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04/26/11 9:34 PM

#93791 RE: Renee #93788

there is zero contradiction *renee*
mgmt aren't securities experts and
had zero idea imo that they needed
to be to deal with all the BS that
is *endemic* in the OTC <toxic cesspool>

again .. the only reason a stock is
shorted by the BILLIONS is so that
mgmt dilutes and the ugly cycle gets
*repeated* until the final round comes due

as i've posted mgmt survived .. i'm on record
as hoping for little volume until mgmt delivers
on their promises .. the irony .. per usual
doesn't escape me .. it will be interesting to
see what it takes to go thru the 0004s
that was a pps EXPH spent a fair bit of time at
last year .. hmmmmm

how ironic it will be if the covering i fully
expect to hit EXPH with T SQUARED actually is
forced upon it by another *entity* .. entirely

i take it one day at a time and record the data
for my own *record* keeping :)

i look forward to what mgmt PR's next ~

i'd say based on the 2 PRs out in 2011
we can expect a PR in early june

all jmo

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04/26/11 10:24 PM

#93803 RE: Renee #93788

I disagree. I am quite sane and I hope Expo goes out of business. Even though they employ people, they are a losing enterprise and are actually a net drain on our society. The salaries they pay are based on a facade and are only able to be paid because they rip off hundreds of people every year.

This is not how our society was designed to function. Especially when you factor in the huge amount of money that goes into JD and GH's pockets.

Nobody wants to see employees out of work, but I certainly don't want to see people getting ripped off and scammed out of money in order to pay their wages. It is akin to saying you wouldn't want the police to arrest a drug lord because that would mean his cleaning lady would no longer have a job.
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Santa Barbara Broker

04/27/11 8:48 AM

#93818 RE: Renee #93788

Renee, I pretty much agree.

No, I don't want Expo Holdings to go out of business if for no other reason than the people uninvolved in the scamming who count on employment there to feed their families. BUT....I want Expo Holdings OFF the public markets. Unfortunately, the only way it would seem they are going to stop draining capital out of those markets, capital that could be used for creating genuine innovation, genuine long term good paying jobs and raising rather than lowering the US GNP, is for them to either declared bankruptcy or be booted from the pink sheets by a regulating body. And since their regulation is practically non-existent, bankruptcy seems the more likely route they will follow. My philosophy in wanting to see the Expo Holdings of the world permanently removed from any source of public funding is simply because of the billions that it is funneled annually into the pockets of these scamming SOBs that could be invested in legitimate and profitable enterprises. Take the entire investment in Expo Holdings antiquated scheme since conception and transfer that wealth from the principal's and their cronies pockets into a deserving start-up tech or energy based business back in 2006. How many permanent good paying jobs might have resulted from that? How much profit? Hoiw many dividends paid out to investors. How much wealth accumulated? How many dollars generated in US Treasury revenues. Now add that all up for the entire Expo Holding-like pink sheet scumbalaya. It's staggering. IMHO.