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11/28/11 1:52 AM

#161901 RE: fuagf #161898

fuagf -- after all the history, the things we'd pulled just since WWII and all of the resultant back-and-forth impacts/negative dialectic/tangled-web noise, from installing the Shah, through his overthrow and the hostages thing (including the gaming of that for RayGun) and their turn to religious crazies and supporting militancy against Israel, through our backing Saddam in the Iraq-Iran war, there was a point of potential, a moment where the web had become less tangled, for that back-and-forth to take a turn for the better -- and had that opportunity been taken, that PNAC plan could have effectively succeeded in yielding an Iran that even they could reasonably call and consider a legitimate ally based on mutual respect and interests (well, apart from the 'blow up their shit, occupy 'em and give their resources to the big oil companies' part, of course) -- but no, dubya&co were set on their bullshit, and with that bullshit spoken and put into practice the web quickly became again tangled (including as dubya's invasion and horribly botched occupation dismantled Iraq as an effective counter to Iran and ultimately turned it into an ally of Iran), and a new wave of negative consequences and tendency ensued and continues