the position of the Federal government and pharmaceutical-cannabis’ schedule as a controlled substance.” “To reiterate to date, we are looking forward to the co-operation of the many agencies required to make this a possibility to provide a fundamentally sound and responsible avenue for patients to have access to pharmaceutical-grade cannabis, in uniformity of all parties engaged, patients, physicians, municipalities, the State of Michigan and the Federal government”. Stated CEO & President of RXNB Inc. Dr. Sam Alawieh, Pharm.D. RXNB Inc. currently practices patient-dispensing of medicine and has developed an infrastructure that allots Creative Edge Nutrition Inc. and its subsidiaries to solidify a presence in the pharmaceutical market place. About CEN Biotech (Canada) CEN Biotech, Inc. was established in 2013 as a partially owned subsidiary of Creative Edge Nutrition (OTC Pink: FITX) for the sole purpose of supplying the Canadian public with pharmaceutical-grade medical cannabis under the newly established Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) CEN Biotech Inc. has submitted a comprehensive application to become a licensed producer (LP) of dried marihuana for medicinal purposes and has received a ready-to-build approval from Health Canada. About Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. Creative Edge Nutrition is a holding company and a Nutritional Supplement Company focused on developing innovative, high quality supplements. The company offers a broad spectrum of capsules, tablets, and powders, as well as science based products in the principal categories of weight management, nutrition challenges, energy and fitness. The Company manufactures under strict GMP guidelines at GMP Certified and/or FDA registered facilities. and Safe Harbor Notice This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as statements relating to financial results and plans for future development activities, and are thus prospective. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding intent, belief or current expectations of the Company, its directors or its officers. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control. Actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements are risks and uncertainties associated with the Company's business and finances in general, including the ability to continue and manage its growth, competition, global economic conditions and other factors discussed in detail in the Company's periodic filings with the Security and Exchange Commission. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements. FOR INVESTOR RELATIONS, Please Contact: William Swalm (212) 584-4342 Email: Source: Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc.
At this time it does not matter if Bill is even renting, buying ETC, CEN BIOTECH is getting built and there is no stopping it IMO, and will have no effect at the end of the day, and I really don't understand how this even matters.FITX.
Attention all you guys ever have a dream or just happened to walk and see a sign and the next day it came true. What if I was to tell you I just found something and this tells me this is a huge sign that we will be the biggest Grower out there? Okay click on the link below read it and look at the picture of the money with the 4 buds,look at the far bud on the right and the tip of it where it says CEN tell me if that's not a sign to come $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Freaky Stuff IMO FITX Long
I think it has alot to do with Bill getting into the weed sector that GNC pulled the order which makes alot of sense since, I mean look at facebook no more talk about HEMP THC Weed ETC or you will be banned.
No it's not, it's in Washington state read the news, nothing to do with Canada.
WoW Hemp Technologies is the first company to build fully permitted and healthy Hemp homes in the United States! Now we’re building the first permitted hemp homes in New Zealand with locally grown hemp and locally sourced limes! House made of hemp Hemp homes are cutting edge of green building
ALERT HEMP-TECHNOLOGIES Constructing the first permitted home in America built primarily of hemp materials, Hemp Technologies' crew forms eight inch thick hemp block walls using hemp shiv, mixed with a hemp hurd/lime binder, tamped inside recycled plastic forms. AND CEN BIOTECH OWNS IT. Hemp Technologies' Greg Flavell Ford's Hemp powered Hemp made Car Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity - Federation of American ... ...? Federation of American Scientists by R Johnson - ?2013 - ?Cited by 4 - ?Related articles Jul 24, 2013 - the U.S. market is largely dependent on imports, both as finished hemp-containing ..... 18 “Hemp Homes are Cutting Edge of Green Building,” USA Today, ..... must allow government testing of their crop for THC levels.43 Since ...
Get the facts correct, not one paid promo in almust a year,and that's a fact that website should take that false information down that is a large lawsuit waiting to happen, IMO> FITX Show proof that FITX did any promos in the last year and waiting. Domain Name: PENNYSTOCKIPEDIA.COM Registrar URL: Registrant Name: Booknes Thermidor Registrant Organization: Name Server: NS31.DOMAINCONTROL.COM Name Server: NS32.DOMAINCONTROL.COM DNSSEC: unsigned For complete domain details go to: Information Updated: Sun, 9 Mar 2014 15:17:50 UTC
FITX News Anyone take the time to checkout Anndrea Hermann , we just got the Wiz kid of HEMP IMO look... Education: B.S., Hemp Ecolonomics, Missouri Southern State University, 2002 Premasters, University of Manitoba, 2004 M.S., Science of Hemp Agronomy, University of Manitoba, 2008 Rural Business Training Course, Manitoba Agricultural Food and Rural Initiative, 2011 Certified Professional Agrologist, Manitoba Institute of Agrology, 2004-Present Health Canada Authorized THC, Seed, Derivative, and Crop Sampling with Transporting, 2005-Present Hemp Building Accreditation, International Hemp Building Association, 2011-Present Biography: With over 15 years experience in the Canadian and international hemp cannabis industry, Anndrea has a wide range of interdisciplinary skills including hemp fibre & seed agronomy, hemp field trials & crop THC sampling, product quality standards & testing, sales, marketing, product development, regulatory affairs, certifications & licensing, client to client connections, hemp building applications, project analysis, bodycare, fashion, food and so much more…. Honors and Awards: Canadian Provincial Nominee Award, Unique Skilled Worker & Canadian Landed Immigrant, 2004 Growing Forward - Canadian Federal Funding for Hemp Fibre Agronomy Research, 2004 University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship, 2004 Canadian Government- Investment Champion, 2010 Canadian Citizenship, 2011 Champion of the New Rural Economy, Manitoba Government, 2011 President of the Hemp Industries Association, 2012 Area of Specialization: Not only does she respect this plant but it is a way of life for her, eating hemp, wearing hemp, building with hemp, speaking about hemp, sharing knowledge and inspiring others to do the same. Cannabis is part of what Anndrea calls her final vocabulary. Current Research: -International re- and new introduction of hemp cultivation- Slovakia, Russia, South Africa and Netherlands -Hemp Variety Trails -Special Committee Member of the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance - Regulatory Review -USA state legislation Teaching: WSE 266: Industrial Hemp Recent Publications: Hermann and Owen. 2013. Hemp Farming Guide. Hemp Industries Association. Johnson, Gan, May, Balasubramanian, Vera, Friesen and Hermann. 2010. "Production of Selected Special Crops on the Canadian Great Plains.", in Malhi, Gan, Schoenau, Lemke and Liebig. (eds.) - Recent Trends in Soil Science and Agronomy Research in the Northern Great Plains of North America, Research Signpost, Trivandrum, India, Chapter 10. Hansen-Trip and Gordon. 2009. “Ontario Hemp Alliance: Canadian Industrial Review Project.” Peer reviewed and edited by Hermann. Hermann. 2008. The Effect of Plant Population Density and Harvest Timing on Agronomic Fibre Yield and Quality Characteristics of Industrial Hemp (Cannabis), Cultivar Alyssa, grown in The Parkland Region of Manitoba, Canada. Dept of Plant Science, U of Manitoba. Masters of Science Thesis. Hermann. 2008. Appendix D. Canadian National Industrial Hemp Strategy (NIHS) pp. 284-344, – Literature Review of the Agronomics of Industrial Hemp: Seeding and Harvesting Literature Review Agronomics: Industrial Hemp Seeding and Harvesting Prepared by: Composites Innovation Centre for Project Sponsor: ARDI III B-27 Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiative, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Wrong must of those share have been sold in the market place, anytime shares are paid with debit they become free next day and since there is more then 70% I guess paid for debit already hit the market place, and that's a fact. These shares were freed up last year and by looking at all that volume must sold IMO.

Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid.
Whadda maroon!