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Alias Born 05/10/2004

Re: Capital Gains post# 26033

Thursday, 08/30/2007 8:40:21 PM

Thursday, August 30, 2007 8:40:21 PM

Post# of 92151
Actually, the quiet period was a surprise and it followed a long history of documentable product development and multiple product demos.

Look, here's my non vapor-ware reason: I spent multiple realtime 1 and 1.5 hour time slots personally testing the product under the guidance of the head programmer & the company president.

And, should you so desire, you too could visit Paul, either in person or via an on-line demo. Then, you would see that we are not investing in a company about which, as you erroneously say, we have only a suspicious e-mail to a mod on iHub. I have kicked the tires on the product. It is real. It is working. It is not buggy. It is astonishing if you day trade like I do.

And another thing. In that the quiet period was a late-in-the game surprise, it is inaccurate to believe that we are all here incongruently, albeit unwisely. The quiet period is not incongruent when placed at the tail end of a long history of preceeding events, including but not limited to personal trial sessions such as my own.

At the time the quiet period e-mail to Allie, at least 50 of us had personally kicked the tires on the software and we were all awaiting its immenent release. A highly expensive professionally done, glossy, full color, "advantaged-placement" advertising campaign was two months underway. An office in the Chicago Merc was churning out demos to real traders like me (you could go and see it there if you can put aside your cynicism), and the date of the relaese was running at us like an on-rushing freight train. Then and only then the company posted the e-mail to Allie telling her that they had received a deal, which landed right in their lap, that was huge and which required a quiet period. Because we had already so extensively visited the company & extensively tried the product, we collectively but individually chose to believe the e-mail.

And, since I am a professional trader, and since I and anyone else could look at charts like INXR, whose pattern is what you would have expected SPZI to have done (but it hasn't, IMHO because there really is substance here), and see a vivid example of what usually happens in pinkieland, it is self evident, if you believe that charts tell the real story of the collective reality of a given stock, that there is something real here. So, its real in that we can demo it and we have a vast ad campaign in prominent process, and it is showing itself to be real in the SPZI chart (much as INXR has shown what it is really made of by its chart). Layers of reasons, not one of which being the quiet period itself.

Now, if I and about a hundred of our posters and who knows how many professional traders had not been there and seen it... tested it... you might have a leg to stand on. If you, as a doubting Thomas, were unable to call them up on the phone (or visit them in the CME) scheduling a visit, then you would have a leg to stand on. But you can do so. You can go and do these kinds of things, as I and others have done, yourself. If I had not able to do so, then I'd have to agree with you.
But since you can, then you should.

If you will, go kick it around under the guidance of real people in a real office in the real Chicago Merc. There is no legitimate reason at this moment for you to continue to hold to the conclusion found in your posts. There is no legitimate justification too continue to cling to your position that we are being fooled by a non-reporting company communicating thru a mod on a blog board.

IMHO, what you did was an error in judgement itself because you appear to have deliberately placed the quiet period out of context, as though we all have no facts or real experiences to rely on. You intentionally moved your point-of-view Live-Cam focus to the 98% complete point in the process, which is where the surprise quiet period come into the equation. From there you proceeded to contend our decisions rested all but entirely on the emptiness of a suspicios e-mail routed oddly through a mod on a pump board for the company itself. Go visit the site and come back afterwards and tell everybody that it is a scam. When you have visited, you will see that this product is real.

I'll tell you one thing my friend, if I were doing a scam, I'd have to be pretty bodacious to hire a top-flight advertising agency and run top-quality top-placement full page ad copy in the top trades for my industry. If I were to try such a thing, I'd be unwise not to go ahead and get my orange prison jump-suit fitted in preparation for my debut doing the perp walk for the television cameras in front of the Federal Courthouse in Chicago!! If this is a scam, then its a classic... a real doozy... one for the history books. So, IMHO, this is not a scam and we who are in this thing are not void of wisdom.

Now, anything can happen in pinkie-land. The California earthquake that is predicted by the gloom-n-doomers could happen prior to release of the anticipated news. The Lord could return and Rapture all the believers. Who knows. Can you tell me the future? Who knows what could happen. It ain't over till its over. But to the extent that you can lay you hands on a real company in the Chicago Merc with a real product that does what it says it does, this pinkie is for real.

Like all investments, it could fall apart. I know that. Everybody holding knows that. Nobody wants it to fall apart, but terrible things happen sometimes. That's what risk is about. It ain't money until its in your pocket and it ain't there yet. But please try not to imply that all we have to go on is an e-mail to a mod on iHub. I mean, really now. So, do it. Visit them. Then come back and tell us all what you saw (if they don't make you sign a nondisclosure at this late point in the process, that is). In the mean time, call off the Live-at-Five, "Breaking News!!" camera crew and have them re-focus on the entire process rather than just the tail-bone end of it. TIA.

Imperial Whazoo

"Just my opinions, folks. Do your own due diligence & make your own decisions. DO NOT... I repeat... DO NOT make any investment decisions on my comments. They are my opinions. That's all they are... OPINIONS."