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08/06/05 5:57 PM

#16115 RE: wiredog #16108

you know,...a comedian starts to religate,...

to sexual body parts and body function jokes and *name calling* when they realize that they aren't entertaining the audience,...they are losing credibility and they are just out for stage survival. looks like you just slapped your self into that catagory. come on, can do better than that if you work on all those protocols.

"I have a 15+ year experience level in just about every single broadband product that exists."

i don't know if i'd be so confident to say i worked with Comcast. they loose a signal more than they can stabilize it. LOL. is that your work ? grandoise ;^)

"If the patent office issued CLYW a patent. Then show us your big Ba**s and breach their patent and see what happens if you are so sure. Unless you are chicken (which I suspect).

news flash, will have to be CLYW that institutes a lawsuit and not the alleged company.

the fact that CLYW got awarded a patent means nothing at this point,...nada. it has no value. ya wanna know why?,...because it has created no value via collecting royalities or licensing fees or court awarded judgements. collection of real monies is value. a patent unexercised is a concept,...period.

additionally there is no breach of CLYW's patent because there are more ways to have seamless roaming/switching/handoff function than CLYW obviously realized. recently there has been a plethora of news regarding solutions via UMA and other platforms and partnerships and alliances creating the handoff. these companys have been working on this for a while. it, seamless roaming, wasn't CLYW's concept. they got a patent awarded and so far that has been it. their time has eclipsed. they had their opportunity. now the big guys have taken over and they undoubtedly have it accomplished.

inquiry ,...if the patent is that impenetrable why has CLYW not exercised it in the courts ? why has CLYW not laid down the law and through a courts decision made all the large network carriers acquiece to it. it appears that there are enough large network carreris to have stepped across the line and have seamless roaming products, it is a perfect battleground to prove the CLYW patent.

my answer,...the patent has no bite.

my answer,..the large network carriers have formed their own platform and system and they don't need CLYW at all.

there is a small detail that CLYW has ignorantly initiated,...they were greedy,...and from that greed they alienated themselves as the only way to go via seamless roaming. they could have cooperated with MOT/CSCO/ERICY/etc. and shared in the revenue stream,...but no,...they wanted it all. well, they will be getting it all,... in a reverse-engineerng type of way. they wanted to take the seamless roaming industry apart, appears that the only thing falling apart is this company.

its not going to be pretty when it all comes down.

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08/06/05 10:47 PM

#16120 RE: wiredog #16108

You truly are pathetic. Most of the protocols we are talking about haven't even been around for 15 years. Maybe you have trouble with math too. The funny thing is that I neither require approval nor that others agree with me.

If I was so full of "bs" as you put it, I don't think my blog would have nearly so many readers, nor would I enjoy to positions I hold at a number of companies. If I wanted people to be impressed, especially on this board all I would have to do is trumpet the virtues of ASNAP and everyone that seems to have had an extra glass of the "ASNAP Kool-Aid" would be loving me.

As I posted some time ago, I don't have any agenda against ASNAP or Calypso...In fact I even volunteered to help George with the E911 issues. I simply felt that a balanced analysis of what is happening within this space would be useful to those that were considering investing or perhaps those that had invested late and thus were in a position to get out without sustaining significant losses, or could get in at a low entry point if the situation merited this.

One of the major considerations that resulted in me taking the time to write to this board at all are the substantial number of irregularities that seem to surround this company and their products.

Whether you are a believer in GS or not, you have to admit that the stock scandal, their inability to get their filings done timely, the fact that they've had delay after delay after delay all with no detailed explanation as to why, their failure to join any of the groups that are establishing standards that are essential to interoperability within the exact space in which they're trying to sell, and most recently their loss of the man that INVENTED the product that they are hanging their hat on, all add up to a company that at a minimum has a lot of skeletons in its closet and a CEO that has either very bad luck or very bad judgment or some combination of the two.

Because relatively few people post these facts and because they get attacked when they do, this board is terribly lopsided in favor of pushing the stock and to me this seems both useless to anyone interested in doing a serious evaluation for their own ends, and childlike for a group of adult investors. I don't need people cheering for the stocks I choose. My own diligence and that of other experts related to the stocks guide my buying or selling...not some 45 year old man posting

"GO ASNAP!!!" "Go Calypso!!!" "Go GS!" Go! Go! Go! Go!"

Anyone else see how silly this is?

Now back to your "you've go to Balls" comment. I don't think that it takes a terribly great amount of courage to insult someone on line. I've been insulted plenty of times by people whose opinions mattered to me a lot more than yours. Heck, you can't even be honest about your own experience and hide behind the anonymous veil of some made up name, so why should I care what you say at all? I don't even know if you are a real person. When you lie about your experience and that is exposed by virtue of the facts you yourself provided, what little credibility you have tends to end up in the toilet.. (just an FYI)

Your suggestion that I go out and violate their patent and see what happens statement is simply banal. I have sent George no less than a dozen instances where I believe announcements from other companies indicate either a breach or an intended breach. Some of these companies are small enough that it would be an easy matter to sue them, unlike trying to sue the 3GGP group or Motorola or Cisco...that was the low hanging fruit. He could have jumped in and proved the strentgh of the IP early and aggressively and given people someothing to think about. He chose not to.

PACER does not show any IP Lawsuits filed by CLYW so I think it is worth asking why? Why are they not vigorously defending their most publicised asset? Is it because they fear that the scrutiny it would suffer under trial would show it to be flawed? That the patent was granted in error? I don't know, but I think it makes sense to ask this question.

In any case, I think what I post here is far more useful to the people that read it and of far greater value for any intelligent investor trying to understand the issues in this space than your silly attacks on my person or your lies about your experience.

Of course you can go right ahead calling me names and talking about your decade and a half slinging cable, but that might not be the sort of thing that impresses people on here...although that's just my own opinion; I could be wrong.
