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11/15/13 4:27 PM

#260089 RE: pro_se #260083

Pro Se,

Let me make this perfectly clear to you and all of the other smart asses like you who think they know so much about my life, and who make these presumptuous and quite asinine statements as the ones you just made in the form of a question.

I have worked since I was twelve years old, I shoveled horse stalls for a buck a stall at the horse track where I held my own against most of the adults doing the same. I also picked berries and veggies with a lot of the immigrants doing the same.

When I was fourteen years old I was able to get a Workers Permit so I could go to work at real jobs. I worked at car washes and kitchens and started to train as a cook at the age of sixteen. Life progressed from that point on into various jobs, I've been a Bartender, A Bouncer, a Manager and many other jobs, but for most of my working life I was Truck Tire Repair Tech or a Sales Representative. I worked hard, some jobs sixty to eighty hours a week, in fact, I can't think of only a few jobs that I ever had where I only worked forty hour week.

The point I am trying to make is this; since I got my Workers Permit at fourteen years of age which allowed me to draw a paycheck, the government without asking me took out money for Social Security, it was INSURANCE that I did not want and most likely would have not paid into, like most of the young today that don't want to pay into ObamaCare.

I did NOT ask to be in the system, the government Forced me into it, so I don't feel one bit bad about my puny little SS check every month; they Took My Money for the system, and now I'm taking out of the system they forced me into.

Trust me, I would rather be working than on SS, SS does not pay my bills, I hustle every freaking day to make it, and the wife and I pay $280 a month for our so-called free Medicare. The wife is retired, she worked since she was fourteen years old as well, and continued working until she was sixty-four years of age. We also pay another $200 a month to Kaiser Permanente to supplant the magnitude of what Medicare does not cover.

Again you are wrong, I would think you would be tired of making an ignorant ass out of yourself, but once again you know damn little of what you think you know. In fact, I hate the system so much that I went back to school and have over 50% of my Associates Degree earned, but illness and disability has caused a delay. However, I'm working hard to get back to school in hopes of finishing my degree. I have had one surgery to do and hopefully soon to have another so I can finish my degree and get off of this federal slavery and extremely imposing Social Program Bullchitt!

You know nothing of me, and if you were in front of me I guarantee you that as crippled up as I am I don't believe you would ever speak to me in the way you just did. I say this for two reasons; one I have the respect of almost all who know me in real life, and two, as screwed up as my health is, I could probably still kick your ass pretty hard. I fight everyday to stay as strong as I can to do as much as I can because the little tiny check from the government every month don't add up to chitt! In fact, I was out of work for eight years without it out as I fought to stay away from it.

BTW & FWIW, if you ever wish to come and meet me in person, Just Let Me Know, I'll Be There!

Another thing, dead would most likely be better off than the pain I suffer every day, month after month, the poverty sucks too, but I'm no quitter and don't complain much because so many are far worse off than I am. As much as I fight to change the system and in some ways to kill the system, I still appreciate what I have, no matter how much I hate it. However, it must be changed, fixed, upgraded and the high coast of the fraud alone would fix a great deal of it.

Being on disability was my choice, but a severe work injury to my back and two more injuries to me due to car accidents that were the fault of others, all within a four-month period left me in this condition. It was not my choosing nor was it my desire, it just happened. So now that you know, I would appreciate it if you would STFU about it; as usual are wrong! Plus, it is an extremely cheap shot and an insult, not mention that it is no-class move.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Progressive Liberal Politics Must Die Today
So That Freedom Can Be Sure Tomorrow!!!
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11/15/13 8:14 PM

#260119 RE: pro_se #260083

Bullcrap a healthy economy raises all not socialism.
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11/16/13 12:55 AM

#260131 RE: pro_se #260083

That's quite a tossed salad of crap you served.

Ayn Rand? Nazis?

Anti-corporatists and Statist socialists interbreeding?

What a mutt that would be!
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Dale C

11/16/13 1:20 AM

#260132 RE: pro_se #260083

Doubt you've even read Ayn Rands works to see any tie to Nazism. She held industrious people in high regard so that might include Germans. She sure had no love for socialism and the breed of people it spawns.