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12/04/02 6:56 PM

#19842 RE: jtdiii #19840

jtdiii, Thanks for an excellent post. What else can they do in the mean time? I feel that they are doing and trying everything that they can w/o the capital. The Parade article could not have come at a better time. The product interest responses generated at the e.Digital site will be used to increase the company's chances of obtaining additional financing and for finding a company willing to take the product to the mass market. It has another benefit in that it gives our other products exposure and increases their sales.

The 1,000 units that are going to be released will sell like hot cakes. If that is the most that the company can finacially handle at the time, then so be it.

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12/04/02 6:57 PM

#19843 RE: jtdiii #19840

That was well done. Concept, Capital, People. Without all three no business can long endure. Again... Bravo!

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12/04/02 7:17 PM

#19845 RE: jtdiii #19840

jtdiii - yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah - did you see the online magazine article posted by db or someone, also by wongyal on Agora and DABOSS on RB?

Read that carefully. If any of this comes to fruition you will be praising FF and RP for their vision and steadfastness. If ALL of it comes to pass they will go from zero to hero in your book in a hurry.


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12/04/02 8:54 PM

#19854 RE: jtdiii #19840

jtdili--You have a right to your opinion but an opinion without anywhere near a complete knowledge of the facts is not worth much. Please tell me, if you will, EXACTLY how much of e.Digital's lack of revenue-generating accomplishments in the past have been caused by Management's incompetence? Have much has been caused by the recession and stock market free fall? 9/11? The record companies? Dataplay? How do you know for certain how much blame lies with management? Did you work for e.Digital?
Have you been privy to all the day-to-day obstacles that management has had to contend with for the last few years in order to know IF they made "bad" decisions? Simply put, how can you judge their competence without knowing ALL the facts? IMO, it would be presumptuous and arrogant to do so....

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12/04/02 9:55 PM

#19872 RE: jtdiii #19840


I still say the lacking ingredient is also an "aggressive, marketing oriented management team with a proven history of successful execution of an emerging market business plan.",

Implying that management of EDIG somehow could have been more
aggressive in marketing their products...

I take issue with you on that. The bane of any small new comany, trying to make headway in a highly cometetaive market has always been lack of Capital first. And, we all know how disasterous that picture has been in the past 2.5 years...

They did try to be "aggressive", as you would like them to be,
and they ended up paying their lawyers with Shelf stock...

No sir, DABOSS is right. You cannot be aggressive if do not have the tools to be aggressive with...

As to your comments regarding "MISHA LIKE" hear no evil/see no evil approach of some of the longs on this board, suffice it to say if you stripped yourself of PACKERs' type of emotion, and looked on how hard the management tried this past year to "Placate" guys like you, you will have to admit they tried their best to market their poducts on a shoe string, and had to retrench to avoid fates that befell DATA PLAY and others who borrowed big and had to file Chapter 11...
