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09/29/11 12:03 PM

#9115 RE: tom favata #9114

Well said Tom, I am right behind you and Mike !
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09/29/11 12:21 PM

#9116 RE: tom favata #9114

Pardon me if I find your post

confusing. But, who is "us" and who is trying to stop "us"?
And do you consider that you have the "ability", power to
make sure of anything? Quote; "I will make sure of it" - HOW?

Good Jeff will be removed, and the operative word is "will",
be removed from the top spot. Should be removed completely
in my opinion.
But that still beggars the statement "nothing can stop us".
Who want's to stop the metaphorical "us" and why would anyone
want to stop MS from going ahead? Are there ulterior motives
at force here, and of course we all know there are but not
what they are. Well are there and what are they?
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09/29/11 12:21 PM

#9117 RE: tom favata #9114

Well Tom F., yes I made the intro sad to say. But, did I know his past absolutely not.

I spoke to James and past it to Jeff. One thing I will not do is take responsibility for a grown mans actions. Jeff had plenty of time to do his DD before he got in bed with the situation.

I, thought you to be better than that Tom. You know as well as I know Jeff stood behind a lot of things James said and done. And where was I..............hmmm, that's right nowhere in the picture Bro.

Jeff, is a big boy and he has to stand behind his actions like any real man should and not pass the buck for his inabilities. I am introduced to many opportunities every day Tom, but it is up to me to discern what is feasible about the relationship to move forward, and whom ever introduces it to me has nothing to do with it in terms of how choose to proceed with it.

Pointing fingers bad move brother, this is clearly Jeff's bad move. And, you know what marks the sign of good leader One who stands up and admit his faults and mistakes that may have affected the companies outlook on strategy and it's shareholders and personally offer remedies to correct them.

Not this approach of pointing fingers and blaming others, exposing people, and bashing. You know a leader exposes themselves to ridicule even when they are doing things great. But, a leader is measure in his ability to remain composed and humble Tom, and that is what's missing here. Silence doesn't measure the tone of a true leader, it only demeans his ability to lead. And, Sir shows that NHSH, still has some growing to do. GLTY, I am still hoping you benefit though Tom because, it was also your money that paid for this shell that I Introduced Jeff to as well through Charms.
I, sincerely hope it works out for you if nothing else.
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09/29/11 12:32 PM

#9119 RE: tom favata #9114

I like that attitude Mr. Favata. I like making money even better!!!

I feel like we're on the right path here.
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09/29/11 2:35 PM

#9136 RE: tom favata #9114

and where are you taking "us" (sarcasm font)

okay fine we are going to:

have a new body... (Mike Kendrick)

and a new name..."The first corporate task that management will perform is to effect a name change of NHSH to Seeker Technologies, Inc"

so, "it"?

question to you tom favata.... did you have a hand in the name change and the announcement of the new CEO Mike Kendrick

the changin of the ceo and name is something big that happened today!

did you tom favata have a hand in "it"... if so...
answer this one question to the board, and then we will get back to you.
after all tomF you did say this:
"I will make sure of it!"
dumber than dirt in texas and others need to know.