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03/03/06 3:09 PM

#399 RE: BonelessCat #398

RB, for some reason, won't let me post this:

Couch: The stats from yesterday were taken from

Yes, I know that Duke University faculty are usually not very reliable, as Matty wild point out, nonetheless, I think that their projected global sales and market sector stats for 2007 are close enough for our purposes here.

Yes, these stats are OTC meds, but they do directly correlate with market potential for Flucide. The fact that more than 36 billion US is spent worldwide on Flu related OTC products indicates the real market potential for elective spending when it comes to health and flu virus infections.

You are correct in pointing out that 90 million in the US come down with flu anually, however, we are talking about the entire developed world, which includes Europe and parts of Asia. The US makes up only 1/5th of the developed world. And, China now has an affluent middle-class numbering over 100 million. Therefore, only counting Europe, North America, and parts of East Asia, my estimate would be market regions for Flucide would yeild 3 to 5 times the 90 million you indicate (probably higher) cases of treatable flu per year. The question then is nothing more than will people spend $50-$100 for a flu cure at the beginning of flu symptoms in order to maintain productivity and health.

Current treatment for flu still allows the virus to ravage the reperatory system. Healing often takes more than 30 days before the system is back at 100%. In the case of severe influenzas, symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and expectoration can last 2 months or more. Thus the only question is would people then be likely to spend $100 to quickly and efficiently stop the ravages of flu at the very onset of symptoms?