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Militia Man

08/31/12 9:03 PM

#204963 RE: underdog150 #204962

It will be a good experience for those that stumble onto a $258 million dollar deal and see first hand where revoked stock prior to getting revoked told share holders their shares are protected by class a & b preferred shares that are held by Western Diversified and will be distributed through NMGL. That information is what gets this ffgo thread to the top 16. There isn't or shouldn't be a reason for a revoked stock to get the attention ffgo gets. But ffgo is not a just any old stock. There is $258 million at stake and potentially a Billion! There is two sides to this trade, long and short of it. I believe many have seen the numbers that show compelling evidence that there is a massive short position that is being protected and defended like no other, just like those that hold shares defend their position and expect that FFGOs promise of a dividend of $.003449 will effectively be a story that goes down in history books! The books will show a company targeted for an insiders past was naked shorted to the tune of tens to hundreds of billions of shares. When the insiders get the deal done they will be the White Kight that will have thousands of supporters and some serious foes!!! Good conquers evil, IMO

In my view what we are seeing is one good fight. That will play out in short prepared;-)