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Re: ThatHawaiiGuy post# 13759

Sunday, 04/22/2007 12:26:52 AM

Sunday, April 22, 2007 12:26:52 AM

Post# of 41875
Here's another old post-
Posted by: Mr. Ed
In reply to: Mr. Ed who wrote msg# 717 Date: 11/13/2002 8:06:53 AM
Post #


"In politics nothing happens 'by chance. If something happens, then you can bet that it was planned that way."
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt

It has become standard technique for debunkers of conspiracy theories to counter with the coincidence theory. The coincidence theory assumes that if an act or series of acts seemingly benefits certain individuals and ideologies, it's all explainable as random chance or an act of God.

I'm sure that the unelected President Dubya's Christian base firmly believe that God himself is felling Democrats from the sky with righteous anger. Mel Carnahan, JFK Junior, Paul Wellstone. No doubt, God himself also mailed the anthrax to Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy.

The obvious comparisons to the death of Mel Carnahan, the Missouri Democrat who was running against John Ashcroft two years ago, have been avoided like the plague by the mainstream media. Also, Mr. Wellstone died 11 days before the election. If he had died 10 days before, the Democratic Party could have left his name on the ballot. He would be a shoe-in as a sympathy vote, then the Dems could find someone later to take his seat. As it is now, the Dems must replace Wellstone. This might be how Karl Rove envisions a Republican victory.

Coincidentally, this time the wife of the prospective Democratic Senator has also died. Fat chance of Mrs. Wellstone running in the place of her husband, as Jean Carnahan did in Missouri.

My belief is that if too many coincidences happen too many times, concurrently and benefiting a select group of sunsofbitches - then coincidence theory goes out the window. Conspiracy is afoot, my friend, and those involved have become emboldened by their deceitful successes since the stolen election and the 9-11 (The great deception)#1 terror attack. Now they have become so arrogant as to be blatantly obvious.

How long will we just sit here and let them kill our dreams, kill our hopes and kill our heroes. How long will we allow them to poison us with lies and false flag terror. How long will we allow them to strip us of our right to fair trials and open investigations?

Time to get off the fence friend.

I'm making plans to head off to the old nickel mine - I'll make sure to wire in the Internet, stay in touch, maybe refurbish the old miner's quarters and kitchen. Might have visitors seeking sanctuary.

How far will the Bush Junta extend their tentacles of terror and propaganda before we stand up to these thugs?

I say the time is now. No more sittin' around hoping to placate these blood lusting imperial terrorists by caving in to their demands for more power and weapons of mass destruction - it only encourages them.

Off to the nickel mine! A redoubt against the coming fascist wave, a place to which like minds can strategize the defense.

And plan the counterattacks.

I digress, more on the nickel mine in future issues.

As for right now, don't give up the fight. Don't let them silence you with the epithet : "You're a conspiracy theorist?" or "What? You're still a Liberal?"

Honor Paul Wellstone's life by picking up the torch from his now stilled hand. Ensure that his voice and his message will not be lost - the one in which he once demanded social justice and meaningful democratic reform in the Senate. Make it yours.

Continue his fight against Bush's War machine and his struggle for meaningful campaign finance reform. Interestingly, Senator Paul Wellstone fought to bolster Americans' privacy rights and limit government surveillance of the Internet.#2

The roster of American politicians actually representing the working poor, the disenfranchised, the disadvantaged and the oppressed are dwindling. If Senator Wellstone stood for anything it was in the conviction that we can all make a difference. If you can't organize, or be involved first hand, there are other ways.
It only takes a moment to write a letter to your political representatives, or newspaper editors, or local TV News director.

Coincidence after coincidence after coincidence...

When do the coincidences end?

As anyone knows, conspiracies do happen. Over and over again, throughout history. In the old testament and new. Certainly, the ancients were no stranger to conspiracies. They wove in divine conspiracies between Gods and demi- Gods, humans and beasts, in their mythologies. Their own human political experience was fraught with internecine revolts, betrayals and coups. And so on throughout the ages, in every civilization, thus has it always been.

One could even say that the founding of the United States of America was a "Masonic" conspiracy.#3

More recently, Iran Contra was surely a conspiracy. Watergate. The Gulf Of Tonkin. The FBI and the CIA spying on their own citizens, sometimes setting them up for criminal prosecution if they have "unfavorable" political views.

It happens.

At this point the fall back line is the following : "Whatever there faults, I can't see any group of Americans going so far as to allow their own citizens to be harmed. No matter what the goal."

One need only look back through the CIA and FBI's history of deceit to answer that one. It has occurred in the past that the US government used their own people as guinea pigs after World war II and during the atomic age.

Or find a copy of James Bamford's book "Body Of Secrets."#4 Look up "Operation Northwoods"#5 and find out how the Joint Chiefs back during JFK's presidency had presented him with a plan. A plan to stage mock terror on their own population and to frame Cuba for it. Thus getting the public behind an invasion of the island.

This was after the failed Bay Of Pigs fiasco, and President Kennedy rejected the plan. In fact, he had become so enraged with the CIA that he threatened to tear the agency apart and "throw it to the winds." A magic bullet cut short those plans. Besides restructuring the intelligence agency, Kennedy was also reputed to be seriously considering pulling out of Vietnam. Kennedy's predecessor, General Dwight D Eisenhower, had warned us all of the danger of the military industrial complex. It didn't matter, the fix was in.

Given an updated version of "Operation Northwoods", probably designed with his father's input, could George W Bush be in any position other than to sign off on it?

George W Bush is no John F Kennedy.

Better yet, get a copy of "The Grand Chessboard"#6, by neo-con strategist Zybigniew Brezhinski. In that book, Brezhinski lays out the future geopolitical struggle for the oilfields of the Mideast. He foretold of the coming "clash of civilizations." He even lays out how to make the Islamic world the West's boogy men - terrorism and an event like Pearl Harbor to get the citizenry behind any wars of aggression.

Besides, making deals with dictators and terrorists are a Bush family calling card. Grandpa Prescott #7 traded with the Nazis, Poppy Bush #8 was a CIA director before becoming President and his fingerprints are all over the atrocities committed in South America - not to mention selling stinger missiles to Iran or helping to create the Hussein monster in Iraq. There's another Prescott, an Uncle, who sits on the US-Chinese trade board. When the massacre in Tianmen Square occurred, it seemed not to faze the Americans on that board. Foreign investment in China increased.

Preston Peet, at,#9 writes:

Just one month after the Tiananmen Square massacre in China, then-President George Bush, whose son is being actively sold as the Republican choice for President in 2000, sent two American envoys to Peking to meet with the Chinese government to reaffirm US business ties to China in secret, Brent Scowcroft, then the National Security Advisor, and Lawrence Eagleberger, the US Deputy Secretary of State. Both of these men had worked for Dr. Henry Kissinger's consulting firm, Kissinger Associates. Neither man would make public his business associates at their confirmation hearings before Congress, but they were confirmed anyway. Kissinger wrote Richard Nixon's China initiatives back in the early 1970s, and Bush's brother Prescott worked for a large consulting firm involved in big business deals with the Chinese government at that time.
(full story)#10

Maybe we should call it "convenience theory."

By the way, we are still waiting for an actual open and independent investigation of 9-11. Don't hold your breath now. Not too many Dems want to #### off the Bush Crime Family. Not with their Black Ops boys running wild.

I absolutely am not surprised how the mainstream media have Lee Harvey Muhammad (the alleged DC sniper - a crazed gunman, natch, only this time it's a package deal. Two patsies for one, but he was still, often, a "lone nut", and he's been reported to tell people he was working for the government #11 as an agent) and his immigrant step son tried, convicted and on death row already. What a charade this will be. Trust me, the Black Ops boys scored a big coup for the neo-cons. Check the prize! A black man, convert to Islam, a bodyguard for Farrakhan, a Jamaican illegal immigrant...

Whoo-hoo! Who'll be able to argue against racial profiling now?

I have to say that it was awful nice of the alleged sniper killers to lay down and go to sleep with the description of their car and their license plate number being blared across all media in the area. Even then, it appears that they needed a CIA plant to phone in the tip, the guy apparently wants no recognition or any of the reward. He said to give it to the families of the sniper victims. Wow. Nice guy. Right.

Never forget this Williams/Muhammad guy was an Army vet, in the Gulf. A sniper. It's not inconceivable he was used as an MK Ultra-type project #12. Forced to work as a double agent, perhaps informing on Farrakhan. Perhaps an unstable personality thanks to drug "therapy" when in the Army. (It's only a vaccine, right.) His CIA handler will no doubt win promotion and a dinner with Poppy Bush, "Let me tell ya, young whippersnapper. When we were psy-opping guys, we had to use more finesse. Our drugs were unpredictable, the LSD thing blew up in our faces. You guys got it soft..."

Learn to read between the lines - be aware of who benefits, whose will is being served.

Speaking of reading between the lines. You'll recall that after the Bali explosion, I theorized that this was an inside job, probably directed by CIA black ops specialists and local operatives working for the Indonesian secret military police. It's become quite apparent to dictator's around the world that going along with this Terror War has benfits for their control of power. It works well with the totalitarian mindset.

Well, word has emerged from Jakarta #13 about the curious presence of generals and East Timor militia commanders in the area prior to the blast. Perhaps that's why the British government run BBC (Blair's Broadcasting Corporation) trotted out a doctored video tape of Osama bin Laden #14 to terrorize Australians - keep them focused on the belief that Al Qaeda lusts for Aussie blood and the defilement of their women. Honest. After all, Colin Powell has warned Australians that the Bali explosion (which targeted a bar frequented primarily by the down-unders) was their 9-11. Osama to the rescue #15, deja vu all over again.

It seems strange that this enigmatic, shadowy Al Qaeda would target Australians when a bar filled with Americans was just down the street. I mean, if they are supposedly in a death struggle with the "great Satan", wouldn't they go after that place? Why hurt your cause by helping your enemy gather allies against you?

I'm not saying that these Islamic extremist sects are nice guys, they are decidedly not. In Indonesia, the religious violence attributed to the local radical Islamists is truly terrible. If they could have pulled this act of terror off by themselves, they would have taken credit for it, tried to exploit it to further their message. Instead, they have denied any involvement.

Closer to home, I am only afraid that there are more "coincidences" on the way. The neo-con elites' trained seals in the media are already barking about more terror attacks. Bridges, grocery stores, harbors...BOOM! Be afraid, inform on your neighbors, especially if they're colored...

After all, this is to be a war without end. We'll never know if we're winning or losing, as it will all be conducted in secrecy and the government will lie to you in order to protect you.

Terror here, terror there, coincidences this, coincidences that...

The fatal flaw of the "coincidence theory" is that there are just too many "fatal coincidences". After too many bodies start piling up, after too many disturbing facts start filtering through to the people, after too many heros are sacrificed, well then...people start to get very pissed off and are mobilized to action. Hopefully, Paul Wellstone's death will not be in vain. Maybe, just maybe, similar to what happened after Martin Luther King's assassination, real change can be realized.

We can only pray.

#1. Canada’s VisionTV breaks television media’s silence on 9/11 questions

#2. Pro-privacy senator dies in crash

#3. The Esoteric Side Of The Founding Of America

#4. Body of Secrets

#5. Friendly Fire
Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba


#7. Nazis and Bush family history: Government investigated Bush family's financing of Hitler
By Carla Binion



#10. is china buying or spying?
by Preston Peet ( - February 19, 2001

#11. Descent Into Evil

#12. MkUltra Doucments Table

#13. Police release sketches of Bali bomb suspects

#14. Bin Laden warned Australians were a target of al-Qaida, BBC reports

#15. Osama to the Rescue, April 16, 2002.

JW-link to poster if you wish to look further,imo,worth it-

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