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03/01/14 2:08 PM

#61889 RE: Beth0515 #61888

I'm not asking you to trust me Beth but like I said earlier, I have the pleasure of knowing the man and his family personally and I find it disgusting that people think that character assassination of someone they don't know and have never met is ok. He has a far superior geological mind than anyone on this board save RD759 and that is what matters to me with regards to this investment.

As for Chapin being a you really think that he came up with the information that he relayed at the last meeting all on his own? If you do then you need to do more homework. In addition, if you were at the last AGM and took the time to speak with Chapin personally you would know he isn't a bully. Where you even came up with that designation is beyond me but I can tell you right now that if you poll the 300+ ACTUAL shareholders in the room at that AGM there wouldn't be many that think that Chapin is a bully but if that is what helps you sleep at night by all means continue on with your notion.

If you make it to the next AGM Beth please make it a point to find me as I would love to formally introduce myself. I'll be the tall blond sitting with the Decosta family.

Good day now.