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06/06/12 11:36 AM

#176764 RE: 3Saints #176762

.... my God ! that's an earth shattering post ...!

teach preschool?
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06/06/12 11:38 AM

#176766 RE: 3Saints #176762

3Saints:"Time to get off the govt tit."

IMO, it's time Walker got off the Koch tit. Yes the Koch bought the people of WI for a song. And it will be hell when it's time to pay the piper.
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06/06/12 11:51 AM

#176769 RE: 3Saints #176762

I'm not making it a Rep/Dem issue.

Both sides have millionaires and billionaires raising money for them to win.

This money goes to pay for attack ads.

I would much rather see each candidate run on issues and not attacks.

Unfortunately all of these millionaires will want to be repaid at some point and I doubt if the repayment is going to help you, me, or any other average American.

This is the way our political system runs now and it doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon.

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06/06/12 12:38 PM

#176780 RE: 3Saints #176762

Actually this IS a Repub/Dem issue - Citizens United won their SC case thanks to the conserv-majority on the Supreme Court...BIG money from who knows where won - the American public lost!
And when a candidate for president says "corporations are people", you/I know this nation is in trouble.

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06/06/12 5:27 PM

#176829 RE: 3Saints #176762

Why do you think 30 million + dollars was sent to the state from outside of WI from a handful of millionaires? What's in it for the Koch Brothers and the other richest people in the country fronting all of Walker's money? What do they want from WI...what's in it for them. I think I know, do you?

Is this what you seriously want to see for the country...the right to work for less? Don't you know that low wages in a state don't attract the best and the brightest? Would you really like to see WI become just like Mississippi?

Here's a billionaire and the richest woman in WI who hasn't paid a penny in taxes for years and years and uses the commons 1000 fold, yet can't stand the idea of paying her workers a living wage. Somehow they've convinced ordinary people like you to protect this woman and turn on your neighbor, the school teacher.
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06/06/12 6:07 PM

#176834 RE: 3Saints #176762

Time to get off the govt tit. It is not my neighbors responsibility to take care of my is mine.

Tell me, were you in the audience cheering for the uninsured to die?

GOP Crowd Yells Uninsured Should Die; Ron Paul's Campaign Manager Died