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05/06/01 2:56 PM

#80 RE: X Y Zebra #79

Pues, te imaginas que me has visto postando bueno y sano, eh ... jó jó ... la cruda - no problema, the secret is drinking of water before sleep, and the liberal use of Cholula sauce on morning eggs .... yeah, Cinco de Mayo ... we did win that one, actually, it just took a few years of struggle following the defeats which followed the victory of Puebla ... there were Good Americans beside us towards the end, too, they marched in the parades in el DF ["American Legion', it was called i think, all volunteers, all fine examples of the best of their nation's ideals taking root in the mind of man] ... this may be one reason the chicanos have adopted cinco de mayo as significant - it was the first sign that their position could begin recovery, following the atrocities perpetrated against them in the wake of the brutally abrogated treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the murders and theft of land having somewhat abated by '62, since they had largely accomplished their task of furthering the anglo Manifest Destiny thing, and the US was at the time involved in an internal dispute .... to the chicano it is a big deal, to the mexicano he is reminded at this time of the Abraham Lincolns, the Mark Twains, the Jimmy Carters, and yes - i know you will insist - the Menckens ... they're not all Nixons, nor slimy Oliver Norths, supporters of the feudal lords ... when Bushito el hijo says 'juntos podemos' - does he mean that? ... i mean really mean it ... or could he just be acting a part? ... wouldn't be the first time they had an actor in the white house ... and reflect that when the mouth-breathers were dealing drugs and trading arms to the ayatollahs to get funds to lay mines among the children of the latino, that his daddy was the vice-prez .... i dunno, it looks up in the air at this time ... but perhaps i digress.

Carlota - only Carlota i know is a german, the on-again off-again for-twenty-years main squeeze of a friend who is among other things a guide to varias ruinas .... now he is no prize in all respects, that is for sure, but you know if she was the only german i ever knew i should be likely to have formed an image of the nationality leaning no small degree toward the arbitrary and flighty ... but then - the fact strikes us plain as day does it not - she is a female, and thusly not to be understood by the rational.

The church - aw man, leave 'em alone ... i know how you feel on that, well i've felt the same in the past ... got over it though ... one reason - one of the most genuinely positive forces i saw in one situation was a priest, he had strong diplomatic talent and the paz y justicia gangsters couldn't shoot him because, well, he was a priest, lol ... it's not all bad imho ... remember that it was the fantasy of la Virgen who rallied the campesinos behind Padre Hidalgo, who was - ahem - a priest.

Salinas - well he's long gone, and his loot too ... how is Fox going to make out, that's the question ... i don't keep up on the news lately ... interesting thing last night - bunch of latinos and one chinese sitting around talking about a provincial premier who was born in India ... provincial election here in a few days [BC] ... the more local the politics, the dirtier they get, this seems always to be true.

Chiapas - long long story there, and i tire of typing ... no easy solutions there, and each micro-situation has its own history and its own interests with their own valid and invalid arguments ... people just have to learn to get along, that's basic to it ... education - all comes down to that ... we need a new Vasconcelos, and maybe a Twain or Mencken to rise from the sierra ... as for me, i am being sent to the garden ... 'a tus ordenes, Capitana', aaargh ;-)