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05/06/12 9:36 PM

#237333 RE: moxa1 #237331

moxa....Robert Reich....he can't even lie there should be capitalism while espousing socialism.....

socialist gov encroachment:

It will require strict limits on the voracious, irresponsible behavior of Wall Street, from which we've all suffered. The Glass-Steagall Act must be resurrected (the so-called Volcker Rule is more ridden with holes than cheese), and the big banks broken up.

and more socialist ridiculousness:

It will require limiting executive salaries and empowering workers to get a larger share of corporate profits. The Employee Free Choice Act should be an explicit part of the second-term agenda.

maybe we should accentuate the above paragraph with a marxist clenched fist....

and, this isn't a maxist idea:

It means Medicare for all rather than an absurdly-costly system that relies on private for-profit insurers and providers.

hahahahahahaha!!! this guy is a joke!!!!

and, I suppose no socialist would dream of more and more taxation....hahaha!!!!

This will require real tax reform -- not just a "Buffett" minimal tax but substantially higher marginal rates and more brackets at the top, with a capital gains rate matching the income-tax rate. It also means a larger Earned Income Tax Credit, whose benefits extend high into the middle class. That will enable many Americans to move to a 35-hour workweek without losing ground -- thereby making room for more jobs.

people like Reich should be jailed!!!


because they use their knowledge and education to misinform and destroy....not to build and repair....