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03/12/14 11:58 AM

#254114 RE: WhiteFish #254113

Here's a lengthy three year BBDA Revenue. I feel it's necessary though, so please bare with me.

3/31/11 Revenue $504,932,40; Net Gain $251,032.22
3/31/11 filing

6/30/11 Revenue $593,219.43; Net Gain $165,212.38
6/30/11 filing

9/30/11 Revenue $612,311.87; Net Gain $140,805.79
9/30/11 filing

12/31/11 Revenue $2,374,224.23 (year); Net Gain $657,585.98 (year)
12/31/11 filing

3/31/12 Revenue $671,064.05; Net Gain $172,013.77
3/31/12 filings

6/30/12 Revenue $784,886.14; Net Gain $347,098.81
6/30/12 filing

9/30/12 Revenue $1,619,903.14; Net Gain $573,476.63
9/30/12 filing

12/31/12 Revenue $1,479,764.01; Net Gain $490,727.96
12/31/12 filing

3/31/13 Revenue $1,599,873.35; Net Gain $507,864.76
3/31/13 filing

6/30/13 Revenue $1,988,021.67; Net Gains $295,957.96
6/30/13 filing

9/30/13 Revenue $2,206,764.35; Net Gains $70,191.70
9/30/13 filing

12/31/13 Revenue $2,001,531.01; Net Gain $17,796.01
12/31/13 filing

National Retail Foundation (NRF) Seasonality Discussion

Armed with BBDA's Revenue figures for the past three years and the NRF's seasonality discussion we can see that BBDA's Revenue is not declining year to year. 

Here are different views of BBDA Revenue (% increase represent year versus year):

Quarter 1 2011-2013
2011: $504,932,40
2012: $671,064.05 33% increase vs 2011
2013: $1,599,873.35 238% increase vs 2012
Total: $2,775,869.80

Quarter 2 2011-2013
2011: $593,219.43 
2012: $784,886.14 32% increase vs 2011
2013: $1,988,021.67 153% increase vs 2012
Total: $3,366,127.24

Quarter 3 2011-2013
2011: $612,311.87
2012: $1,619,903.14 165% increase vs 2011
2013: $2,206,764.35 36% increase vs 2012
Total: $4,438,979.36

Quarter 4 2011-2013
2011: $663,760.53
2012: $1,479,764.01 123% increase vs 2011
2013: $2,001,531.01 35% increase vs 2012
Total: $4,145,055.55

2011 Total: $2,374,224.23
2012 Total: $4,555,617.34 92% increase vs 2011
2013 Total: $7,796,190.38 71% increase vs 2012

Yes (sarcastic), Revenue is decreasing. Sell me those cheap shares. The fact of declining BBDA Revenue has been debunked. 

Still thinking a Revenue decline? Ok here's another Revenue view:

2011 Q1-Q4
Q1: $504,932.40
Q2: $593,219.43 17% increase vs Q1
Q3: $612,311.87 3% increase vs Q2
Q4: $663,760.53 8% increase vs Q3
Total: $2,374,224.23 nope no decease here

2012 Q1-Q4
Q1: $671,064.05
Q2: $784,886.14 17% increase vs Q1
Q3: $1,619,903.14 106% increase vs Q2
Q4: $1,479,764.01 9% decrease vs Q3
Total: $4,555,617.34 ZOMG! Decrease on Q4!

2013 Q1-Q4
Q1: $1,599,873.35
Q2: $1,988,021.67 24% increase vs Q1
Q3: $2,206,764.35 11% increase vs Q2
Q4: $2,001,531.01 9% decrease vs Q3
Total: $7,796,190.38 ZOMG again! Decrease on Q4!

So, let's ignore the big changes in Revenue values year to year and quarter to quarter and focus in on the two quarter 2 decreases in 2012 and 2013. This definitely warrants a statement "BBDA's Revenues are decreasing!" Mmmhhmmm. The National Retail Foundation discussed the seasonality of retail operations in its guide I referenced. Seasonality is defined as a repetitious behavior in demand for products. Hmm, seems in Q4 BBDA's products may be in less demand than in quarter 3. Disagree? The quarter 4 sales figures are still higher than quarter 1 and 2 values. Maybe ask about BBDA's seasonality in the next shareholders meeting.

Please sell all those shares because if this company gets audited financials that substantiates the growth so far in the past 3 years I'm going to sing to the bank! Ooo, and ice cream might be sold next- with hemp!
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03/12/14 12:01 PM

#254115 RE: WhiteFish #254113

Revenue decreasing one Q means nothing Q4 is a cold season a lot of people start drinking coffee and Warm drinks not surprising a cold drink could decrease in revenue
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03/12/14 1:53 PM

#254137 RE: WhiteFish #254113

Ice cream with hemp,okay,whatever you say....."...../

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03/12/14 9:30 PM

#254216 RE: WhiteFish #254113

Q3 revenue was higher than Q4 revenue,

I thought we could not trust the financials; I guess it depends on the point that needs to get proved. LMAO.