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$QTMM ... it's starting. Huge corporate want, even bigger corporate need for worldwide product authenticity protection. Blockchain legend protection with physical security verification all rolled into one platform.
---->$QTMM BUY signal finally came in on the Aroon indicator! NOW IT SHOULD GET EXCITING! If you are going to load up now looks like the time to do it! 10K and 10Q should be out next week with anticipated income, though it is expected to be small it's one of the ends we've been waiting for!
-----> $QTMM announced Thursday they were aligning with Freschfield who would provide $1 Million over 4 quarters for development of their joint venture product. QMC by taking the MILLION DOLLARs and first position in the starting gates for BIPV – Building Integrated Photovoltaics “It will revolutionize the way new cities will be built and by retrofitting, will convert existing buildings into energy self-sufficient structures.”
This QUANTUM DOT nano-technology is TOO new and complex for most layman to wrap their heads around it, however by not taking the time to find out about it and how it will impact your life positively in the future you are leaving a TON OF MONEY BEHIND. The Kindle Fire and SAMSUNG's new Quantum Dot TV'S should be a wake up call that the technology you know nothing about is about to revolutionize the Display industry, Lighting industry, Medical industry, Solar industry and this latest announcement the BUILDING INDUSTRY! 99% of the people don't get what is happening before them and will LOSE out on one of the greatest growth opportunities of their lifetime. Do your homework and you'll find out what we already know, QTMM will be Quite The Money Maker!
EXOL..NEW PRODUCT LINE ANNOUNCED. Real products for $75billion Crossfit/Fitness at .009.....was .02 in Nov. 2016.....52-week high of 1.25
It's about Quantum Materials Corp. a nanotechnology company that can make copious amounts of quantum dots. If you never heard of a quantum dot you are not alone. The average person doesn't understand, know if you can see them with the naked eye, how they are used or what they even are.
Quantum dots are man made crystals 10,000 times smaller than a human hair, thus smaller than human cells. Their special electrical conductivity properties have generated a new class of semiconductor. These unique nanocrystals, also known as nanoparticles, are creating quite a stir in several industries because the technology applications are across a broad spectrum and you may remember the growth of companies like Intel, Samsung and Texas Instruments that were making semiconductors. Quantum Materials Corp. makes Quantum Dots which are the next generation of semiconductors.
Why invest in quantum dots? Think of what has changed the shape of the future for the world in the past. The wheel, smelting, gunpowder, plastics, Biotech and computers may come to mind. Now add Quantum Dots! Why? Because quantum dots (QDs) have completed the transition from a once curious demonstration of quantum confinement in semiconductors to an exponential expansion of applications ranging from fluorophores providing unique insights in biological investigations to multi-exciton generation in solar cells.
.......................................................A QD Learning Adventure Video
...........................................................Solterra Quantum Dots
I first read in Motley Fool a statement and loved it because it is so true, So, I'll relay it again "the secret to making a fortune in the stock market is to identify a unique growth business poised to dominate a mass market." You'll want to remember that and invest for the future in nanotechnology. One company that meets the criteria as a growth business that will dominate a mass market is Quantum Materials Corp with their QDX Tetrapod Quantum Dot's (TQD). They have multiple uses in a wide array of applications in many different sectors...not just solar, medical and visual displays. Those were the primary reasons that I invested in this stock in the 1st place and as more and more uses for quantum dots are discovered every day, it re-enforces that I made the right decision...."it's the same as having 'a diversified portfolio , all in one stock'."[1]
An investment in nanotechnology and in particular Quantum Materials Corp. is essential! This nanotechnology field that most people know nothing about is going to change how the world develops in ways completely unimaginative to most, as seen in the incomplete chart above, i.e. waste heat recovery and flexible solar cells not addressed.
Tissue welding with lasers during surgery, selective cell isolation to eradicate cancers, solar cells with up to 65% efficiency, displays that pop with vibrant colors, power consumption 50% less than existing means, 3D TV's that could go into the realm of holographic realism[3], clothing and paints that change color with the whim of your desires. Sounds far fetched?
So was Dick Tracy's 2 way wrist radio/TV watch in 1964, precursor to cell phones today. The Quantum Materials Corporation developed the method to mass produce a nanoparticle called a QUANTUM DOT that will follow the world-changing technologies like Plastics 1920's - 40's, Biotech 1940's - 60-s, Internet 1970's - 90's and now Nanotech 2016 - ?.
The beauty of this quantum dot is its ubiquitous use in so many life changing applications.
A previous press release with NanoAxis using Quantum Materials Corp TQD's in their Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's and depression research was eye opening. ""; Multiple applications like that in one sector of one market give credence to the depth of this technology into the diverse commercial markets opening up. Optoelectronics and the display screens that save energy for handhelds, computers, billboards and TV's, to the household light bulbs will all use Quantum Dots. Anything that has color associated with it is a candidate for QD use. How broad is that? And the amazing part of this is it goes both ways. Not only do quantum dots give off vibrant light in every visible color spectrum but they absorb light in every spectrum to generate electricity. Solar cells will power devices 24/7. This day and night production of electricity uses solar cells that generate power from the ultraviolet thru visible, to the infrared lighting range to produce their power. To be more descriptive, sunlight at zenith (climax or high point) provides a radiance of just over 1 kilowatt per square meter at sea level. Of this energy 527 watts is infrared radiation, 445 watts is visible light, and 32 watts is ultraviolet radiation. The wafer type solar cells available today can only process visible light. That leaves out over half of the energy available from IR and the remainder in the UV. 56% of the available energy to be converted to electricity is LOST using today's solar cells. In the future using the Solterra Renewable Technology flexible solar cell you will be able to capture that lost energy in the IR and UV region. And what is really exciting about this new Nanotechnology with Tetrapod Quantum Dots is it's absorption capability 24 hours a day! Like enhanced night vision goggles the IR at night (although it would be a small amount) is enough to continue generation of power around the clock. Indoors (day and night) the lighting will be recycled to generate power with solar floors.
Is it going to happen tomorrow? NO! (See 2017 update below) 'Quantum Dots (QD)' is the latest and the most advanced part of semiconductor nanoparticles, which, currently, are at the pre-commercialized stage.[4] All developing technologies of significance take around 20 years to come to fruition. QD technology and products are no different, hitting the 37 year mark this year, taking a little longer. The quantum dot industry is going to go through a mega growth period and that is one of the problems currently facing the manufacturers. The mega market hasn't arrived and is another two to three years away, and that is a good thing because the current manufacturers like Nanoco and Nanosys couldn't support an explosive growth demand. They are struggling just to make their current quotas now. QMC on the other hand is posturing and aligning resources to be able to support the mega market growth when it arrives full force as evidenced in the press releases below. QMC patented a continuous manufacturing approach using a microfluidic-reactor. Their small reactor produces 250 kg of tetrapod QDs per year, or 250,000g per year. QMC's first of several commercial scale micro-reactors of 2000kg/yr was operational June of 2015. QMC produces in 20 minutes what has taken ten days to produce in the past. Click HERE to see actual production Colloidal batch synthesis methods to manufacture QD's in gram quantities by the other manufacturers will not support the explosive commercial market needs for thousands of grams per day. Batch synthesis is too costly, time consuming and a large overhead is required. That will cut the field of approximately 22 players down significantly. For investors the field is even smaller, the public traded companies manufacturing QD's are very limited, 2-3. Those public traded companies have fixed production capacity which restricts their ability to support commercialization of products and that brings us back to the quote above,"the secret to making a fortune in the stock market is to identify a unique growth business poised to dominate a mass market." Quantum Materials Corp. using their proprietary microfluidic-reactors will easily be able to expand to support demand from the industries mega growth potential. The question is will the microfluidic-reactor manufacturer be able to keep up with the units needed to support a mega growth demand in time, or will the company have to go to shift work around the clock, 7 days a week until additional units arrive? Reality is the microfluidic-reactor supply will not be an issue for Quantum Materials Corp.. They have been diligently working with the manufacturer to address this continuously building growth demand and can contract out to others if needed.
Update for 2017, It's almost three years later and the market is about to explode going into 2017. Samsung, the only manufacturer producing Quantum Dot TV's for Christmas 2016 couldn't keep up with the demand. Discount stores like Costco and BJ's were selling out, picture quality and color rendition is beyond any thing else on the market, yes, quantum dot TV's are that good! The last two years delay is attributed to a change of product design. The display industry demanded a Quantum Dot that was environmentally friendly, in other words, Cadmium free, to comply with world wide RoHS restrictions. Cadmium is a heavy metal that has great performance characteristics that were hard to match in the Cadmium free arena, thus the significant delay to market. Now that that has been overcome as demonstrated at CES 2017 last week Quantum Materials Corp to Present Heavy Metal-Free Quantum Dot Display Film at 2017 Consumer Electronics Show we should in the near future, possibly as early as the Quantum Dot Forum on March 15 - 17, 2017 see the start of the mega growth cycle we talked about above.
You can't say now, after three years, that you didn't have a chance to look into what a Quantum Dot company is about with return potentials like Dell, Microsoft, Apple and Amazon. I suggest you investigate further Quantum Materials Corp - ticker QTMM and then if you decide not to invest at least follow the company developments. You can always change your mind later, just don't watch another life time opportunity pass you by. Life is too short waiting for the next one to come by. Remember by the time feature magazines and newspapers like Barron's, Forbes or The Wall Street Journal start covering breaking technology companies like Quantum Materials Corp. , the most potential for maximizing profit has already slipped past you and out your wallet!
Good luck, health and prosperity to you.
Bill Leigh
<strong>Latest Audio:</strong>
October 2014: QMC's CEO Clear Channel Radio Interview
Latest Videos:
Sept. 2014: Click HERE to view 4 short TV interviews with Tetrapod Quantum Dots being produced before your eyes at!
June 2013: Click HERE to view the CEO's look into the future
Latest releases:
January 30, 2017: GTG and QMA Report 150 Million RMB Investment by China Government Guidance Fund and Siting of Production Facilities in Beijing and Changde Economic Development Zones
January 04, 2017:<a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Corp to Present Heavy Metal-Free Quantum Dot Display Film at 2017 Consumer Electronics Show"</a>
January 03, 2017:<a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Corp Appoints Company Founder Stephen A. Squires Chairman and CEO"</a>
November 30, 2016:<a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Corp Shipping High Performance Sample Sets, Secures up to $9.75MM Financing"</a>
August 16, 2016:<a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Corp Continues Work for Joint Development Partner, Increases Strategic Personnel and Lab Space"</a>
August 03, 2016:<a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Corp Developing Nanomaterials for Tracing Fracking Fluids to Point of Origin"</a>
June 14, 2016:<a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Corp Appoints Sri Peruvemba CEO"</a>
January 27, 2016:<a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Corp to Launch Quantum Dot Production in China, Joint Venture Partner GTG Commits $20 Million US Investment"</a>
December 15, 2015:<a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Corp. Accomplishments and Market Projections"</a>
September 22, 2015: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Corp Signs Funded Product Development Agreement With Leading Optical Film Manufacturer (Spoiler - Per 8K it's Nitto Denko)"</a>
July 28, 2015: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">" Quantum Materials Enters Joint Development Agreement With Leading Display Panel Manufacturer"</a>
May 20, 2015: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">" Quantum Materials to Announce New Class of High-Reliability Quantum Dots at SID Display Week 2015"</a>
January 6, 2015: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">" Quantum Materials Increasing Quantum Dot Production Capacity to Two Metric Tons by Q2 2015 to Meet 4K LCD TV and Display Demand"</a>
November 19, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Eminent Nanotechnologist Dr. Michael Krueger Joins Quantum Materials Corp"</a>
November 12, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Nanomaterial Processes Scientist Dr. Krishna Kowlgi Joins Quantum Materials Corp"</a>
November 5, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Corp to Quadruple Lab Space and Add Scientists"</a>
October 1, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Scaling Up Photoactive Quantum Dot Production for Solar Power Generation"</a>
August 20, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Acquires Bayer Technology Services Quantum Dot Manufacturing and Quantum Dot Solar Cell Patents"</a>
August 20, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum dot displays to launch in 2015"</a>
August 6, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Achieves 95% Quantum Yield by Automated Quantum Dot Production"</a>
July 22, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Announces Outside Directors and Adds Scientific Advisory Board"</a>
June 30, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Secures Uncloneable Anti-Counterfeiting 3D Printing Technology"</a>
June 19, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Ships 20 Grams of Quantum Dots to Major Asia-Based Global Company in First Weeks of Operation of Scaled Production System"</a>
June 3, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Corp. Initiates Quantum Dot Mass Production Months Ahead of Schedule "</a>
May 21, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Update on Scaled Quantum Dot Production"</a>
April 10, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Delivers Advanced Material to Broaden Product Offerings"</a>
Feb. 19, 2014: This announcement is a huge competitive advantage! <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Secures Los Alamos Thick-Shell Quantum Dot Technology to Increase Brightness and Stability in Consumer Electronics"</a>
Feb. 6, 2014: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Secures Funding to Initiate Expanded Tetrapod Quantum Dot Production"</a>
Nov. 7, 2013: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Engineers Tetrapod Quantum Dots to Improve Diagnostic Accuracy of Biomedical Assays and Devices"</a>
Sept. 11, 2013: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Customized Tetrapod Quantum Dot samples delivered to a diversified leading Asian-based electronics firm"</a>
July/Aug 2013: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Dots: The Next Generation of Displays"</a>
July 29, 2013: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Tetrapod nanocrystals light the way to stronger polymers"</a>
June 6, 2013: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Tetrapod Quantum Dots Break Kasha's Rule"</a>
March 27, 2013: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Quantum Materials Corporation Supplies Tetrapod Quantum Dots to U.S. Government Researchers"</a>
Feb. 12, 2013: This press release about being able to manufacture Cadmium Free Quantum Dots is significant because it opens up the European and Asian markets that have bans on rare earth metals in their products. <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Non Heavy Metal - Cadmium Free Tetrapod Quantum Dots"</a>
Nov. 20, 2012: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Revolutionary Tetrapod Quantum Dot Synthesis Patent"</a>
Nov. 13, 2012: <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Biomed "High Brightness Tetrapod Quantum Dots Developed"</a>
<strong>Disclosure: </strong>I am long QTMM.
~~~~$QTMM ~~~~ will be Quite The Money Maker. Below is their latest PR to get you going on your DD,
Quantum Materials Corp to Present Heavy Metal-Free Quantum Dot Display Film at 2017 Consumer Electronics Show
January 04, 2017 07:00 ET | Source: Quantum Materials Corp
Quantum Materials Corp Heavy Metal Free Display Film (Top) as compared with leading display manufacturer film (Below)
50 Watt LED Power Supply Driving Quantum Materials Heavy Metal-Free Quantum Dot Display Thin Film on top of frame as compared to Major Manufacturer QD Display Film on bottom, both through polarizing filter
Quantum Materials
SAN MARCOS, Texas, Jan. 04, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Quantum Materials Corp (OTCBB:QTMM) today announced that the Company will be presenting its heavy metal-free quantum dot film by appointment to television, monitor and mobile display manufacturers at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week.
“We are excited to present our QD display film to leading display manufacturers at CES seeking to incorporate advanced quantum dot technology into their TV, monitor and mobile device offerings,” said Quantum Materials CEO and Chairman Stephen B. Squires. “Our heavy metal-free display film affords display designers the ability to create brighter and more vivid wider color-gamut devices, while fulfilling environmental mandates to restrict the use of heavy metals in consumer and professional electronics.”
“Due to relatively high cost, implementation of quantum dot display film has been heavily weighted to the high-end display market. We believe Quantum Materials Corp’s low-cost high-volume quantum dot manufacturing approach will enable the enhanced viewing experience made possible with quantum dots to be enjoyed by consumers along a much broader range of price points,” said Toshi Ando, Quantum Materials Corp Senior Director of Business Development.
Interested display manufacturers can schedule a demo appointment by contacting Toshi Ando, Quantum Materials Corp Senior Director of Business Development, at or 510.300.4021.
Quantum Materials Corporation (QMC) develops and manufactures quantum dots and nanomaterials for use in medical, display, solar energy and lighting applications through its patented volume production process. QMC's volume manufacturing methods enable consistent quality and scalable cost reductions to drive innovative discovery to commercial success. The company’s technology continues to move the future of quantum dots to the present. QMC’s products are the foundation for technologically superior, energy efficient and environmentally sound LCD UHD displays, the next generation of solid-state lighting, solar photovoltaic power applications and advanced battery and energy storage solutions. Wholly-owned subsidiary Solterra Renewable Technologies develops sustainable quantum dot solar technology. For more information follow Quantum Materials Corp at and on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties concerning our business, products, and financial results. Actual results may differ materially from the results predicted. More information about potential risk factors that could affect our business, products, and financial results are included in our annual report and in reports subsequently filed by us with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC" . All documents are available through the SEC's Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval System (EDGAR) at or from our website. We hereby disclaim any obligation to publicly update the information provided above, including forward-looking statements, to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.
For more information please contact:
Toshi Ando
Sr. Director of Business Development for Asia/Pacific
Rich Schineller
Clay Chase
---->$QTMM WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG going from Pennies to Dollars???
Here are some answers a previous employee from Quantum Materials Corp. (QMC) posted on Investor Hangout to answer a question about why QMC has not had sales as of yet –
One of the reasons is that the market changed to one demanding Cadmium-free quantum dots. That's a big reason. Luckily QMC had both IP and automated process machinery to speed up development to a point where now QMC is evidently promoting a QD Film that meets and exceeds requirements of the display industry.
Another thing to realize is that unless there is a commitment to an exclusive arrangement, the QD film that gets accepted by one company should gain acceptance from all companies, perhaps with minor variations. So getting to a 'sale' means the opportunity for many sales.
But Joint Ventures are the primary goal because rather than selling only the raw material, by participating in the development of the JV's end product, QMC can share in the greater profit of the value-added products. Sales can be made, in some cases, first if it is a premium price, and/or if a royalty on the units sold (or some other metric) is added. So, depending on the path and the goal you can see there would be many variables to consider to maximize profits in the long term, which is the path to the greatest benefit for the shareholders of the company.
Steve Squires thinks long-term. I say he is a visionary, and I have seen him work for six or more years now. In 2009 he published a paper on how QD solar cells are the only economical and green solution to the problems and dangers of global warming. Its a dire situation, but the Chinese are motivated and mentioned solar power in their last PR. I am sure that was a motivator for Steve who has sought financial backing for Solterra for all these years. Its closer now to getting started, and Jabbour will evidently lead those efforts. Jabbour has been with Steve since Day One and they share these goals.
I cannot explain how difficult it is to close a deal of the size and types we aim for. The China partners have been in the works for over two years now to get to this point. You have seen in the PRs how long we have been working with our Display partners, and we have and will hold out for the best terms. Anything less sends a message to companies that they can take advantage of us, and Steve is pretty sharp at seeing all sides of a situation. So the idea that QMC is not working in the best interests of the shareholders because they have not make short-term small sales is short sighted. When you consider that the quantum dot display market will grow immensely between now and 2020, that the QLED, Solar, Batteries, Ultracapacitor, anticounterfeiting, anti-aging, sensors, RFID, etc., are just or soon will begin, one can see that the company is trying to develop organically so that its base is strong as it branches into new areas.
One last reason is that the market was not ready for quantum dots before now, and it is only in a few industries, like Displays, for example, that commercial products are being introduced. Quantum dots were too expensive previously to business plan products that would be commercially accepted. One could say most of the industries mentioned in the preceding paragraph are not ready for prime time QD. I went to industry tradeshows for years and asked everyone if they knew what quantum dots are, and got blank stares as if I was talking a foreign language. If the industries aren't working with quantum dots, you can't make them do it. I also found companies that wanted samples to experiment with, who had no idea of the protocols involved. You just don't make a quantum dot sale, you have to work with the client and in many cases find the answer to their problems and incorporated that into our product, or at least work with them to develop theirs. We are lucky to have the researchers who have stayed with us and they get a lot of the credit for moving us forward to where we are today.
Re: the departure of the board - I have not been associated with the company for some months now and was not there when the board left so any answer I give on that subject would be conjecture and unsubstantiated rumor. Mostly, I will say again, I believe QMC is stronger now with Squires back at the helm, and will move faster than with the just previous management. Squires sees the whole picture. When I worked there, although I was good at research, I was always surprised that he was in most cases, already familiar with the new information I found. So I look at the departure of the board as a good step forward, one that should bring less concern and worry because there is a better person leading the company. The fact that the China partner, GTG, felt confident in Steve Squires and Toshi Ando to announce their expanded plans for working with QMC is proof that there is no problem. The reason the old board left is moot.
In case you didn't know GTG is connected to BOE (Best of Everything) BOE is the largest Display (and many other products) manufacturer in China. Anyone who waits for the announcement of a contract at this point is leaving money on the table and is an utter failure at understanding the importance of relationships in business, especially in eastern cultures. This has been in the works for over two years. It did not happen overnight. You won't get rich overnight. But if you are looking to get into an Intel when they both started out, and hold it until they start throwing off dividends from all the JVs and industries they get into, this is it.
If you want to follow some of the shareholders thoughts like this or share some of your thoughts, sign into Investors Hangout and stay on top of the latest happenings. You will have to register to sign in for the QTMM board but it is 3 quick questions and FREE.
Click below for Quantum Materials Corporate site (QMC)
Invest wisely!
$SWHI, $SDVI, $COBI, $GNPT, $VGID, $MEDT, $SURE: very thin mid $.000x~ could easily pop to $.00x if POS companies don't dilute
$MEDT, $COBI, $SURE: Getting closer to $.00x
$CHRO: has the potential to run to dollar land
$CHRO: Alex Rodriguez, President & Secretary (New Management)
"Mr. Rodriguez is a renowned energy executive and entrepreneur, with 15 years of energy experience and a total of 20 years of business experience at the C-Level across the energy, telecom and information technology industries.
Mr. Rodriguez is a business development and marketing executive that has successfully launched 5
different companies, collectively responsible for nearly $6 Billion in sales revenue over the course of his career in the energy industry.
Rodriguez was a co-founder and former Managing Partner of Stream Energy, arguably the fastest growing company in U. S. History, enrolling approximately four-hundred thousand (400,000) customers and grossing over $2 Billion within the first 4 years of operation. Upon his exit from Stream Energy, Mr. Rodriguez founded and still serves as Chairman of North American Utility Partners (NAUP Capital), which is an energy holding company and venture development firm with holdings in energy, solar, energy brokerage and energy software related entities. A recent noteworthy item is the founding, building and selling of NAUP portfolio company Diversegy - Rodriguez built this company from concept all the way through exit strategy, by selling the company to a publicly traded energy conglomerate (NYSE). Diversegy is a national energy brokerage, which advises commercial, industrial and municipal customers regarding their natural gas and power needs. Under Rodriguez's leadership, Diversegy amassed thousands of clients, including nationally recognized restaurant and retail chains, cities and counties, private and publicly traded companies.
Mr. Rodriguez fills the role of President and Secretary for the Company and is responsible for conceiving the Company's strategy and core ideology. Moreover, Mr. Rodriguez is responsible for the execution of the business plan and strategy."
$COBI: the next 5-10x bagga!
$CHRO: A Wild Beast or Itch (whatever one likes to call her)...SOB have been using MM-NITE, ASCM & POS-ETRF to short...CHRO has a new name...she's fresh..."She's Like A Virgin"~ She's going to F them (shorting POS) for the Very First Time...or "Like A Surgeon"...She's going to cut all of the could soon hear...the heartbeat...for the very last time...ask they chase CHRO to cover~
$VGID, $GNPT, $SURE: $.000x with potential~
$DSCR: Hemp processing - on CNN~
$DSCR: Discovery Provides Update on Hemp Seed, Files Quarterly Disclosure Statement
Source : PR Newswire (US)
Stock : Discovery Minerals Ltd. (PC) (DSCR)
MARINA DEL REY, Calif., June 26, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Discovery Minerals LTD. (OTC Pink: DSCR) (OTC: DSCR) has posted an informative new Bio-Fuel Flip Book at:
This interactive flipbook describes the challenges surrounding Bio-Fuel production, and illustrates how PlusWave Technology enhances Bio-Fuel production using hemp.
The Hemp seed has been prepped and loaded into the air seeder, and will be planted as soon as weather conditions are favorable. Discovery looks forward to updating investors with photos once seeding starts. One of the many benefits to the CRS-1 variety is its shorter growing cycle.
Discovery has also posted quarterly financial filings for the period ending March 31, 2014. The Quarterly Disclosure Statement is now available on the OTC web site at:
About Discovery Minerals LTD.
Discovery Minerals Ltd., (OTC PINKSHEETS: DSCR.PK) is an acquisition and development company that targets natural resource properties through its subsidiaries. These properties fall within two primary channels, precious metals/mining and industrial hemp. Discovery subsidiaries engage in activities that include the cultivation, product development, and distribution of industrial hemp; Gold, silver and precious metals. In addition, the Company is pursuing clean tech and alternative energy investments to be integrated into these business channels.
$IDGC: ID Global Corporation Retains International Creative Licensing, LLC to Assist in Intellectual Property Valuation
Source : PR Newswire (US)
Stock : Idglobal Corp. (PC) (IDGC)
CHICAGO, June 10, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- ID Global Corp. (OTC: IDGC) is pleased to announce that IDGC has retained International Creative Licensing, LLC., an intellectual property firm, to assist in valuation and licensing of its Intellectual Property (IP) of current portfolio companies. The first company, Jack Rockwell, Inc., currently holds multiple patents for its Farquest™ Machine and is exploring several opportunities regarding its IP.
Sebastien DuFort, president and CEO stated "We are excited to engage a firm that has the ability to help with the valuation process of our portfolio companies assets. This will be a key process in vetting current and future intellectual property to ensure our investment capital sees a return."
About International Creative Licensing, LLC.
International Creative Licensing (ICL) is a boutique licensing and consulting firm specializing in intellectual property portfolio management and brand valuation. Founder Bill Uglow, former Disney executive and Todd Uglow, court approved expert witness in the area of right of publicity law and intellectual property valuation have worked on hundreds of IP projects. Past and present clients include, but are not limited to, Disney, LucasFilm, and the four major US sports leagues; most recently the National Football League.
About ID Global Corporation
ID Global Corporation (IDGC) is a diversified holdings company with a focus on emerging and middle market investment opportunities in North America. IDGC seeks, through debt and equity investments, controlling interests in established companies as well as special situation start-ups.
$IDGC: ID Global Corporation Provides an Investment Portfolio Update
Source : PR Newswire (US)
Stock : Idglobal Corp. (PC) (IDGC)
CHICAGO, May 8, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- ID Global Corp. (OTC: IDGC) is pleased to provide an investment portfolio update to its shareholders. This update includes new assets, adding to its current portfolio, which includes a new assignment of claims for Physicians Healthcare Management Group (OTC:PHYH):
Acquired $358,000 of receivables.
Sebastien DuFort, president and CEO, stated, "This asset acquisition is consistent with our new long-term strategy shared by Robert Trinka, Chairman and CEO of PHYH. We are pleased to have been able to step in and provide the assistance, for the mutual benefit of both companies."
About Physicians Healthcare Management Group, Inc.
Physicians Healthcare Management Group, Inc. (PHYH) is a holding company focusing on employing its management and capital resources in early-stage growth companies that seek to benefit from the public markets, but lack the public company management expertise and financial resources to comply with regulatory requirements of a publicly traded company, without our assistance. PHYH will target companies that have the right growth and profit characteristics covering a wide range of industries.
Supreme Pharma (must read) Hands down, best pot play to watch for the next few weeks!
$UPZS: Unique Pizza and Subs Announces they have Retained J. Dhokia Law Firm for EB-5 Funding Program
Date : 09/23/2014 @ 8:57AM
Source : InvestorsHub NewsWire
Stock : Unique Pizza & Subs Corp. (PC) (UPZS)
Unique Pizza and Subs Announces they have Retained J. Dhokia Law Firm for EB-5 Funding Program
PITTSBURGH, PA - September 23, 2014 - InvestorsHub NewsWire - Unique Pizza and Subs Corporation (OTC Pink: UPZS) a Delaware Corporation, is pleased to announce it has retained the services of Joy Dhokia, from the Law Offices of Joy Dhokia, Esq. located in Brea CA. Ms. Dhokia and her law firm will prepare all necessary EB-5 documents and filings for Unique Pizza and Subs Corp. and use their best efforts to acquire qualified potential investors from China, Japan, and India. Ms. Dhokia has 19 years of experience in the field of international business immigration law.
Ms. Dhokia and her firm will work closely with the qualified future Unique Pizza franchisees to prepare, complete and file their USCIS EB-5 Visa application petitions.
Under the EB-5 program, qualifying foreign nationals can receive a green card with a minimum investment of $1,000,000 if they are able to prove that their at-risk money has created at least 10 full-time jobs for U.S. citizens. Exceptions are made for $500,000 investments in some rural areas or areas with high unemployment rates. EB-5 investors receive conditional permanent resident status for two years. After this two year period, investors may apply to "remove the condition.” The U.S. government’s purpose for the EB-5 Program is to help stimulate foreign investment in the U.S., with the goal of boosting the economy and creating jobs.
China is now the dominant market for EB-5 investors. The number of Chinese EB-5 applicants, which has been growing since 2008, represented over 80 percent of the 2012 applicant pool that generated a reported $1.8 billion in total investment. For Fiscal Year 2011, the USCIS reported that China accounted for 73% of the total EB-5 visas issued. The massive influx over the past several years of Chinese EB-5 investment into the U.S. is one of the reasons why Washington, D.C. opened a Shanghai representative office in 2012. According to the Heritage Foundation's January 2013 China Global Investment Tracker report, China invested a record $54.2 billion in the U.S. in 2012.
Joy Dhokia, Founder & Senior Partner of the Law Offices of Joy Dhokia, Esq. said: “In my opinion, James Vowler is a visionary entrepreneur. Our office is privileged and honored to be working with him. We are delighted to be part of this exciting, new and Unique venture.”
Joy Dhokia, 500 South Kraemer Blvd., Ste. 270, Brea, CA 92821.
James Vowler President & CEO of Unique Pizza and Subs Corporation said, “I was introduced to the EB5 program about a year ago and I have spent the last year studying the idiosyncrasies and nuances of the program while vetting numerous firms that claim to be able to handle the process of the EB5 program. Many of the companies I spoke with could handle some aspects of the program but none seemed to have mastered them all, until I met with Joy. Ms. Dhokia and her law firm can expertly take care of all the fillings in a timely fashion, and will use her 19 years of direct experience to locate and qualify prospective franchisees. Dr. Reddy also has many connections in China, Japan and especially India and will use his immense network in India to build awareness while he develops the country as the Master Franchisee.
$DSCR: Hemp Seed Benefits, The Protein-Rich Super Seed
$IDGC: ID Global Corporation Retains Securities Counselors, Inc. as Corporate Counsel
Date : 07/22/2014 @ 1:58PM
Source : GlobeNewswire Inc.
Stock : Idglobal Corp. (PC) (IDGC)
ID Global Corp. (OTC:IDGC) is pleased to announce that it has retained Securities Counselors, Inc. (SCI), a law firm specializing in securities law, with a focus on OTC companies, to handle all corporate legal needs as well as to assist in asset recovery of current portfolio companies and help navigate the legal maze of the medical marijuana industry.
Sebastien DuFort, president and CEO, stated, "We have been working with SCI for some time and are pleased to officially bring them aboard as corporate counsel. We feel that their background in representing medical marijuana companies and their overall knowledge of OTC legal requirements will help us navigate this treacherous landscape of conflicting state and federal laws. We feel that the legal advice that we seek from SCI is imperative and critical, given the fact that while the use, distribution and growing of medical marijuana has been legalized by some states, federal law still prohibits these activities. Investors are cautioned that we are not in the medical marijuana industry at this time."
About Securities Counselors, Inc.
Securities Counselors, Inc. (SCI) is an established securities law firm specializing in advising public companies listed in the OTC market. The SCI attorneys are seasoned professionals comprising of over 70 years of practice in corporate law. SCI serves as corporate counsel for a number of public companies and provides expertise in transaction advisory, M&A negotiations, reverse mergers, corporate restructures and SEC filings.
About ID Global Corporation
ID Global Corporation (IDGC) is a diversified holdings company with a focus on emerging and middle market investment opportunities in North America. IDGC seeks, through debt and equity investments, controlling interests in established companies as well as special situation start-ups.
SANP about to sign another mining contract!!! You guys remember what happened last time right?!
"$MEDT, $IDGC & $DSCR: Q: What’s the Difference between CBD from Hemp and Marijuana?
A: The amount of TCH present. Historically, marijuana has been bred to achieve high levels of THC and Hemp, usually referred to as Industrial Hemp, has very low to no levels of THC. Therefore, there is no “high” from the hemp plant or the CBD extract from hemp and is why it is legally available in all 50 states."
Thinking about Moneta Porcupine (
...and its PEA today. On the one hand you have a company that, according to the weird and wonderful world of PEA mathematics, requires one point five billion dollars in order to set up and run its mine that will potentially dig three million ounces of gold out of the gold at a decent profit. On the other hand you have a company with a market cap of ~$40m.
So basically, the tiny company can't build the big ticket mine...ever....ever ever ever. It needs a bigger mining company to come in, buy out and build the thing with the required funds. Therefore, once you consider the company market cap against the cash needed to build the thing, it's virtually irrelevant. Therefore, it doesn't matter what's share price is right now; it could be 10c, it could be today's 23.5c, it could be double that. It's near impossible to put a "correct" price on today and that's the only thing you'll ever need to know about the company in order to avoid owning its shares forever and we haven't even touched upon niceties of how proposes getting 2m of its 3m oz Au from inferred into indicated in order to get those ounces into any eventual feasibility study.
There are lots of other juniors in the same boat. Avoid them all.
1 comment:
Anonymous said...
And with a strip ratio 5.6:1 its much more unlikely.
11:33 PM
Hi NYBob If your moniker means you live NY hope your safe! Thanks for the line, Porcupine looks good will be following. You may like this little Jr. they keep hitting bonaza grade strikes.
EORIF-Enhanced Oil Resources Inc. (TSX-V Exchange Symbol EOR.V)
SP .13-.14 $20-22 million.
Cash on hand $17-22 million
Production 486 BOPD ($35-40 million)
26,000 Permian Basin Acres (PV-10 value $54 million) a Houston based oil company that owns, operates and produces oil from 3 legacy oilfields in the Permian Basin of eastern New Mexico. The Company's vision is to become a leading energy producer in the Permian Basin through development of it's oil reserves by utilizing technology improvements such as well down-spacing, fracture stimulation methods and, longer term, through CO2-EOR enhanced oil recovery. The Company's independent engineering consultants have estimated that these 3 legacy oilfields have produced only 55 Million barrels of oil from a total in-place resource of approximately 320 million barrels. By utilizing modern technology improvements including full field CO2-EOR these fields could produce an additional 60 Million barrels of oil and, once developed, could produce in excess of 10,000 barrels of oil per day.
Enhanced Oil Resources is a producing an average of 486 barrels of oil per day at the end of Q3 2012. The Company has assembled an asset base of legacy oilfields that have considerable potential for reserves and production growth through redevelopment of these assets by well down-spacing and enhanced oil recovery processes. The Company purchased the oil fields for less than 10 cents a barrel of potentially recoverable oil, initiated and completed a successful CO2 pilot flood, commissioned and received independent reserve reports on the EOR-CO2 oil potential and secured a near term supply of CO2 through a gas delivery contract with Kinder Morgan CO2 Company, L.P. With the CO2 contract now in hand Enhanced Oil Resources has put in motion the development of the full CO2 flood that is projected to increase production at Milnesand from current levels to over 2,500 barrels per day within 4 years.
Enhanced Oil Resources Inc has initiated the re-development of the Milnesand field in preparation for CO2 injection that is scheduled to begin no later than August 2015. The re-development includes up to 64 producers and 89 injectors. The re-development plan begins by decreasing well spacing from 40 acre spacing to 20 acres spacing to increase reserves and production not previously accessed by the broader well density. The systematic program would consistently increase daily production up to the injection phase and then increase it once again once injection starts.
CO2 Injection starts during the 4th Quarter of 2015 with peak CO2-EOR oil production increasing by an additional 2,500 BOPD in Year 4 of the CO2 flood at Milnesand and 7,500 BOPD at Chaveroo.
Moneta Porcupine Mines Inc. (TSE:ME)(MPUCF)
Gold Producer Moneta Inc. more than 100yrs old -
1st Target $0.31
Moneta ME Chart TA Alert AuBull Run Golden Cross Start
Porcupine & Golden Highway Camps are part of The Golden Horseshoe
Produced Gold 200 Million Ounces Richest Area In The World -
ME traded for many $$ when I first bought it more than
20yrs ago and today its a strategic bargain bottom fishing
price -
God Bless
Fiat PENNIES TO DOLLARS - To Real Gold Money -
on the LT CALVF -
Target Au 100,000 Gold Production -
is now producing Au 40000 for about $650/oz with
low cost 850 mine workers -
on the go to open up 3 more past Gold Mine producers -
on their large Blanket Gold Mine property which has
268 old gold mines producers now 100% owned by....
CALVF Au Q-Sheba Gold Mines profitable bottom fishing -
July 29 (USAGOLD) — Gold is pressuring record highs again
after speaker Boehner's plan to pass legislation that would
allow the debt ceiling to be raised disintegrated last night
in the House.
It would seem that yesterday's rumors that Congressmen
affiliated with the Tea-Party were falling in line behind
the speaker were unfounded.
Got CALVF Au Gold Mines bargain penny plays -
Now .67 Vanguard Acquires Second Uranium Prospect -- Geophysics Indicates Potential for Athabasca Unconformity-Type Uranium Deposits
BusinessWire - April 07, 2008 4:00 PM ET
Related Quotes
Symbol Last Chg
HTHXF Trade 2.17 0.00
VNGM Trade 0.61 0.00
Quotes delayed at least 15 minutes
Vanguard Minerals Corporation (OTCBB: VNGM) (FWB: N5W) is pleased to report it has acquired a 50% interest in the LeDrew Lake uranium prospect in the Athabasca basin of northern Saskatchewan ("LeDrew Lake"). The acquisition includes a current geological report, airborne geophysical data and an accompanying geophysical interpretation. As a result of previous work on the property, several structures capable of hosting uranium mineralization have been identified for detailed ground follow-up and drilling.
The LeDrew Lake property covers 343 hectares along the eastern margin of the Athabasca basin in the Mudjatik Domain. Since the Rabbit Lake discovery in 1968, numerous uranium deposits have been discovered in the Mudjatik Domain near the LeDrew Lake property. To the south, Hathor Exploration Ltd. has recently announced a world class uranium discovery at its Midwest project. Hathor's announced drill results are some of the best uranium intersections reported by any company in recent history. One such example is 11.9 meters grading 5.29% uranium; the equivalent of 166 pounds of uranium or $8,200 per tonne.
During 2007, airborne geophysical surveys were completed on the LeDrew Lake property. The aeromagnetic and radiometric data was reviewed by the Company's consulting geologists and geoscientists who provided their assessment and interpretations in a NI 43-101 compliant technical report.
The LeDrew Lake property is overlain by Athabasca Basin sediments and shows evidence of possible basement sedimentary units inferred from the magnetic lows in the Terraquest aeromagnetic data. In the Athabasca Basin, these two characteristics can represent the presence of unconformity-type uranium deposits. In addition, several faults inferred from XDS-VLF EM data cross-cut the possible basement sediments and thus are a third possible control for unconformity mineralization.
This year's exploration program at Le Drew Lake will focus on these potential sources of uranium mineralization through: helicopter-supported property-scale boulder sampling and prospecting, close-spaced ground geophysics and drilling. With two projects in close proximity ready for ground geophysics and drilling, management is currently in negotiation with geophysical and drill contractors in preparation for the start of this year's exploration in May. Management is also reviewing other opportunities to acquire additional property in the region, both grassroots and property with varying amounts of previous exploration.
Vanguard Minerals Corp is a resource exploration company based in Seattle, Washington, USA, committed to the strategic acquisition and exploration of uranium projects. The company's prime focus currently rests in several prospective holdings in proximity to the world's most productive uranium deposits in Western Canada.
To find out more about Vanguard Minerals Corp., please contact Vladimir Fedyunin, President and CEO, at 206-652-3246 or email
You may also visit our website at
Vanguard Minerals Corporation
Vladimir Fedyunin , President
This release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and contents of upcoming work programs, geophysical, geological interpretations, etc. These statements appear in a number of places in this release and include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company, its directors or its officers. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control and those actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of Various factors.
SOURCE: Vanguard Minerals Corporation
Vanguard Minerals Corp.
Vladimir Fedyunin, President and CEO, 206-652-3246
.55 Vanguard Minerals Corporation (VNGM.OB)
Yahoo Finance:
Company Websites:
I called PTSC office yesterday to ask why so quiet, and to confirm earnings to be on time. He wouldn't commit to an exact date, but did commit to mid April. He told me not to read into the quietness (lack of pr's) to be anything negative. The new CEO is trying to get up to speed and is consumed with work. I asked why they won't release dollar amounts for each contract price on the license's being bought. He told me the details of each contract being public would hurt the future negotiations with other companies.
Personally, I feel very optimistic about the earnings giving this a nice pop past $1.+
PTSC Q-earnings out April 9th, this could be our "Huckleberry"!
This particular article on PTSC gives me reason to believe it's going to move higher from here!!
Ive been watching PTSC for the last few weeks, picked up 15000 shares. Thanks for the heads up on it GoStocks and IAMSAM!
PS, would either or both of you comment on the newest chart? Thanks again.......
Patriot Scientific (PTSC) - Emerson Radio Purchases 44th License
March 17, 2008
Emerson Radio Purchases Moore Microprocessor Patent™ Portfolio License
CARLSBAD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Patriot Scientific (OTCBB:PTSC) today announced that Emerson Radio Corporation has purchased a Moore Microprocessor Patent™ (MMP) Portfolio license from The TPL Group, Patriot’s licensing partner. Emerson Radio designs, markets and licenses a broad range of consumer electronics under the Emerson and HH Scott brand names including audio, video, home theater and telecommunication devices.
Patriot’s President and CEO, Rick Goerner, said, “Emerson Radio is the second licensee for the current fiscal quarter which ends in May and the tenth MMP Portfolio licensee since the December settlement of TPL’s MMP patent infringement case in Texas. We continue to see momentum in our licensing program and look forward to future successes on that front.”
The sweeping scope of applications using MMP Portfolio design techniques continues to encourage global manufacturers of end user products to become MMP Portfolio licensees. More than 40 companies from the US, Europe, Japan, Korea and Taiwan have licensed the MMP Portfolio technologies, including many industry leaders such as Fujitsu, Hewlett Packard, Kenwood, Mattel, Nokia, Philips, Sony and Toshiba.
The MMP Portfolio patents utilize techniques that enable higher performance and lower cost designs and are fundamental to consumer and commercial digital systems. Today, there are dozens of microprocessor-based key features and benefits that are included in systems such as: DVD players, cell phones and portable music players to communications infrastructure, medical equipment, and automobiles.
About Emerson Radio Corporation
Emerson Radio Corporation founded in 1948, is headquartered in Parsippany, N.J. The Company designs, markets and licenses, worldwide, a variety of consumer electronics and home appliances including microwaves and wine coolers, clock radios, full lines of televisions and other video products, and audio and home theater products. For more information, please visit Emerson Radio's Web site at
About Patriot Scientific
Patriot Scientific (OTCBB:PTSC) is a leading intellectual-property licensing company that develops, markets, and enables innovative technologies that satisfy the demands of fast-growing markets for wireless devices, smart cards, home appliances, network gateways, set-top boxes, entertainment technology, automotive telematics, biomedical devices, industrial controllers and more. Headquartered in Carlsbad, Calif., information about the company can be found at
An investment profile on Patriot Scientific may be found at Copies of Patriot Scientific press releases, current price quotes, stock charts and other valuable information for investors may be found at and To receive free e-mail notification of future releases for Patriot Scientific, sign up at
About the MMP Portfolio
The Moore Microprocessor Patent Portfolio contains intellectual property that is jointly owned by the privately-held TPL Group and publicly-held Patriot Scientific Corporation (OTCBB:PTSC). The MMP Portfolio includes seven U.S. patents as well as their European and Japanese counterparts. It is widely recognized that the MMP Portfolio protects fundamental technology used in microprocessors, microcontrollers, digital signal processors (DSPs), embedded processors and system-on-chip (SoC) devices. Manufacturers of microprocessor-based products can learn more about how to participate in the MMP Portfolio Licensing Program by contacting: mmp-licensing@alliacense.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .
About Alliacense
Alliacense is a TPL Group Enterprise executing best-in-class design and implementation of Intellectual Property (IP) licensing programs. As a cadre of IP licensing strategists, technology experts, and experienced business development/management executives, Alliacense focuses on expanding the awareness and value of TPL’s IP portfolios. Founded in 1988, The TPL Group has emerged as a coalition of high technology enterprises involved in the development, management and commercialization of proprietary product technologies as well as the design, manufacture and sales of proprietary products based on those technologies and corresponding IP assets. For more information, visit
Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Statements in this news release looking forward in time involve risks and uncertainties, including the risks associated with the effect of changing economic conditions, trends in the products markets, variations in the company's cash flow, market acceptance risks, patent litigation, technical development risks, seasonality and other risk factors detailed in the company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings.
Moore Microprocessor Patent (MMP) and Alliacense are trademarks of Technology Properties Limited (TPL). PTSC is a trademark of Patriot Scientific Corporation. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Patriot Scientific, Carlsbad
Media Relations
The Hoffman Agency
John Radewagen, Vice President, Corporate Communications
408-219-9199 (mobile)
jradewagen@hoffman.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Investor Relations
Hawk Associates Inc.
Account Managers Ken AuYeung or Frank Hawkins
patriot.scientific@hawkassociates.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
TPL / Alliacense
Shawn Clark, 408-446-4222
shawnc@tplgroup.netThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
T4 CNAG do the DD! Chinese co...Made 50 million last year and 3 million net profit....550 employees...a real company!
OK Get when you see fit. I am in 100k at .0601
PTSC - "More than 40 global companies from the U.S., Europe, Japan, Korea and Taiwan have licensed the MMP Portfolio technologies."
Q3 December 1 - February 29 -- Licensees/Settlements to date:
2008-02-26 Advanced Medical Optics Licenses Key Microprocessor Technology
2008-02-25 Mattel Becomes 40th Licensee
2008-02-08 DIRECTV Purchases Microprocessor Patent Portfolio License
2008-02-05 Tokyo Electron Purchases Microprocessor Patent Portfolio License
2008-01-17 Psion Purchases Microprocessor Patent Portfolio License
2008-01-04 Humax Licenses Microprocessor Patent Portfolio
2007-12-21 Verigy Purchases Microprocessor Patent Portfolio License
2007-12-18 TPL and NEC Electronics America Resolve Their Dispute Over the Moore Microprocessor Patent Portfolio
2007-12-18 TPL, Toshiba, Matsushita (Panasonic), and JVC Resolve Their Dispute Over the Moore Microprocessor Patent Portfolio
2007-12-10 Alpine Electronics Purchases Microprocessor Patent Portfolio License
2007-12-07 Lite-On Purchases Microprocessor Patent Portfolio License
2007-12-06 WMS Gaming Joins List of Patriot's Microprocessor Licensees
2007-12-03 Daewoo Electronics Purchases Moore Microprocessor Patent Portfolio License
2007-11-17 TEAC Corporation Purchases Microprocessor Patent Portfolio License (?)
CNAG -- should qualify for pennies to dollars quest, IMO.
CNAG (@ 0.06 on Friday - from $2/share in December)
For the 9 months ending on Sept 07 (posted as "10-K" in January):
My rethorical question: can a company with over 550 employees, posting more than $3 MM net revenue for the nine months ending Sept 2007 (on a $50 MM gross revenue), and OS of only 80 MM trade @ 0.06? I might miss something, although I checked out everywhere, and could not find any reason for the drop as of late.
If anyone interested, let's do some detective work, shall we? A good start:
This might be the one people will be talking about next week (unless I'm missing something). Besides several MSGS I posted since last night, the only active MB as of last night was a Yahoo MB, and it contained a single MSG (someone bought it @ 0.2) posted several days ago. Plus, from the 10-K, the company has only 20 shareholders. The above tell me people don't know about this puppy, and I only can explain the drop assuming on panic selling. My Buys (bought more than half of Friday's volume) @ just above the Bid (e.g., @ 0.091 - when the highest bid was 0.09, and @ 0.081 when the bid was @ 0.08, etc.), must have contributed to the confusion.
(SFLK) IdentiPHI, Inc. Announces 1-for-15 Reverse Stock Split
(OUCH! Enough For Me....)
Friday February 15, 9:00 am ET
Reverse Stock Split to Take Effect for Company Formerly Known as Saflink on February 19th
AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IdentiPHI, Inc. (formerly known as Saflink Corporation) (OTCBB:SFLK - News) today announced that its board of directors has approved a 1-for-15 reverse split of its common stock, following approval by its stockholders on February 7, 2008. The reverse stock split will be effective at 12:01 a.m., Eastern Time, on Tuesday, February 19, 2008. In connection with the name change and reverse split, IdentiPHI will be designated a new ticker symbol at the sole discretion of the OTC Bulletin Board, which is still to be determined.
“The reverse split is part of our overall strategy to achieve the optimal capital structure for IdentiPHI,” stated Steve Oyer, Chairman & CEO of IdentiPHI. “With this action we enable ourselves to move towards accomplishing a number of our immediate goals: 1) simplify our investors’ understanding and visibility of our earnings on a per share basis, 2) attract and retain long term institutional shareholders through a higher share price and manageable share count, 3) significantly reduce administrative, transaction and regulatory costs related to the number of shares authorized and outstanding, and 4) move us closer to the opportunity for re-listing of our common stock on the NASDAQ Capital Market or other national exchange.”
The reverse split will reduce the number of shares of IdentiPHI’s common stock outstanding from approximately 823 million to approximately 55 million. Furthermore, proportional adjustments will be made to IdentiPHI’s stock options and other equity incentive awards, equity compensation plans and convertible securities. In addition, the number of authorized shares of common stock will be reduced from 1.5 billion to 100 million.
Upon effectiveness of the reverse split, IdentiPHI stockholders will receive one new share of IdentiPHI for every 15 shares held. Exchange of stock certificates to reflect the reverse stock split is not mandatory. However, registered holders of IdentiPHI common stock who wish to exchange their stock certificates for new post-split certificates should contact IdentiPHI’s transfer agent, Computershare Trust Company, N.A., at 800-962-4284, for instructions. Stockholders with shares in brokerage accounts should contact their brokers with questions.
IdentiPHI will not issue fractional shares as a result of the reverse stock split. For registered stockholders, the transfer agent (Computershare) will aggregate all shares held by each registered stockholder immediately prior to the reverse stock split and will round up each fractional share such that any fractional shares resulting from the aggregation will be converted into the right to receive one whole share of common stock. Stockholders with shares held in brokerage accounts are encouraged to contact their brokers with any questions regarding their procedures for payment of fractional shares.
About IdentiPHI
Headquartered in Austin, Texas, IdentiPHI is an innovative technology company offering a comprehensive suite of enterprise security solutions and consulting services. Comprised of experienced partners and thought-leaders in the industry, IdentiPHI is setting the standard for what companies are looking for in a security solution. IdentiPHI solutions deliver enhanced identity assurance throughout the enterprise. The company is defining security technology to meet the evolving challenges of today’s ever changing fast-paced business needs. For more information, call 888-436-8744, or visit
This release contains information about our management’s view of our future expectations, plans and prospects that constitute forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor provisions under The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ materially from historical results or those indicated by these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors. These factors include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties associated with our financial condition, our ability to sell our products, our ability to compete with competitors and the growth of the security market. In addition, the reduction in the number of outstanding shares is expected to increase the trading price of our common stock, although there can be no assurance that such price will increase in proportion to the ratio of the reverse stock split ratio. The trading price of our common stock depends on many factors, including many which are beyond our control. The higher stock price may increase investor interest and reduce resistance of brokerage firms to recommend the purchase of our common stock. On the other hand, to the extent that negative investor sentiment regarding our common stock is based on our underlying business fundamentals, the reverse split may not overcome such sentiment enough to increase our stock price to a level that consistently exceeds $1.00 per share. Additional factors are included in our annual report on Form 10-K, as well as other documents we periodically file with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Andrew Goss, 253-853-5151 x224
Investor Relations:
Equiti-trend Advisors LLC
800-953-3350 Toll-Free
858-436-3350 Local or International
Source: IdentiPHI, Inc.
BRST Tightening...
IMOT...mot-mot-mot-mot-mot! LOL! /e
looks like the reversal is ON! :)
NYNY had a pretty good day..
you in? what do you think of these ones? tia :)
I couldn't agree more with you on this. Definitely looking very good on PTSC. All the hurdles are gone, the only thing left is to reap the gains and collect $$ from these chip makers.
Go_Stocks, yes, sir...
in PTSC's case, silence is not golden. :)
Seriously, I've never been more confident in the long view. The next Q reporting should be quite impressive. Meanwhile, adding on the weakness to increase position. Did last @ .39-.40.
Waiting on word from CEO, Turley, for some kind of progress report (not any specifics on the NDA from the recent settlements with the J's in TX Litigation).
Q3 December 1 - February 29 -- Licensees/Settlements to date:
2008-01-17 Psion Purchases Microprocessor Patent Portfolio License
2008-01-04 Humax Licenses Microprocessor Patent Portfolio
2007-12-21 Verigy Purchases Microprocessor Patent Portfolio License
2007-12-18 TPL and NEC Electronics America Resolve Their Dispute Over the Moore Microprocessor Patent Portfolio
2007-12-18 TPL, Toshiba, Matsushita (Panasonic), and JVC Resolve Their Dispute Over the Moore Microprocessor Patent Portfolio
2007-12-10 Alpine Electronics Purchases Microprocessor Patent Portfolio License
2007-12-07 Lite-On Purchases Microprocessor Patent Portfolio License
2007-12-06 WMS Gaming Joins List of Patriot's Microprocessor Licensees
2007-12-03 Daewoo Electronics Purchases Moore Microprocessor Patent Portfolio License
SFLK Saflink® -- LAN Gaming Selects IdentiPHI SAFsolution® for Biometric-based User Authentication and Parental Controls
January 22, 2008 08:00 AM Eastern Time
IdentiPHI SAFsolution First to Deliver Tighter Security for Children in Online Gaming Sessions within the Retail Setting
AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IdentiPHI, Inc., an innovative leader in enterprise security solutions and services, today announced that Washington-based LAN Gaming HQ has selected IdentiPHI SAFsolution Enterprise Edition for use in the industry’s first biometric-based user authentication program for multiplayer online gaming scenarios within the retail setting. Under the agreement, LAN Gaming HQ will incorporate IdentiPHI’s technology into a comprehensive in-store security system specifically designed to protect its customers through the use of a unique biometric identifier: their fingerprint. LAN Gaming HQ will use the biometric data to cross-reference users with a sexual offender database, further safeguarding young game players.
“Thanks to IdentiPHI, we have a groundbreaking technology being implemented at our LAN gaming store,” explained Travis Dorsey, LAN Gaming HQ president. “The use of SAFsolution makes it possible for us to provide new levels of safety for gaming customers visiting our stores. The ease of use, quick integration and enterprise capabilities of SAFsolution allow us to meet our own network security needs and protect our customers at the same time.”
LAN Gaming HQ creates shared local area networks in a retail setting that enable dozens of people to simultaneously participate in a LAN gaming session. This new scenario for in-person gaming presents unique security challenges, particularly for children. The incorporation of IdentiPHI SAFsolution into the company’s security system enables LAN Gaming HQ to offer parental controls for underage players and to cross-reference its users with the local and national authorities, adding yet another layer of protection for its customers.
“Our technology not only enables LAN Gaming HQ to incorporate state-of-the-art security measures, such as a strong parental control platform – it also improves business processes and accountability by ensuring gamers are not stealing time from other customer accounts,” noted Peter Gilbert, IdentiPHI CEO. “We believe our innovative solution will give LAN Gaming HQ a competitive advantage and help take them to the next level.”
IdentiPHI SAFsolution is an industry-leading biometric solution for enterprise-level logical access and identity management. Integrated tightly with Microsoft® Active Directory®, SAFsolution enables the use of stronger authentication methods – fingerprints, smart cards, and other biometric form-factors – for access to networked corporate assets and resources. The software is standards-compliant and has an open systems architecture, which means customers are not tied to one application, technology or device. This approach allows customers to select the best fit of authentication technologies and applications to meet their unique security needs.
About LAN Gaming HQ, LLC
Founded in 2007, LAN Gaming HQ represents the latest in co-operative and competitive gaming experiences, for the lowest price. By using the latest in biometric technology, along with the latest hardware and software from leading manufacturers in the world, LAN Gaming HQ has developed a unique, safe and secure environment where people of all ages can enjoy the newest games on the some of the best equipment for an unbelievable gaming experience.
For more information please contact
About IdentiPHI
Headquartered in Austin Texas, IdentiPHI is an innovative technology company offering a comprehensive suite of enterprise security solutions and consulting services. Comprised of experienced thought-leaders and partners in the industry, IdentiPHI is setting the standard for what organizations are looking for in a security solution. IdentiPHI solutions deliver enhanced identity assurance throughout the enterprise. The company is defining security technology to meet the evolving challenges of today’s ever changing fast-paced business needs.
IdentiPHI, Inc. and Saflink® Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: SFLK) recently announced a merger agreement. This merger is expected to strengthen IdentiPHI’s position in the enterprise security solutions market by combining a rich technology portfolio with established and growing distribution channels. For more information, call 888-436-8744, or visit
NOTE: “SAFsolution” is a registered trademark of IdentiPHI, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
John Atkinson, 540-771-0065
Andrew Goss, 253-853-5151, x224*A1198414800000*B1201036183000*DgroupByDate*J2*L1*N1000837*Zsflk&newsLang=en&beanID=202776713&viewID=news_view
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