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Ed Monton

06/09/05 9:39 PM

#230 RE: Tackler #228

Tamerlane readies for Pine Point summer drilling

2005-06-09 14:04 ET - News Release

Mr. Ross Burns reports


Tamerlane Ventures Inc. is mobilizing for its summer drill program, which will total approximately 10,000 feet of drilling. Tamerlane intends to test the R-190 deposit with 10 drill holes to confirm the previous drilling and provide metallurgical test samples. Tamerlane will also complete follow-up drilling on the GO-3 deposit if ground conditions permit access. The winter drill program on the GO-3 deposit intersected 212 feet (64.6 metres) with 15 per cent lead-zinc in hole GO-3-TV3 and 162 feet (49.4 metres) with 16.8 per cent lead-zinc in hole GO-3-TV1. Drilling is also planned to provide metallurgical samples from the N-204 deposit, which is a large, low-grade, near-surface deposit that could be easily mined by open-pit methods.

The 2005 drill program is anticipated to cost approximately $800,000 and is being financed from the proceeds of a $1.25-million flow-through share issuance.

The objective of the 2005 exploration program is to drill four known deposits (W-85, GO-3, R-190 and N-204) with approximately 10 holes to be drilled in each deposit. The winter program tested the W-85 and GO-3 deposits and the summer program will test the remaining deposits. The drill results will be used to confirm the deposits' grades and to provide metallurgical samples for testing the applicability of the dense-media-separation (DMS) process.

Tamerlane is currently in the process of selecting consultants to complete environmental studies on the property to support the feasibility study and permitting process. These studies will include all facets of the environment such as water, fauna and flora and will provide weather and waste-rock data for the design of waste dumps and tailings facilities. Archeological and traditional land-use information will also be incorporated as part of the studies.

The Pine Point project has many advantages compared with other base-metal operations and projects as it has 34 drill-delineated deposits in addition to the infrastructure from previous mining and exploration in the area. The infrastructure includes paved roads, hydro power to the property and a railhead located at the nearby Hay River. The mineralogy and metallurgy of Pine Point are well known. The lead-zinc ore is easy to mill, has good recoveries and the concentrate is easy to refine. The concentrate will be in demand by smelters around the world because of the low impurity levels.

The following table presents a summary of assay results from the winter drill program that were previously reported in Stockwatch on May 9, 2005:


Hole From To Thickness
m m feet m

W85-TV1 106.0 222.0 116.0 35.40
W85-TV4 87.0 203.0 116.0 35.40
W85-TV4 234.0 262.0 28.0 8.53
W85-TV5 201.5 285.0 83.5 25.50
W85-TV6 205.0 340.0 135.0 41.20
W85-TV7 165.0 235.7 70.7 21.60
W85-TV8 197.0 222.0 25.0 7.60
W85-TV8 262.0 350.0 88.0 26.80
W85-TV9 260.0 350.0 90.0 27.40


G03-TV1 180.0 342.0 162.0 49.40
GO3-TV3 165.0 377.0 212.0 64.60

Hole Pb Zn Pb+Zn
% % %

W85-TV1 7.40 4.08 11.48
W85-TV4 7.24 5.97 13.21
W85-TV4 6.94 4.72 11.66
W85-TV5 4.10 8.14 12.24
W85-TV6 3.72 10.72 14.44
W85-TV7 0.60 3.42 4.02
W85-TV8 2.31 6.95 9.26
W85-TV8 5.66 9.48 15.14
W85-TV9 6.12 13.71 19.83


G03-TV1 4.50 12.33 16.83
GO3-TV3 5.22 9.94 15.16


The exploration potential at Pine Point is excellent. The property has an area of 175 square kilometres containing lead-zinc deposits within a Devonian reef which plunges gently to the west. A total of 47 deposits were mined and a further 34 delineated before the closure of the mine. A lightly explored zone approximately 15 kilometres long occurs west and down-plunge of the last deposit mined and east of the deposits outlined by Westmin. This is of interest as it contains only one known deposit over the 15-kilometre strike, compared with the average of one deposit per kilometre in the mined area.

Ross Burns, president and chief executive officer, said: "We anticipate excellent drill results from the R-190 deposit and will commence the metallurgical work as soon as we have sufficient material for the dense-media-separation study. We plan to commence the feasibility study in the fall of 2005 with planned completion in mid-2006."

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Ed Monton

06/09/05 9:54 PM

#231 RE: Tackler #228

Looks like zero promotion on this one. Time to do some digging on SEDAR I guess.