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06/20/05 8:44 PM

#28182 RE: dr frudaky #28181

FUD - PREVARICATION, or, exaggeration, to which I presume your are admitting, is as good a judge of character as anything.

NO mystery!!

And, I have NO more time for you. You bore me.

Goodby, or, AMF (it's a REDNECK thing)


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ole vern

06/20/05 10:17 PM

#28184 RE: dr frudaky #28181

Posted by: dr frudaky
In reply to: ustacud who wrote msg# 28179 Date: 6/20/2005 8:31:25 PM
Post #


Might I be so bold as to enlighten you on what I perceived to be a stark misconception in your way of thinking.

**A person's character only becomes apparent from what that person does, never from what that person says.** A stock message board, least of all, is not the appropriate vehicle from which you would want to fairly judge the worth of anyone.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Speaking of stark misconceptions, would you take a second to
look at what you just wrote?

A person's character is indeed revealed through any medium which that individual chooses to project it. And after reading your posts for years (first on RB where you post as DragonEsquire and now here as Frudaky while masquerading as Stocky101)your character comes through as a smug, self-serving, agenda-driven, word-smithing basher. That is my take on your character. Others here may perceive your character a
little differently, but their verbalization of that perception
would likely consist of similar expressions.

Tell me, why do you feel it necessary to pass yourself off
as Stocky? You even went so far as to make a remark about your making enough money trading DNAP to pay off your mortgage.
You harp about honesty, yet you try to perpetrate such a hoax?
And a more ridiculous thing is that the board monitors are letting you get away with it.

Reading your posts are like reading court briefs...dull, stilted and boring.

Ustacud dislikes you, but I detest you.

Have a nice day, basher-person.