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Sunday, 04/27/2014 4:18:12 PM

Sunday, April 27, 2014 4:18:12 PM

Post# of 483949
Sanctions Revive Search for Secret Putin Fortune

The Treasury Department says President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has investments in Gunvor, a commodities trading firm.

By PETER BAKER __April 27, 2014

WASHINGTON — When the Obama administration imposed sanctions on individual Russians last month in response to Moscow’s armed intervention in Ukraine, one of the targets was a longtime part-owner of a commodities trading company called the Gunvor Group.

His name, Gennady N. Timchenko, meant little to most Americans, but buried in the Treasury Department announcement were a dozen words that President Obama and his team knew would not escape the attention of Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin. “Putin,” the statement said, “has investments in Gunvor and may have access to Gunvor funds.”

For years, the suspicion that Mr. Putin has a secret fortune has intrigued scholars, industry analysts, opposition figures, journalists and intelligence agencies but defied their efforts to uncover it. Numbers are thrown around suggesting that Mr. Putin may control $40 billion or even $70 billion, in theory making him the richest head of state in world history.

For all the rumors and speculation, though, there has been little if any hard evidence, and Gunvor has adamantly denied any financial ties to Mr. Putin and repeated that denial on Friday.

An oil products terminal in the settlement of Ust-Luga, Russia, that is owned by Gunvor.

But Mr. Obama’s response to the Ukraine crisis, while derided by critics as slow and weak, has reinvigorated a 15-year global hunt for Mr. Putin’s hidden wealth.

Now, as the Obama administration prepares to announce another round of sanctions as early as Monday targeting Russians it considers part of Mr. Putin’s financial circle, it is sending a not-very-subtle message that it thinks it knows where the Russian leader has his money, and that he could ultimately be targeted directly or indirectly.

“It’s something that could be done that would send a very clear signal of taking the gloves off and not just dance around it,” said Juan C. Zarate, a White House counterterrorism adviser to President George W. Bush who helped pioneer the government’s modern financial campaign techniques to choke off terrorist money.

So far, the American government has not imposed sanctions on Mr. Putin himself, and officials said they would not in the short term, reasoning that personally targeting a head of state would amount to a “nuclear” escalation, as several put it.

But officials said they hoped to get Mr. Putin’s attention by targeting figures close to him [ ] like Mr. Timchenko, and other business magnates like Yuri V. Kovalchuk, Vladimir I. Yakunin and Arkady and Boris Rotenberg.

Among those likely to be on Monday’s list, officials said, are Igor Sechin, president of the Rosneft state oil company, and Aleksei Miller, head of the Gazprom state energy giant.

“It’s like standing in a circle and all of a sudden everyone in the circle is getting a bomb thrown on them, and you get the message that it’s getting close,” said Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, describing at a recent hearing the way the sanctions are getting closer to Mr. Putin.

Putin’s Denials

Mr. Putin’s reported income for 2013 was just $102,000, according to a Kremlin statement this month. Over the years, he has crudely dismissed suggestions of personal wealth. “I have seen some papers about this,” he said at a news conference in 2008. “Just gossip that’s not worth discussing. It’s simply rubbish. They picked everything out of someone’s nose and smeared it on their little papers.”

How much Mr. Putin cares about money has long been a subject of debate both in Russia and in the West. On government payrolls since his days in the K.G.B., the Soviet intelligence agency, Mr. Putin to many seemed driven more by power and nationalism than by material gain. With access to government perks like palaces, planes and luxury cars, he seemingly has little need for personal wealth.

And yet, some have drawn attention to what appear to be expensive watches on his wrist and the construction of a seaside palace that the Kremlin denied was being built for Mr. Putin. Some argue that Mr. Putin may want money, or the appearance of it, because it is the measure of stature and power in a society whose transition to capitalism has produced instant billionaires out of the wreckage of Communism.

“I came to the conclusion after time that some of these reports may be seeded by people around Putin himself,” said Fiona Hill, who was the chief Russia expert at the National Intelligence Council and last year co-wrote a book about Mr. Putin. “Russians have to have the biggest and the best. It’s part of the mystique, part of the image.”

The Treasury Department has not provided evidence to back up its statement about Mr. Putin, but standard policy requires it to have enough verification to withstand a court challenge. Gunvor, a Swiss-based firm that is the world’s fourth-largest oil trader and generated $91 billion in revenue last year, said it had subsequently provided documents to the Treasury Department that it said disproved any connection to Mr. Putin.

Some Obama administration officials have argued for releasing details of what the United States knows about Mr. Putin’s wealth to expose him to the Russian public, a suggestion so far resisted by the White House. Some lawmakers in Congress are discussing legislation to require the administration to publish an estimate of Mr. Putin’s overall worth.

American diplomatic cables obtained by the antisecrecy organization WikiLeaks show sustained attention to the subject. The cables tied Mr. Putin not only to Gunvor but also to Surgutneftegaz, a large oil company, and even to Gazprom, but they used words like “rumored.” In one cable, for instance, diplomats cited a General Electric executive working in the region who privately said that Mr. Yakunin, the president of the state-owned Russian Railways, “has made sizable cash payments to Putin” and estimated that the Russian leader was worth “well over $10 billion.”

The C.I.A. in 2007 produced a secret assessment of Mr. Putin’s wealth that has never been released, according to officials who have read it. The assessment, the officials said, largely tracked with assertions later made publicly by a Russian political analyst who said Mr. Putin effectively controlled holdings in Gunvor, Gazprom and Surgutneftegaz that added up to about $40 billion at the time.

Trailed by Suspicion

From the start of his political career, Mr. Putin has been dogged by suspicion. While he was deputy mayor of St. Petersburg in the 1990s, his office signed deals giving favored companies licenses to export $92 million in oil, timber, metal and other products in exchange for an equal amount of imported food. But the food never materialized.
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Mr. Putin was not accused of personally benefiting, but a City Council committee led by Marina Salye recommended Mr. Putin’s dismissal for “incompetence” and “unprecedented negligence and irresponsibility.” She also pushed for prosecutors to investigate. Mr. Putin blamed the companies involved and was spared by the mayor, Anatoly A. Sobchak, his political patron.

Still, it was not clear whether Mr. Putin in that era coveted money for himself or was more interested in deciding how it would be distributed as state assets were gobbled up by newly minted capitalists. Boris A. Berezovsky, the tycoon who helped install Mr. Putin in the Kremlin only to fall out with him and become his most bitter opponent, told a story of seeking and receiving Mr. Putin’s help with a business venture in St. Petersburg and then offering him a bribe in thanks, only to be turned down.

For the United States, seeking intelligence on Russia became a lower priority after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. But Washington got a rare look into the world of money and the Kremlin after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Charles A. Duelfer, the weapons inspector, uncovered a web of lucrative Iraqi oil vouchers given to close Putin associates, including his chief of staff and the presidential office itself, in hope of eroding support for international sanctions.

In a later book, Mr. Duelfer wrote that Colin L. Powell, then the secretary of state, objected to mentioning Mr. Putin for diplomatic reasons. By listing a Russian state company under Mr. Putin’s control, Mr. Powell said, “you are implicating Putin.” Mr. Duelfer said he reluctantly took Mr. Putin’s name out of the report. Mr. Powell said last week that he did not recall the episode.

In 2006, Mr. Bush kicked off an initiative targeting corrupt foreign leaders. Over the next year, his administration focused attention on learning more about the finances of leaders in the former Soviet Union, like Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan and Aleksandr G. Lukashenko of Belarus.

The 2007 C.I.A. assessment grew out of that. But different officials came away with different impressions of its reliability. Some said they considered it a reasonable appraisal of Mr. Putin’s worth based on solid reporting. Others said they considered it to be built largely on speculation and unsubstantiated talk.

Either way, the assessment roughly mirrored estimates made publicly at the end of that year by Stanislav Belkovsky, a Russian political analyst with ties to the Kremlin whose public attack on oligarchs several years earlier had presaged the arrest and prosecution of Mr. Khodorkovsky of Yukos.

Mr. Belkovsky told European newspapers in December 2007 that Mr. Putin had amassed a fortune of “at least” $40 billion through sizable shares of some of Russia’s largest energy companies. Mr. Putin secretly controlled “at least 75 percent” of Gunvor, 4.5 percent of Gazprom and 37 percent of Surgutneftegaz, Mr. Belkovsky said, citing only unnamed Kremlin insiders.

“The reality is that Putin has others and entities to move money that he controls or that he might control ultimately,” said Mr. Zarate, the former Bush adviser. “The challenge with him is you don’t have an easy way of drawing the line to the assets he actually owns and controls currently. There’s a dimension of layering and relationships with people with whom he’s close and entities that serve as conduits that make it tricky to determine what is Putin’s and what is not.”

Efforts to Open Curtain

In the years since, others have taken a look at Mr. Putin’s finances. The magazine The Economist linked Mr. Putin to Mr. Timchenko in 2008. Mr. Timchenko sued but later dropped the case, and The Economist issued a statement. “We accept Gunvor’s assurances that neither Vladimir Putin nor any other senior Russian political figures have any ownership in Gunvor,” the magazine said.

In 2010, Sergei Kolesnikov, a businessman, published an open letter saying he had helped Mr. Putin secretly build a billion-dollar palace on the Black Sea. The Kremlin dismissed his claims as “absurd.” In 2012, Boris Y. Nemtsov, an opposition leader, released a report detailing the presidential perks at Mr. Putin’s disposal, including 20 residences, 15 helicopters, four yachts and 43 aircraft.

But some hunting for Mr. Putin’s private wealth have found obstacles. Last month, Cambridge University Press declined to publish a book by its longtime author Karen Dawisha, a Miami University professor, exploring how Mr. Putin built “a kleptocratic and authoritarian regime in Russia.” The publisher wrote her saying it had “no reason to doubt the veracity” of her book, but deemed the risk of a lawsuit too high, according to letters published by The Economist. In a return letter, Ms. Dawisha called the decision “pre-emptive book burning.”

All of which makes the Treasury Department’s assertions last month so striking. In addition to targeting Mr. Timchenko, one of the founders of Gunvor, the department froze any American assets of Mr. Kovalchuk and his Bank Rossiya. It described Rossiya as “the personal bank for senior officials,” and described Mr. Kovalchuk as one of Mr. Putin’s “cashiers.”

Mr. Timchenko denied the assertions and sold his 43 percent share in Gunvor to his partner, Torbjorn Tornqvist, the day before the sanctions were issued to avoid repercussions to the firm. The sale contract has no conditions or provisions for buying the shares back, and Mr. Tornqvist now holds 87 percent of the company, while senior employees own the rest, the company said.

Seth Thomas Pietras, Gunvor’s corporate affairs director, said Mr. Putin “does not and never has had any ownership, direct, indirect or otherwise, in Gunvor,” nor is he “a beneficiary of Gunvor,” and “he has no access to Gunvor’s funds.” After the sanctions statement, Gunvor executives flew to Washington to meet with State Department officials and congressional aides. “We’re providing evidence but have not seen any sort of evidence from them yet and don’t know if we ever will,” Mr. Pietras said. He said the company’s banking partners had been satisfied by its explanations.

The Treasury Department, however, was not. “We remain confident that the information on the relationship between Putin and Gunvor is accurate,” said a Treasury official, who asked not to be identified in a public dispute with the company.

Garry Kasparov, the Russian chess master turned opposition leader, said Mr. Putin’s wealth must be so buried that it would be difficult to prove within the standards typically required by American lawyers. “I’m sure it’s reachable, but you might have to break some of the rules to reach it,” he said. The sanctions issued so far, he said, have not made enough of an impression. “They have to convince Putin that it will be serious,” he said.

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