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03/21/11 2:49 AM

#237790 RE: Krombacher #237789

How can one identify a mistake if one doesn't know the moving parts of what's going on?

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03/21/11 8:54 AM

#237795 RE: Krombacher #237789

I do agree that PN's words re: ERHC's plans and what has actually occurred have been nearly polar opposites. For those that had to sell during that time or did not plan on being in this investment that long it certainly would be a reason for major criticism. It may be, though, that PN knows what is evolving in the larger picture and thus sees things as positive whereas those of us not in the know are currently swaying in the wind and have nothing concrete to hang our hats on although IMO all the threads of evidence show something is in the works and the JDZ is not a bust as some have purported it to be. As usual, I agree with Troy on some issues and disagree on others and that is why I find his posts interesting and this board helpful. Don't have to agree, just like to hear how the other side explains their positions.

My biggest bitch is trying to ascertain just what has been accomplished over the last 4 years to warrant the expenses ERHC has paid out to mgt, consultants, acquisition seekers, etc. I realize defeating the lawsuits was BIG and getting the EEZ 100% blocks was extremely positive, but other than that it seems very little has been accomplished; but then again that is why I say Troy may be right or wrong. I still expect very positive news will come out of the blue when least expected but that is just a gut feeling.

I realize your posts are much more tongue in cheek than most give you credit for and I find many of them worth a good chuckle. Thank you.

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03/21/11 3:01 PM

#237829 RE: Krombacher #237789

Krom... THANK YOU!