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10/01/12 5:18 AM

#57226 RE: PennyBears #57223

So many here are waiting, hoping, praying…

for the bid to suddenly open and permit them to exit at .0001, or .0002, or .0003, or even (Sweet Mary, Mother of Jesus) a whopping .0005!!!!!!!!!

I too am praying that this happens … so that all of you can sell and leave (take a ‘Dream-Liner’ and Godspeed); only to be replaced by hard-bitten, well-read TRADERS who KNOW that GCS is going to the Nasdaq … and a PPS of +$3.00. ESPECIALLY now that the up-list regulations have changed. A company now need only have a $3.00 PPS in order to apply. That means that an up-list is possible WITHOUT an R/S … and as was indicated in an earlier post of mine or Cluth Cargo's – if it’s not yet been deleted – CEO Axelrad is committed to achieving that goal at the earliest possible date.

So all of you … EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU … wait for the bid to open. It’s going to happen this month. I GUARANTEE it. The MMs (especially MAXM) are absolutely DROOLING over the prospect of buying your triple zero shares. So set your triple zero sell orders NOW so that you’ll be the very first in line when the miscreants open the gates and let you leave.

But when you do … know this: NEVER, EVER, EVER look back on this trade. NEVER, EVER, EVER look to see what the PPS might be. Because if you do, you will NEVER, EVER, EVER, be able to live with yourself!