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11/29/11 6:52 AM

#14010 RE: twilko #13867

"You can not ask for anything better."

Other than CRFs (Case Report Forms), local approvals including Ethical Committee approvals, a risk management plan and proper pharmacovigilance, an IND, registration on etc. etc.-

all of which are mandatory when you administer an experimental, unapproved treatment for a serious illness such as HIV/AIDS to a group of patients -

I quite agree.

It's interesting that although the alleged CEO of AquaLiv, Vraig Hoffman, is prepared to come on this message board to promote his snake oils such as AquaLiv water and NatuRx, with his pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo and his one person testimonials, he continues to plead the Fifth Amendment when asked about the fact that by causing people to discontinue their life-saving anti-retrovirals in the unauthorized study that he and Emmanuel Mutisya conducted in their ten Kenyan victims, he has undoubtedly hastened their deaths.

I can see from his posts that he (and others) think that's a small price to pay as long as he can make a quick buck in the process.

I doubt the court of public opinion- or the law courts of the US, Kenya or Nuremberg (for he has also grievously contravened the Nuremberg Code) - will be quite as forgiving.