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11/26/13 12:45 AM

#214168 RE: StephanieVanbryce #214164

The Myth of Black-on-Black Crime and the Trayvon Martin Killing .. i adjusted
the 2nd heading in the bottom link to have that in the board view .. this is the original ..

The Trayvon Martin Killing and the Myth of Black-on-Black Crime

.. to have the statistics in the open again this is the 3rd article in the link in toto ..

Yeah and about that "Black on Black" Crime Thing...

by Vyan .. Tue Jul 16, 2013 at 08:33 AM PDT

Anyway while we're busy pondering just how violent and criminal all the black people are - y'know oh so Trayvon-ish - might I mention what the rate of White on White Crime is, pray tell?

Straight from the 2011 FBI Uniform Crime Stats .. - No chaser.

Victim .... Total .... White Offender .... Black Offender
White ...... 3,172 .......... 2,630 ...................... 448
Black ...... 2,695 .......... 193 ......................... 2,447
Totals .... 5,867 ........... 2823 ....................... 2,895

Note: there are more White on White Murders (2,630) than Black on Black (2,447) - although it should be noted this isn't all murders, simply those where both race of victim and offender have been identified as either black or white - with 1 victim and 1 offender each, yet this is only FBI Crime chart with this kind of racial breakdown so it has to do.

If black people are killing (under the limitations of this chart) about 2895 people, do you really think it's should be a point of pride that White Offenders are at 2823?

Here's a Percent Breakdown.

White Victim - White Offender 82% - Black Offender 14%

Black Victim - White Offender - 7 % Black Offender 91%

I have to say if 91% is bad, then 82% IMO should still kinda bad too, but really all this reveals is that most murders happen among people who know each other or at least are far more likely to come in common contact with each other.

But then of course, that should all be common sense.

These numbers show that a White Person is 5.8 Times more likely to be killed by another White person than a Black Person, whereas for Blacks it's about 12.6 Times. So I wonder, where exactly is the justification that White People should be deathly afraid of Black people? Both, by the numbers, should be more afraid of their own, than each other.

.. i had seen that bunkum conservative video somewhere so thanks heaps for your post, Steph ..