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07/08/05 3:56 PM

#29017 RE: jever00 #29009

almost all the otcbb's are being shorted today...and most likely, dnap as well. They see a vulnerable, weakend stock to whack away at...and the company doesnt' seem to make any efforts to stop this illegal game by hedgefunds and market makers.
The company left us out on a limb with it being sawed off bit by bit by bit. This is a sorry state of affairs and should never have unfolded in this manner. Dr. F. should have waited until he could provide a safety net for the patient and long suffering longs here...not done this in the slipshod way that it was executed.
And most likely...unless there is incredible news right before the RS, the shorters will knock the opening price right back down. They admit to this and delight in doing it. The MM's think it's a big joke when otcbb's do a RS and they go to work, walking it down at the first opt.
If Dr. F. does not demand that they stop shorting this stock and get legal counsel to back him up....we are at the mercy of
hedgefund brats with no mercy in their black, greedy hearts, whatsoever.
I am just outraged at this turn of events. We took our chances, the employees took their chances...we get zilch in support, they get to keep it all. As I said in an earlier post on RB, my money is just as important to me as theirs is to them. I did not intend to be merely a contributor to their
futures...but mine and my sons as well.
Many are in this because of family, and friends and even a broker friend has a number of clients in it, as well. For us to be subjected to this turn of events is totally unfair.
They should have given up shares as well...if they really wanted the stock to prove to some interested party that they meant business and wanted their share price to rise and be supported.
It would have made all the difference in the world.
As it is..we have been treated a mere fools, nothing more, nothing less.
If the company is going to succeed, etc. and has so much promise, the insiders could have given something too, knowing they would get back even more in return.
this is a sorry state of affairs as I said and I am just irrate at the way it has unfolded.
And if they allow this shorting to can Dr. F. say that he did this to increase share value, etc.? Somebody at DNAP had better stop napping and watch the trading in this stock very closely and if shorting is going on...demand that it stop NOW!
What a way to start the weekend..facing Monday and this
sorry situation. Someone had better do better for the shareholders...espec. those loyal for years and years now.
Otherwise, everything I ever believed in the affirmative will have been nothing more than
wishful thinking.
And after having sent the company tons of information about the danger of toxic lenders' and naked shorters, I guess no one bothered to read it or heed it...and when I called to ask to speak to either Tony or Richard, I was told they were too busy...after my explaining that I had someone very interested in their story, someone very important in the journalistic, financial world on Wall ST.. No response from anyone there. Too busy cooking up a RS that may well end up devastating their shareholders, I suppose.
Well, that's about it for today and if things fall apart...even further..I will just quietly go away, on that unfortunate day.
If things go well as I hope with all my heart they will....then
my fears may prove to be unfounded.
But as I watch the stock right now...hope is hard to come by.
all the best to the great guys and gals on this thread who really care about this company.
I certainly did...for a long, long time.