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04/09/11 7:51 AM

#136325 RE: fuagf #136322

Evolution .. ROTFLMAO!!!!!! .. the 2nd one ..

is HILARIOUS!!! .. more ..

haha .. erosion .. Chris Abele, Milwaukee County Executive. (Wisconsin's Gov. Walker's old job) .. Tea Party Birther
Mayor Defeated in Champaign, IL Don Gerard beat incumbent Mayor Jerry Schweighart .. Liberal JoAnne Kloppenburg, upset
conservative incumbent Justice David Prosser to fill the seventh seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. .. [fingers crossed] ..

"Do We Have the Right to Burn the Koran? .. Sure, but that doesn't mean anyone should do so."

CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, the Washington Post, The New York Times, Sunday morning talk shows and everyone else in the media? Go screw yourselves. You spend so much time either parroting idiotic quotes from politicians (mainly "serious" Republicans) and trying to show "both sides of an issue" that you don't bother with facts. Global warming? Let's balance one of the 999 scientists who understand global warming with one of the three Republican-funded hacks who deny it as though there really some question about it all. Evolution? Do the same. Hey media, go screw yourself.

Seriously, I could go on and on. But basically, if you are a Republican, go screw yourself.

Growing anti-Muslim hatred in the U.S ..

This is gooooooooood ..

Richard Dawkins Reads His Hate Mail ..

Pope To Be Protected From Arrest On UK Visit ..

Damn .. the music of the good video above is beautiful!

1/6 of a Big Debate .. reminds me, yesterday i read some articles on regregation in the USA .. charter schools were mentioned ..

Einstein Letter: Belief In God "Childish," ... Jews Not Chosen People ..

Why I Am Not A Humanist

Looking nonhumans in the eye.
Elephant Man by Chris Gallucci .. [...] ..

In 1927 Bertrand Russell wrote his now famous essay "Why I Am Not A Christian [ ]" and outlined the general reasons for why he rejected such an ideology. This approach has been followed by other writers such as Ibn Warraq in Why I Am Not A Muslim [ ], Ramendra Nath in his essay "Why I Am Not A Hindu [ ]" and David Dvorkin in his "Why I Am Not A Jew [ ]." My own choice of title is not in the same tradition as these other writers (since I agree with much of what humanism has to offer), but I do share with them a concern over how a system of thought frames peoples interactions with the world around them.

I first read Russell's essay a few years after being confirmed as a Lutheran and, of
the many reasons offered for his views, it was the moral argument that stuck with me:

You will find that in the Gospels Christ said: "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell." That was said to people who did not like His preaching. It is not really to my mind quite the best tone, and there are a great many of these things about hell. There is, of course, the familiar text about the sin against the Holy Ghost: "Whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world nor in the world to come." That text has caused an unspeakable amount of misery in the world, for all sorts of people have imagined that they have committed the sin against the Holy Ghost, and thought that it would not be forgiven them either in this world or in the world to come. I really do not think that a person with a proper degree of kindliness in his nature would have put fears and terrors of this sort into the world.

Such arguments, along with the incompatibility of evolutionary biology with the Christian tradition, led me to abandon my faith.

However, feeling incomplete without a way to define myself, I quickly came
across the concept of humanism through the work of my favorite author Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. .. [...] ..

In his article Appleby points out how this trans-species commonality has traditionally been a problem for humanism, but that a more inclusive view of human beings as part of the natural world may actually help us better understand ourselves as well as our nonhuman cousins.

Thus in allowing ourselves to imagine the inner life of the elephant, to allow that they have one and that it can be scarred by the way it is treated in a way analogous to human trauma, we can develop both a deeper understanding of the quality of our relations to them and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

I'm happy to see that my humanist friends are opening their vision to incorporate other species in the qualities they admire. Rather than creating a division between "man and beast" it's far more inspiring to view all living beings as sharing a biological continuity. Understanding our "bestial" nature needn't undermine our positive qualities, if anything it can help us create conditions that limit those behaviors while emphasizing others. In the human zoo we've designed for ourselves we need all the good ideas we can muster.

*With apologies to Bertrand Russell ..

so cruel .. it is survival of the fittest .. no one knows the odds, or the
best course to choose .. but 2000 years from now .. our protogeny will know

That sounds like a great Jack London rendition of Darwin's evolutionary concept.
Didn't know you were an evolutionist. (i realize you meant progeny instead of "protogeny")

Those who organize and cooperate with each other will survive. The lone wolves will not last, this is
the basic concept of civilization that you seem to have missed in your deep thinking about the subject.

I went to attend a screening of the creationist propaganda movie, Expelled, a few minutes ago.

Well, I tried … but I was Expelled! It was kind of weird

... here's a tie-in to the considerable on the board in re the religious right's biggest lie, their entirely made up
and precisely reality-inverting myth, by means of which they claim legitimacy to impose their sectarian beliefs through
government and the law under the Constitution, that this nation was founded on anything whatsoever specifically Christian ...

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