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Alias Born 04/22/2009

Re: None

Tuesday, 05/13/2014 10:45:05 PM

Tuesday, May 13, 2014 10:45:05 PM

Post# of 30964

I wanted to let the board know that I just got off the phone with the company. I was told to expect to see updates to BY next week! From the information I gathered over the course of our two conversations, it appears there will be no change to current share structure and no talks of any reverse split. Victor has been relentlessly working on the corporate side of things getting all the t's crossed and i's dotted. I was very pleased to finally hear that the ball is filled up with air and is ready to start rolling. Key note would be that he said updates on OTC "BY next week", could be today, tomorrow but never the less BY next week. Any day now things will begin to take shape!! I will be definitely keeping my eyes glued to

Best Wishes,





GLGT Reverse Merger DD-


Recently had been put up for sale on Merger Network-

Two familiar names, Victor Farias and Matthew Marsineson, are related by their involvement in Integrity Aviation & Leasing LLC. a wholly owned operating division of Occidental Development Group. Mr. Farias being on the Board of Directors, and Mr. Marsineson being on the advisory board.

I discovered that on the Nevada Secretary of State website, when viewing Global General Technologies entity actions (link 1), an amendment was passed on April 1, 2014 and furthermore when you click "return to entity details" at the bottom of this page it returns you to a profile of "Turbine Aviation, Inc."(link 2)

(link 1)

(link 2)

Moving along, it has been discovered that Mr. Morsenison is listed as the "related party" on an SEC form D that was filed under the company name of "Turbine Aviation Holdings". Interesting Note- Revenue of 5,000,000-25,000,000 was the box that was checked.

The links below are from the Florida Secretary of State website for Matthew Morsenison-
Turbine Aviation Holdings, LLC.


Turbine Aviation Management, LLC.

Now, looking back at the SEC form D from Mr. Morsineson, the phone number listed is that of "Turbine Engine Center" located in Medley, Florida.

This website has the exact same logo as this website that is currently under construction "Turbine Aviation"

I hope this answers any questions anyone may have in regards to the relations between Mr. Farias and Mr. Morsenison, and GLGT and "Turbine Aviation"

Page 24

Integrity has a close working relationship with Turbine Engine Center ("TEC"), an established FAA & EASA certified, maintenance, repair and overhaul ("MRO") facility located in Miami, FL. TEC has been in business for over 25 years and has maintained FAA and EASA certificates since 2002. TEC provides integrity with access to certified engines and parts, facilities for engine testing, post lease engine re-certification and airline industry access.

Integrity aviaton and leasin is owned by Occidental development group it says on there site.. the wholly owned operating division of occidental.. but if Marsenison merges integrity with Turbine Engine Center then RM into GLGT how would that affect the pps.. according to there site theyve got a bunch of assets..

Why a Reverse Merger you ask?

In a nutshell, here is the Cliff Notes version:

Many non-public, private companies desire to gain a public listing, where to organically grow their business, they can utilize the share price as a currency to capture seed capital, giving the company a much needed lifeline to money, that would be impossible to procure under normal circumstances. By becoming a publicly traded entity, the company can leverage their price per share as a barter to get the money. To many of the world's businesses this endeavor, to go, "Public," is cost prohibitive in today's markets. When a company, take for example Facebook, wanted to go public, they solicited their prospective listing to many of the big name Wall Street institutions in an effort to gauge investor appetite to the company and what the overall sentiment was in so far as the company going through an Initial Public Offering, (IPO). Once the company decided on which institution was worthy of their business they went ahead and proceeded with the IPO, and thus, FB became a publicly traded company and garnered hundreds of millions of dollars in the process, as did the wall Street institution that enabled the IPO. The latter part of that sentence is the cost prohibitiveness I referred to earlier. FB had to pay millions of dollars to go public. For FB and companies of its kind, it is pocket change, to the mom and pop hardware store launching multiple stores contemporaneously, it is way out of reach, unattainable so to speak.

So what is a company with a Budweiser budget to do when it desires to go public and access the financial markets, and become the next BIG thing? They reverse merge into an already pre-established public entity, or shell, thus negating the millions of dollars needed up front to list, let alone meet the listing requirements necessary to do so, (that is a topic for another time). Currently a "Clean," shell can be purchased for approximately $300,000. Clean is the operative word here. Clean means no debt associated with the company, no pending derogatory information from a federally governed agency like the SEC, or other anchors tied to the transfer of the shell from one corporation to another. Our GLGT shell was being shopped around for $45,000, a significant discount to the aforementioned clean shells fetching $300,000. Reason is, that was a condition of sale stipulated to the purchaser of the shell, what we would call in the housing market a "Handyman special," so to speak. You get to go public with much less out of pocket, the difference here between $300,000 and $45,000 or for the mathematically challenged a cost savings of $255,000. The only caveat here is that there is approximately $835,000 in debt which the purchaser of the GLGT has to carry over to their business, upon the closing of this transaction. So right about now, you are asking well that is a bad deal for the company merging into GLGT, why not just spend the $300,000 and be done with it?

The answer and quite frankly what makes this situation so palatable and unique, is that the company attempting to consummate this transaction is anticipating approximately $20 million dollars a year in revenue within the corporation's first two fiscal years. But, they do not have the extra $255,000 to outlay right now, and they are confident that they will be able to generate enough income within an acceptable timeframe to the debt holders' plan, or in this case, within the first 2 years, that they can comfortably pay that money back. The aforementioned lends itself to huge credibility in the penny market world for varying reasons, but here are a few of my favorites:

1) To outlay the additional monies at this time, would have displaced the corporation's immediate future plans and made this a harder burden with which to proceed.

2) The debt holders who own the rights to this shell have to approve of the company's business plan to sign off on the deal as a condition to the sale. This can most easily be explained as when moving into a condominium, the board of owners have to meet with the prospective buyers and accept them before signing off on the purchase agreement.

3) In the real world, when someone buys a house, it would be great to pay cash and take out no mortgage, but that is just idealistic in today's society, most people put down the minimum necessary to qualify for the mortgage and save the extra monies toward re painting, landscaping, moving, furniture etc... When applying this metric, it is easier to understand why a company would agree to inherit an extra $575,000 in debt, for the purposes of getting this deal done. When an individual takes out a mortgage, say 30 years for this example, the price they paid for the house is $250,000, when protracted over a 30 year mortgage, they actually paid closer to a $1,000,000 for that abode.

So to recap: A reverse merger is contemplated for the purposes of going public, on the cheap, so to say. The purpose for going public is to take your business to the next level, which often times, requires more capital.

As it relates to our little GLGT: The acquirer, if all the DD here is correct, which I believe it is, is an aviation related entity, or as many as 3 aviation related entities, all looking to funnel into GLGT and go public. The management of same in doing so, has already demonstrated a responsible proclivity to same by hoarding their cash initially, to grow the business, all the while knowing that they have the business to succeed. The aforementioned is also relevant in so far as a third entity has pre-approved their business plan, that approval coming from the debt holders', when taken into the spectrum that they will likely not dilute anytime soon, because their is a 2 year plan here, with a legitimate business behind it. This is why many of us here feel that with the share structure on GLGT being as low as it is, upon completion of this proposed transaction, you are looking at MULTIPLE PENNIES.

There are many ins and outs and other components involved in these transactions and I am
oversimplifying this process to a degree, but fundamentally that is why a reverse merger would be consummated.


What does tonight's 10Q filing by OXDG mean to us shareholders in GLGT?

Here is my theory:

Standard contractual mergers and acquisitions have a 90 day shelf life, which can be extended upon both parties' mutual consent and autonomous discretion. I just read OXDG's 10Q, they have been working on this acquisition of Integrity Aviation since introduction of the 2 companies through a former subsidiary, Ballpark, back last August. OXDG in anticipation of closing this deal consummated a share increase, ostensibly negating their 1:10 reverse split, and going back to 800 million authorized from 80 million. So, as I can theorize, the transaction was first proposed in August, 2013, then you have the holidays and end of year regallia, that inevitably OXDG used to barter for time. As again I can imagine, Integrity Aviation became impatient with OXDG dragging its corporate feet so to speak and basically told them to put up or shut up, resulting in the binding letter that OXDG refers to in their 10Q, that was ratified on January 14, 2014. So now, fast forward 90 days from January 14th and you get to April 14th, matter of convenience, I think not. If you notice, which, you all have, previously, Victor filed to take over the GLGT shell on April 1st, I believe, as is standard in the business world, OXDG either gave them 2 weeks notice that they could not proceed and/or Victor realized they could not in good faith proceed, thus he said screw it so to speak, and said I will do it myself, hence you have GLGT. I would look for a fast approaching resignation letter from Mr. Farias as a board member of OXDG. OXDG has a number of failed business tries, deals with Asher, reverse splits, and general lack of direction or leadership. Farias probably realized this around Thanksgiving of last year, in a good faith attempt, gave them until 2 weeks after the holidays to get this thing in motion, and then we have nothing for the past 90 days. Even as many of you have pointed out previously, OXDG continuously files late on their 10Q's. OXDG has no clue as to what they are doing, what business they desire to be in, or how to proceed.

OXDG is not required to disclose this latest corporate guffaw until 90 days from now, and for that matter even Farias' resignation from the board until then. Remember, this process started in August, the binding due diligence clock started in January, and normal protocol calls for a 90 day review time. The clock expired Monday. Farias is taking his ball and leaving for good, to GLGT.

Recently it has been confirmed through OXDG that Victor Farias in longer involved with OXDG why, because he bought the GLGT shell for $45,000.


If you read the OXDG 10Q, you can clearly see the verbiage that they, (OXDG), were introduced to Integrity Aviation when they were approaching the debt for equity markets. Remember what I stated the other night, the benefits of a reverse merger vis a vie, going public on a Budweiser budget. Ostensibly, Victor Farias was ready to go public, thought he could accomplish it through the introduction to OXDG, but soon after realized that it was not going to occur. I am fairly confident that the proposed acquisition of Integrity Aviation by OXDG, was an ideal fit initially to Mr. Farias and OXDG management, but alas did not occur.

Many of you have called Integrity Aviation to inquire, reached a secretary and were transferred to a voice mail that to date, has gone unanswered. Why?? This was not officially off the table until Monday probably because Mr. Farias would be bound to a non-disclosure agreement, (NDA), thus he could not comment, or risk violation of the NDA, and possibly be held liable for monetary damages.

Look at what you can tangibly see, the Nevada SOS filings as of April 1st. Look at OXDG's corporate history and how they operate. This is very much par for the course for OXDG. Mr. Farias wanted to take Integrity Aviation to the next level, he thought he could do it with OXDG, it seems apparent that is not going to happen, so, Farias decides to go his own way.

I love what I see in the OXDG 10Q, this makes the GLGT reverse merger even more likely now. It also shows that Farias is a shrewd business man, is done wasting time with OXDG, and is moving ahead.

We saw an update on the nevada sos site conifrming name change and amendment filed on 4/1/14 and a Registeed Agent change on 4/21 and we also see 2 annual lists filed both on 3/31 this would presumably be the 2012 and 2013 annual reports, Victor is getting everything caught up



I am currently making phone calls and am oh so close to gathering some more info