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For the Record - Past Litigation Involving Investors Hub

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Global Holdings, Inc. vs. and Does 1-20, inclusive (November, 2014)

a/k/a Element Global, Inc. United States District Court, Southern District of California
Case No. 1:14-CV-02780-BTM-JMA

Summary: Global Holdings sued iHub and multiple anonymous posters for "Intentional Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage" and "Intentional Interference with Contractual Relations."

Outcome: Case Dismissed Global Holdings filed a voluntary Notice of Dismissal on 1/25/2015.

Although these plaintiffs managed to issue multiple rhetoric-filled press releases pertaining to their lawsuit, the complaint itself was never served and was withdrawn 66 days after being filed. The following week, Global Holdings issued this press release announcing the dismissal of their lawsuit and down-playing their earlier rhetoric.

Subsequent Events

On 08/06/2015 Global Holdings, Inc. renamed itself Element Global, Inc. Several days later these slow-learning morons commenced a repeat performance of their prior nonsensical antics, issuing a half-witted press release via Rich Kaiser of Yes International attacking their internet critics and including numerous false and defamatory statements about iHub and its parent company. This is not the first time such contemptible tactics, often designed to shift investor attention elsewhere, have been used by controversial companies. As was the case last time, such folly only serves to invoke what is commonly referred to as the Streisand Effect.