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06/28/12 8:06 PM

#19184 RE: RS500 #19180

You are not the only one who has trouble understanding other posters motives. I have to scratch my head sometimes when I read some of yours. They are in stark contrast to what you have said your position is.

That doesn't change my mind about the gamble that I made when I first bought shares in SSOL. In my mind all investments in penny stocks are less than safe bets. That being said, I still think that I have a chance to make money with this stock.

I have tried very hard to search the internet on a regular bases and share with this board the sites that I find that pertain to SSOL. You have called my efforts and other's "cheer leading". That is the purpose of this blog site is it not? A place to share information in a cordail manner. I regret that you seem to feel that I have mislead you. But I don't feel responsible for your decisions.

As to what you said about SSOL having to make an announcement about every contract is incorrect. The 10Qs and 10Ks satisfy those duties.

The past announcements show that they had little effect on the PPS. I plan on waiting till they finish raising funds to make my next move. I could sell and move on or I can count my profits.GLTY
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06/29/12 12:36 AM

#19189 RE: RS500 #19180

RS500, SSOL breaking the rules?? Do you know the rules of reporting Material Events, negative or positive, on the OTCQB? Apparently an 8-K, like a PR is optional with New Contracts. I haven't seen an 8-K on several of their completed contracts. Also, you think a $486,000 contract is puny?? Put the last two contracts in January together and you get $1,246,000. Why not believe SSOL has two more contracts per the message to Bender1250? That's four contracts this year with six months to go. Yes, we've been duped with Receivables growing and with a PPS at .0002. Sounds like an opportunity to me. Did you say you cancelled your 2's? Are you going for 1's now instead? Good luck.
