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07/02/05 8:21 AM

#115947 RE: dmiller #115944

Question..IMO:With $20 Million Nokia Monies and $10 Million Panasonic Monies, IDCC may report some 60 cents per diluted share in recurring royalty earnings for their 2nd Quarter 2005. Does your DD indicate a lower number for this Quarter ..or do you think earnings per share are irrelevant? I welcome your thoughts on this specific subject matter.. TIA

P.S. I thought that Nokia has already signed a 3G license with IDCC ..but is waiting on a rate trigger?

PP.S. I also thought that 3G will not account for 50% of total Wireless revenues until the end of 2009, when it will exceed GSM/EDGE..Does your Research indicate differently?

Many here congratulate each other and talk about this being a watershed event. We heard this same talk after the S/E settlement and have struggled ever since. The true watershed event imo will happen when NOK signs a 3G agreement, not before. I don't mean after another 5 year litigation battle either because by then we could be on 4G-5G. Yes, we should realize some rev's from the 2-2.5G infringers now but let's face it, those rev's will be dwindling fast as 3G is where it'sat now. It seems like IDCC's accounts receivables are always 5 yrs in arrears when it comes to getting paid by a few of the majors.

I remember people not being happy with the S/E settlement but justified it in their minds that a 3G agreement must be just around the corner and that would make the settlement worth it...nope it never happened.

What makes you think NOK won't fight 3G to the end like they are so accustomed to doing?

A win is a win no matter how small and I'm as happy as the next person but I've seen all this back slapping and high fiving many times before and IDCC just runs into another obstacle that prevents it from realizing its potential.

Many of you think that I'm Mr. negativity due to my cautious posts. I'd much rather come across as negative to a bunch of strangers on a chat board than to possibly let my love for a company blind me to the potential scenarios and facts. It's much easier to lose money with these "Story Stocks" than it is to make it. My very cautious approach works for me and I will continue to post my opinions whether you think they are positive or not and whether you like it or not.

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07/02/05 9:59 AM

#115968 RE: dmiller #115944


It's true that you're post is a "glass half empty" outlook but you're right in much of what you say and if your cautious approach is best for you, good! However, while the war is not completely won, NOK's position has been considerably weakened and this is not a "small win". The enemy's lines have been broken and we have moved our position forward. We have established a new front with fresh troops and our supply lines are in place and ready. Compare this to the aftermath of Midway or Omaha Beach.

No question, if you compare IDCC's position today versus where they were say, after the MOT decision, the difference is night and day. Looking forward, I expect that the build toward greater share price will correspond with other successes as they occur. You're right in that we cannot take them as a given. Nevertheless, here is much to celebrate for long suffering investors who have waited for the validation received yesterday.
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07/02/05 10:48 AM

#115994 RE: dmiller #115944

dmiller, couldn't have said it any better. NOK must have realized they lost the arb, yet they continue to use every trick in the [legal] bag and every slur they can conjure. I still have a nervous feeling that NOK will somehow try to challenge this award and I would defer to the legal boys to consider ANY and ALL grounds NOK could challenge the decision. Maybe the arbitors were smart enough to establish a rate vs a monetary amount, I don't know. But I do know that they now have two more legal issues to challenge - the arb and the filing in NY. Just more fuel for them. If they weren't interested in the legal route, we would already have had a 3g deal going forward.
Yes, I am very positive, but I wouldn't go counting chickens just yet. The check is not yet in the bank.