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09/23/11 11:47 PM

#154781 RE: Welcome2Pinkyland #154732

iMmINeNt RApTUre -- but that's not how life works either, of course

how a person reacts, or not, to such, umm, frustrations is, as with anything else, whether made consciously or not, and both inwardly as well as outwardly, a choice

hold 'em up to the light; call 'em out for who they are, what they believe and want, what they represent; get and keep organized, oppose their crap at every turn, win (enough of) the argument, win (enough of) the politics, protect what we've (all) got in the Constitution (properly understood), in the law and its enforcement to protect the rights of all of us -- that is the challenge that never ends, the work that must be done that never ends -- such is life

eliminationism in practice, by absolutists/fundamentalists/raging jackasses of whatever stripe (under color of) advancing or opposing any particular religious (or other) belief or doctrine (or ethnicity or whatever), inherently and always yields nothing but tons of ultimately as utterly gratuitous and pointless as seriously bad/counterproductive and long-lingering grief and shit -- I mean, how much fucking history do we need to be able to see and understand that? -- eliminationism must be kept out of practice; that is the point in practice, in this reality, as it always has been and always will be

respond to eliminationist expression/incitement with similarly eliminationist counter-expression/incitement?

not a good choice of how to react