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Alias Born 09/20/2000

Re: investor911 post# 4600

Tuesday, 05/13/2008 11:11:50 PM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 11:11:50 PM

Post# of 100673
Investor911, with Chevron…

I finally spoke to someone at Chevron about BLDV as they have more of a no nonsense type of attitude. They acknowledged their involvement with BLDV and Texas A&M and to what extent. They pretty much confirmed what the Doctors/Professors at Texas A&M told me in a very conservative way.

I was told by Chevron to consider them going to Blue Diamond Ventures for only informational reasons for now until anything is “officially” released in the future. Chevron was not mean, but they were not as jovial as my discussions with Texas A&M.
